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12435271 No.12435271 [Reply] [Original]

Who are your favorite female characters in literature?

>> No.12435286

Don't have one, all women are uninteresting, even in fiction.

>> No.12435307


>> No.12435317


>> No.12435325

I don't have one but I watched the Jane Eyre movie with Mia W. and liked her character. So that one.

>> No.12435350


>Almost all of Duras' "heroines" (basically copies of herself)
>Oedipa in Lot 49
>De Sade's Justine
>Anna Karenina
>Lady Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Rises
>Miss Marple is kind of neat
>Kate in Taming of the Shrew

>> No.12435356
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sofya from crime & punishment

>> No.12435361
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Anna Brangwen

>> No.12435390
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>snail posting

my friend

>> No.12435423
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Roza Shanina.

>> No.12435432



>> No.12435434

I'm in love with this girl

>> No.12435448

Lolita (light of my life, fire of my loins, etc...)
Molly Bloom
Lady Julia Flyte
Isabel Archer

>> No.12435452

Eula Varner

>> No.12435456

>Isabel Archer
Miles Archer’s wife? Why?

>> No.12435550

Fantine :(

>> No.12435562
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>> No.12435566
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Se'a Gagatchian and Parvaneh Evadne

>> No.12435579
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Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux
Santa Caterina da Siena

>> No.12435581


>> No.12435598

Anna Karenina and not Kitty? Up your game son

>> No.12435603

avril incandenza

>> No.12435605

she looks just like my hot cousin

>> No.12435636
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tfw no Beatrice

>> No.12435656

Arya Stark

>> No.12435664

Nothing will ever surpass Jane Gallagher from Catcher in the Rye. She's the ultimate oneitis for the American teen male.

>> No.12435684

Too many Dostoiesky character to count, but Aglaia Ivanovna and Nastassia Philipovna in the Idiot, Sofia and Katia in the Adolescent, Katia in Brothers Karamazov.

Also Natalia Stherbatski in Anna Karenina, Margarita in Master and Margarita, Mathilde de la Mole and Madame de Rênal in The Red and the Black, the duchess Sanseverina in Charterhouse of Parma, Camille Maupin/Félicité Destouches in the Human Comedy, Taeko in Mishima's The School of Flesh, Galadriel in the whole LOTR mythos (they are short by nice parts about her in the Silmarillion).

Turns out I really like female characters.

>> No.12435689
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>> No.12435745
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>> No.12435753
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I'll never have this. As time goes on, I become more and more detached from reality; every facet of my personality withering away, leaving but a husk. Everything anyone would like to think they are familiar with of me is an act, posturing, a desperate charade in an attempt to have just the slightest taste of humanity. The only meaningfulness I experience is in living vicariously through the work and art of others.
It's not that anyone won't like me. It's that there is nothing there to love.

>> No.12435982


>> No.12436000

Ludmilla from If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
Rosemary from Keep the Aspidistra Flying

>> No.12436035

Úrsula Iguarán. I wish she was my grandma

>> No.12436040
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Addie Bundren
Lady Macbeth

>> No.12436066
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Dorothea from Middlemarch, and Catherine from Northanger Abbey

>> No.12436236

Holy shit no one cares. Get your head out of your ass. Just be normal.

>> No.12436257
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Arkady Darell

Also Mercedes Purissima Vargas-Gutierrez stands out in my head for some reason.

>> No.12436287

flora poste

>> No.12436295

the ultimate matriarch

>> No.12436297


>> No.12436342

Yeh, one of mine for sure.

>> No.12436435
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Desdemona. Figuratively burnt the coal, and paid the toll.

Lady Macbeth is also a very informative character regarding the darker and more corruptive aspects of the female mind and character. If it were not for Shakespeare's poor marriage I do believe we would never have been blessed with such realistic depictions of the female genus.

>> No.12436446

Based and, dare I say it, redpilled

>> No.12436456


Oedipa is cool, but she's no Maxine.

>ywn get a footsie from a Jewish mother dressed up as a prostitute while high out ur mind

>> No.12436471

Maslova from Tolstoj's Resurrection

>> No.12436483

She's worse than regular oneitis. She's ideological oneitis.

>> No.12436503

diz dat bish from snail mail or what?

