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/lit/ - Literature

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12452895 No.12452895 [Reply] [Original]

how can you teach yourself the equivalent of a degree in Literature from a top-tier university?
the biggest hurdle is there isn't anyone to grade or give feedback on my work

>> No.12452903

You have talent, that's how.

>> No.12452904
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>teach yourself a degree

>> No.12452913

Read a bunch of shit about critical theory and feminism. Alternitively, you could read the canon and be 5 times as smart.

>> No.12452924
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>> No.12452926

>none of these social media tards realize they are just as responsible for the problem as the supposed purpotraitors.

>> No.12452933

How do we Trump supporters survive in modern society. We must be the most hated group in all of history. Luckily we have 4chan as our support group

>> No.12452935

If you don’t care about having the degree itself, who gives a fuck?
I’m getting one now, and every other class a voice in my head goes “I could gather this just reading or reviewing some criticism” and worse, “I already knew that, it’s from a fucking youtube video/intro to another book”
The professor references literature and I know what he means, he asks which course I took to read it, “I just fucking know how to read and I read it, you pseud”.
So in short, yeah, just read the cannon, read the introductions and footnotes of what you’re reading, aaand read the wikipedia pages and figure out what other writers influenxed the writers you like.
The little voice in my head is saying, “you fucking cuck idiot, fucking change your major while you’re still young, ffffuuuu”

>> No.12452938

not american here can I get a quick rundown?
>punch that kid
lol wut

>> No.12452942

How about you fucking support yourself and understand that political structure will always take a backseat to people’s emotions. You’re retarded if you can’t navigate the social kingdom under these axioms.

>> No.12452946

Don’t dirty your mind with knowledge of American affairs

>> No.12452951

And if your pic is actually related, read the Greeks, at least feminists up until the start of the 1900s, and don’t skip the brown people. Forcing yourself to have a narrow world view is actually as bad as physically choking yourself.

>> No.12452954

He was being a dick to an Indian chief apparently, mocking his traditional song/drumming thing. Which is his parent's job to whoop his ass, not Twitter's, but hey ho.

>> No.12452966

Kid was being a creepy racist starring at a Native American veteran in a video, it went viral in the US. Longer video came out of the kids yelling, after the Native Americans were yelling, so just everybody looks bad. It’s just a fuckfest, don’t sully your mind.

>> No.12452977

based false narrative pushers

>> No.12452987

He didn't apologize for being white

>> No.12452998

Native american was being a dick and he got pissed

>> No.12453007

Those weren't Natives yelling, they are Black Isrealites. Completely different kind of brown people, and professional trolls. Look them up, they're hilarious. Their sole purpose in life is pissing off white Christians.

Nathan Phillips (the drummer) was trying to pull an Emperor Norton to diffuse the situation but the MAGAs can't tell brown people apart and now all my feeds are full of this stupid bullshit.

>> No.12453011

>Old injun dude walks into group of christian teens while beating his drum
>teens sing along with the beat because they have nothing else to do
>injun finds some dude with a MAGA hat and beats it in his face
>injun's friend edits the video to remove all context
back when I was a kid if some dude came around beating a drum like that my friends and I would have sang along too
but back then he'd be doing it because he wants kids to be happy, not to cause a controversy about them on twitter

>> No.12453018

>MAGA hat wearing teens from catholic school at pro life protest
>accosted by weird cult called black israelites
>they just kinda stand there and take it
>native guy enters the fray starts beating his drum in there face
>they do a school spirit chant to his drumming
>twitter loses its shit because they're white
Literally nothing happened. Move along.

>> No.12453026
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>Luckily we have 4chan as our support group

And youtube and reddit and the good Dr. Petersons mental support

>> No.12453058

>noble injun chief cries to the media
>makes up lies about how he was surrounded and harrassed by teens chanting build the wall
>hour long video comes out disproving everything he said
>media doesn't care because muh narrative
forgot to add that

>> No.12453186

A white kid, get this, looked at a POC, STRAIGHT IN THE EYES.

>> No.12453246

ever been to college? every professor tells you they expect "you to teach yourself the material".

>> No.12453261

try going to a college that isn't some bargain basement esl-fest

>> No.12453581

I sincerely hope you are being ironic for your own sake.

>> No.12453627

>reading books makes you smart
The absolute state of this board

>> No.12453632

you wanna try that again?

>> No.12453734

I really don't think it's possible to truly replicate as the engagement with both your professors and other students is invaluable. It is possible to learn something on your own, but you certainly won't learn it as well. I think autodidacticism also requires a great deal of humility that most people lack. You must always second guess yourself until you are absolutely sure you've learned what it is you're trying to learn.

>> No.12453752

Read nigga

In all honesty just look for people to bounce ideas of off of, if not in meatspace then online.

I would also recommend the teaching company's lectures, they have a Netflix Esq service. (Or you can pirate them like me)

>> No.12453780

where was this advice all those years ago

>> No.12453789

I do. Perpetrators. Can you look me in the eys and tell me that you’re happy now. Woo ooo oo ooooh

>> No.12453798

Maga hats where somewhere, some native guy walks up to them from a group of protesters beating drum, kid just looks around smiling not knowing whats going on, native guy claims he was harrassed.

