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/lit/ - Literature

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12438614 No.12438614 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck World Building Edtion

What are your favorite novels/series that have character driven plots? What did you like about those characters?

Monthly Reading for January: A Scanner Darkly by Philip K Dick


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.12438638

We are going through threads way too fast lately. I will have to ask everyone in this thread to slow down a bit and take it easy!

>> No.12438681
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>You've read Masters of Rome, right anon?

>> No.12438732


>> No.12438847

Dear god what the fuck is up with this shit
why is a historical fiction series being shilled on /sffg/? Do Caesar and Pompeii fight with Shardblades or what?

>> No.12438862

its just some mentally ill autist with too much time on his hands

>> No.12438863

It's one determined troll. His parent must be proud.

>> No.12438949

Grimdark space fantasy?

>> No.12438978

8th for hand holding.

What is the most heart warming sff book you've read?

>> No.12439029

No such thing exists.
Stormlight Archives. Syl is kawaii and Shallan has her cutesy moments. Adolin is also adorable :3

>> No.12439051
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>> No.12439075

I'm still seething that someone had the nerve to suggest that Jordan's world building was on par with Tolkien's.

>> No.12439094

>on par
It's much better. LOTR is generic shit
>inb4 it wasn't generic then!
Doesn't matter, we are living in 2019.

>> No.12439100

Hey guys, maybe you can help me.
I'm trying to remember the title of a book. It wasn't exactly a story, more like an encyclopedia.
It was the story of mankind from today to a very distant futur through several dozens of generation.

I can't seem to remember the name of this book and it's starting to piss me off.

>> No.12439111
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Why is there so much furfaggotry in sff?

>> No.12439168

because its full of furries.
do you have any idea how many authors go to dragoncon?
sure it started as dungeons and dragons convention but now its full of furfaggotry and sweaty bodysuit sex in public toilets.

>> No.12439179

It appears you speak from experience.

>> No.12439191

i do actually. conventions are the place where a smelly fat neckbeard can fuck a 8/10 with no strings attached.
you gotta deal with the crazies though. convention chicks be cray cray.

>> No.12439195

And yet no one was able to recommend any better examples.

>> No.12439204

A better question is what are some that are worth reading?

>> No.12439214

Wow I really need to go to conventions more often.

>> No.12439235

The King of Elfland's daughter

>> No.12439245

Masters of Rome.

>> No.12439247

Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon maybe

>> No.12439262

The ones written by women usually have steamy milf catsex if you like that kind of stuff

>> No.12439283
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>Stormlight Archives
Cease with the memes.

>> No.12439334

Milfs getting fucked by cats or cat milfs getting fucked?

>> No.12439400

Both,but dogdude x human female is more common

>> No.12439477

man what the fuck was with Vurt turning into bestiality fetish shit in the back half, really took me out of it

>> No.12439609

Semi-blog post
So the other day I asked for some recommendations for good YA sci-fi. Some of them I had already read but i went to the book store today and bought almost everything that was recommended (that was in stock). I felt like a real dumbass asking one of the employees to help me find a copy of shades of grey.
One anon recommended a book called Glow. If you read this, were you talking about the one by amy kathleen ryan? It kinda looked like some cuck shit from the description and the goodreads rating was pretty low so i wasn't sure if it was the right book. If you confirm that's the right one i'll pick it up next time i go to the bookstore.
Also has anyone in here read Legend by Marie Lu? Some normie girl at the store started talking to me and she recommended it to me.

>> No.12439720

Voidwitch or the 40k books

>> No.12439738

>author plays video games
D r o p p e d

>> No.12439856

Shades of Grey by JASPER FFORDE

>> No.12439951

people are stupid and you can't fix them

I read Legend and it seemed good for YA dystopia. I started Warcross and it seems better than Legend.

>> No.12439965

Patrick Rothfuss is a fat retard.

>> No.12439974
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>author breathes

>> No.12440105
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So I'm five chapters into A Scanner Darkly now and I'm having trouble following Arctor. So I get that he has split personalities, but is it just supposed to be written super vaguely so you don't understand until it gets revealed later?

>> No.12440166
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Anyone have a link to that blog post where a reviewer completely tears apart the very sense botns?

>> No.12440208

It's from the "something awful" forums but there's a paywall

>> No.12440215

Is Wizard of Earthsea a stand-alone book or do I need to read all of the series? Is the entire series worth it or is it only Wizard of Earthsea?

>> No.12440231

Any fantasy without the human race? A completely fantastical and alien fantasy I guess. Or any fantasy with only 1 human in the entire book/series?

>> No.12440238
File: 66 KB, 500x723, Elric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Elric, it's breddy fun.
A lot of the official art for Elric and the Eternal champion in general is done by Yoshitaka Amano right?

>> No.12440250


>> No.12440285


There is a good story screaming to be let out of the foggy murk of Gene Wolf's Book of the New Sun. It is a conventional story that should be familiar to fans of the fantasy genre--a boy apprentice with mysterious roots, coming of age and
taking his rightful place in the world. Sometimes this story creeps up to the
surface, like a drowning child desperate for breath, only to have author grab it by the ankle and drag it back under.

Severian tortures his victims because it is his job; Gene Wolfe tortures his readers because he wants to.

The Book of the New Sun is a book that hates itself. Every chance to
obfuscate the simple nature of the story is taken. The first person memoir that threads in-and-out of the story is problematic, especially in the earlier parts with Severian as a boy growing up in the Torturer's Guild; it does little other than slow whatever action there is to a crawl and remind us for the millionth time that Severian has a perfect memory. Little regard is given to pacing. In fact, the book goes out of its way to sidetrack the main storyline on several occasions. The worst offenses occur when Severian reads his cyborg buddy a long myth about rescuing princesses, and the Doctor's long, meaningless play near the end of the book (even Severian claims it is meaningless) which has all cast acting out different parts.

And if the pacing isn't enough to make readers turn away, the plot is designed to offend.

Here's a basic summary of the most important relationship in the book:

Boy meets girl.
Boy tortures girl.
Boy assists in girl's murder.
Boy...eats girl.

Rarely have I ever felt physically ill while reading something. Perhaps it was because I was eating a bowl of Stag chili when Severian and friends decided to dig in to Thecla's corpse, but still, I was disgusted and angered. Its a work of fiction that I was reading of my own volition, so I knew I shouldn't be angry, but I was. Maybe that's where Gene Wolfe's genius lies. He creates unforgettable, shocking scenes. There are layers and layers of meaning to the proceedings and secrets to be found. If you don't have the time or care to put forth the effort, let me ruin them for you: Everyone Severian sleeps with is closely related to him in some way.

