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12447497 No.12447497 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else annoyed at the fact that every “must read” book from old (basically all of greek lit) are so centered around war? Some with crude imagery that leaves a spoiled taste in my feelings. Everywhere you fucking look in modern day entertainment it’s death, gore, sex, alcohol, etc. I really hate to be that guy but it gets annoying.

From bodies being dragged from carts in greek lit, to the beheading of a fierce beast in sumerian lit. What’s his name slept with Who’s his face’s wife. Blah blah fucking blah.

We brush it off like “haha they were just more honest back then” but fuck me right? If i’m uncomfortable and unironically triggered at seeing the word Nigger in an actual book or the theme of Rape and Murder 24/7 then i must be a faggot? Kys. All of you.

Nothing is fucking pure anymore. No one is serious.

>> No.12447521

You sound like an insufferable sniveling cunt who is out of his fucking depth. Ancient Greek society was radically different to ours today, they had no Internet, no television, no video games, no processed foods, no modern plumbing, etc. What else were they supposed to write about? There was nothing to do except fuck, fight or think about the nature of man

>> No.12447531


>Doesn't name a single book


>> No.12447534

I agree, anon. That's why /kidslit/ is my favorite. Nothing harsh in there, simply purity. I too have a very weak stomach and don't even like to read news headlines about war, r*pes and other bad things. I wish this world could just be peaceful everywhere, and all this madness just end. I hate it so much.

>> No.12447536

Well that makes them utter barbarians, and you an utter subhuman. cringe at the greeks for thinking so highly of themselves and tje nerve to call other barbarians when just like uou said, they are Rats withojt plumbming who fight for sport and draw blood for fun. They fun and drink 24/7 of course the classic “man what are we woahhhhh! whats our purpose” would come from thousands of drunken wine fueled thoughts

kys and everyone kys if you read anything from these war ridden times. its bad for the soul

>> No.12447543

I think it is important to distinguish works that glorify war and those that expose war for the truly brutal thing that it is. Homer does glorify warriors, but the actual combat is brutal. You read about brains exploding and bladders being punctured in a very visceral way. This is an honest portrayal of war. Many of the war movies he have today are violent, but are not nearly as honest. They only have to show a couple bullet holes and a person stooping over.

You say that nothing is pure anymore, but glossing over one of the central reoccurring human experiences (conflict and strife) is not pure either is it? It is unfortunate that war is such a defining aspect of humanity, but I don't think our literature is putting undue weight on it.

>> No.12447549

Literature about war is an attempt to master the violent impulses within us and the violent universe without. Violence is a necessary element of animal life and by averting your gaze you forget your place and doom yourself to act as less than an animal when violence finally does come before you.

>> No.12447551

op here, actually good point

>> No.12447560

I only live and die acting what i think is human. To me humans are compassionate, sentient creatures. To me any human who endulges in war is an ANIMAL. He is not “reverting back” so say that barbarianism is our natural state, but he is acting out of character for a human. War war war war war war. Everywhere in olden (golden) literature

>> No.12447562

You can't wrap your head around the fact that the only reason that you can be such a self-absorbed ass wipe is because of the technology that makes your life comfortable and allows you to post your inane thoughts here. The Greeks didn't have that luxury, try living in the wilderness without modern luxuries and see how life is reduced to survival and maybe philosophizing in your spare time. Sickening how you want to impose your modern morality onto people who literally had no choice but to live the way they did and wrote about their experiences

>> No.12447574

Humans are animals. Humans are violent by nature. Compassion and sentience are the province of hypothetical transhumans.

>> No.12447578
File: 1.29 MB, 2050x3223, The World of Odysseus - M.I. Finley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War has been glorified, and even in recoiling horror imbued with honors undue, it's true.

But it was a fact of their time, their mindset then as it is now

So how do we heal the cause of it and break these zombies trance? I drop hints, but no one seems to care.

>> No.12447706

shut the fuck up holy shit just fuck off already

>> No.12447884

Could anyone but a woman have written this? Does the modern man have so little testosterone that he could write these words? So little drive to conquer, to overcome, to achieve, in other words, to fight? Homer's epics are the purity of nature given form (see Pope). This nature is often ugly; what of it? There is also much in it of the most noble character, in Achilles' decision to face his death and Odysseus' unending devotion to his wife and homeland.

>> No.12447901

>I want to read about imaginary bullshit

Real life is death chief, I’d recommend you get used to it.

>> No.12447923

>its bad for the soul
anon your post is bad for the soul

>> No.12448022

You sound like such an insufferable fag holy shit

>> No.12448085

Works and days, Theogeny, Types of women. Three off the top of my head that aren't about war

>> No.12448327

>posting in a bait thread

>> No.12448391

If you think like this you literally don't have a soul

>> No.12448501

There are a fuck ton of greek plays that have nothing to do with war. Read more than homer before posting stupid threads like this.

>> No.12449379

and should i ignore the rape and all the other crude stuff? men butt fucking each other, pedophelia, alcohol. cancer. the greeks were a cancer