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12441205 No.12441205 [Reply] [Original]

What novels contain a character that their only source of self worth is derived from having lots of other people accepting and praising them for being beautiful.

>> No.12441217

A Jap girl's twitter bio.

>> No.12441268

Are their bios that extensive?

>> No.12441500

What will these girls do later in life? Get married and be a housewife ?

>> No.12441510

I dunno. What are YOU gonna do?

>> No.12441524

Probably keep doing simply assembly line jobs and hanging out with my family and play games and read books and follow Japanese idols

>> No.12441529

Marry one of them.

>> No.12441707

I wonder what these types of girls think about

>> No.12441727

Designer hand bags, pop stars, German Idealism, reality television

>> No.12441730


>> No.12441828

I don’t think that applies here

>> No.12441832

Best of luck, anon.

>> No.12441834
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This is my life as well

>> No.12441903

It would be nice to be ignorant of everything and just enjoying going through life enjoying fad after fad

>> No.12442538

I wish there was more research on the idol industry in English

>> No.12442824
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>> No.12442833

Do they just think about products and new trends?

>> No.12442899

Dorian Gray

>> No.12442915

Goodbye to Berlin by Isherwood

>> No.12442916
File: 53 KB, 474x731, dorian gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only thing that matters about the main character is that he's so beautiful he charmes everybody, and he prizes that so much he trades his beauty for his soul. Prepare for homosexuality. Read it OP it's good.

>> No.12443040


>> No.12443041

There is leo Tolstoy short story about a priceless visiting a monastery that is something like that.

>> No.12443068

my diary desu

>> No.12443111

Is there a female version of this type of story?

>> No.12443149
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>> No.12443273
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He thought he looked good? I thought he was insecure about being half rice.

>> No.12443309

I mean American Psycho, in a way

>> No.12443591
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That one was good and funny but maybe too on the nose and not too realistic.

>> No.12444210

That's literally the plot of the Fountainhead

>> No.12444322

It's not just about individualists getting oppressed by the collectivists?

>> No.12444371

Forbidden Colors by Mishima

>> No.12444504

The "antagonist" Peter Keating builds his whole life and career based on what makes others love and admire him which ultimately ends in his complete destruction because people change over time

>> No.12444521

He thought he was perfect and couldn't fathom why other people didn't think the same. That made him angry.

>> No.12444534
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>> No.12444586
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>Misogyny: Both Yuichi and Shunsuke have contempt for women, and this drives their behavior.


>> No.12445146 [DELETED] 


>> No.12446516

Specifically the part concerning Sally Bowles. Nothing else really fits that in the book.

>> No.12446521

>that their

>> No.12446550

fuck i wish i was a cute japanese girl

>> No.12446975
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Anyone know this title?

>> No.12447647

Literally life on the easiest mode

>> No.12448145

Literally Ayn Rand, specifically The Fountainhead

>> No.12448426
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Some of them, no doubt.

>> No.12448444
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Me too. The Japanese seem very closeted about the whole thing, with little investigation into the darker parts of the industry.

I wonder how much the average idol has to slut it up.

>> No.12448647

Her villians you mean?

>> No.12448677

Why scare quotes?
He Is a shitstain of a human being.

>> No.12448748

Stop race mixing anon.

>> No.12448750


>> No.12448800

Yeah I know but it's questionable if he's the main antagonist considering Ellsworth Toohey is pulling all the strings

>> No.12449471
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Have you read his My Twisted World? I just started and it seems like he’s always bitching about being weak and short and not being fully white. Doesn’t seem like he thinks he’s perfect.

>> No.12449651


>> No.12449676

Most Japanese idols have secret black boyfriends.
Their fans are incels and would probably kill them if they had a public Jap boyfriend, a black one would probably topple the whole country.

>> No.12449894

Can't think of a book but watch Cleo from 5 to 7

>> No.12449904 [DELETED] 

I do, who doesn't ?

>> No.12449994


>> No.12450167

good god thats a lot of make up

>> No.12450195
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Idols like to use lots of filters on their blog pictures like the 2nd picture.

>> No.12451959
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That's the thing though. He constantly brags about how awesome he is while also telling us how he fails and cries about everything.