Still, as much as the Book of the New Sun makes you despise it, there are scenes that are unforgettable. But they are unforgettable in the way that being raped in a gas station bathroom is unforgettable.

>> No.12440287

Nah, I'm sure there's some but it's definitely not the official art. That'd be more like whoever did the Cirith Ungol covers.

>> No.12440305

You're all plebs and you should feel embarrassed.

>> No.12440308 [DELETED] 
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Where does Mlaasan fall into this? It seems to have both the best and worst of both world-building & characterization is ruined by the fact that there are just way too many fucking characters.

>> No.12440315
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Where does Malazan fall into this? It seems to have both the best and worst of both world-building & characterization is ruined by the fact that there are just way too many fucking characters though I think he did both better than George RR Fartin

>> No.12440367
File: 130 KB, 572x767, Elric Amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a bit more into it and a lot (if not all) of the Elric art by Amano is official and illustrated for the books. He did cover art for one of the releases novels and some of the Tale of the Eternal champion volumes.
Pic related is official and from Fortress of the Pearl.
>I first became aware of Yoshitaka Amano's work in the early 1980s when he was illustrating and painting the covers for my own Elric books and the Japanese version of Behold the Man. I loved his work, and thought that he, of all artists, had managed to capture the essential spirit of my characters. Many other fine artists, such as James Cawthorn, Michael Whelan, and Robert Gould had depicted them, and I certainly should not wish to minimise their work, but for me Amano captured something no other artist had seen.
Is a quote by Moorcock doing an interview.

>> No.12440398
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Download: http://b-ok.cc/book/878958/0c476b
The download is slightly faulty, some r:s are replaced with n:s resulting in in misspellings like Jenny instead of Jerry.

Also, I'm going to move the deadline to Feb 3d since I'm occupied around the first and won't be able to do votes and shit. Will update image next thread.

>> No.12440437

Tales of chivalry or medieval knights, but grimdark? And the MC is not the chosen one.
Could have some magic or SF twist to it.

>> No.12440463

I don't think it's supposed to be much of a reveal, more of a slow change.

>> No.12440467

The Red Knight
Devil’s Night Dawning
Jack of souls, kinda

>> No.12440473

Ok, I'll keep pressing on. Just been making it a bit of a pain to comprehend.

>> No.12440474

Altered Carbon

>> No.12440486

his worldbuilding is very shallow. he just throws a few extra zeroes on the end of the age of everything to trick brainlets into thinking it's more epic.

>> No.12440488

About halfway through Battlemage. Common tropes but it's done quite well.

Just wanted to let you kind people know what I'm reading

>> No.12440504

I am reading xianxia web novels
Just read to the latest on fishing in the myriad heavens, I enjoyed it

>> No.12440508

Some scientist characters will explain the reason for the split later but the reason is not really important to the story and is mostly mumbo jumbo. All you really need to know is that Arctors use of Substance D is slowly melting his brain and you already seem to have figured that out.

If you feel like there's no moral or meaning to the story you could read the authors note at the end before finishing the book. It doesn't spoiler anything and add context to the novel.

>> No.12440509

yeah sure

>> No.12440549

It's been forever since I read the series but I reread Wizard recently and it was still great and can stand alone.

The MC makes a guest appearance in book 2 which I found to be a slog but then again I was probably a freshman or sophmore in high school when I read it. I remember liking book 3. I need to do a reread of the series to see if I find more in them now.

Cloud Roads by Martha Wells

>> No.12440560

I just finished his dark materials. Holy shit is pullman a hack. First book was really good. 2nd was ok. But that third book was an absolute shit fest.
>The fucking pointless animals on wheels every few chapters.
>30% of the story is devoted to a boring Scientist just so she can have a long drawn out monologue about why she's an athiest. This by itself easily ruins the book.
>The whole mystery behind dust is some nirvana all is one one is all bullshit that barely makes sense
>his hatred of Christianity is pathetically blatant and ruins the story. See first point.
>gay angels. Yuck
>Turns into a very long dalliance of pedophilia at the end
He was doing propaganda story telling before it was even fashionable

>> No.12440562


I went through a year-long xianxia binge. The chinese are right, xianxia is junkfood for the brain. I recommend taking breaks from xianxia once in a while or your brain will turn to mush.

>> No.12440595

Still better than contemporary sci-fi or fantasy

>> No.12440597

I accidentally read almost the entire first book of the sequel series to battlemage before realizing it wasn't standalone

I just thought he had some weak worldbuilding lol

>> No.12440626


>> No.12440667

>finally getting to the end of Midnight Tides
Too bad Brys didn't fuck up Gerun. I wonder how Rhulad and his Tiste Edur will fit into the overall story / Crippled God's plot. I wonder who Bugg is, if it isn't Mael although I need to keep reading. The Avowed and his gang are interesting, hoping Seren goes with them and has a more pleasant ending.
I'm dreading how the next book will likely be a let-down compared.

>> No.12440694

But it is a standalone...

>> No.12440702

There are 3 battlemage books.

>> No.12440720

I really need to make a bible thumper meme for you Christianity cucks. You are becoming problematic. Go crucify yourself for your own sins.

>> No.12440783

Chanur's pride has only 1 human, but it's a sci-fi.

>> No.12440831
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I'm talking about this battlemage. It's a standalone

>> No.12440858
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>I really need to make a bible thumper meme for you Christianity cucks. You are becoming problematic. Go crucify yourself for your own sins.
He's right, Pullman is a fedora hack and anyone who is an atheist/agnostic has failed at being human.

>> No.12440933

Ninefox Gambit is fairly grimdark but everything has a glossy iOS feel to it instead of the over the top self-parody of Warhammer 40k.

>> No.12441009

Anybody got a epub for Super Sales 3?

>> No.12441033

are there any true classics in fantasy that were aimed at adults?

by true classic, I mean it has to be something that someone who's never read a fantasy book in their life would know of

>> No.12441049

literally everyone knows of shit like A Song of Ice and Fire dude, there's literally hundreds of books that fit this category, upping to thousands if you allow shit like the Iliad to be claimed

>> No.12441074

how many that aren't directly tied to the local religion serving as primary or secondary religious canon?