>> No.12436523

Natasha from War and Peace

>> No.12436578

Can I ask, why? I would personally pick just about every hooker in any Dosto novel before her, which is why I'm asking.

>> No.12436591
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Whether you call her a coldhearted grifter or the soul of modern capitalism, there’s no question that Aimée is a killer and a more than professional one.

>> No.12436608

Lady Macbeth

>> No.12436611

Miriam from Sons and Lovers,

>> No.12436614

Cause he only read tbk

>> No.12436619

why? she came off as manipulative and cruel at first and then changeable and arbitrary once she changed (to me)

>> No.12436624

asuna from sword art online

>> No.12436692


>> No.12436704

>female characters
Um sweetie, we just call them characters. Sexist and misogynistic much?

>> No.12437103

Sofya is waifu tier.

>> No.12437126

Anna Karenina
Miss Havisham

>> No.12437139

I know what you mean, Anon

>> No.12437141

Ursula Brangwen (more for The Rainbow than for Women in Love)
Mary Garth from Middlemarch

>> No.12437178

Midori is best girl.
Watanabe should've realized that his thing with Naoko would've never worked out and go out with Midori from start.

>> No.12437190


>> No.12437194

>Katia instead of Grushenka
Pleb choice

>> No.12437195

this is why i don’t read japanese lit

>> No.12437197

Remedios Moscote

>> No.12437208

Alatiel from Day 2 Tale 7 of the Decameron. Arab princess-whore who fucks half of Europe then marries some Muslim simp. Objective proof that women are universally awful across all cultures and historical eras.

>> No.12437209

This (Victoria, esp. when in Italy) and Sei Shonagon.

>> No.12437213

Rhoda from The Waves

>> No.12437236

Isabel Archer is the patrician's choice.

>> No.12437245


>> No.12437269

I prefer Susan.

Also, isn't it ironic that Rhoda is the one who killed herself when she's also believed to be Woolf's self-insert?

>> No.12437292
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Came to say this.

>> No.12437323

>> No.12437334

Natalia, that’s kitty and dolly’s other sister? Where does she appear in the book? I only remember her being mentioned briefly around Levin’s first proposal.

>> No.12437406
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Joan of Arc

>> No.12437620

The Virgin Mary, just a super based gal really.

>> No.12437636

I think you mean literally

>> No.12437686

Ayn Rand. I unironically like her prose.

>> No.12437698


>> No.12437717

Unfortunately, fip bip.

>> No.12437772

I need to re-read this book, but her and Dmitri's romantic subplot was my favorite part of it. They both begin as terrible people of passionate and conniving nature. She pitting father against son, he letting reckless emotion stray him from a moral life. Love eventually brings out the best of each of them only for him to pay for crimes he didn't commit. While this part of the novel stuck with me the most, I feel it was more to do with Dmitri's character. Grushenka is fabulously written, but I feel there are better female characters in literature. Katerina is more interesting to me.

>> No.12437774


>> No.12437890

The mom from Song of Solomon
The wife in Maupassant's Like Death
Nina Gill in Lost Empress
Jessica in GR
The lesbian in The Sea of Fertility books
The mom in As I lay Dying
Protag in Their Eyes Were Watching God
Molly Bloom
Women in Jelinek's fiction

>> No.12438013

But is the book actually good?

>> No.12438028

Shut-tier e-celeb waifu

>> No.12438040

Dolores Haze
Maisie Farange
Amy March

>> No.12438177

I'm assuming you mean Emma Bovary, because she's probably the most well-known Emma in literature, but you really should be more clear next time.

>> No.12438207

I like Cosette, even if she's a pretty bland character

>> No.12439386

I assumed Emma Woodhouse who is surely the superior creation

>> No.12439448
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>oh I'm sorry, did I woke you up? it's ok, go back to sleep
I want to be loved so bad bros

>> No.12439466

Lenore Beadsman from Broom obviously

>> No.12439473


>> No.12439505

I would have them all if I could anon ;_;

Maybe I'm confusing her with someone else, I read the book years ago, and in some case I remember the personality of the characters better than their names.

The book I've read more than 5 years ago are strating to blur into each other, I'm concerned.

