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/lit/ - Literature

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12444540 No.12444540 [Reply] [Original]

>reading simulacra and simulation
>understand the basic idea of hyperreality, simulacra, etc from some of the more straightforward examples like with MAD and deterrence/security as a global phenomenon (I think?)
>struggling with the rest, have to reread things like 3 times and feel utterly lost
I’m not one of those philosophy posters on here (I’ll always prefer literature) but am reading this for a project. Any tips that’ll help me understand it better?

The part when he discusses Watergate and Nixon and scandals being tools that legitimize power was kinda funny reading in light of the 2016 election

>> No.12444561

there is nothing to understand it is just obscurantism written to look deep stop reading postmodern neo marxists and pick up the bible.

>> No.12444568

lol Peterson was a mistake

>> No.12444612

can’t just drop it, my professor told me to read it because it relates to my independent project

>> No.12444620

your proffesor is a bit of dick to make you jump into ss

>> No.12444634

read debord first

>> No.12444662

Just get what you need from the text and bounce. Cite some of the basic ideas and maybe one specific point of discussion that sticks out to you. It is not a text that rewards thorough reading.

>> No.12444668

t. oblivious brainlet

>> No.12444672

that had been my plan but I was hoping to understand it a bit more for my own satisfaction. guess I can always come back to it

>> No.12444709

You can start by watching this video of that based youtube channel that explain a lot about Baudrillard theories.


Watch the other videos if you find it interesting, it is really quality content.

>> No.12444818

thanks anon! ill check it out

>> No.12444825

came to link cuckphilosophy

>> No.12444845

>cucked philosphy
oh great i though this was actually an anon being helpful for once

>> No.12445202

Who do you think would call his own youtube channel "cuck philoshophy" seriously ?
If you stop being interested in something because of the name it has you don't deserve to have knowledge.

>> No.12445296

i mean i watched it anyway and learned a lot about American Psycho and how it can be read as fitting the postmodernist hierarchy of objects/signs that he talks about but it didn’t help too much with the actual text which is more of what i was looking for.

my reaction to the name was because of the associations (for me at least) the word cuck has in this day and age and that is, wait for it, 4chan. i guess it’s nice to have someone probably a little closer to my intellectual level (pseud) explain there take but as i just said I was hoping for a more authoritative discussion on the text

>> No.12445303

the man literally provides citation lists for his videos, he's /lit/ af

>> No.12445330
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>> No.12445592

Ah yes, you are right actually I must admit I kind of overlooked your main concern for having the opportunity to share this great channel.
There is still more talk about Baudrillard on this channel but I am afraid would not be able to point out wich video precisely.

>> No.12445619
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Wash your anus bucko.

>> No.12445627

I just read it, myself. I'll go out on a limb here and say it: this book could have been written somewhat more clearly.

>> No.12445649

i mean i did enjoy the video, especially because some friends and I were discussing the movie last night!

I also just kept reading and got the the part that is relevant to my project. its pretty interesting, i'll post it right after this one in case anyone wants to read it (its about information, meaning and the media).

agreed. some chapters are better than others

>> No.12445664


>> No.12445694

A few paragraphs into the one about the animals and I thought it was going to be empty garbage but it was one of my favorite ones.

Throughout reading it, I wondered how much was the fault of the translator that the author seems to talk like an asshole who doesn't want you to understand what he is on about. We may never know.

>> No.12447351 [DELETED] 

>christcuck thrashing in his final death throes
dox yourself so I can come and deliver the rationalist atheist skeptic mercy bullet and get on with life

>> No.12447363

the problem is that he legitimately enjoys the humiliation of other men taking his woman and is trying to "reclaim" the term, much like how other leftards do to words