>> No.12441084

Ninefox Gambit is the number one example of how authors who write perfectly good and very promising first books that are self contained completely shit the bed on the sequels. Introducing a new concept partway through the third book that didn't exist in the past two books was a really shit way of moving the plot along and the author was really relying on me liking the characters by the end to finish it. It didn't deliver on the promise of rebellion at all or convey that space opera scale.

I'm a /cm/ and /m/ fag and even the gay space nazis doing gay stuff in space (one of them a yandere) wasn't enough to save it.

>> No.12441114

The Christianity cucks are worse. They always complaining about atheism or some non Christian shit in a fantasy fucking book. It's getting annoying.

>> No.12441123


you know what? I take this back. I can name a few

>a christmas carol
>a picture of dorian grey
>nearly everything by shakespeare
>the once and future king
>gulliver's travels
>dracula (technically horror)
>most penny dreadfuls (technically sci-fi/horror)

still, seems that most fantasy classics are either religiously affiliated or childhood wish-fulfillment

Scifi and horror are much more flexible age-wise, but scifi requires social relevance

>> No.12441126

Audiobook on the 29th.

>> No.12441138
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I don't know if this the right place to ask but why does every cyberpunk chinese cartoons have female protagonist? Is it really a homage to Molly Millions or there's more to it?

>> No.12441147

They wouldn't need to complain if all the fedora tippers didn't feel the need to put anti-religious screeds in all of their shit. Atheism is the most obnoxious religion of today.

>> No.12441215
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>Atheism is a religion

>> No.12441227

I'm reading Renegade Immortal, about 350 chapters in, loving it so far. There's no harem, there's actual character development, fights are good, cultivation is fine, there's some romance and it's getting a little weird at the moment but i'm undecided yet if it's good or bad. Overall would recommend.

How is Fishing the Myriad Heavens

>> No.12441238

wait a minute, you're recommending chinkshit in this thread?

>> No.12441249

>implying it isn't

>> No.12441250

Wtf i love Vurt now

>> No.12441256

hello newfriend, yes we do occasionally discuss webnovels.

>> No.12441260

>Atheism is the most obnoxious religion of today.
Fucking this.

>> No.12441279

have some self respect.

>> No.12441290

I’ve read a lot of those serious chinkshit, so now I’m reading the comedy chinkshit
I generally rate stories on a scale of “did I finish it” to “do I go back to read new chapters” to “dropped”

So it’s one of those stories you read after getting tired of the good stuff

>> No.12441300

Tell us more about sanders then

>> No.12441305

What the hell kind of connection is that.
Chink shit is bottom of the barrel garbage, not to mention any of its cleverness that could lend some merit to reading it is lost in the amateur translations.

>> No.12441309

Yeah,he did the art for the Corum books and the last Hawkmoon trilogy and a few others.
Moorcocks official website has an album for a lot of the art of the books.

>> No.12441332
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If atheism is a religion than so is having blue eyes, shaving your head, or buying a XBox over a PS4.

>> No.12441339

Sounds kind of like Foundation by Asimov

>> No.12441378

please recommend me scary horror novels

>> No.12441384


>> No.12441406
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this was disappointing
wouldn't recommend regardless of how short it is

>> No.12441446

That doesn’t make any sense. And I’m not him

>> No.12441459

Series with female protags making it big were very unusual in anime until the late 80s. It was basically fan service or stuff for little girls.
Texhnolyze is cyberpunk but has a male MC, so there are a few exceptions.
I'm guessing you think of Lain (which is a Rei type), GITS (a military genius) and Psycho Pass (which was a piece of shit). STRONG female protags have examples in other genres btw.

>> No.12441548

So is Moorcock any good? He seems up his own ass and incredibly contradictory from interview to interview,

>> No.12441572

Just read it and judge for yourself. I remember reading 7 books of the Elric saga in a few days. It went from this serious Faustian drama to childish pulpy "fun".

>> No.12441678

>whoever did the Cirith Ungol covers.
Michael Whelan, and those were all originally book covers. Cirith Ungol is a fucking dope band too

>> No.12441720

I'm reading Coiling Dragon right now, the prose is iffy and it's annoying how "fuck" is always censored as "f*ck" but it's still entertaining.

Any way to get Renegade Immortal on an eReader?

>> No.12441779

I believe someone put RI on mobilism
Along with a few others

>> No.12441898

>Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon
Yes! That's it! Thank you!

>> No.12441918

It's a rejection of religion/the divine/the supernatural/superstition entirely, it's theism multiplied by null. If somebody says that "atheism is a religion" then by that logic pretty much anything else, dying your hair blond or thinking Nintendo is better than Sega or whatever, would also qualify as a religion. Basically conservative theists (christians, jews, muslims, etc) cannot comprehend that somebody can be *entirely* free of religion and go around accusing atheists of actually being religious and worshiping Christopher Hitchens or moronic shit like that. (further muddying the water are agnostics - theism multiplied by a question mark - who claim they're atheists.)

I'd say the closest actual thing to a actual "atheist religion" is the Satanic Temple (no relation to the CoS, which is a scam created by a carnie) which was created by atheists to push religious freedom legal cases.

>> No.12441941

Side note, despite being a atheist myself I find fantasy stuff where characters don't care about religion or faith, or behave like modern people about it, to be really annoying, those were hugely important factors of people's lives in the historic periods fantasy authors always crib from, and it's jarring. And this is one of the reasons I really like the Curse of Chalion series, since the characters actually engage with their beliefs.

>> No.12441959

any suggestions for a politics/diplomacy heavy series to read next?
I'm considering Memory, Sorrow, & Thorn; I see positive posts about it somewhat frequently

>> No.12441965

it's only $5. i spend 2x that at taco bell

>> No.12441973

Define religion for us.

>> No.12441980

>It's a rejection of religion/the divine/the supernatural/superstition entirel
No it's not.

You believe in magical technology and a preconceived future that absolutely must exist.

>> No.12441985

Joel Shepherd's Spiral Wars series is mainly a action/space opera series, but a lot of it delves into politics since the protagonists are humans who stole a space battleship and spend a lot of their time politicking with alien governments to get help.

>> No.12441988

You've confused me with a Muskite.

>> No.12441991

So muskites aren't true atheists? How do you know you are? You don't believe in anything on faith alone?