Elliot is a pure narcissist to the point where he's narcissistic in both ways: "I'm so awesome and thus I'm special." And "I suck so much and thus I'm special." He looks for every opportunity to look unique. It's mental and fucking hilarious.

Just look at pic related.

He brags about something other people gave him.

>> No.12451965

tena kozarac

>> No.12452086
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Is it available in English?

>> No.12452336

I don’t know how he can have such a clear recollection of his childhood. Like how the tables in classroom were set up or what specific type of playing he did with specific friends and when certain people came to visit and other bullshit most people wouldn’t remember

>> No.12452642

I enjoy seeing women wearing makeup

>> No.12452645


Snake's arc in Monogatari does this really well.

>> No.12452658

>their only source of self worth
source? How do you know them that well personally. What if they just like taking photos of themselves while they are still beautiful and young. Is it really an objectively wrong thing to do? That's like saying athletes should just stay home and hide their talents just so they don't gain any self worth out the attention they get while playing.

>> No.12452718

Looks like a nerve was struck.

>> No.12452872
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I’m not talking about the girls in the pictures. They’re just examples of beautiful people. The pictures are just eye candy and being a successful idol is heavily focused on other people finding you attractive so it’s related to the topic at hand. I’m actually familiar with the idols in the pictures and they’re all sweet and goofy girls with their own different personalities and ambitions. Some have been to college and/or graduated college while being an idol. I’m sorry if you took the thread as accusing these girls of being shallow.

The point of the thread is that I’m looking for characters in novels that are beautiful and only take pleasure in being thought of beautiful and nothing else. Nothing else to live for. No other ambitions other than to be loved and accepted by many people and be thought of as beautiful.

>> No.12452888

Not an argument

>> No.12452901

Why would you need a novel about how the vast majority of human beings determine self-worth? Is something so common that interesting? I can't imagine many novels have been written about something so completely mundane.

>> No.12452962

The vast majority of people determine their self worth purely from physical beauty? You actually think that?

>> No.12452995

The one by Zola...Nana. Couldn't finish it.

>> No.12453823

>At the age of 4 I had already been

>> No.12453855

I was meandering along a thoroughfare of Ikebukuro, getting an eyeload of fresh Asian tail scurrying about to and fro, when my gaze fell upon a wizened old slope sitting outside a cafe, a plastic cup half-drained of beer in hand, a sunhat resting on his knee. He had a look on his face like he was about to cry, a searching look in his eyes as though his bow-legged, hunchbacked old mare of a wife had wandered off in delirious stupefaction from years of eating irradiated fish, leaving him as sole custodian of her beloved straw chapeau and the bitter memory of her hoggish grunts and squeals as he would mount her drooping yellow buttocks, and with all the delicacy of a Skilsaw, ream into her puckered anus with all 6 inches of his turgid eel meat, shoving and writhing until reaching a selfish climax, leaving her face down on the futon, her breath hoarse, butthole brimming over. I paused my stride, raised my state-of-the-art Samsung telecommunications device towards this hapless creature, capturing his image for my own posterity, a positive reminder of the futility of the past which we've done so much to overcome, and by that same token a reminder of my triumph, a glowing keepsake of my unerring judgement. Another moment or two of reflection passed and I turned on my heel and continued on my way, young nip trim bedecked in the sweet little sailor's outfits again flooding my sight, the sun hanging low over the skyline of window box air conditioners, satellite dishes, the soft glow of neon just beginning to reveal itself.

>> No.12454291


>> No.12454483


>> No.12455235
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That's not their job, brand reps do it for them.

>> No.12455306

Why does she have a penis?

>> No.12455475

I mean do they think about cosmetics and purses and make up cute things to buy

>> No.12455530

>examples of beautiful people
The girl on the right in the OP is decent 6/10 at best, you yellow fever fags have very low standarts

>> No.12455543

Cosmetics yes because they do their own makeup for the most part. Luxury items, very few idols are well-paid. Cute things, depends, just like normal girls.

>> No.12455544
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People like girl on the right for her talent and failing auditions a couple times despite being among the best applicants. Girl on the left is sensational, though.

>> No.12455548

Snow White.
The wicked stepmother/witch that constantly seeks validation and assurance from the magic mirror about her own beauty, knowing that she only retains her power so long as she's the most beautiful.

>> No.12455747
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>> No.12456645

I had forgotten about that one