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/lit/ - Literature

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12431625 No.12431625 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I need to read the memoirs of a faggy LGBTQ++ minority who lives in New York when soaking up reality is more than enough these days? Literary fiction (even granting that the term is useful) is all barely disguised memoirs.

The world has changed. The novel was popularised in a world where travel, images etc, and even information (therefore moby Dick) were much rarer.

When a field fills up with women, it is a strong symptom that all meritocracy has previously evacuated the field and the field is becoming a low risk bureaucracy and, in the case of a hobby, utterly culturally irrelevant. See poetry. See what cinema is becoming.

When an art form is in its hobbyist form or is deemed as a "manchild" activity, or as a guilty pleasure, then it is peaking. A corollary to this is that Ulysses represents the stagnation of literature quite well.

>> No.12431655

>When an art form is in its hobbyist form or is deemed as a "manchild" activity, or as a guilty pleasure, then it is peaking.
So anime and vidya are the true "high art" of today?

>> No.12431659

>reeee rosties and fags get out of my art form reeeee

>> No.12432360


Netanyahu is a Jew's Jew.

>> No.12432379

yes, he's a real mensch.

>> No.12432386
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shit no. Its in one of its shittier stages.
Anime and vidya are popular enough for normies. They are both overrun by traps and "women"

>> No.12432566















>> No.12432580

Novels have been considered a "women's art form" for about as long as they've existed in English. Read Woolf's A Room of One's Own, she talks about it.

>> No.12432609

hes a great leader for his people,israel founded by people that got absolutely rocked in ole ww2 is not deluded by the pc culture of cozy western nations

>> No.12432724

that's a real big boy word you probably should have looked up before deploying

>> No.12432761

Also shows he doesn't understand Ulysses or the history of literary fiction. Part of the reason why novels were considered trash was because they were largely read and often written by middle-class women women who had a lot of free time.

Writing novels wasn't a "manchild" activity for most of the time that novels have existed.

>> No.12432763

Oh, so I can write books exclusively featuring white people and glorifying/romanticizing white society right? If you're upset about that, you're obviously not the demographic the book was intended for right? Do normal white people get freedom of association or is it only your pet protected classes?

>> No.12432770

>Oh, so I can write books exclusively featuring white people and glorifying/romanticizing white society right?
Yes, you fucking numpty, you can write books about whatever the fuck you want. Why would, or should, I give a shit?

>> No.12432808

I mean there aren't a whole lot of popular American stories about Nazis, but yeah. What do you consider to be "normal white society?"

I think movies that signify white culture are mostly genre-based and are usually not about the lives of "average" white people. The Godfather, Donnie Darko, almost every cowboy movie, and anything directed by John Hughes all constitute pieces of "white American culture" to me. Also Back to the Future. I mean what more do you want?

>> No.12432852

This guy >>12432808 and morons like him are what I'm talking about. You pretend it's a straight forward issue about some works being better suited to specific audiences, yet any time anyone directly addresses the wants and needs of white people as a demographic group you have morons calling them a Nazi and trying to ostracize them from society (whether it be getting them fired or physically assaulting them with no consequences).

>> No.12432880

I listed a bunch of works that are primarily about and for white people. Again, you don't get called a Nazi for watching John Wayne movies, most of which are about some deferred version of white man's burden, not to mention killing Indians.

What are your "wants and needs" anyway? Do they involve genetic differences between races and the mass deportation of non-white people? I'm a white guy and I bet my wants and needs are different from yours anyway.

>> No.12432903

>If I voice my opinion, there may be negative consequences, and that's too much for me
>It's too hard to do what I believe is right when there are so many people who will dislike me for it
Well then you're fucked, I guess. What do you want me to say? Should I just be your parrot and bitch along with you? If there are too many books pandering to minorities and not enough white-centric content, either do something about it or quit fucking whining. Sitting on 4chan and wallowing in your persecution complex isn't productive.

>> No.12432916

Besides, I didn't accuse you of being a nazi, but you immediately got all defensive about it. What do white american's want?

>> No.12432920

I'd like to be able to live in a white town without worrying about them bussing feral and violent blacks into my kids schools where they won't suffer any consequences for their behavior (not to mention the drop in academic standards to accommodate them). I'd like to be able to use the public services my taxes pay for without them being clogged by foreigners who have no allegiance to my country or her people. I'd like to see a serious effort made to combat the opioid crisis which kills over 70000 people each year and is primarily effecting whites. I'd at the very least like to see our country be a serious country again and yes recognize that their are differences between groups of people and the priority are Americans and not foreigners.

So yes, the differences do matter because getting this bullshit about how we're supposedly all the same while directly suppressing white birth rates and actively looking to dispossess white majority areas is growing a little old.