>> No.12441998

I don't know what's going on in this thread

>> No.12442083

What should I read next /sffg/? I just finished Port of Shadows and my choices are
>Hammer Slammers
>Promise of Blood
>Spiral Wars- first book
>All You Need is Kill
>Kings of the Wyld
>Strangers in a Strange Land
>Super Sale on Super Heroes
>The Once and Future King
I’m looking for something fun and easy to read as I’m also reading an extremely dry history of the Templars right now

>> No.12442103
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>> No.12442105

i would go with spiral wars, the whole series, everything about it is just good

>> No.12442134

I know, I went a little schizo trying to post.

Thanks. I’ll give it a go.

>> No.12442158
File: 127 KB, 818x282, japanese_book_of_the_new_sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huff huff
ho(ld on are we in sffg and have we gone a few moments without mentioning BOTNS
Amano did cover art for BOTNS

>> No.12442162

I started that this last year. What a slog. I hope it picks up eventually

>> No.12442181


>> No.12442200

go commit not living.

>> No.12442535

Any good series with a roman flair or feel to it? Preferably a stiry focusing on the ruling class or officers, something like that.

>> No.12442765


>> No.12442769

Why did he 'invest' in an LGBT bookshop? Of all the shitty things to waste your money on. Fat fuck wrote himself into a corner, there's no way he can conclude his trilogy with book 3 alone. Not unless it's a 3000 page book as fat as him.

>> No.12442830

There are a lot of scripts lying around on the web but I found the easiest way is to use the webtoepub extension on chrome to pull the chapters from wuxiaworld. It works like a charm. Works on some other wuxia sites too but not all and results vary as it was made with wuxiaworld in mind.
Coiling Dragon isn't on wuxiaworld but it and some other wuxias have been posted on Mobilism. Let me know if you want the combined version of CD, I can post it.

>> No.12442981

Unironically Masters of Rome.

>> No.12443128
File: 91 KB, 809x593, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't invite you to the server but i can get you the epubs if it's on qidian webnovel, premium chapters included for most of the popular novels

>> No.12443236
File: 14 KB, 177x285, dwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on Myrren's Gift? I was wondering if it's as based as reviews suggest. Feminists are screaming their heads off. Why? Not encouraging politics, only trying to find out what aspects of the book make it seem so.

>> No.12443249

from goodreads
>Have some reasons why I had to leave a public space while reading it because I thought I was going to scream/throw up. This books hits a level of misogyny that I wasn't aware was possible given the writer is a woman. There is a moment of rape apologism (rape apology?) that made me want to puke. There is a systematic and state-condoned destruction of the disabled. The entire book is "rah rah white men boys club forever!" to the point where I started marking down points at which it would be more convenient/less annoying if the character just had sex and got it over with. There are really bizarre race politics that I don't know what to do with.

>> No.12443260

That's one of the reviews of some of the feminists. I want to know an opinion of someone who doesn't speak and breathe ideology. What she describes here could've meant that there were a few sentences here and there about it that a normal person wouldn't look into too deep (considering it's a fantasy book). So, looking for a more sober outlook.

>> No.12443285

Bros, I'll be straight with you.

I really enjoyed The Name of the Wind and even The Wise Man's Fear. I haven't been able to find anything as good since. What would you recommend?

>> No.12443338

That you suck some lead from the business end of a firearm.

>> No.12443346


>> No.12443356

you're not my bro, fuck off

>> No.12443400

harry potter i guess

>> No.12443405

I'm already reading some HP fanfics. Anything else?

>> No.12443417

The Magicians
Whatever Trudi Canavan's series is called
Anything Sanderson
Red Sister

>> No.12443476

lads, are the Artemis Fowl books good?

>> No.12443480

killing yourself would be a start

>> No.12443482

First three, yeah. Some quality YA with fun ideas.

>> No.12443488

nice nice

>> No.12443491

Crucible of souls.

>> No.12443496

so whats some good GRI?
scrap that I just want the I

the last time I read something with copious amounts of that it was GoT before the show came out

>> No.12443510

Kek. I remember when a feminist was shitting on Daniel Black. Saying that the female are just walking sluts that want to do nothing but receive dick. And that all misogynistic incel males believe this and want to rape or some shit. She didn't even read the book fully.
When you looked at her bookshelf it was a bunch of females with a male harem.
When I called her out on this she deleted everybody's comments.

>> No.12443514

You want to feel the embrace of your mother's loins?

>> No.12443516

but the first book of daniel black is like that, i can't read more after 3 chapters because i can watch porn instead

>> No.12443522

no but I get off on other people doing it
honestly I dont remember much from asoiaf except for the sibling action

>> No.12443525

Hi Rachel. Didn't expect you to frequent a "patriarchy infested rape site" like this.

>> No.12443530
File: 215 KB, 531x446, hahafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending daniel black

>> No.12443537

I wish I had a hot mom. Then when I was growing up I would be able to hear random guys digging her out. Sadly grew up with a married conservative mom, who I wouldn't want to fuck even if she was naked, drunk and spread eagle.

>> No.12443549

It's good for what I want. Has a lot of shit parts, but also enjoyable others. I didn't say it's a 10/10. It's more a 5/6 out of ten.

>> No.12443555

unless you are rally damaged you would not find family hot, not even if they are really attractive

my sisters are "hot" but I doubt I would ever do them even if I had a gun on my head

>> No.12443557

i like the settings of sword art online, are there anything like that? layered worlds with different level of skill/difficulties, having to go through something or fight to get to the next level, i'd like something that build the story around that
recs pls

>> No.12443558


>> No.12443564

>sisters are hot
>doubt I would ever do them even if I had a gun on my head
you're a fucking faggot
if my sister tells me i can fuck her i will do her every hour every single day

>> No.12443574

What did you like about it? The magic school aspect? Gary Stu MC?The prose? Or something else?

Empire of Silence is NOTW in space, check it out. And I mean they're 80% the same book with a different setting and different names, the author shamelessly ripped of NOTW, so if you wanted more of the same, this is it.

>> No.12443585

You just described wuxia/xianxia novels to a tee. Read this thread you'll find some works being discussed.

This is another post with some recs

>> No.12443587

Scifi is fucking gay though.

>> No.12443602

Gottem. Fedora btfo yet again

>> No.12443603

So is NOTW dummy and that's what you wanted. I won't lie Empire of Silence is shit but that's what I think of NoTW too but that's what you wanted. Besides, it's more space fantasy than hard sci fi, the book has has sword fights, gladiator pits, religion, a noble class etc.