>> No.12454174

At least they direct you towards what material is important/worthwhile to learn. In theory anyway.

>> No.12454231
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Learn the P2R system - http://lsc.cornell.edu/textbook-reading-systems-2/
Get a copy of How to Read a Book (Adler)
Get a copy of History of England (GM Trevelyan)
Get a copy of Western Civilization (Spielvogel)
Get a copy of (New) Cambridge History of English Literature
Get a copy of A New History of Western Philosophy (Kenny)
Get a copy of The Literary Theory Handbook (G. Castle)
Get a Copy of the Curious Researcher (Ballenger)
Get a copy of How to Write a Paper (M. Hall)

Study those books in that order using P2R reading system.

Read _ALL_ of the primary/cannonical texts referred to in the Cambridge History of English Literature, and Literary Theory Handbook.

Write a paper on the subjects you find interesting. submit it to journals -> you get feedback from them.

Repeat. and expand your reading territory into first, Ancient Greek, and then Roman literatures.

And make sure to read the Old and the New Testaments somewhere along the line.

>> No.12454235

do u think if i keep eating these dollar store bbq rib burgers i'll get fat? shit is delicious but i don't wannabe a fatfuck u feel me

>> No.12454310

Thanks for the reading system thing. I've been having some trouble reading any textbook for quite some time. No one really taught me how so I would just read chapter to chapter not really doing anything with the material.

>> No.12454325


>> No.12454359

Doubt it would be extremely hard
But I'd just walk in on classes if I were you

t. about to do it at Berkeley

>black people call white kids inbred crackers
>Indians walk through a crowd of white kids, stopping at a 16 year old to play drums in his face
>white kid's fault

>> No.12454371

>t. about to do it at Berkeley
i'm in that area. can i join you?

>> No.12454378

yeah that's really worth paying thousands for.

>> No.12454386

just show up at your local McDonald’s and ask for a job application

>> No.12454407

personally I never needed it but my country seems to think America is such a big deal that I need to hear about then all the time.

>> No.12454448
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>> No.12454456

>that guy on the bottom right

lmao what

>> No.12454624

Go out in a racist meme hat, you deserve anything you get, up to and including getting your ass beat.

>> No.12454628

I was just a wee lad

>> No.12454637

Yes actually
Are you free tomorrow at 12?

>> No.12454649

So I'm doing it for a math class because I know someone that's helping to teach it.
According to her, it's generally very easy to do it. Most classes have around 100 people in them and you won't be noticed.

I'm not against maybe crashing / auditing something more lit related

>> No.12454671

except all of these have 1000s of likes except for the wood chipper one

>> No.12454719

He didn't do anything.
He expressed facecrime by smiling awkwardly when a native american walked up to him and started banging a drum in front of him

>> No.12454730
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Why are Americans so nasty, /lit/?
Is it the Anglo puritanism?

>> No.12454739

Unhinged satanic scapegoat culture

>> No.12454744

I deal with retards all day and vent my pent up agression online, because doing it in person would mean psychologically destroying friends, family, coworkers, and income. It’s safer online because I can be dismissed as an internet troll

>> No.12454750

Amerimutts chimping out over some mundane shit. Don't race mix, kids.

>> No.12454754
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did you post this?

>> No.12454757

Decades of living and breeding in a Jew controlled culture.

>> No.12454759

pretty much this.

>> No.12454778

EDIT: Geez, thanks for the gold you guys

>> No.12454780

thats what the supporters yelled
while they
a native american elder
oh wait
us americans just remembered

>> No.12454784

You make this community shinier with your highQ posting. You deserved it!

>> No.12454789

Some Catholic boys school was having a field trip to DC, where they participated in a pro-life protest.

The MSM and perpetually outraged leftist partyline was that these kids were harassing some poor Injuns by surrounding them, shouting expletives and blocking their path, and this kid "smirking" is some kind of dehumanizing hate symbol.

If you actually watch the full video, however, the story is radically different. The kids are just there waiting for a bus, and things start with a bunch of Black Israelites (who are fucking hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSA8T_O8T1w)) harassing both them and the Indians. The one prairie nigger inexplicably goes into the group of high schoolers banging his drum and chanting (he claims he was trying to "defuse the situation" with the black israelites, but this guy has a track record of harassing people and then pulling the victim card when confronted), and inevitably winds up screaming in the face of this one kid. The kid, who obviously is nervous as fuck and doesn't know how to handle this geriatric redskin banging a drum in his face, just smiles.

>> No.12454796
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>> No.12454806

woah.. deep..

>> No.12454945

Really sums it up. These people have (in their own minds, and in certain institutions) a higher rank than the peasants who are poor white people. When a white person responds in kind, it's taken as a grave insult. I don't really hate these people but they inch me toward fedposting.

>> No.12454976

I don't let them off the hook that easily. The Jew simply brings out what is depraved in man.
One must progrom the inner Jew.

>> No.12455316


>> No.12455321

literally go to the library lmao wtf kind of question is this

>> No.12455322

A white man existed and had the nerve to stand in public without prostrating themselves.

>> No.12455351

Even left-of-centre media outlets are now having to accept that the longer footage depicting the incident contradicts the narrative that was relentlessly disseminated on social media.


