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12424035 No.12424035[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do women, on average, enjoy - and find no genuine shame in - being penetrated and generally dominated (psychologically and physically) by men?

Are there any sociological, psychological or indeed philosophical books which may help me understand this phenomenon?

My own theory, developed over several years (and articulated at great length in my upcoming thèse), asserts that women have what I call a biological Self-Loathing Mechanism, which, despite their immense beauty, the immense beauty of other females (who are softer to touch, sweeter to kiss etc), compels women to feel insecure and generally hostile towards themselves to some degree, which in turns causes them to desire to be penetrated and dominated by a man. Think about it, what's one of the worst things you could imagine happening to you? Death in battle? Nope, there's honour in that. Torture? Nope, there is nobility in stoically suffering. Being physically penetrated and dominated by another man? Bingo. So why then does Person A and Person B have such different innate, intuitive feelings about inter-penetration? Why would Person A actively desire to be transgressed, violated and dominated (physically and psychologically) by Person B? The Self-Loathing Mechanism suggests women are biologically pre-disposed to desire to be conquered, patronized, dominated and so forth. I literally can't think of any reason anybody would otherwise desire such an act be afflicted on them (and indeed in them). The S-LM also explains the higher rate of female suicide attempts, the general self-destruction of nations wherein females have been granted greater powers, and much more.

>> No.12424046

I remember this pasta

You don't need to insert emotional narrativizing, its just a differential in socio-biological roles and testosterone and the location of nerve bundles. If women had innervated phalluses which could derive pleasure from penetration they would likely engage in both acts like hermaphrodites but they don't so they receive pleasure from penetration. Being fucked in the ass is painful, often a health risk and will damage the social status of the male and open him to further victimization, its worth relating this to female rape since you are not specifically suggesting male-on-male consensual "sex" or whatever you'd like to call homosexual encounters. Rape means weakness and lack of protection either self-born or external from one's kin and culture, so its avoided, and it lowers one's fitness. Really nothing interesting going on, sex is unironically extremely boring both physically-emotionally and psycho-spiritually boring. People who fixate on the sexual are invariably uninterested in most of the rest of creation and should be entertained sparingly, which is why the /tv/-/fit/-/r9k/ TRP gnosis is ultimately vapid. Not saying this as a suggestion that its not painfully correct, with some reservations held about the metaphors that they make use of, but its simply not very deep nor worthy of contemplation past a certain point of intuitive development and intellectual maturity. Really if you don't start noticing the socio-sexual caste dynamics in highschool you're a brainlet and if you become fascinated with this at the expense of other things as a young man you're a vacuous culture warrior and should be ignored by intelligent or creative people.

>> No.12424068

You sound like you suffer from S-LM

>> No.12424074

An interesting response, and I appreciate your willingness to articular your thoughts. While I agree with much of what you say, I would remind you that many women actually don't receive much pleasure, relatively speaking, in being penetrated, and much prefer the psychological (and thus emotional) pleasure experienced while being denigrated, teased, having their clitoris manipulated, and so forth. Fifty Shades of Grey, to cite a recent study into the female psyche, actually involves relatively little actual inter-penetration, with much of the female pleasure coming by way of being controlled, dominated, physically hurt, emotionally neglected, and so on. Indeed, the protagonist is depicted for the most part as a self-loathing, naive girl who secretly craves to be brutalized; inter-penetration being more of a symbolic act signifying her utter capitulation, rather than the primary source of pleasure experience by Ms. Steele. What I'm getting at is the fact that inter-penetration, while somewhat pleasurable on a physical level due to the distribution of sensitive nerve endings etc, is relatively little without there being a great deal of psychological-emotional reinforcement, namely that which appeases a female's Self-Loathing Mechanism and sates her desire to be overwhelmed in some way by a superior force and be made inferior as a result. The fixation on sex I agree is generally harmful to one's own intellect, emotional wellbeing and so on, though there it is difficult to refute the fact that sexual competition is one of the most, if not the most, motivators of human behaviour and its subsequent ranking systems etc.

>> No.12424075

Why does the average man feel the urge to dominate?

>> No.12424094

Based. I often find myself torn by my love of women and my hatred of their lack of self respect.

>> No.12424095

Haha incel

>> No.12424153
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Women do not partake in the male social hierarchy. I guess you hadn't thought of that. You're thinking of women within the framework of male power dynamics, and that's what you're doing wrong. Women arnt losing any respectability or clout or Face or whatever by submitting, it's a product of biology and there's no reason to assume that your idea of male power dynamics are truer than evolution. Submission is a spook.