>> No.12443610

Also, besides wuxia the english webnovel Mother of Learning is also similar, check it out.

>> No.12443614

I can't think of any with the layered SAO worlds and having to literary climb. Something with dungeon diving is about as close as you can get in litrpg,

There are some series though with the multiple online worlds and levelling in each, The Stork Tower books probably being the best.

>> No.12443616

Is he a closet gay?

>> No.12443618


>> No.12443619

wuxia/xianxia are nothing like Sword Art.

neither is Mother of Learning

sure they are both fun but come on, stop simply suggesting stuff you like just because.

>> No.12443621

i also read a fuck ton of wuxia, but to get to the next or upper realm takes hundreds of chapters and there's just one or two upper realms in most of them

also i already read everything on >>12407664

finished it last week, was very good

>stork tower
synopsis and review looks good, i'll read this after i finish reading my current book

>> No.12443654

I haven't watched Sword Art but

>layered worlds with different level of skill/difficulties, having to go through something or fight to get to the next level, i'd like something that build the story around that

doesn't scream wuxia to you? Are you perhaps brain damaged?

Ignore the part about being inside a video game part and that's literally wuxia.

Cradle by Will Wight and Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe.
The latter might be more aligned with what you're looking for, fair warning though the author is a raging sjw, it doesn't matter for most of the book but there are some small parts that might trigger the shit out of you if you're a reverse snowflake.

>> No.12443658

i remember someone shitting on empire of silence but i can't remember why

>> No.12443662
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Cradle Trilogy by Will Wight

>> No.12443675

That was probably me too, I shit on it because it's a blatant rip off of a bunch of different books, predominantly NoTW. The author literally lifted passages from NOTW.

>> No.12443678

> I haven't watched Sword Art
it shows as you have no idea what you're talking about. the comparison simply doesn't work.

>> No.12443684

Cradle has 5 books shithead and nobody likes your shitty list, stop posting it.

>> No.12443692

Stop posting that terrible list, it's embarrassing.

>> No.12443693

>i speak for the entire general
>if I don't like it
>nobody likes it

>> No.12443699

What would you put on it then, for quality self published books?

>> No.12443701

i already have cradle on my folder, think i will try later
also what kind of small parts? i can tolerate some sw stuff as long as it's not degeneracy without any reason

>> No.12443721

reading the novel is better

>> No.12443725
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Midnight Tides was neat. I really liked Bugg as a character. I'm not looking forward to The Bonehunters.

>> No.12443780

There's almost no romance or intimacy of any kind BUT the MC who seems like he's asexual (doesn't like to be touched etc.) is also bi. Don't ask me why or how I didn't get it either. He has a crush on a male side character in the first book and it's mentioned that he had a gf in the past. But it's done by book 2 due to reasons.

There's a tranny side character in book 2 and the author kindly takes the time to preach to us on the correct ways to address a tranny.

That's about it, on the whole probably less than 5 pages of faggotry but it's there.

>> No.12443791
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reminder that his new book is coming in september, hold onto your butts

>> No.12443839 [DELETED] 

>looks pretty good
>first review : LGBTQ Space Pirates SciFi Without Any Parrots or Peglegs
god fucking dammit

>> No.12443864 [DELETED] 

damn there's a queer now I can't read it

>> No.12443867 [DELETED] 

go suck a nigger dick, faggot

>> No.12443870 [DELETED] 


>> No.12443878 [DELETED] 

i dont live in the west, im glad my country still do raids on lgbtq community

>> No.12443879

Hey, we don't use words like that here, ok?

>> No.12443880

Not looking forward to as in the tedious length or what happens in the story?

>> No.12443886 [DELETED] 

meant for >>12443864

>> No.12443892
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the best translated chinkshit out there

>> No.12443893

Bonehunters is best in the series desu

>> No.12443895

Worse, he's a s o yboy.

>> No.12443906 [DELETED] 

gays are useless
it's all about pointing out how gay they are, fucking irritating.

>> No.12443908
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The length. I don't know what happens but I'm also a bit not-looking-forward-to characters I remember little of.
What makes it good? I'll read it, of course, just hoping to get enthralled quickly, or at all. Although I need to get through ASD in-between for the whole whopping ONE discussion post about the monthly reading book.

>> No.12443917 [DELETED] 

unlike you who just keeps pointing out how bigoted they are.

>> No.12443935

if i wrote 1k words everyday can i be the next sanderson

>> No.12443938

>the length & meaningless characters
Oh man you'll hate Toll the Hounds then

Yeah it's pretty long but the POVs in DESU are more coherent with the plotlines compared to the rest of the series. Most things tie up here and there's one of the best written epic battle scenes in fantasy I can't go into without spoiling.

>> No.12443946


meant to abbreviate 'The Bonehunters'

>> No.12443947

So I read all of the Dying Earth related books not long ago, almost done with the Demon Princes now, recommend me some more Vance goodness, /lit/

>> No.12443948

He's cute unlike his co-workers would fuck that mouth

>> No.12443950

I refuse to believe everyone here are 150 IQ individuals. How do you guys go through Malazan? I got bored like 50 pages into the first book because I didn't get anything and it felt like I was just reading empty words.

>> No.12443951 [DELETED] 

you know what else is long?

my penis, haha

>> No.12443960

queer janny doesnt like being called a degenerate

>> No.12443972
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i really want to like this because the first 2 books are enjoyable but i get bored at chapter 10
does this gets better or nah?

>> No.12443982

When I was a kid I found this on my school's shelf (I went to an all girl's school) ages ago. I used to think it was the best shit since sliced bread but I was also loving the Night Angel Trilogy and some super edgy series by Jack Heath that involved super spies and brain transplants for immortality so it probably wasn't that great. I can't remember much of the plot only that it was full of some weird moments that, if I remembered correctly involved MC kun turning into a girl at one point

The Valisar series by this person is not worth reading. The Lavender Keeper is good but the second one is weird as in you don't expect the characters to suddenly become aussies.

Marillier and Fallon and this author all have this similar writing styles/content with fantasy/romance so they're all interchangeable, but Fallon's Tide Lords has a much more memorable magic system. And a bit of furfaggotry but that's on the side. And the ending was weird but not in a bad way.

Beware of shitty OCRs for these three authors.