>> No.12455491

A white male smiled triumphantly. We can't have that.

>> No.12455496

Just a reminder that these are the same people who tell you to "just be nice."

>> No.12455519

Very solid piece of advice. Not only the knowledge of american affairs will degrade your mind, but you may ultimately suffer of a very strong case of "love for outrage".

>> No.12455525

That's literally what college is, retard. A place that provides you with coursework and some guidance in form of lectures and tutorials to help you through it.

>> No.12455527

True. If it's a mutt in the end it was a mutt to begin with.

>> No.12455552

some boomer indian stands in face of some kids, the kids dont move, everybody looses their minds because that is racism

>> No.12455881
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Over the past few weeks I went from just thinking the left were a bunch of idiots and I really didn't care about politics. Now I hate them with an honest passion. Fuck every one of them and anyone who slightly supports their dumb philosophy.

>> No.12455883
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>unironically a more comprehensive and commanding education than i received at pic related and my peers received at yale
>tfw you have colleagues at Chicago who’ve never had to write a research paper over 10 pp.
the americuck memes are real my friend

>> No.12455901

>the left
SJWs are not the left. They're just soipeople brainwashed by neoliberals.

>> No.12455908

Fuck off with your nonsense

>> No.12455912

Nationalism is a leftist movement (which makes the MAGA fags ironically more left than the SJWs). Read a book, please.

>> No.12455915

Well most of the left seems to agree with them
Most of the left seems to /be/ them

>> No.12455926

The guardian is not left of centre anymore, they're now full intersectional daily.
There is an article in today edition in the sport section that says that it is wrong tp use the words "powerful" and "pace" when describing actions of black footballers. It's awesome, and getting better everyday. I'm a left leaning indicudual, but I can't take any of this shit anymore. The left is now full focus on identity politics and has completely given up the economic field.

>> No.12455927

>Well most of the left seems to agree with them
Like who? There are pretty much no leftists in the US.

>> No.12455932


>> No.12455934

And present themselves as the sole possessors of empathy.
It's all status signalling, mixed with their particular religion, which seems to revolve around substituting for the innocent god christ the innocent natives and brown people.

>> No.12455938

nah you commie faggots support all the same shit, no matter how much you try to distance yourselves from sjws

>> No.12455944

Is national socialism the ultimate leftist movement then ?

>> No.12455945

The US left is the democrats, the socialists, the anarchists and the SJWs.

>> No.12455957

That's a whole lot of nonsense.

>> No.12455964

"sjw" isn't even a legitimate or meaningful political movement or identity idiot, but you wouldn't know that because you learn your politics from fucking YouTube. It certainly doesn't deserve to be named beside goddam democrats.

>> No.12455982

Not a commie, because that's economically very inefficient. I do want a good public sector and social safety nets, though.
But most importantly tight borders and a somewhat homogeneous population with a common identity.

It has elements of both, but it's more left wing.

>The US left is the democrats,
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.12455990

>"sjw" isn't even a legitimate or meaningful political movement or identity idiot
It's a quite specific term for people holding a certain set of progressive views. This sophistry is on par with "postmodernism is undefinable, but Kermit defines it wrong!".

>> No.12455993

>if you're not an anticapitalist you're not a leftist
Why do cummies pretend they have the monopoly on the term leftist? It literally predates their ideology (and original anticapitalist thought comes from the right, too). These opinions are as cringy as when ancaps claim you can't be a rightist if you support the existence of a state.

>> No.12456010

the whole situation is nonsense, on every "side". just stay away from it

>> No.12456037

based psyop poster

>> No.12456039

The left/right terminology is poorly defined. That's why I wish people would just stop using it so freely.

It might work in a specific context (like the US only), but it stops working when you talk to people in some other countries.

What's leftist about the Democrats, though?
Playing niggers/spics/trannies for political gains? Invading foreign countries while pretending to be humanitarian?

>> No.12456046

Doing away with national identity so that Google and Microsoft can hire foreign workers?

>> No.12456049

You don't understand the political spectrum at all. It's all about the status quo - when something seeks to change the status quo it's left-wing, and when it seeks to preserve the status quo it's right-wing. Nationalism is the ultimate expression of the preservation of the status quo, especially the racialised nationalism the Nazis practiced. I can think of no conceivable way in the modern context that nationalism can be placed even close to left of centre.

It's both. If you look up the '25-point program' you see a lot of both radical and conservative policies present. National Socialism is a big-tent approach that's socially conservative but economically radical - at least in theory. In practice, it was whatever Hitler wanted it to be at any given time.

>> No.12456062

I agree that terms such as left/right or conservative/progressive make no sense in the modern West.

>> No.12456072

No, this is on par with saying "neckbeard is a political movement".

>> No.12456074

I've been a card carrying member of my European country's socialdemocrat party for over a decade now. It gets a bit annoying to listen to retarded amerifat zoomers who discovered politics in 2016 because of r/CTH and r/LSC claim I'm not a leftist like them because I don't masturbate to revenge fantasies of a violent communist revolution or to USSR paraphilia.

>> No.12456082

And yes before you ask, I would have shot Rosa too if I had the chance.