>> No.12432962

Negative consequences? Are you kidding me? Go fucking kill yourself you fucking hypocritical nigger faggot. The powers that be are actively suppressing white births while importing 3rd world labor to suppress white wages and you fucking niggers have the gall to make this seem like it's just a matter of seeing consequences for speaking out. White activists get deplatformed from basic economic units and have credible death threats made against their families. If a literal millionaire like Richard Spencer can't speak his mind without getting sued to death by the most powerful lawyers on Earth, what the hell do you expect me to do? I mean I have nothing to live for at this point so I'd gladly kill some dumb faggot like you if I had the opportunity, but there's no productive option because everyone who has anything productive to say with any power gets their financial legs cut off by the international banking system and you niggers cheer it on. When the hell did you faggots become corporate stooges exactly because that's basically what you are, stooges for international capitalism, and when people who have genuine critiques and are feeling it's weight complain you fucking cheer as the status quo unpersons them.

Literally kill yourself you worthless nigger faggot.

>> No.12432985

You're right that people are different, but it's definitely more about class than race with most of the shit you just said. I'm not worried about any of that shit because I got enough money that it's not a problem.

Where is any of this stuff happening? Everyone I know affected by the opioid crisis is from Pennsylvania or the midwest and they're all poor as shit. The opioid crisis is also being forwarded by white-run pharma companies so I don't see how this is as racially charged as the other stuff.

Also, in what part of the country are "feral blacks" being bussed to schools in nice white neighborhoods? If it's your neighborhood then you probably don't live in a nice white neighborhood.

>> No.12432988

>Calling people who disagree with you faggots and niggers when you've never met them
Real charmer

>> No.12432993
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>I mean I have nothing to live for
It shows. Take the white pill, let go of the anger, get over your victim mentality, and start fixing problems instead of whining on the internet about them. You'll never get your ethno-state like this.

>> No.12433000

White Americans want to be able to live in a community that actually cares about them in a personal way rather than just as a life support system for third worlders and doesn't want them dead. I know that's too much to ask considering all you niggers care about is making sure everyone can get their tax subsidized McDildo payed for by the GlobalTrannyCorp (with free two day shipping subsidized by the tax dollars as well), but some people actually expect their country to be interested in promoting their flourishing rather than milking them to pay for the gibs of LGBTQIAAP+ illegals from Western Africa or Honduras. We'd like a country that will address that many areas in Appalachia have literally 40-60% of white births addicted to opiates out of the womb, and that the vast majority of all interracial violence is black on white rather than the other way around. We'd like schools worth sending our children into where academic standards aren't in the toilet because of bussing programs, and where our children can go safely without worrying about getting the crap kicked out of them by feral black kids who will see no real punishment for their actions.

That'd be a start.

>> No.12433016

Why would I bother charming you? You're not worth it. You'll get eaten by this machine you worship soon enough. I'd rather further that than try and charm someone who is hostile to my survival.

>> No.12433038

Let go of the anger of the country my ancestors slaved to build being given to people who will turn it to dust and garbage? Wash your mouth out with a shotgun you rat.

Also, you have no idea what "ethnostate" even means. The vast majority of all countries that have ever existed have been ethnostates, including basically every country outside of the rotting carcass of the west. The United States was an ethnostate for the majority of it's existence, and really didn't stop being one until post WW2 when it became this Jewish economic construct rather than an actual country.

>> No.12433041

I am a straight white american. I don't have any of the problems you do. Haven't heard of most of them to be honest, like the "bussing feral black kids" thing. They're your problems man. Stop projecting and don't act like we have something in common. Don't try to speak for me.

Again, it's a class issue. I'm white, but I've got money and a support system, so those aren't my problems.

Thing is, you're right about a lot of stuff. The system doesn't care about you or me, but it also doesn't sincerely care about poor blacks, or gay people. No matter who you are, the neoliberal slogan is "your problems are your fault." It's not that white schools are getting worse specifically. The entire education system for everyone is just a fucking joke. None of the social services help anyone. This is just what you get with neoliberalism. It's not a "white" issue. That's just what you get for being poor and living in the wrong part of the country.

>> No.12433044

I don't worship it but it does benefit me

>> No.12433051

>the united states was an ethnostate for the majority of its existence
You mean when we had all those slaves, and everybody was from different parts of Europe?
You mean the part where we've never had a national language?

>> No.12433067

Regardless of whether it "sincerely" cares about blacks, it is sincerely hostile towards the majority of whites, and none of this larping about class issues will actually solve that. You will never achieve economic equity, but what you can achieve is a society that is willing and able to take responsibility for it's lower classes. This however cannot happen in a country without a defined (explicit not static you pedantic faggot) cultural hegemony, and without a willingness to guard it's people from hostile outsiders, whether they be hostile in a military capacity, or a petty competitive capacity as most non-white foreigners currently are under this paradigm. Socialism cannot exist without nationalism and a dominant nearly homogenous culture. Any "socialism" that attempts to arise in this liberal/neo-liberal paradigm will only be a subsidy for international finance.