>> No.12424169

"that's how winning is done"

>> No.12424198

Women definitely take part in male social hierarchy. One of the reasons the hierarchy is so brutally competitive is due to female influence. It could be argued that, since the mass conscription of women into full-time wageslavery, the male social hierarchy has become even more brutal for those males who aren't able to secure a dominant position. Now, in anticipation of the accusation that the S-LM is here undermined by the fact that women would surely suffer more yearned-for humiliation etc by being penetrated by a low-ranking male, one who is not respected at all and has no financial power, thus essentially reducing her to poverty and utter debasement. But this ignores the source of the S-LM, which is the life-affirming biological Will which wishes not only to thrive in its host (the woman) but also to survive into future generations via reproduction. But to successfully encourage the individual born with a "vagina" to allow themselves to be penetrated, and overcoming any abstract thoughts which may otherwise overwhelm their basic animalistic urges, the S-LM implants itself into the thoughts of women and, much like their tendency to become wet and ovulate when being physically overwhelmed for erotic purposes (pretty much regardless of who is overwhelming them), so too the S-LM causes women (many if not most) to become excited by thoughts which inform them that they are being dominated, denigrated and so on. If the S-LM were absent, women would have two three rather weak reasons to allow themselves to be penetrated and to allow the host Will to be reproduced, those reasons being: A) physical pleasure due to the stimulation of nerve endings in the clitoris and vaginal walls, B) perceived duty, C) financial gain. In the modern world however, almost every girl above the age of about [redacted] owns a vibrating dildo, and many now earn more than their male counterparts. while the notion of duty is irrelevant in an increasingly atomised world. The S-LM, when introduced as a fourth reason (D), explains why women continue to desire physical inter-penetration.

>> No.12424205

>Why do women, on average, enjoy - and find no genuine shame in - being penetrated and generally dominated (psychologically and physically) by men
I'm a man and I desire it, but it doesn't satisfy me sexually and it fills me with shame as well. I do not understand how an entire gender can be OK with the same thing happening to them.

>> No.12424217

>Are there any sociological, psychological or indeed philosophical books which may help me understand this phenomenon?

Sex and Character by Otto Weinninger. Women are subhumans.

>> No.12424222

Being penetrated (provides it’s not rape) is not on the same level as torture. It’s just a sexual act. The difference between men and women with regards to their views on penetration is that men have it drummed into them that penetration is immasculating, as it’s an act of submission. In other words, the masculine view of viewing penetration as being worse than death is entirely a product of hubris created through socialisation.

>> No.12424229

don't agree it's not interesting because it's detrimental to human well being otherwise I agree

>> No.12424230

The question is who is doing the drumming? Is it simply "culture"? If so, why in highly progressive societies where homosexuality is not only accepted but sometimes advertised as a norm, do men continue to feel such aversion to the notion of being penetrated, as if such an act would destroy them completely (as if often does, in the case of men who were abused in boarding schools).

>> No.12424238

Because women are actually spiritually inferior. When they get penatrated, they get the feeling of bliss of being put on their place, which is beneath men.
I'm not saying this, it's written in texts of the oldest religion. If you think about it a little it's true

>> No.12424243

>Women definitely take part in male social hierarchy. One of the reasons the hierarchy is so brutally competitive is due to female influence.
I'm sorry for phrasing myself poorly, as you obviously didn't understand.

For a woman, it's not shameful to be dominated by a stronger partner, in fact, it's expected. A woman is not respected less, or humiliated, or such, for submitting to a stronger partner, because women do not compete for hierarchy in such a way, because that's not the nature of their sexual urges.

Because being penetrated is an ultimately submissive act and because a mans status depends on not being dominated.

>> No.12424245

Women are basically the most cucked thing ever. Think about it logically.

>> No.12424251


>> No.12424255

Not him btw but are you trying to argue that the accompanying feel of humiliation when being submitted stems purely from social conditioning?

>> No.12424287

No, I think the need for hierarchy, and the bad feelings that comes from not being at the top of that hierarchy, is very basic biological impulse. For men, at least.

That said, I don't think women are humiliated by being weaker than men, or by submitting to them, or such. I think it's a fact of life that's equally as engrained in the human woman as a fight for social dominance is in the human man.