You make me think that there are really nice female character in Bernanos' Diary of a Country Priest. Like the haughty daughter of the noblewoman, what was her name ? And the schoolgirl that rats on the priest but then feel guilty for it.

Me too anon. But nobody can do it better than yourself, you can't ask girls to be your nursemommies all the time.

Once you're solide on your feet you'll be loved like no tomorrow, if you still remember how to take a risk.

>> No.12439525
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Marie Calloway

>> No.12439657

well you know my taste in women anons
>Once you're solide on your feet you'll be loved like no tomorrow
not him, but thats absolutely false in my case, i think my personality is too weird for anyone to ever love me

about op question i really couldnt tell, writers rarely write women decently as relevant non-support characters and women in russian novels all follow the same archetype or conform to the same line
i know i hated ana karenina's guts tho

>> No.12439697

> i think my personality is too weird for anyone to ever love me

The difficult part is being solid enough that even your weirdness becomes attractive. This is the trick of every ugly alpha. Look at Woody Allen, scrawny, unattractive, Jewish (in his youth that wasn't really an advantage in show business), weird and clearly a pervert. He managed to fashion his weirdness into pretend intellectualism, and voilà, instant pussy. Sure success helped him but there a many like him who get laid and even loved without directing feature films.

Not saying it's easy, the girl that loved me most wasn't even interested in seeing me more than twice a month.

>> No.12439735

>The difficult part is being solid enough that even your weirdness becomes attractive
its not that the weirdness itself and lack of attraction are the biggest problems, because even tho its a problem, they can with great effort be overcome
its that my weird personality and worldview kinda exclude the possibility of ever having a functioning relationship due to demands they make on my lifestyle and conscience
and that combined with being an introverted recluse who avoids "things kids like" doesnt make for a winning combination

>This is the trick of every ugly alpha.
i always found the alpha-beta-delta-etc. distinction unfitting for real life, its too much of a reductionist simplification and misunderstanding of complexity of human motivations and behaviour
>Look at Woody Allen, scrawny, unattractive, Jewish...
you forgot rich af

>instant pussy
i dont know how you came to conclusion that "pussy" is in hte slightest what i seek

>> No.12439786

The scene with her and Dimitri laying together after the party and before he got arrested was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.

>> No.12439806

But why?

>> No.12439851

Bradamant from Orlando Furioso

>> No.12439896
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based and redpilled

>> No.12440025
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>that pic
i dont need it, i dont need it

>> No.12440039

No way man, Nastassya (the one from the idiot, I’m sure I misspelled it)was better. I really felt for her, I’m petty enough to sort of understand her.

>> No.12440053

Polly Peachum
Lady MacBeth
any female in anything DeSade

>> No.12440084

Maria Bolkonskaya War and Peace

>> No.12440085

I honestly think literature just doesn't have as many great female characters as other mediums, although I think some Russian authors like Tolstoy, Dosto and Chekov were a cut above the rest in this regard. British female authors have a decent track record too.

For the most part however, when I think of truly legendary female characters, I tend to think of other mediums like film, anime and manga, and even video games. I have no idea how this wound up being the case, but it did.

I'm with you in the sense that I don't really care about pussy as much as receiving affection from a woman. Still, the anon you replied to has a point that confidence can help you with women. I'm no Don Juan, but I have noticed that I've been able to talk to women easier and even managed to take a girl out on a date ever since I became more confident in who I was.

>> No.12440098

lolita is nonexistent in the whole book

>> No.12440106

As much as she was a good person, I kinda disliked how boring she was

>> No.12440110

well affection and having genuine contact and conversations are great, but i don't really see a reason why they should grow into sexuality, sexuality seems to just complicate and mess things up

>> No.12440124

>looking to be completed by a woman
Senpai, I like women (kind of) but it's a whole lot more rewarding to allow all your doubts and various recalled cringes and guilts to overwhelm you until you learn to deal with them and come out stronger

>> No.12440149

>he didn't have it, fuck it up, then deal with the guilt for ruining it

>> No.12440209

I will admit that I'm a bit of a pervert and that I think sexuality is fun and enjoyable, but pursuing a woman solely for sex seems pointless when masturbation exists. Sex doesn't fill your soul in the way love does.