>> No.12456084

>when something seeks to change the status quo it's left-wing, and when it seeks to preserve the status quo it's right-wing
Where did you get that definition?
It sounds more like conservatism/progressivism.

>Nationalism is the ultimate expression of the preservation of the status quo
Not in the US, which is an individualist muttland at this point.

>> No.12456091

ubij se, pederu

>> No.12456096

They still ally with left-liberals at every turn, so there ideals must either be compatible enough or not contradictory enough for them to work together with a frequency that puts them on the same side of the political binary.

I think they’re just embarrassed to be associated with the intersectional types. I’m embarrassed be associated with a caps, neonazis, and Republicans, so I get where they’re coming from.

>> No.12456109

t. crvena akcija larper

>> No.12456116

Even conservative and progressive don't make sense.
Those we call progressives are probably more satisfied with the current status quo than those we call conservatives. To the point that most large companies expose "progressive values".

>> No.12456119

The traditional ends of the spectrum are conservative and radical. We call radical 'progressive' now due to the negative optics associated with radicals throughout history, but they're basically interchangeable.

The US is still a nation, and until it falls to anarchists or the globalists attain their shadowy goals, seeking to preserve the nation is maintenance of the status quo. Once that happens, asserting the right of nationhood will become the radical action (like it did in Eastern Europe during the Nineteenth century, when radical nationalists tore themselves free of the Ottoman Empire.)

>> No.12456120

Also according to that definition a rebel in a socialist country who wants the change to a free-market economy is a leftist. Not a very usable definition, IMO.
(But I don't insist on using these terms at all. I'd rather not use them if possible.)

>> No.12456169

This more or less happened when the judge dismissed the charges against the rioters at the inauguration. The US is a nation in name alone.

>> No.12456173

Meh the most popular form of leftism in america is the DSA and they are straight up sjws or crytpo ones. Cant really blame people for not liking it here.

>> No.12456196

I don't understand how you can call a ban of a hat showing support for a party that was literally voted for by half of the population.

>> No.12456224

Because the left has deemed it necessary to maintain their hegemony over all social space.

>> No.12456229

Idk why american progressive types still cling so hard to democracy than want shit like that to happen. Maybe one day theyll admit that democracy is one of the oldest memes going.

>> No.12456242

My overall point regarding leftists and SJWs is that for a leftist (socialist) economy to work, you can't have too much ethnic diversity. If the "dirty minorities" take most of the benefits, people won't be willing to give away their money in taxes.
This is why I think the union of SJWism and socialized economy won't work. Even though on an ideological level they both have in common the support for the "less fortunate".
It's not politically conceivable. In the US, because people are used to low taxes+individual economic freedom and in Europe (roughly speaking), because they're used to ethnic homogeneity as a basis for solidarity.
Obviously, as long as things work reasonably well (and they still do), you have some room to play, but when shit hits the fan the weak systems will crumble.

>> No.12456251

The "new left" strategy is to win by social shaming (for example calling anyone who disagrees with them losers) and by shifting the Overton window by claiming some opinion is unacceptable.
It is not done by winning debates logically.

>> No.12456278

This whole fucking fiasco over this retarded image happend and people are still shocked that people trust the media less and less. Has neoliberalism truly effected brains that hard that they cant even think a little critically at all?

>> No.12456289

"There was that moment when I realized I've put myself between beast and prey," Phillips said. "These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that."

The crowd of students, some of whom wore MAGA caps, turned on him, mocked Native Americans while chanting "Build the Wall" and using derogatory language, he said. The Vietnam War veteran, said the students from a Catholic school in Kentucky had a "mob mentality" that "was scary," Phillips said. "It was ugly, what these kids were involved in. in.It was racism. It was hatred. It was scary."

Speaking from his niece's home, Phillips said: "I'm a Marine Corps veteran and I know what that mob mentality can be like. That's where it was at. It got to a point where they just needed something for them to ... just tear them apart. I mean, it was that ugly."


>> No.12456319

>Mean words on twitter is hatred.
Oh please let's not pretend the vitriol given is not worse than received

>> No.12456321

It was the most tame mob I had ever seen considering that they had been taking racialized abuse for some time.

>> No.12456327

I don’t know. It seems like only one side is trying to render the other unemployable.

>> No.12456335

PSA to marxists:
you are the only people on earth that use 'leftist' to refer only to socialism. The only people. Everyone else uses it to mean 'left wing people' encompassing the gamut from left-liberals to anarchism

>> No.12456341

White kids and Indian chief were there for two different marches. Black trolls baited white kids, Indian chief tried to defuse the situation. They chanted build the wall at him. And now everyone is damage controlling on every social media platform to prop up their own narrative.

Wall is still not getting built though.

>> No.12456351

>Indian chief tried to defuse the situation.
>They chanted build the wall at him.

>> No.12456358

>They chanted build the wall at him

I don't remember hearing that.

>> No.12456360

why are you still repeating lies

>> No.12456370

Either you are unaware of union-busting or the pearl-clutching Right of the past. Really only it is only recent that liberal caught up with conservatives on this weapon.

>> No.12456388

>get mad that some kids were disruspektin muh vets
>watch the full video and now once again hate everyone
Damn I had almost climbed out of my cynicism too.