>> No.12424307

Do you think men would care about hierarchy if females were absent? Look at 4chan for example, and essentially male social gathering where any kind of hierarchy is considered loathsome, and where games, competition and self-improvement are the dominant themes.

>> No.12424312

>That said, I don't think women are humiliated by being weaker than men, or by submitting to them, or such
Women desire being submitted by a more a dominant man which is indicative of lacking basic self-respect. How can you respect someone who doesn't respect himself in the first place? That is the troubling observation here.

>> No.12424313

men value sex and claim to be good at sex (which they are not, especially with virgin girls) only because they know it is on sex and harmless fun that a woman bases her decision to let men continue to care for her.

If a woman was able to acknowledge a man in a non sexual way, then men would care more about this way than sex. But that is not the case, women center their life on sex and they love to let compete for them, take only the men who show how well they can entertain women.

The blow back for women is that repulsive, poor men continue to try to be noticed by women and men do not know when to stop.

Another problem for women, is that once a man is chosen by a woman for the fucking and caring, the man thinks he no longer competes against other men, and that woman no longer has any orbiters. The man thinks his victory is perpetual. Then the woman gets less and less harmless fun that she craves, so she choose a few other disposable orbiters. Then the current provider no longer feels acknowledged and begins to seek the validation of another woman.

Also, women do not have babies because ''muh genes'' muh evolution.
Women have babies because
-they love to spread their legs
-their parents push them for grand children
-they get bored and they see the family as a way to keep the relationship alive
-they see other women having babies and being okay with it

This stuff about ''tough healthy males'' comes from the male love to interpret anything through their fantasy of dominance and submission, but this is because they love to confuse dominance with being active and submission with being passive so that they delude themselves that they are not the weaker sex by being so active, whereas their activities turn out to be only making women comfy and make life harder for men.

>> No.12424317

What women want the most is harmless fun and intimacy. THey get to realize their fantasy first when they are young with men, by trying to let their ''ego'' on the side and realize the sexual fantasies of the men who fuck them. WOmen quickly learn that the only healthy way to relate to men is to be capitalistic on the male market.

But The fantasy of being intimate is realized with having children. THis is what men do not understand. Women love ''to be selfless'' by caring about children and they delude themselves that their compassion and unconditional love for the children is a good thing. Childless women direct their retarded compassion towards animals and children they do not know.
So women love children for the intimacy. Women rely on men for the sex and care they give.

only women know how to love:

love of men towards women = love of women towards children = unconditional love (utopian for men, effective for women)

love of men towards children (= an aid to retire and stop their suffering) = love of women towards men = utility towards more pleasures and less pains now and in the future

>> No.12424321

I've felt this way for a long time, i know i shouldn't expect this from women but i do, i can't measure them by a different standard.

>> No.12424332
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What about women over the age of, say, 25, who value financial security, social status (being respected by one's peers), intelligence etc rather than mere erotic potential?

>> No.12424337

Yes, definitely. Social behaviour doesn't turn on and off when there's a possible, willing mate nearby. Obviously this does not happen on anonymous forums and in-game chats, but I don't know about you, but I can arrange every friend group I've ever been after social hierarchy.

Why is it indicative of lacking basic self respect? They're not worsening their position, their brains dont go "this is bad" when a man does what men do to women, because, pro-tip, it's not bad for women. It's bad for men because their status is reduced, but that's not true for women.

>i can't measure them by a different standard
Then suffer.

>> No.12424338

Do you respect perceived dominant men who are willing to dominate a submissive woman?

>> No.12424343

>I don't know about you, but I can arrange every friend group I've ever been after social hierarchy.

I disagree, and believe that the only hierarchy I formed internally when among friends is based on who possesses the greatest erotic potential. When that consideration is removed, all I see are a bunch of guys with different talents, interests, dispositions etc who enjoy being adventurous, goofy, competitive. But then again ostrichsizednation and so does exist in male-only groups, with more effeminate males treated with suspicion etc.

>> No.12424346

those are called 'men' sweetie

>> No.12424352

>They're not worsening their position
By submitting yourself, you're objectively worsening your position.

>> No.12424362

That's great! I'm glad you guys arent perpetuating a toxic enviroment :)

If I were to write "How?" You'd probably respond "Because that means you fall down a step in the hierarchy" and then I'd respond "But women arn't part of male social hierarchies, unless they're 'one of the guys,' which is something a lot harder to generalize about."

>> No.12424366

A hierarchy takes place within relations. You're trying to tell me that men and women don't have any relations with each other.