>> No.12443987
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I'm looking for this is in paper, where can I buy it?
It's a specifically requested gift, so I don't give a shit about the books themselves or your opinion on them, lads.
Problem is, I have no idea where to shop books in English
I found them on Amazon, but in awkward state: all from different sellers and all in different prints (1 paperback, 1 hardcover, 2 mass market).
Any other sites I should check? Preferably with worldwide shipping, but US will do as well.

>> No.12443989
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Best of the trilogy

>> No.12443992

>I went to an all girl's school
an all girl's school is strictly for females anon
unless you meant you worked there as a teacher

>> No.12443995

what the hell happened?

>> No.12443997

a friend of mine always uses www.bookdepository.com/

>> No.12444001

Historical Fiction is the Hard SciFi of Fantasy.

>> No.12444005

this basically >>12443960
we violate its safe space

>> No.12444009

>Fuck World Building Edtion
Unironically this
>Start to write a story
>Try to build the world from the bottom up
>Get bogged down in the details
>6 months pass, world I built is a clusterfuck of over used tropes and cliche's but without a single page dedicated to draft zero of my story
I'm thrown it all away and started anew with a top down method where I fill in the blanks as I actually write the fucking story

>> No.12444011
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Oh is that which one it was? I remember it being talked about but I never remembered which between Bonehunters or Toll that it actually was.
>most things
I don't even remember a lot of the first few books to even know what to expect.
Anyhow, are there any bits of Toll the Hounds I can skip, then?

>> No.12444022

A-are you mocking my waifu? T.T
The meanie posted a pretty okay one.

>> No.12444036

Back to gaia online with you

>> No.12444043
File: 941 KB, 2308x740, Screenshot 2019-01-20 at 23.27.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that looks nice, thanks.
Seems they have the same problem as amazon though: only 3 of 4 books and a mix of different paperback formats.

Also, they really need to work on those ads.

>> No.12444048

how do you find new books on goodreads? their recommendation algorithm suck ass

>> No.12444056

I don't MMO
Just cri

>> No.12444058

>as a teacher
Nah. I think the librarian/s must have loved spec fic because we also got stuff like Shades of Grey (the Fforde one).

>> No.12444071

i find it cheaper to just print your book on book printing services that can print a nice cover and a variety of paper to choose for the book
you just need to bring an epub or pdf and wait for a few days

>> No.12444072


>> No.12444087

No need to be rude.
Last thing I read was Good Omens, it was okay. What have you read most recently?

>> No.12444098

>dl'd a book that had a normal blurb
>it was secretly YA that they'd tried to market to adults too
no wonder it sucked lol

Based on read and then click not interested on everything you wont read
usual idiots tried to take the thread into an offtopic flamewar

>> No.12444142

Perdido Street Station or The Scar?

>> No.12444153

anyone here already read this? how is it

>> No.12444254


shit in your hand, then shove it into your eyes.

>> No.12444265

im in the mood for reading shitty stuff right now
also im looking for apocalypse happening survival novel with an op college student as the main character

>> No.12444273

what you're actually going to get is r*dditors writing fanfic about themselves.

>> No.12444280

I guess it's technically litrpg but because it doesn't seem to have been written by a basement dweller, or a literotica submitter or someone who failed all their entry level English exams it's actually pretty good. One of the few I'd recommend.

>> No.12444291

im not sure about redditors since i dont go there but i want stuff like in royalroadl but a bit better

thanks, i can safely add it to my list now

>> No.12444315
File: 42 KB, 280x440, Stapledon - Last and First Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean you really like the book or you hate anyone who fills out the namefield?

Has anyone here read Last and First Man by Stapledon?

>> No.12444333

you're not welcome here
fuck off

>> No.12444336

>Has anyone here read Last and First Man by Stapledon?

Yeah, it's great once you get past the part where whines about the 1920s.

>> No.12444346
File: 337 KB, 314x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i in for?
i know what the author looks like, but lets just put that aside for a while

>> No.12444380

poor man's octavia butler

>> No.12444388

Trannys, fags and gay sword fighting

>> No.12444398

Wil Wright does it better

>> No.12444432

does it really have that?

>> No.12444553

What are some horror sci-fi that aren't Blindsight?

>> No.12444559

unfortunately yes.
the author is the intersectional kind of person.

>> No.12444594

Any thoughts on the Warcraft/World of Warcraft books? Read them back when I was 14 or so, afraid to get my memories crushed. Are they any good now?

>> No.12444627

Scar. More mature and better written.

>> No.12444678
File: 252 KB, 1004x1600, abercrombie-the-last-argument-of-kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the first law trilogy on /lit/'s recommendation. Have to say I found it very enjoyable. The third book took a while to get going but a very enjoyable final act. I don't really read fantasy novels so I wasn't sure what to expect.

That being said, if I ever grimace, push my tongue into my gums, or ache all over, I will fucking never read another book in my life.

>> No.12444698

read the stand alone books, they are much better than the trilogy, you can see Abercrombie grow as a writer

also a sequel trilogy is coming out, the first one is being published in September

>> No.12444716


I should ask what the other novels beyond the trilogy are like. Are they spin offs, sequels, prequels? Do I need to read them in any particular order? I would like very much if they were better. I did enjoy the novels, but there were some elements of the series that felt wrong, or wasted opportunities. That being said I devoured the three of them in a couple of weeks, so nothing terrible..

Separate question, other than Terry Pratchett, what are some funny fantasy books?

>> No.12444738

>I should ask what the other novels beyond the trilogy are like. Are they spin offs, sequels, prequels?
They are all sequels but mostly focus on different characters than the trilogy. They all have a different feeling them, Best Served Cold is like a thriller, The Heroes is a war story and Red Country a Western.
>Do I need to read them in any particular order?
Yes read them in publication order, there are ongoing plot elements that carry over each book.

>Separate question, other than Terry Pratchett, what are some funny fantasy books?
Try Grunts by Mary Gentle.

>> No.12444846

I've got to say I've never understood world-building, it seems like the tail wagging the dog.

>> No.12444943
File: 14 KB, 144x240, gandalara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this, very decent so far. Telepathic cats are neat.

>> No.12444957

Fuck off

>> No.12445051
File: 80 KB, 434x709, triffids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it impossible to find an unabridged ebook of this? I've looked everywhere.