>> No.12456408

>muh vets
Why does invading some country that didn't want to harm you deserve respect again?

>> No.12456415

>muh service
>muh fighting for your freedom
>muh ultimate sacrifice

>> No.12456424

I hate the petty tribalism of it all. People who revel in outrage are suddenly playing the world's smallest violin about it and vice versa. Everyone is obsessed with the spectacle of it, pushing some grand idea or scheme behind the event rather than the event itself like some fucking NPCs. And now even in a fucking literature board of a Cambodian break-dancing forum these shills are here. OP doesn't even give a fuck about university syllabus, just using that as an cover to dodge the jannys or mods

>> No.12456426

You are comparing the left today with the right 100 years ago.

>> No.12456447

>100 years ago.
Oh please, 10 at best. I still remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Hell IIRC recently one Trumpfag basically taunted that cashier to get him fired.

>> No.12456461

I feel bad that the idea of defending your country is used to get the people who love my country to go and shoot third world farmers and get blown up and hacked up, have their bodies scarred forever, limbs removed, blinded, burned, punctured and mangled. Yes, most soldiers are dumb fucks. But I ate lunch with those guys from grades K-12, these guys didn't go out and plan the wars the government dreams up. Why should I hate someone who's used as a tool?

>> No.12456555

It’s just the first time they have the moral authority to do so.

>> No.12456679

every single person on those grounds are the 1%. they have more opportunity, food, and education than more than 99% of the earth during the most prosperous, free , healthy, safe, and egalitarian time in history

>> No.12456877
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So will people finally understand that it's not just about the money? Even this neolib poster boy is starting to get it.

>> No.12457093

>So will people finally understand that it's not just about the money?
But all of these fights over identity do have roots that are material in nature. Everything from woke advertising to tribes screaming at each other live on camera have at their root which tribe is apportioned profits and public resources: who gets jobs, which industries get subsidized or tariff protection

No one would really care if these abstract principles and symbols didn't represent clear ideas for how to organize America's economy

>> No.12457170

>critical theory

>> No.12457193
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>> No.12457249

hahah oh god america is a third world shithole.

>> No.12457291

>But I'd just walk in on classes if I were you
Pretty easy with lectures. I tried this with a graduate seminar once as an undergrad and was immediately called out

>> No.12457423

These posts are right though.

>> No.12457551

Then have pity for them. They aren't worthy of respect.

>> No.12457589

Half of the country supports trump. You're not some tiny special group.

>> No.12457875

I just got back from the class (my first in a Uni after being a JC dropout)

Next Monday I'm actually about to be a part of a challenge lab under a student's identity and with their permission. We'll see how that goes

>> No.12457877

>how dare you use common parlance for an existing political coalition!!!

>> No.12457884

>Indian chief tried to defuse the situation.
No, he went up to them to flex or provoke a response then lied about it
>They chanted build the wall at him.
No one who watched the video heard that. Afaik, that was a claim by Chief Spreading Bull.

>> No.12457894

For the past few years, riteoids weren't doing this. They started doing it again yesterday after years of this being one sided, and managed to get a couple of journalised fired. Which is unironically good and they should do it more. Journalists are scum.

>> No.12457908

>people with money still get depressed and white men off themselves in large numbers
>heh, don't you know you have money?
I'm starting to think that there's a big zone in between paying for food and medicine and being so rich that you actually have status where money does effectively nothing.

>> No.12457912
File: 92 KB, 1088x1127, gilet-jaune-ascendence-supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw America's latest political outrage is about a razor ad and a MAGAutist doing a weird face
>tfw your national drama is all about the based yellow jackets and nothing else matters
Feels good

>> No.12457917

SJW is a preeminent political identity. Quit living under a rock.

It's an identity that flows through all pretty much all democrats to some extent

>> No.12457922

what's going on over there
our media doesnt talk about it much

>> No.12457929

fuck france and fuck you

>> No.12457979

In this particular case, it's the Civil Rights Act of 1964, instigated by communist Jews from NY, mostly, rabble-rousing between the races in the Deep South. This particular Act made white males effectively into second-class citizens because it was now legal to discriminate against them in employment. All of course was fine for upper class whites, because they could now export poor and working class jobs over-seas, etc. exploit their financial advantage and call themselves the "successful" and "winners" in their social-Darwinist worldview - after they had rigged the system completely against other whites, who they could now label as "racists" and "losers" if they should ever complain. However, what goes around generally comes around, and upper class whites are now feeling the pain that they unleashed on their poorer cousins way back then.

>> No.12457983

They have been protesting all over France every Saturday for ten weeks now, and in my city it's still kinda growing. People are still pretty pissed off.
I don't know what is happening on a national level that much because my mind is polluted by anglo social media desu, but the government organized a "Big Debate" platform thing on the internet that will go on till March.

Fuck your mindless trivial shit everyone all over the world have to endure because you happen to own the global lingua franca and fuck your barbaric civilization

>> No.12457984

Get an anthology (I use the Norton one). They can be a bit expensive but they are full of useful content, especially if you write/analyse.