I'm not him, but I confronted my cringes and insecurities years ago. Now that's out of the way, I have this burning desire to give my all to someone and love them. If I can learn to love, I feel as though I might start to feel human again after years of being an outcast.

I really like women, largely due to having mostly positive experiences with them throughout my life and I just have this dream of submitting myself to one out of pure love.

>> No.12440254

i like sexuality too, less for the active physical part, more for finding women attractive, but it seems more like something to rise above then to indulge in
>seems pointless when masturbation exists
isn't masturbation just a cheaper version of sex
>Sex doesn't fill your soul in the way love does
well ive never considered "love" (i presume you mean eros/amor) as something that is fulfilling
love for someone as a person, regardless of sexuality - definetely, but love related to sexuality is meh

>> No.12440267

Mimara, The Aspect Emperor


she can see everyone's damnation, so she chooses to forgive the man who rapes her in the third book because she knows he's getting raped by demons for eternity anyway

one of the most powerful moments in the series, had me like fuuuu

>> No.12440272

inb4 I'm a retard for reading genre fiction

>> No.12440323
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>I really like women, largely due to having mostly positive experiences with them throughout my life and I just have this dream of submitting myself to one out of pure love.

I'm feeling this too breh. At first after reading mra blogs I felt I had to change because they said never to stress the importance of women and elevate them to goddesses, but I don't give a fuck now. Women are amazing, they have breasts that are soft like fluff, pussies that literally create civilizations just by pushing the building blocks of humanity out, and smell nice. Because of that I understand why Mary is venerated in a way even though I'm nonreligious.

Ironically, I don't put pussy on a pedestal and don't like the idea of promiscuity. I hate the idea of birth control and condoms for the reasons I just highlighted above. I'm saving my virginity for the right one, don't care if she's a virgin or not but preferably she is. I am not ready for a relationship now but I hope I meet the right person when I get a stable career, it's something that keeps me wondering at night with unsure expectations. If I don't meet the person I'm fine with going monk mode.

Yeah, I know: blog post. But just had to vent my feelings and wondering who else feels similarly.

>> No.12440327

I personally think indulging sexual fantasies is healthy so long as you don't let them control your life entirely. As part of a loving relationship, I think it can be akin to a form of play (i.e just a way you and your partner have fun together).

But yeah, I just can't contain this need to shower someone in affection. Larger society is beginning to seem increasingly soulless and unappealing to me, and I'm beginning to crave a simple life away from society with nothing more than close friends and a woman who will smother me in love. The kind of love I talk about when it comes to relationships is not entirely sexual, but it's a desire to surrender myself to a member of the opposite sex so we can comfort eachother and weather storms together.

>> No.12440371

>I personally think indulging sexual fantasies is healthy so long as you don't let them control your life entirely. As part of a loving relationship, I think it can be akin to a form of play (i.e just a way you and your partner have fun together).
dunno, to me it seems the equivalent of trying to let just a tiny bit of pee out so it doesnt see when you have to go but cant
>loving relationship
i said it before, but our ideas of love wildly differ

perhaps im just too much of a prude regarding sexuality, but it seems like letting your urges control you and rejecting the choice you were given to rise above it - the very thing that makes you human - and with rising above it even relationships can be better, not something which relies on sexuality or anything similar, between two people to whom it is just an upgrade to already self-standing and fulfilled individuals, not something that seeks to futilely complete each other, because you ahve to be complete in yourself first, not seek to compensate holes in your personality and life in sexual pursuits and longing for affection

>> No.12440384
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>> No.12440413

Helen Burns

>> No.12440438

>when I get a stable career
This is what I struggle with.

As I said in >>12440327 , it's getting to the point where the world of work is beginning to look scary to me because of all the corruption and bureaucracy. I only want to make enough to survive-- I don't have lofty career ambitions despite being a university student who gets straight As.

I can see why you'd be against contraception. I find pregnancy and the idea of parenthood to be beautiful myself (despite being extremely hard work for both parents). If I was financially stable, my dream would be to live a simple existence with the woman I love in the countryside or the outskirts of town and be a good husband to her and be a good father to our children.