>> No.12424381

The rebuttal would be that women form their own hierarchy (an incredibly vicious one, as many if not most eroto-centric, yet-to-be dominated women loathe one another almost as much as they loathe themselves), but this hierarchy exists underneath men, like the aliens in Toy Story who all want to be chosen by The Claw, to pick them up from the swamp of womanhood and allow them to be their obedient submissive underling. Witness who male-only groups can function very well (arguably better) without female presence, but women in contrast, whether it is on a desert island or a private commercial enterprise, tend to yearn for some masculine influence.

>> No.12424394

Functional interpersonal relationships arn't about struggles for dominance.

That's exactly right, female hierarchies are dffferent and separate from the male one. But I know it's too much to ask for people to understand this. Because undersocialized 4chan shutins

>> No.12424412

>Functional interpersonal relationships arn't about struggles for dominance

That's because power distribution in so-called functional interpersonal relationships are clear to both parties, usually involving the woman accepting the role of existential cuckold while her bull husband is the powerful party. Only in old age, once the erotic drives have all but dissipated, does any kind of pure, equal, childlike love enter into the equation, and even then it's a mixture of Stockholm Syndrome and terror management.

>> No.12424420

>Functional interpersonal relationships arn't about struggles for dominance.
Whether they're struggles or not has nothing with identifying which position you're holding in a relational body.

>> No.12424421

*nothing to do

>> No.12424438
File: 16 KB, 236x352, CUTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are girls so cute bros?

>> No.12424453

You are both correct. What you both failed to understand is that the drive to be at the top of the male social hierarchy doesnt extend to women. You seriously think all women have penis envy and hate every moment they're reminded that the other gender is stronger than them?

>> No.12424467

I respect women less after they let me fuck them though.

>> No.12424480 [DELETED] 

Not at all, because the S-LM prevents envy, as it would suggest a positive self-image and conviction that they deserve to be earning so much money, controlling so many people etc. However, women do desire to be atop the male social dominance hierarchy in a sense, by being chosen by the peak male to be his existential cuckold slave.

>> No.12424497

Do you respect yourself less afterwards?

>> No.12424558


See also:


>> No.12424602

I respect myself less after getting fucked yes.

>> No.12424799
File: 176 KB, 279x291, WeiningerHumiliation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex and Character by Otto Weinninger


>> No.12424828

> no one has told the guy that Freud doesn't look like Wellback.

>> No.12424902

Do you think this applies to almost all women, excluding the lesbians and severe mental cases?

It pains me to think that I am surrounded each day by such disgusting beings.

>> No.12424941

The deeper question is, should we care how women feel? The answer is no.

>> No.12424958
File: 332 KB, 2000x2724, 50AA2581-F4F0-4880-A8A9-D51F0C89A354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man they’re just nice

>> No.12424973

Wow, that is sure a lot of hoops you are jumping through to try to psychologise a physical drive. Women enjoy sex with men because they are designed to do so. The end result is children. It is what women are for. Read up on evolution. Anatomy is destiny.

>> No.12424993

Yeah that's fine Grug, but the adults in the room are discussing the underlying psychological mechanisms which keep the show going.

>> No.12424999

None of that matters. It only matters that our species evolved this way, just like any other species did. Why not apply your theory to orsngutans, bonobos or chimps? They aren't too complex and still they are rather sexual.

>> No.12425018

>Why not apply your theory to orsngutans, bonobos or chimps? They aren't too complex and still they are rather sexual.


>> No.12425027

women smell good

>> No.12425040

Man they really do. I remember a few years ago a girl came back to apartment after our cinema date. She asked to see my room and I stood there leaning against the wall with my hands in my pockets as she sat on my bed, then complained it was too cold and got under the covers. We eventually got under together and she undressed, but asked if I had any shorts she could borrow. I gave her a pair of my jogging shorts and she put them on, and when she left the following morning (we didn't have sex), I remember smelling my bed (which wasn't wet) and those shorts and feeling such a weird, obsessive attraction to the smell. It's lucky she ghosted me about a week or so later, because I'd have married her then and there if she'd asked me, regardless of her sexual experience (which I assume was quite expansive). Girls are so nice.

>> No.12425044
File: 533 KB, 1789x1399, women1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always torn between my appreciation for how nice women look and smell, and the fact that they have never produced a single genius on the level of Shakespeare, Plato, Bach, Goethe, etc., in all of human history, and never will.