>> No.12458031

Fukuyama's narrative was taken apart by Greg Johnson quite nicely. In written form on Counter-Currents, but also:

>> No.12458165

>sincerely responding to obvious bait

>> No.12458185
File: 48 KB, 219x219, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taken apart
>on Counter-Currents

>> No.12458268
File: 348 KB, 321x558, IMG_0367large2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greg Johnson
Articulate - but Nietzsche is the problem - not the answer.

>> No.12458325

It's sarcasm not bait

>> No.12458410

Wish I knew this a long time ago

>> No.12458424
File: 75 KB, 713x451, Capture+_2018-03-07-10-18-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is the biggest problem with the world and should be nuked from orbit
Prove me wrong

>> No.12458458

people on 4chan and twitter make America look thousands of times worse than it actually is here irl desu. you only encounter these people one in a thousand times.

>> No.12458467

Your quote is nonsense. All Americans ever think about is money.

>> No.12458472

God I hate am*ricans

>> No.12458479
File: 119 KB, 780x877, gob bless merrika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evola is a fucking idiot. His theories on war are pure horseshit and the dumb fuck believed in magic. why would you ever listen to a word that mongoloid ever uttered?
As for america, it's literally the power house of the world currently. everyone depends on it no matter how much you hate it. You can mock us for the obesity and the entertainment we watch, but at the end of the day you are barely a blimp on america's radar.

>> No.12458484


Because Trump supporters are ignorant retards, specifically, more ignorant and retarded than supporters of President Bush, and violently support a documented racist and sexist that has no place as president. Trump is an ignorant, spiteful, and psychopathic human that is dangerous in such an influential position. This is partly the Democrats’ fault because they have no direct support for poor ignorant white people, the types of retards that support Republicans because they think they’ll be helped, when they’re actually better off with Democrats, since their support of welfare benefits the poor whites as equally as blacks.
Of course, cue the cuck-callers and /pol/tards who think that they are more manly and badass because they try to live vicariously through this stupid privileged whoremonger. They can’t see through their own selfish preconceptions. They are not entirely dissimilar from leftists in that they are looking for a group to belong to, it’s just that they chose a group that is too extreme in all the wrong ways, at least partly because straight white males want to keep their hegemony of power and are infuriated that they are slowly becoming not so important as before in a world that had its complexity suppressed by them for centuries. The Trump movement is some of the most vile intrinsic pathological traits of humanity personified, worse than Antifa and far-left socialists that wish to return to an economic system that has proven itself useless to the point of redundancy.
Now here comes the people calling me a Jew (another stupid theory of which there are only infographics based on dubious sources at best, no sources at worst) and a nigger-lover and the destruction of the West personified. They fail to know that the West is not what they see it as, they fail to see that race was created to benefit them (although they notice subconsciously that this is the case, as I wrote previously). The ignorance of history, or the skewed perspectives of such, are comparable to those of fake woke black people on Twitter that like to believe that Blacks are better than everybody, instead of "admitting" that, as of the completion of the Human Genome Project and other studies, there is no biological basis as to the differences in race, certainly not intelligence-wise, only culturally, and that they are no better than bald nazi ulcers that think themselves superior because they can’t stand the thought of living next to a person because they talk funny or eat different foods than them, and because their egos have been so crushed by some circumstance or another that they must inflate it via hilariously extreme means that make their dicks feel bigger.

>> No.12458487

>evola is a fucking idiot. His theories on war are pure horseshit and the dumb fuck believed in magic. why would you ever listen to a word that mongoloid ever uttered?
Damn I'm sure convinced, my american wikipedia page reading friend
What else can you tell me about Evola?

>As for america, it's literally the power house of the world currently. everyone depends on it no matter how much you hate it. You can mock us for the obesity and the entertainment we watch, but at the end of the day you are barely a blimp on america's radar.
Lmao the narcissism comes out as always

>> No.12458491

Fuck all of you. I feel bad, I’ve been in that ignorant place before, but thankfully I’m well on the path of political balance (which is not the same as ambivalence), and I know that at least some of you can change. But your support of this man, no matter how severe or how peaceful or how "evidence-based", is incomprehensible considering the ignorance of the man. But I suppose that’s what you like about him, isn’t it? The pathetically self-assured arrogant way he carries himself, always born of either insecurity or too much self-esteem from an upbringing so easy stepping on a shard of glass must be a traumatic terrifying ordeal. You will never achieve that; you are but betas, ants, much like us leftists. You seem to have no idea what type of damage your ignorance, true ignorance, can cause. Bitching about pronouns or how people look at you funny for eating acorns because you think you’re a squirrel or a fucking razor ad denouncing your shitty, outdated, and harmful view of masculinity is not damaging, it is something to lend a glance to and think, "Oh, somewhat strange, perhaps I should study further to see what this is about". No, purely reactionary. No empathy, no conscience, this is not the way of the man, it is the way of the chuck. You will never be beautiful, you will remain ugly because of your ugly beliefs. You will never be open-minded of a world, indeed, a universe, so complex that several lifetimes should but barely breach its surface, you will maintain an ignorant close-minded attitude because you don’t care to truly expand your horizons. You will never be loved, because you hate. This is why people do not respect you and almost turn to your deluded tactics of genocide to denounce you. And that’s why extreme leftists should be your friends: because you are so much alike but so blinded by hatred as to not even realize it.