>> No.12445256

>World as a Myth/Lazarus Long series by Heinlein
>The Broken Sword
>Dancers at the End of Time
>Chthon by Piers Anthony
>Odd John
>Strange Relations by Phillip Jose Farmer (more shitposting than actual I but still fun)
all of the above is mother incest,there are more but i can't remember them right now,the ones below are just normal SFF with cute moms
>The Sorcerer's Son
>Skinwalkers by Wendy Wagner
>Dragonsbane (only the first one,the sequels are utter grimderp shit)
>Vorkosigan Saga
>Caught in Crystal by Patricia Wrede
>The Empire Trilogy
>Boneshaker (kinda shit but the mom is cute)
>The Reindeer People
>Frostfell by Mark Sehestedt
>Dune (at least the first one)
>The Gap Cycle (this is GRI approved too,though is only R)

>> No.12445258

What are some books set in modern times concerning the rise of magic, and by extension the end of technology?

Or any modern world/fantasy crossover, ideally satirical.

>> No.12445299


>> No.12445304

nice, any sibling stuff?
if possible excluding NBR pairings

>> No.12445390

>any sibling stuff?
>Angel Station by Walter Jon Williams
>Bio of a Space Tyrant
>Nova by Samuel Delany (strongly suggest siscest but never shows it)
>Jerry Cornelius series
>If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister? by Sturgeon
>The Story of the Princess Zulkais and the Prince Kalilah by Clark ashton Smith

>> No.12445396

which one

>> No.12445403

any goodreads reviewers that you guys follow?
it's easier to find reviewers that are worth blocking than worth following

>> No.12445513

damn, you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar
any father/daughter?
but even if thats it the list has surpassed my expectations, yer a hero anon

>> No.12445542

I dont get why angel station is so hard to find online
I checked myanonamouse, libgen, IRC and Bookkzz and so far I only found the german edition

>> No.12445550

Gilded Cage, honestly I just bulk glanced at a bunch of books and downloaded them all but it wasn't great.

It's one of those books where the pov characters have no impact on the plot at all, presumably something which changes in the sequels

>> No.12445575
File: 24 KB, 468x117, hashtag whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12445585


tfw your weird war dads talk about sff

>> No.12445681

nope, cant find it for shit
guess I will just get the audibook version on myanonamouse

>> No.12445716

Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Eragon?

>> No.12445744

no Saphira dicking -2/10

>> No.12445763

>Dude! A literal home schooled Child wrote this Marketing

>> No.12445830

Thanks anon,i do my best
>The Valdemar series by mercedes lackey has a shitton of this
>Rescue Run by Anne McCaffrey (a short story set in the Dragonriders of Pern universe)
but honestly i don't know many sff with dad/daughter pairs,most of it is usually mention it in passing like "oh was raped my father when i was x year olds"
Try Mobilism.org or Library genesis.

>> No.12445842

Never read it,i read the Chad Dragonlance trilogy

>> No.12445874

It's shit. As I was only 12 years old when I read the first book the generic story and shitty writing was not obvious to me. But as I grew older I liked each book less as I read it and the enormous cop-out that is the ending of the series is among the more stupid things I've ever read. Eragon as a series is unironically worse that Twilight.

>> No.12445885

The year is 1921, and "Nobody" Alice James is on a cross-country train, carrying a bullet wound and fleeing for her life following an illicit drug and liquor deal gone horribly wrong. Desperate to get as far away as possible from New York City and those who want her dead, she has her sights set on Oregon: a distant frontier that seems the end of the line.

She befriends Max, a black Pullman porter who reminds her achingly of Harlem, who leads Alice to the Paragon Hotel upon arrival in Portland. Her unlikely sanctuary turns out to be the only all-black hotel in the city, and its lodgers seem unduly terrified of a white woman on the premises. But as she meets the churlish Dr. Pendleton, the stately Mavereen, and the unforgettable club chanteuse Blossom Fontaine, she begins to understand the reason for their dread. The Ku Klux Klan has arrived in Portland in fearful numbers--burning crosses, inciting violence, electing officials, and brutalizing blacks. And only Alice, along with her new "family" of Paragon residents, are willing to search for a missing mulatto child who has mysteriously vanished into the Oregon woods.

Why was "Nobody" Alice James forced to escape Harlem? Why do the Paragon's denizens live in fear--and what other sins are they hiding? Where did the orphaned child who went missing from the hotel, Davy Lee, come from in the first place? And, perhaps most important, why does Blossom Fontaine seem to be at the very center of this tangled web?

>popular books

>> No.12445928
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Unusual / weird fantasy suggestions? Other than Perdido.

>> No.12445935

The white chick is gonna get gangbanged by the black lodgers right?

>> No.12445947
File: 736 KB, 1588x2500, starchart_drominad_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Library at Mount Char
Lots of Dick

>> No.12445951

Clark Ashton Smith
Clark Ashton Smith
Clark Ashton Smith
and last but not least,Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.12446016

>Lots of Dick
Sounds quite gay

>> No.12446035
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Well this is pretty disappointing so far. About 170 pages in and the Advisor is deciding what to do with the kids.

Stick with it?

>> No.12446080


I liked it a lot. First book is definitely the best one though.

I especially like how it portrays how civilization would adapt to massive climate change since in the opening paragraph someone sets off a Yellowstone Volcano size eruption.


Why do you lie?

>> No.12446125

The first one is good, the second one is GOAT and the third one kinda shits the bed again. It's a bit like a version of Shinsekai Yori.

>> No.12446157

Any other faster paced stuff like Elric?
Also, if I want to get Conan do I just get The Complete Chronicles of Conan?

>> No.12446189

This one's actually one of the good YA trilogies published (insofar as YA can be good) because it had plot tweests galore, an interesting mystery and it keeps the 'real' world out of it for 99% of the picture. It's main issues are with the first book being quite cumbersome in the first section. Some of the stuff comes out clunky but I loved half the ending of the trilogy. The other half was a trope that I despise.

>> No.12446207

Where do I start the Culture Series? I want some nice adventuring and maybe some megastructures, anything like that in it?

>> No.12446209

Culture series is communism and humans being pets

>> No.12446244

You kind of have to start with the first book to get the universe setup but unfortunately it's the worst in the entire series.

>> No.12446295

As entertaining as it sounds from the screeching female reviews, it honestly looks like some edgy book at best.

I only like wholesome r*pe. The handholding kind with the sole purpose of procreation.

