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12427013 No.12427013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*solves philosophy*

>> No.12427107

I feel bad for Goonan. So much intelligence yet no one knows about him.

>> No.12427374

how can we give him more exposure? I'm pretty surprised at how no one knows about this book. Maybe its because it tackles things most people aren't comfortable with.

>> No.12427414

>its because it tackles things most people aren't comfortable with.
He does nothing but discuss the most basic entry level philosophical topics you'll see routinely discussed in tons of books on whatever random top seller list of the month.

>> No.12427432

I've held off on suggesting people I know read it because of what you said about it tackling uncomfortable topics, but I'm about ready to say fuck it and put them through the fire and hope I remain friends with them afterwards.

>> No.12427461

Not even close.

>> No.12427509

cope. dont know why you even bothered typing such drivel

if they're your true friends they'll thank you for it. good friendship test

>> No.12427524

What's the gist? Probably heard it before

>> No.12427562

Alright, I'll bite. Never heard of the guy before - at best by passing.
What do I need to read before getting into his stuff, and how do I avenge my potentially wasted hours if /lit/ sold me another hype machine?

>> No.12427578

you can get the pdf for free on his website, just google the book title and pdf

you certainly won't waste any time. there's no fluff, i think you'll make up your mind on it almost instantly. think kaczynski but more refined

>> No.12427597

Anybody got a link? I can't find it on libgen.

>> No.12427606

>I can't find it on libgen.
because it's trash.

>> No.12427624


>> No.12427723

t. weak and insecure

>> No.12428252
File: 39 KB, 319x499, 51XW--9fPeL._SX317_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it literally already was

>> No.12428278

Where does one's man life end up for him to shill his own autism manifesto on an Uighur autonomous republican clay-pig molding online symposium?

>> No.12428334
File: 24 KB, 387x461, 1522223520284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually bought a copy to get to the bottom of this meme once and for all. It's mostly all incel-logic and /pol/-light jargon.
This. If you're a user of 4chan, which I'm assuming anyone reading this is, you've already heard every idea he puts forth. Nothing new, insightful or revolutionary here folks.
Literally the same poster.

>> No.12428390

It's sad to think one snobby post full of disinformation like this will probably dissuade 10 people from reading this important book.

>> No.12428400

It's sad to think one anon will try so tirelessly to shill his trite book.

>> No.12428477

if obviously not a timeless philosophical masterpiece, its at least a good start. completely unpretentious, and functions as a self help book better than an actual self help book. goonan's meme status is well deserved.


>incel-logic and /pol/-light jargon


>> No.12428511


>> No.12428562

Goonan's understanding of women, of "sexual value", and of "homosexuality" all point toward incel-logic. I can agree with him on several points but overall it doesn't relate to how life outside of the internet works. I can add that this distinction between bio & techno are slowing diminishing, so in the future this incel-logic may hold much more truth than I see it currently having.
I say /pol/-light simply because he acknowledges many problems with capitalism and offers several reform suggestions, all of which I find irrelevant to the technological age of information. It's much more complex than regressing to the family farm. That time is simply over.

>> No.12428570

Goonan fuckoff this is /lit/
go larp as neetche on pol fag