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/lit/ - Literature

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12432248 No.12432248 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,
why shouldn't I just use a kindle, torrent books from libgen and virtually never have to pay for a book again?

I'm a uni student in a relatively poor European country, and buying books is my biggest expense.

>> No.12432263

Having your own library that you can pass to your children one day is a good idea, and there certainly is a nice feeling to actual paper books, but is it worth the cost?

>> No.12432289

Because a tablet is better, some pirated books are found only as scanned pictures assembled in a big ass pdf, good luck reading those on a kindle

>> No.12432299

Do you read comfortably on a tablet?
Imo kindle mimics the book feeling far better than iPads, different screen and lighting.

>> No.12432350

Because your professors will want specific editions that may not be available as torrents; or, you'll have to quote page numbers for a paper, except most ebooks don't have much accuracy with page numbering; or, it will be some technical book with tons of tables that read very poorly on pretty much all ereaders with e-ink.

I read some philosophy but the blockquotes and the footnotes are fairly annoying to browse, and some programming books that were almost unreadable.
95% of what I read is fiction and in the last 4 years I've read a couple hundred books on my Kindle without paying a single dime. That's what I'd recommend it for.

>> No.12432363

This, reading Dougal Dixon's books on my cellphone was a pain in the ass but it was the only way to read them.

>> No.12432364


>> No.12432367

I do, of course the ebook reader is more "book like" but like i said, you wont find everything in mobi or ebup, or even text pdfs and the readers are complete garbage at pdfs

>> No.12432375

because i can get a used copy of basically any well-known book for about $1-5 on Amazon

i bought Freuds the future of an illusion for 99c + free shipping

>> No.12432378

>I'm a uni student in a relatively poor European country, and buying books is my biggest expense.
are you retarded
yes of course get a kindle

>> No.12432387

all of these are particular "if" cases or just dumb superficial reasons.
OP, you should absolutely go the pirate's route.

>> No.12432457

OP here, thanks for the replies.
I see it is obvious that I should go that way, at least as long as I'm poor.

Does any of you actually use kindle? Did it take long to get used to?

>> No.12432461

don't get a kindle or you will be an amazon slave.
get an independent one like the Pocketbook inkPad 3 instead
it's twice as espensive but also at least thrice as good.

>> No.12432468

I use it, it’s cool. Maybe will take half a novel to getused to.
If you need to pirate textbooks for uni, though, get a basic ipad or tablet. I use that too.

>> No.12432480

edit: I just got an inkPad 3 and I enjoy every second. total control, microSD slot, tons of settings, 7,8" display.
just awesone

>> No.12432486

This too OP, kindle is meh

>> No.12432781

>don't get a kindle or you will be an amazon slave.
3 year kindle user here, how am I a slave to anybody? 1never bought any books on the kindle store, hell, never even turned on the wifi on this thing, the ads are still from 2015.
there is literally no "getting used" to it. You just read.

>> No.12432832

Can confirm. Never plugged my Kindle to the internet, nor made an Amazon account and it works like a charm.

>> No.12432905
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On that regard, should Kindles and their like be used for light reading, hard reading or both?
I find it hard to read 300+ pages books on it since I don't feel a real progression to the book. Even with "smart reading" that tells you how much you've read.

>> No.12432970

>I don't feel a real progression
this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read

>> No.12433241

are there any good china rip offs?

>> No.12433410

he means a tangible way to tell "oh, im really halfway there", brainlet

>> No.12433513

Real patricians buy physical books and support literature and other arts with their money. Silicon valley neomania hype losers will always be pseuds.

>> No.12433539


Based as fuck. The truth is that if you read ebooks in a cafe, train etc, jezebels will think that you are on some social media site or even worse, gaming or some shit.

But if they see your physical copy of Proust for example, those pussies will be wet af!

>> No.12433555

>But if they see your physical copy of Proust for example, those pussies will be wet af!
they'll avoid you because they know you're into french homos that like jacking off to mice getting impaled on knitting needles.

>> No.12433571

I buy even digital books

>> No.12433607


Most based. Real patricians support arts. Freetards spend their money on tendies or some shit instead

>> No.12433630

Got my first one 7 years ago. It took a small book to get used to it. I have read on it exclusively for several years and I'm getting back to reading more on paper nowadays. Basically all the books I read in English are on Kindle though, which must be something like half of my reading.

>> No.12433639

i pirate books but drive a 100k car, cry moar faggot.

>> No.12433715

post ur car

>> No.12433758

>looks at screen
>" 50% read "
>hmmmmmmmmmmmmm idunno, I can't really fEeEeEeEl it

>> No.12433883


I'd rather support arts than auto-industry.

Your whole pathetic and vulgar "look at my expensive car" defence just proves my point.

>> No.12433941

I use my phone with blue light filter whenever I can't borrow from the library. Not optimal, but works for me.

>> No.12434205

maybe i was just larping :(

>> No.12434508

I just buy secondhand books and that saves me a ton of money and let me have my library

>> No.12435074


>> No.12435337
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>> No.12435349
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>he doesn't know about 10" e-readers

>> No.12435455

what about this?

>> No.12435530

>Having your own library that you can pass to your children
>implying anybody here will ever have sex

>> No.12435541

i'm pretty sure all the faggots here are getting there pozhole stuffed on a regular basis.

>> No.12435547

Good goy.

>> No.12435595
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That price is barbaric overkill. All you need is an Ereader with an E ink screen that can read txt, mobi, epub and pdf. You don't need an absurd amount of storage or idiotic gimmicks like being waterproof or dual touch. Just get a standard kindle paperwhite or something. The older ones can be $40 and there is little to no difference between the newer ones and the older ones, aside from superficial features.