Imagine looking back at the entire history of the thing you are, and not finding one Goethe. Half of being a man is looking back at a long list of Goethes, Luthers, Nietzsches, and so on, and thinking "that could be me, at least maybe, if I work really really hard." Women have literally nothing. For every female luminary in history, there are ten thousand men doing the same thing but better, and there simply aren't any top-rank female geniuses. The testimony of history confirms that women are basically domestic animals meant to exist in a perpetual present.

>> No.12425049
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>> No.12425057

Think of intellectually exceptional women: Rand, Blavatsky, Barnhardt. Certainly these women would despise a man enslaved to his passions, but in the end their hero is still an eminently sexual, earthly being--a John Galt, a Caeser, a Hitler, perhaps. A spiritual being, like St. Augustine or Dostoevsky, who places himself below all men in order to be sanctified by poverty and selfless obedience makes the most terrible, worthless sacrifice in the eyes of a virago.

>> No.12425068


thanks for helping me find my new waifu

>> No.12425267

Men and women equally fantasize about being raped/dominated, it is meme that only men want to dominate women and women "Secretly" want to be dominated. Google sexual fantasies statistics

>> No.12425279

Barnhardt subscribes the Rand's assertion that sex is an affirmation of one's moral and intellectual admiration for a person. Now, this is obviously a case of complete ignorance of a woman in regards to the male experience, which certainly cannot "decide" which creature his sensual lust falls upon, or why it so often causes him to betray the woman he is married to or ought to be married to. Evidently for Rand, such a betrayal is not only contemptible but also hypocritical, as though to say, not only that he should have been faithful to the woman who is morally and intellectually superior, but that he ought to have desired her more!

Rand is quite right that engaging in coitus with a contemptible vixen is self-loathing, self-denial, and degrading to all parties. However, she does not agree with Weininger that all coitus is self-denial, but only coitus which does not coincide with the highest moral admiration. Say, however, that the creature which he admires for their moral fiber and character, is terribly deficient in physical endowment, so that not only are they not sexually attractive, but perhaps even downright unbearable to behold. What an unfortunate circumstance, that the man must bring himself to desire to affirm his admiration for this creature through a physical encounter!

All this does not explain why men who admire each other for physical and intellectual virtue do not feel the need to affirm their love physically. Every man who has been in a true friendship will feel immediately revulsion at the thought of "expressing their love physically". Rather, on the contrary, true friendship wants to respect the boundaries, the distance, the strictly intellectual and spiritual bond and would quite obviously be degraded and violated by any sort of sensual touching or pleasuring.

That even a highly endowed woman is not capable of grasping this quite intuitively as all men can, only proves Weininger's thesis that women cannot remove themselves from their sexuality and are undifferentiated from it. Moreover, it shows that no woman is really capable of being in a true, platonic (which for Rand means unexpressed) relationship, which is a basic requirement for any friendship; they cannot see the world in a non-sexual, i.e., objective way, which is a serious problem for a philosopher calling themselves Objectivist.

>> No.12425287

>intellectually exceptional

>> No.12425295

It means that she is an intellectual exception in regards to her sex.

>> No.12425324

Because sex makes babies and I like babies. Most women like babies but I think they like sex for other things. Penis make woman feel good

>> No.12425347


Unironically true.

>> No.12425442






>> No.12425616

cheeky bugger

>> No.12425631

>Men and women equally fantasize about being raped/dominated
Fake news.

>> No.12425693

Culture is a product of biology.

>> No.12425931

Based Grugposter

>> No.12427282

What about Mary Curie?

>> No.12427677


>> No.12427699

What? Wasn't she a great physicist? Didn't she win a nobel?

>> No.12428844

There are millions of men as great as Curie and no women as great as Shakespeare.

>> No.12428965

And being the greatest meta-capitalist philosopher to ever live, a typical exceptional intellectual as well.

>> No.12428982


>> No.12429028

You should try it sometimes Anon, you may like it

>> No.12429134

I am not really sure with all this " women want to be dominated by men "
Unmarried women do exists, homosexual women do exists, women who just don't have any interest in men or relationships do exists, women who dedicated their lives for gender equality do exits.

And they exists in large numbers, thought I didn't look up the statistics.

One advice though, don't take anything "psychology" ever says for granted. It's the most bullshit field ever. I started to think that women are really just identical with men in mind but our culture and wishful thinking made us think otherwise.