>> No.12458494

>t. autistic amerimutt

>> No.12458497

Nobody is going to read that wall of text

>> No.12458504

There is literally nothing wrong with sexism and racism

>> No.12458509

>so blinded by hatred as to not even realize it.
Not like you, oh, enlightened one. Let me guess (((gay)))?

>> No.12458510

Just different terms for honesty desu

>> No.12458514
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, 679AAC11-9419-43CC-B949-11016B44A41B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola literally goes on about how people go to war not because of a brotherhood they feel for each other (which literally every person in every military will tell you they fight for the man next to them), but instead they go to war to play hero. If someone who has actually engaged in combat says something that contradicts a mad mans ramblings then i'll take the soldier's point of view on war over the guy who believes in magic.
Stay mad bitch boy,

>> No.12458517

>the narcissism comes out as always
It's not narcissism if it's true.

>> No.12458525

he literally served in the first world war, you fucking retard

>> No.12458527

You realise Evola was a soldier, right? He fought in WW1
Thats a sentiment also shared by Ernst Junger, another soldier from WW1
Also I want to see the quote
Because I have Evola's Metaphysics of War, and I dont recall reading him saying brotherhood doesnt exist. He does believe in the heroic warrior spirit, as did virtually everyone in every society prior to the 17th century.

>> No.12458533

>they fight for the man next to them
What a heroic thing to do. But how can they fight for the man next to them if they had the urge to go to war before meeting those men?

>> No.12458537

like tarantino said: i didnt to to film school i went to films

dont go to book school go to books

>> No.12458539

Tarantino is a literal aspie though

>> No.12458543

>But how can they fight for the man next to them if they had the urge to go to war before meeting those men?
Spoken like someone who has never been drafted.

>> No.12458545

>It's not narcissism if it's true
Imagine some dumb insta-thot saying this. You have the mind of a dumb bitch

>> No.12458552

Did the soldiers you talked to get drafted? Probably not, so again, what was the root cause of their urge to go to war?

>> No.12458553

Steeped in never-ending jealousy and resentment

>> No.12458556

pay for JSTOR or some other academic search engine
read the books/scholarly articles
write papers in MLA
submit them for publication somewhere that'll accept them (good luck)

congratulations, you're a self-made PhD

>> No.12458558

I'm not the guy you were talking to before, I'm american. You have to rationale of a blonde whore who thinks shes important because she posts pictures of her ass everyday

>> No.12458560

It's always people who never have to fight who cause wars. Why do you expect others to do your fighting for you?

>> No.12458565

Hitler, a front line soldier, caused a war

>> No.12458570

the ass of a blonde whore is objectively fairly important
probably worth 3 or 4 average men

>> No.12458571

Aside from wanting sane immigration policy, I'm basically a social democrat, but at this point, I feel like, fuck it, I hope fascism wins. At least for a little while anyway. These people deserve their comeuppance. I don't see how our elites are going to learn basic humility and common decency other than through a new Terror. Have they ever learned any other way?

>> No.12458575

Julius Caesar, a war hero, who fought in war even as a general, caused multiple wars

>> No.12458579

t. 4chan poster

>> No.12458580

homer says in scroll 3

The Achaeans, however, breathing fury, firm in resolve to aid each other, came on in silence

anyone who has read iliad is also aware of the heroics that men singly accomplish.

>> No.12458582

Maybe you're just not a warrior? Like Jünger said, the born warrior is a different breed from the rank and file soldier only there to fill an obligation.

>> No.12458585

>Why do you expect others to do your fighting for you?
I dont, you're projecting. Bit that's besides the point, you re jot answering my question, you're throwing out red herrings hoping to avoid answering.
What war is going on right now that the soldiers you talked to HAD to go to war? They weren't drafted, so what urge caused them to sign up for the military?

>> No.12458591

Didnt realize I was talking a male feminist. I'll move on

>> No.12458594

NeoCons in comfortable offices start wars now.

>> No.12458607

You have a secret shame? Why don't you go sign up yourself?

>> No.12458617

this is quite literally the first time in all my years ive been called a feminist

>> No.12458620

for hellens sake......get it?

>> No.12458637

>a whore is worth about 3 or 4 men
Maybe its statements like this

>> No.12458639

>ive been called a feminist
You make about as much sense as one

>> No.12458651

Avoiding answering again?

>> No.12458654

>Avoiding answering again?
This is your answer?

>> No.12458663

it was for hellens sake that thousands died at troy,so the age old argument of was it worth it is still going on

>> No.12458674

the whore's ass could probably produce more capital than three average men

>> No.12458677

>hellens sake.
I thought it was a brand of sake

>> No.12458682

I've asked you a question at least twice. Instead of answering you project insecurities on my part. You havent asked a question so I haven't answered anything.
Again, if the soldiers you talked to weren't drafted, then what was the reason for voluntarily going to war? If it's not what Evola claims (wanting to be a hero) what is it?

>> No.12458695

>homer says in scroll 3
You have that particular scroll in front of you? Just curious.

>> No.12458700




>> No.12458704

Historically, most heros are drafted. Now: Why haven't you joined up yourself?