>> No.12435655

>All you need is an Ereader with an E ink screen that can read txt, mobi, epub and pdf
What about manga?

>> No.12435791

There is no reason not to.
It's what I do.

>> No.12435832

No good reason, desu. That's what I'm doing and it's great.

>> No.12435843

This looks like a rebranded Chinese piece of shit. Even the catalog picture is photoshopped and the screen is actually blurry lmao.
If money wasn't a problem, I'd get that Kobo Aura One or that InkPad (though it looks uglier). I have a 2nd gen PW which never gave me trouble.

Page turning rate is a meme, pretty much the same with storage, unless you want to read manga (which is a dumb idea, see below).

It can be done. I've read about 30 volumes worth of crap and the conversion was tedious. 6" is too small a screen and the zoom in/zoom out of older Kindles is not exactly ideal.
8" might be better, but why bother when tablets have the best display and you have apps and shit to read and flip through them?

>> No.12436252

You probably only read genre-fiction. I've tried reading textbooks on a tablet and it is awful. The digital progress bar really is not a replacement for being able to feel the progress in your hands. Reading fiction on a tablet was okay though.

>> No.12436263

The problems I have with e-readers is 1. No color. and 2. It doesn't handle pictures well. So a lot of my favorite books with chats, tables, and graphs just plain don't work. Which leads me to think;

What's the point of these over just a tablet?

>> No.12436381

E-ink physically looks like printed paper, not so on tablets.
You can read for 5 hs straight and it won't tire your eyes.
No glare so you can be a hipster outside.
One charge lasts for weeks or a month.
Maybe something about the UI and the ease of use with the dictionary+underlining (it exports a file).
It weighs half as much as your regular iPad and nerds tend to have weak wrists.

>> No.12436392
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there is no real reason not to
pic related applies to people obsessed with having big bookshelves

>> No.12436647

go back there

>> No.12436843
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I own a secondhand kindle and it's pretty sweet.

I would advise to get either second hand or a third party e-reader, since kindles are kinda overpriced and make it a bit more difficult to import lib-gen books than it should be.
If you do get a Kindle, use Calibre, it makes it easier to convert different formats to AZW3

Also E-readers are super useful on the go. It's much easier to carry a small tablet compared to a real book. Naturally a true patrician will have a nice stack of paper books in his house.

>> No.12436888

they are unintuitive and this makes the total experience lack. I use my ebook for travelling and reading papers/articles (even tho you cant write notes).
Humans have great spatial memory, and this is not used in ebooks. The interactions like flipping a page and browsing are not smooth and slightly but surely disturb my flow. I also like to randomly pick a book sometimes and read some chapter or browse for something i vaguely remember

>> No.12436896

books are luxury items so only buy if you can afford them and only if you want the author to profit from them

>> No.12437004

try Kobo Aura One,

perfect for Epub reading
perfect for downloading
perfect editing word font
perfect editing word size
perfect editing brightness

it satisfies all my needs

>> No.12437624

I have been using a Kindle for twelve years and I love it. Get free books for it at https://www.gutenberg.org

>> No.12437646

check out myanonamouse too

>> No.12437651

the answer is Remarkable

>> No.12437656

>At this time, Invites on irc are only available in two 25 hour long time slots:
yeah no thanks, i have a life.

>> No.12437679

used to have an account in there
top quality, don't even remember my login

>> No.12437689

yesterday I downloaded about 300 Mbs of Bataille's output from there

I'd give you an invite but don't have one

>> No.12437706

are you going to read all of it or are you just hoarding stuff?

>> No.12437712

thanks man, don worry
I even uploaded my complete Greek library in there

>> No.12437723

look up boyue likebooks. I have the likebook mars, 8 inch, nice size for most pdfs.

>> No.12437728

Anon, what matters most to you? The words and meanings on the books you're reading, or "feeling" and "smelling" the paper?
I'm not saying you can't allow yourself to enjoy physical books, but if you can't actually afford them, then perhaps make a more careful use of your money.

>> No.12437732
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I wasn't planning on it but it had a couple of his books i wanted so I figured to just get the whole thing

>> No.12437817

remember its search terms?

>> No.12438232
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>Not buying a surface pro just to read the Little Prince

>> No.12438252

So what if the page numbers are inaccurate? When was the last time a professor actually looked up a reference?

>> No.12438267

I got my kindle for the first time with the latest Kindle paerwhite. It's pretty good. Wish the battery life was a bit better.

>> No.12438268
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Got into it and haven't really looked back.

Join yourself a private tracker for books like myanonamouse and your issues will be resolved. If you can't find something in the big library, you can use the finite requests you have, some of which renew each month, to request an upload. My longest request lasted a bit more than a week before it was filled, and my shortest was filled overnight.

>> No.12438334

god calibre is an overdesigned piece of shit

neck urself lol

>> No.12438661

do they have lots of books in other languages?

>> No.12439106

I use it only for English books, but the advanced search has options for 48 languages and I see plenty of non-English books while browsing. I think that the site is oriented towards English readers, though you can make use of it even if you're not one.

>> No.12439123

Blue light from screens will damage your eyes.

>> No.12439141

Just get a Kindle, Calibre and use SoulSeek for books.

>> No.12439163

Used books
There are absurd amounts of classic literature lying around available on the 1 to 5 euromonies price range on used book stores
There are also online communities even in facebook that you can get really cheap new shit barely used

>> No.12439583

rofl no you can't. they tried to charge 45 bucks for a primer in positive psychology. they charge five bucks for books with no real info.