>> No.12433101

Yes, there was a significant history of slavery, the vast majority of whom were white. Slavery however does not discount the fact that it was an ethnostate in the sense that it legally was explicitly for whites in many ways including limiting full citizenship to "free white men of good moral character" for the vast majority of our countries history. It was an imperfect place as an ethnostate, but an ethnostate it was. It is an immensely imperfect place now, and to add to that there is no loyalty of the ruling class to those who they are responsible for, and while leftists pretend to offer a real challenge to that, leftist activism is basically just a bludgeon used by the status quo against those with real and convincing criticisms of it.

>> No.12433120


>> No.12433133

Well enjoy the ride. Hopefully you sustainably have enough money to keep your children out of the hellscape you are creating in the rest of the country. If you have children, make sure you don't let your kids hang around blacks unless you want your daughters raped and your son's assaulted and murdered. Hopefully you have better legs than the poor whites who you hold so much contempt for, you'll need them to keep running from the consequences of your moral failings and cowardice in the face of invading peoples and cultural paradigms.

>> No.12433138

There it is, the trademark formatting of a seething liberal youth, completely unable to express their disagreement other than with massive spacing, capitalization, and sarcastic little pleasantries. Such a comment is remarkable because it allows such unrefined and simple-minded children to express their feelings, rather than their thoughts, of which they have none of their own. This particular style is used mostly by the left-leaning effeminates, who spend all their time staring at their phone, saturating their consciousness with purported "righteousness".

>> No.12433143


>> No.12433146

not an argument

>> No.12433158

Why do you think schools would improve if you kicked out all the black and brown people? White politicians ruined those schools, and republicans cut up the welfare state. White people control the banks.

I don't know what you mean by "explicit not static." It is explicit. The American hegemony is white neoliberalism pretending that it's not an ideology. Republicans, conservatives, and an aristocracy of corporate heads are the insiders, and you are an outsider to the exploitative system.

Also why does socialism require nationalism? Genuinely curious about why you think this.

>> No.12433159

Not gonna have children

>> No.12433168

>It was an imperfect place as an ethnostate
Why do you think your problems will be solved by reinstating the ethnostate again then.

>> No.12433180

I'm a simple man who doesn't like fags simply because they are disgusting.

>> No.12433216

Nor did I intend it to be, my friend, I was simply pointing out for my own enjoyment the incredible frequency such comments appear in contexts of political nature, as if, one could say, they perfectly serve those who have no argument of their own, but who simply wish to bestow the good people of the thread with a valiant and sincere example of their probity.

>> No.12433225

Socialism requires nationalism for a fairly simple reason. Socialism requires dedication to the welfare of the group over the comforts of the individual to function. The only ways to make that happen are either to take advantage of natural group tribalism, or to enforce it top down in an authoritarian fashion. People do not naturally sort themselves into heterogeneous groups when under pressure, and while you can through prosperity temporarily float a multi-national/multi-cultural form of socialism, that will not withstand any serious challenge to its survival. There needs to be a dominant paradigm for people to assimilate into, and that paradigm needs to be integrative rather than alienating if it wishes to survive for any serious length of time. While there is a dominant paradigm in this neoliberal capitalism, it is one in which racial outsiders receive explicit support in nearly all levels of society, receiving specializes grants, getting specialized social welfare programs and so on while also fostering a culture of resentment towards a perceived power structure that truly doesn't exist. Socialism as it is currently offered by most prominent leftists is not a serious restructuring of economic/political paradigms in which consumption is reduced, but rather a scraping of the fat off the top to subsidize the consumption and birthrate of the bottom, while all the same offering the bottom no serious power beyond shouting "GIVE ME YOUR CORPORATE NUMBER" to whites getting paid minimum wage with no benefits. It is a subsidy on the culture of capitalist alienation provided by a tax base that is in the process of being strangled to death.

>> No.12433237


>> No.12433250

The ethnostate is where problems can begin to be seriously addressed again. It isn't some utopic vision in which there will be no problems, but a starting point upon which we can again have serious conversations about the nature of what ails our people and how to address those ailments. You cannot begin to solve the problems of your nation if you cannot coherently address your nation because your base speaks 10 different languages and a third of your working class send their money to relatives oversees rather than spending it locally.

>> No.12433275

OF COURSE! Why don't you do yourself a favor and excuse yourself from any discussions of politics you engage in? You have no skin in the game or investment in the future, so you might as well be treated like the perpetual child you are rather than someone who is worth taking seriously.

>> No.12433713

Anime and vidya peaked 10 years ago.

>> No.12433951

jesus christ listen to yourself lol

>> No.12434053

>y-youre seething!
>*writes massive assblasted paragraph*

>> No.12434061
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*20 years ago

>> No.12434463

I wrote three sentences. It just happens that I hit the nail and you are frustrated about it.

>> No.12434492

I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. Consider that /lit/ feels the same way about you as you do about minorities entering the publishing world

>> No.12435369

>"normal white society?"

>> No.12435556

I like right wing fags. They seem cool

>> No.12436721

le based sodomite

>> No.12437894
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>> No.12437992
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>while leftists pretend to offer a real challenge to that, leftist activism is basically just a bludgeon used by the status quo against those with real and convincing criticisms of it.