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/lit/ - Literature

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12425957 No.12425957 [Reply] [Original]

Can you recommend me a book with extremelly good worldbuilding? Im not too much into reading books, but i like how hunter x hunter, made in abyss, evangelion and umineko when they cry worlds are so good

>> No.12425979


>> No.12426001

ASOIAF series

>> No.12426018

Ulysses by James Joyce

>> No.12426022

Harry Potter. And what happened to the /hpg/ ?

>> No.12426074

I found it funny how MiA's world looks like something out of a really good indie game

>> No.12426092

Finnegans Wake

>> No.12426153
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if you don't mind historical fiction, the vision of Ancient Egypt in this novel is very fleshed out and extensive

>> No.12426177


>> No.12426189


>> No.12426203


>> No.12426213

Critique of pure reason

>> No.12426226

Titus Groan & Gormenghast

>> No.12426258


Underrated post

>> No.12426263

The Holy Bible

>> No.12426744

Unironically mythology
Works of Homer
Greek drama

Norse and Norse inspired:
Viking sagas (start with volsung)
Elder Edda
Younger Edda

Le Morte de Arthur
Sir gaiwin and the green knight

Seriously, they are some of the most in-depth worlds in literature with a complex links between different mythologys . Medieval mythology especially is basically touhou with knights, a lot of myths and legends are interlinked. It will give you the exact same feel for these works, and if you like Dark Souls then Norse and Welsh myths (mabinogion) will be right on your alley. Best part is that all these works are public domain and translated, you can easily read them online for free if you search for them .

>> No.12426753

Also, Wagner’s Das Ring Derr Nibelung

>> No.12426874

Also Solaris is actually very good for this, but in a strange way. It is more focused on a whole field of research on this specific planet that is a biological living creature, rather then on an entire general world, and this world-building actually fits into the artistic and philosophical qualities of this book.

Really recommend if you want to read something like that, but also try out serious literature at the same time (one of those rare works of sci-if that can qualify for ‘real’ literature).

>> No.12426948

>Sir gawain and the green knight
>Dark Souls
now that I think about it, DS could have taken inspiration from that poem, even the description of the Knight reads like a DS boss
the "worldbuilding" in Stellaris is pretty unique, definitely fits the alien nature of its world

>> No.12427133

ASOIF and Brandon Sanderson is good too

>> No.12427582
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Anime, eh? I think you'll want thaat board


>> No.12427609
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>> No.12427705

sleeplessness is a bitch

>> No.12427726
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>> No.12427792
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Johannes Cabal the necromancer
Revelation Space if you want something with a bit more Evangelion style horror (especially the first half of Diamond Dogs and Turquoise days)

>> No.12427806

there is a character of DS3 called Kriemhild just to get at the extent of which DS ripped off medieval literature
reddit has nothing to do with 4chan while 4chan was created because of anime

>> No.12427809

*nothing to do with anime

>> No.12427852


>> No.12428342


>> No.12428352

Fanged Noumena

>> No.12429886

Your posts have everything to do with Reddit

>> No.12429925

True lmao

>> No.12429926
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>> No.12430221

So does your existence

>> No.12430350

not realising 4chan is a anime website

new fags should go >>>/out/

>> No.12430365

Infinite jest, not even joking.

>> No.12430384


>> No.12430390

Helleconia Trilogy - Brian Aldiss

You will be surprised how much Game Of Thrones ripped from it

>> No.12430814

Are you the animefag who came here asking for advice on writing a visual novel many months back? I also am enjoying Higurashi btw tbqh.

>> No.12430822

Lem is literally the most /lit/ sci-fi ever got.

>> No.12431013

Fucking fascist off my board

>> No.12431019

Shit I’m not the only person alive who knows about Johannes Cabal

>> No.12431123

the only right answer in this thread

>> No.12431191

Nostromo by Joseph Conrad

>> No.12431382

Kind of sucks that he didn’t like Tarkovsky’s film, but then again he never actually watched it - he only read the script and a lot of Tarkovsky comes from what is happening on the screen.