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12426166 No.12426166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some far-right news sources? I'm trying to learn their point of view.

>> No.12426174

you just want to report them to the ADL and SPLC, don't you?

>> No.12426185


>> No.12426191

4channel dot org

>> No.12426197


Just get all your news from 4chan.

>> No.12426224

never gonna make it

>> No.12426227

You want the Best right wing news source? I'll tell you the best right wing News source

It's... Thinking!

>> No.12426235

there aren't really any, there are just blogs
I can recommend you some very inappropriate blogs

>> No.12426236
File: 52 KB, 700x549, 678AF6EE-40C1-403E-BB80-93316E5D8012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>....after church and Alex Jones

>> No.12426242


>> No.12426274

Use all sides

>> No.12426279


>> No.12426342

Shut up faggot. Not him but i genuienly hate u. You're even worse than "anti-lit" shitposter
>tries to write "deep" posts about universe and existence.
You're 3/4 things that people dislike. If you're from /pol/, /leftypol/ or reddit you're official worst.

>> No.12426346


I just want to grill for God's sake

>> No.12426366

Yo butters is a really awful poster

But if you're asking whether she's "from" any of those places you're a newfag,

Lurk moar, lern bored kulcher

>> No.12426369

american renaissance
unz.com features far left and right

>> No.12426380

Saloforum is good, but autistic so don't make an account

>> No.12426381
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>reading the news

>> No.12426416


>> No.12426449

>3/4 things that people dislike
Dude you take 4chan seriously enough to get mad at this shit. You are, by definition, %100 percent trash.

>> No.12426453

4chan is very srs business

>> No.12426455

You know this is the lit board, right?

>> No.12426512

Unironically /pol/ and then /leftypol/ for far left

>> No.12426518

Do you support korephilia?

>> No.12426528

I as a leftist also curious of their perspective, I not going to read any now but are there authors from the other side worth reading? Is rand really that bad?

>> No.12426545

Read Hoppe instead.

>> No.12426552

based. CNN is pro-war as fuck. when the president said we were pulling out of Syria ol' Bill Kristol nearly had a stroke.

SPLC is a joke and a caricature of itself. It should not be taken seriously, much less donated to.

>wanting a particular flavor of propaganda
Oh apu. Many of the formerly popular far-right "thinkers" have shriveled and fallen from the branch. Go look up Mencius Moldbug's blog, or Gavin McInnes. Read older articles about the dark enlightenment, nRX, alt-right, etc. Most of it was, sadly, exactly what that idiot carpetbagger Van Jones stupidly exclaimed it was: a whitelash.

Just read Drudge Report, and compare to the hysteria of WaPo.

>> No.12426617

Occidental Observer, Counter Currents,

>> No.12426643

Regina Register, Public Picayune

>> No.12426650

So people sperging out at liberals but in two different flavors? Sounds gay

>> No.12426830

What do you mean by far-right? Extremely anti-government? Try styxhexenhammer66's channel on youtube? Meme-far-right (actually nationwide-socialism larping)? Daily stormer maybe.

>> No.12427127

Ask there and they will drow you in book charts and maybe link some youtubers, unless the anti e-celeb squad crashes the thread
Keep in mind tho that they tend to share ideas about what is wrong, not how to solve it

>> No.12427388

>Gavin McInnes

>> No.12427632

Donno what that is

>> No.12428017

Bill Still of the Still Report on youtube

>> No.12428039

Counter Currents is pretty good

>> No.12428043

Only worthwhile answer so far

>> No.12428050

Occidental Observer
Counter Currents
Virginia Dare
American Renassiance
Taki's Mag

>> No.12428098

No, she's great. Biggest Randfag on this site though. I'll play devil's advocate and say let's assume the politics and ethics of her philosophy is as shit as r/philosophy and co insists. The Objectivist Theory of Concepts is still staggeringly valuable. So much so that even if you assume the aforementioned her treatment in academia still isn't warranted. Keeping in mind what OP is requesting, I recommend Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology and Philosophy: Who Needs It.
Good journies curious leftist.

>> No.12428128

i unironically get all my news from /pol/. much better than cnn

if you want true far right news, you got the daily shoah, richard spencer blogging stuff, lana lotkeff talking points, lauren southern, and other e celebs. hell, even watching Murdoch Murdoch autistic videos will get you updated on the far right's woes and issues (e.g. will there be traps in the ethnostate kinda intellectual discussions)

>> No.12428296

Tucker Carlson

>> No.12428369

"Far-right" doesn't take into account if its authoritarian far-right or liberal far-right.

Which one are you actually after?

>> No.12428395

You shouldn't watch news, its brain cancer.
1791L is probably the best mainstream right youtube channel. I also like The Distributist and Trudiltom for some people who are more far right.