>> No.12446299

Just finished reading all the wheel of Time books
I dont know how I feel

>> No.12446316

>Vorkosigan Saga
To which do you refer? Also, any books where the main character does the raping?

>> No.12446329

>unfortunately it's the worst in the entire series.
That's what I heard.

>> No.12446392

>any books where the main character does the raping?
Prince of Thorns trilogy
It's not that good though

>> No.12446393

Sorry anon. I read three of these (Player of Games, Use of Weapons and Surface Detail) and somehow found it Culture to be quite mediocre in plot and execution with Surface Detail having better ideas and a more decent plot at least. Characters are better than Reynolds at least and the drones are funny and wonderful and the ships get funny names but I never found the stories to be particularly exciting. I also like Reynolds' plot better and the Strugatsky's did more interesting and dangerous interventions in Noon Universe.

Maybe the rest of the books are better but the first two I mentioned get recommended the most often. Also I droped Phlebas and never finished it.

>> No.12446411

thanks anon!
weird thing about mobilism, I was under the impression the site had been taken down, guess I was wrong

>> No.12446469

for non /sffg/ I think one murakami book had mom/son incest, cant recall which one tho

>> No.12446475

Player of Games

>> No.12446481

It's Kafka on the Shore which is magical realism.

>> No.12446591

Are there any novels other than Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel that deal with magic in the real world ideally modern day?

I think there is a series called Wizards but it looks a bit edgy Harry potter to me.

>> No.12446632

>magic in the real world ideally modern day
There is an entire genre for that, it's called Urban Fantasy.

>> No.12446641

The magicians?
If it's anything like the tv series, it's probably very dumb (edgy Narnia crossover with HP).

>> No.12446649

Sorry, I meant specifically, the rise or sudden appearance of magic in the real world, not just, it's London but there are werewolves.

>> No.12446653

Anyone have the Chad Martin Vs Virgin Tolkien? And vice versa

>> No.12446669
File: 90 KB, 640x399, 57E307D9-60C5-4D9D-B48D-86EF77FAAB24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you Haven’t read Tolkien’s “on fairy stories” you really should as an admirer of fantasy and scifi. Offers a very fantasix defense and examination of the art.

>> No.12446707

The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories apparently are the side stories short/myths for that series even if Goodreads is too shit to recognise it as belonging in the same 'verse.

I think that sort of fantasy is designed for the urban fantasy/YA crowd.

Anyway, magical realism:
>Those Cabal books (1900s or something it's steam punk era) (which was in turn close to):
>>>Stroud's Bartimaeus series - YA clearly or some sort which I only read as a child
>>>The Laws of Magic by Michael Pryor -- again YA or some sort which I only read as a child

>Amber Chronicles by Zelazny. Being a classic does not exempt it from being very obviously a YA series and the world feels weirdly small despite them being to travel essentially anywhere. Nevertheless although the first book is bad it gets better

>The Picture of Dorian Gray - Victorian era and it's not particularly fantasy-esque

>Kafka on the Shore - I didn't like the prose at all and the plot felt tame and I wasn't a fan of the incest. However, the cats were great.

>> No.12446742

I was just link-surfing goodreads and came onto this just before you posted. It's funny how coincidental it is, although I am not sure you'll appreciate it, seeing as it is a very indie novel.

>The people of this generation, man and woman alike, can remember what they were doing when the power commonly called “magic” returned to the world. Despite, or perhaps because of, the chaos and calamity that took place afterword, that moment remains locked in the memory of all humanity.
>For Tommy Nelson, that day was notable because he didn’t have to go to school for a week.When people experienced a new power and went insane, Tommy didn’t care. No one Tommy knew lashed out, burned their family alive, or destroyed an entire building. When the government crackdown happened and squads of men came to Tommy’s school looking for “mages,” several of Tommy’s classmates were escorted away, never to be seen again. Tommy felt safe.

I didn't read it, but I am not usually put out by low read counts.

>> No.12446770

Book one is ok the rest are a mess

>> No.12446787

Interesting, shame it's YA, I really don't enjoy reading them. Not to mention the premise seems to be just an excuse for another, outcast fights evil government YA plot. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.12446821

>Maybe I'm wrong.
Probably not.

>> No.12447195

Started reading wheel of time. Not ok with how it's shitting on crow and raven bros

>> No.12447259

Someone please respond.

>> No.12447280

Does anyone else hate reading sci-fi and fantasy books with maps in them? I see a map and know I'll dislike the book.

>> No.12447289

>map fantasy
>characters endlessly travel around on boring journeys
>they visit The Mists of Nebuchadnezzar or some shit

>> No.12447292

Nah I'm indifferent

>> No.12447344

>Turns into a very long dalliance of pedophilia at the end

>> No.12447490

I've read the first 7 of them, minus State of the Art, and always though Look To Windward would be a good introduction. Though I started with Consider Phlebas and had no problem getting introduced to that.

>> No.12447508

Are there any novels that have kaiju battles with the same feeling as Worm's endbringer fights?

>> No.12447598
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, 1523767754009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, never thought about it like that.

>> No.12447661
File: 25 KB, 480x480, Do (you) like having autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12447693

I think the hard SF aspect should be centered around magic systems and that sort of bullshit.

>> No.12447732

I finally got around to reading Un Lun Dun as research for my novel.

I'm going to have to change my setting, remove the urban element. This is way, way, way too similar to what I had in mind.

IIRC, it ended with two tweens straight-up fucking behind a bush while a a former nun who clearly posts on /r/atheism is standing like 15 feet away.

>> No.12447759

new thread desu

>> No.12447823

>magic systems

>> No.12447832

>tfw i can't make new threads because i've been rangebanned
okay,this is epic

>> No.12447852

the threads i made have been very slow so i don't want to make one

>> No.12447878

I hate your list too. But you're not special. I've hated pretty much every stupid list I've seen on this general and /outerlit/

>> No.12447907

>forgot the link again

>> No.12447945

make a new one

>> No.12447946

I've only read player of games. It was good and I didn't feel like I missed out on the set up of what the Culture was about. Afterwards I did try to read the first book but it was bad so I dropped it.

I liked The Bridge.

a bunch of Sean Stewart books like Resurrection Man, The Night Watch, Galveston
Last Call
The Night Circus

>> No.12447950

Probably unfucked bread

>> No.12448784

There a plenty of fantasy books set in an urban environment, why is it too close?