The problem is that I'm stuck in a cosmopolitan society I don't give a fuck about and I've yet to meet a girl who I want to call anything more than just a friend.

I have an idea of what my happiness looks like, but I currently lack the means to achieve it. Leaving me with little to do other than talk about how wonderful women are on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

I hope guys like us can make it some day.

>> No.12440468

sometimes lit gets it 100% right

>> No.12440499


Read Tolstoy if you haven't. You will find him deeply congenial, sane, and nourishing. Particularly the shorter fiction as well as the famous novels.

>> No.12440529

I just want to reiterate before anyone misinterprets what I said: I am not for putting pussy on the pedestal at all or treating every woman like goddesses, there are plenty of bitches around that I would call the spawn of Satan himself. Nor am I for pua behavior just pumping every bitch at the club without any love or dedication. And inb4 "all women are like that" or any other mgtow talk because there are plenty of assholes among us guys as well but not all of us are like that contrary to what modern day feminists believe. But what I'm saying is the right kind of girl, even when average looking, can be amazing and that type of girl should be treated like a goddess perhaps just like how she should treat you like a god if you earned that privilege.

I hope you find what you're looking for too man. After getting a career I think my only resort would be searching online. There are too many basic bitches who are cool but not relationship material.

>> No.12440532

Margarita without a doubt.

>> No.12440534

ciri witcher novels
julia 1984

>> No.12440543

The one from Bulgakov's novel, ofc.

>> No.12440590

>ctrl + f "Gretchen"
>no results

Come on guys. It's not funny. Please...

>> No.12440592

I agree with Tolstoy's worldview 100%. I even saw a lot of myself in Andrei from W&P. Still, I think his prose is too plain (I prefer flowery prose personally).

I feel guilty for feeling that way, as I think Tolstoy speaks divine human truths with a great understanding of male psychology and some of the most amazing female characters ever written that encapsulate perfectly why I love women.

>“Helen, why do you stay with a girl whom everybody believes to be a liar?”
>“Everybody, Jane? Why, there are only eighty people who have heard you called so, and the world contains hundreds of millions.”

I honestly broke down crying at that line. Helen is my /lit/ daughteru.

>> No.12441039

Lise Khokhlakov OwO

>> No.12441695
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Just reading this alone makes me angry at how true it is. I grew up with three sisters, been around their friends, they're constantly in a competitive environment, always trying to one-up each other. It's ridiculous - absurd, almost. When someone does achieve something that is great and ambitious, they're always bringing that one individual down, talking behind their backs and basking in each other's supposed envy and jealousy.

>> No.12441699

The ones getting kidnapped by greasy chinamen in a Fu Manchu novel.

>> No.12441706
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princess leigh-cheri

>> No.12441713

Anna Karenina or the female ‘character’ in Finnegans Wake

>> No.12441731
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sheeni fucking saunders

>> No.12441735

Shut the fuck up retard nobody cares you’re marking yourself miserable. Stop LARPing and go find a fucking girlfriend faggot

>> No.12441769

I'm so lonely.

>> No.12441932

Becky Thatcher

>> No.12441936

already done better >>12437698

>> No.12442135

Very nice

>> No.12442191

mein nigger

>> No.12442242

this is fbi... dont move

>> No.12443333


>> No.12443386

Morgana LaFey- the death of author
Lilith-the bible
Cassandra- mythology,

>> No.12443393

Eliza - The Baroque Trilogy

>> No.12443439
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Liza from 'Notes from Underground'.

>> No.12443801
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>my dream would be to live a simple existence with the woman I love in the countryside or the outskirts of town and be a good husband to her and be a good father to our children.
>I have an idea of what my happiness looks like, but I currently lack the means to achieve it.

>> No.12445414

Has anyone else been solely reading books either involving female characters heavily or ones written by female authors lately?

For some reason, all I want to read about is women.

>> No.12445432

Good taste, more of /lit/ needs to read Austen and George Eliot

>> No.12445467


>> No.12445725


this >>12440084
or the jeanne d'arc of mark twain

>> No.12445812

Sonoko is a wonder.
Besides that, Grushenka has managed to implant herself into my mind.

>> No.12446027

nigga you gay.

>> No.12446094

the one in the picture.
i'm not sure if this is ironic, anon I...