>> No.12458716

Helen herself didnt think it was worth it and was angry at herself for the devastation that it caused. But this is besides the point. If Helen had thought that all those men dying for her sake was warranted because of her beauty, she would be a narcissist, regardless of how beautiful she is.
How does this relate to narcissism being impossible if it's true? Seems we've gotten off track

>> No.12458737

But how does this relate to your argument where you dismissed Evolas claim because you talked to soldiers (who weren't drafted) who said otherwise? I'm not saying heros cant be drafted. Im saying that you havent given any reason for me to believe that people who voluntarily join the military arent doing it with the hope of becoming a war hero.

>> No.12458753

Not an answer.

>> No.12458757

each book in homer is roughly designated as such because thats about how much texts a scroll could contain without being troublesome to use

>> No.12458758

There wasnt a question

>> No.12458762

>Indians walk through a crowd of white kids, stopping at a 16 year old to play drums in his face
what's wrong with this
it was a protest

>> No.12458776

Is this really the shit Americans get angry about?

>> No.12458782
File: 333 KB, 2000x2000, helen_sake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't unsee this

>> No.12458792

Fuck you this isnt what I wanted

>> No.12458805

Damn it i quit drinking at New Year's but I want some Sake now

>> No.12458828

I like how you ignored the other posters because they btfo your narrative and focused on the one reply you could possibly weasel your way out of.

>> No.12458850

thersites tier response,you should be publicly beaten

>> No.12458871

Certainly seems to have hit a nerve.

>> No.12458893

>you should be publicly beaten
Come and try. I['ll leave you as "carrion for dogs and birds". Homer says "wrath" starts wars.

>> No.12458902

>"wrath" starts wars.
But what causes undrafted citizens to voluntarily join a war?

>> No.12458919

>But what causes undrafted citizens to voluntarily join a war?
Why do you think?

>> No.12458928

They want to be heroes. You dispute this. I want to know what you think is the cause. This is my 5th time asking

>> No.12458944

How many upper-class citizens do you see joining the rank and file to go fight and potentially die?

>> No.12458956

thats the menis of achilles and it comes to fruition when patroclus dies after already being at war for 9 years....

>> No.12458963

Not many. They're cowards who want to cling to life. They dont have a heroic bone in their body, unlike men who volunteer to fight. Men of any class who volunteers for battle do so because they want to be a hero. What do you think is the cause? (6th time asking)

>> No.12458968

Reading primary sources in their original language is the only way to truly understand the classics.

>> No.12458993

Unemployment. In the USA the NeoCons helped the Left export working-class jobs over-seas and through much of rural America. Many of those of age see joining the military as the only means of escape from unemployment. This benefited the NeoCons because their primary interest is to find cannon fodder for their Mid-East wars for Israel.

>> No.12459007

only 6000 americans died in iraq/afghanistan, considering we have 370 million people in usa it seems they didnt fodder well

>> No.12459014

Wow it only took 6 tries!
I think this is an acceptable answer. It's much better than the one you gave earlier that soldiers volunteer because of brotherhood, which is where my original issue with you lay. Even though you've changed your answer I dont really care.
Btw, I don't think that soldiers join solely because they want to be heroes, though it may be a contributing factor, I only claimed this to finally goad you into answering my question. Next time, instead of throwing insults and projecting insecurities onto your opponent, just answer the question. It creates a much better dialogue

>> No.12459028

OK, now you're using low casualty totals as a measure lack of of success. You have stopped making sense.

>> No.12459034

>volunteer because of brotherhood
That wasn't me.

>> No.12459051

If you reply in place of anon you become that anon

>> No.12459053

Oh ok so >>12458514 isnt you then?
Well then that other faggot still has to explain why the fuck he said that. I should have known that when i thought he started making sense all of a sudden it was actually because it was someone else entirely

>> No.12459059

pro abortion laws kill more poor people

>> No.12459080

>Well then that other faggot still has to explain why the fuck he said that.
I think he went out for sake. You're like arguing with a brick wall.

>> No.12459101

Wtf does that even mean? I had to ask the same question 6 times before I got an answer. Unless you're actually the same guy and are just pretending not to be because it's more convenient to drop the original point I had contention with.

>> No.12459330

What's wrong with smirking at the idiot old drug addict playing drugs in your face?

>> No.12459343

I did do this at Berkeley, about 7 years ago. Though I had to stop going to the experimental film classes because the students 'interpretations' of work were so asinine I couldn't help laughing in class.

>> No.12460728


>> No.12460804

I hope they do, he seems based.

>> No.12460822

Kid is low IQ and a mouth breather. Fuck him.
Fuck native Americans too.
Lastly, the black Hebrews are based and their assessment of these scrawny wimps was spot on. Had that Indian not gotten in the way, they'd have gotten verbally BLACKED like that jew boy quite some years ago and would have been crying. That's why this bitch ass white boys cheeks are all red and why he's smiling a sign of release knowing he was bested and blown the fuck out by the redpilled blacks.

>> No.12460882


>Asking random strangers the same different 5 times
>They all ignore me or call me retarded
>This clearly proves i'm right

>> No.12460908


>> No.12461000

Switch to philosophy

>> No.12461183

Any books on the reality of Native American life?

"Man Corn" by Christy Turner comes to mind first.