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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 300x229, boredintheden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1242386 No.1242386 [Reply] [Original]

There are a couple of members of /lit/ who think it is improper for us to post pictures of ourselves, even in /lit/-related discussions. I couldn't disagree more.

What do you think, /lit/?

>> No.1242391
File: 56 KB, 640x480, Cherry blossoms 082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know what I think.

>> No.1242393

Are you 37?

>> No.1242398
File: 385 KB, 2304x1728, 1287174448407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember the pictures you post on 4chan are never going to just go away.

>> No.1242397

i can't think of anything more irrelevant

>> No.1242399
File: 73 KB, 292x432, me and poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is /lit/ related, what is the problem?

>> No.1242403

I think this is more of a protest thread.
See: >>1241728

>> No.1242405
File: 76 KB, 922x692, lit_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1242408
File: 93 KB, 339x1224, Photo0438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I need to buy a new phone with a better camera.

>> No.1242412

So you thought you'd shit on the board twice, instead of just once?

This is a literature discussion board. Seriously. Go somewhere else if that's not what you're interested in.

If you want to look at pictures of people and books, go on Chat Roulette and ask someone to hold up a book.

>> No.1242415
File: 279 KB, 2304x1728, 1287176013637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1242418

Your all splintering the original thread. united we.....i dunno somthing...divided we fall. post in the original thread!!!

>> No.1242420
File: 27 KB, 391x390, people_Harold_Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They call me chunks for a reason.


>> No.1242424 [DELETED] 

>implying this thread relates to my current reading

>> No.1242426
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 101028-170537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1242425

This is the presious little turd I'm talking about.

He's taken it upon himself to decide for /lit/ how we are to interact. Personally, I think it's a hideous intrusion of self-righteous assholery where it is not wanted.

And I am very happy that I am not the only one who thinks so-- so piss off you little nothing-man.

>> No.1242435

Sorry, had to be done. Mr. I-will-dicide-the-content-of-/lit/ was pushing the old thread toward its image limit as fast as his bony little hands could post.

This is to show him that he will have to work very, very hard to force his opinions on people here. This is a free-speech zone. That includes the freedom to post a pic of myself if I so choose.

>> No.1242439

How else are people on /lit/ going to get laid? I think it's fine.

>> No.1242440

it wuz valid in the original thread cuz it was a fashion thread

>> No.1242443


> This is a free-speech zone.

You know you are on 4chan right

>> No.1242444


Awesome. Good for you for posting that.

>> No.1242451


Still and all, I'm not having one little haughty asshole determine content here.

>> No.1242452


It's not like it's any different otherwise

That's how the content of 4chan is always determined, just, you know, more than one

>> No.1242453

If there's no rule against it, I'll post whatever I fucking want on /lit/, including a picture of myself if I feel so inclined.

>> No.1242457


That's a pretty good way to turn boards into shit

>> No.1242459

Shit like this destroys the chances of actually having literature discussion. If you really want to see pictures of people do it in your other thread. Making this only proves you have something to prove. Don't be an internet tough guy. You aren't cool for making a thread to Stick it to the Man.

Every time someone who is well read comes to /lit/ and sees your threads, they leave and don't come back. They are the type of people we need to make this board worthwhile. Why alienate them?

>> No.1242463

Ok..I never thought of that. you're pretty awesome. strategic palnning!

>> No.1242469

not sticking it to the man...sticking it to fucks like you.. ALSO this is fucking 4chan!!! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST we are not going to attract credible posters. you canmt take this shit serioiusly...jesus!!

>> No.1242473
File: 790 KB, 2048x1536, DSC02022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1242476

yeah and i'm totally in favor of letting some dumbass camouflage their crusade to feed their starving ego with warped philosophies on freedom as long as everyone knows that's what's going on, fuck you

>> No.1242478


This is 4chan, in case you were lost. The cesspool of the internet. It already IS shit, big fucking deal if someone posts pictures of themselves.

>> No.1242480


Thank you for posting!!

>> No.1242483


Nah brah, there have been at times boards that where nobody posted pictures of themselves and decent discussions occurred. The myth that everything is always already shit is what turns boards into shit--and it hides the fact that some sorts of shit are worse than other sorts of shit.

>> No.1242484

You sir, are definitely NOT 'the man'.

Shame on you.

>> No.1242490


>> No.1242491

Oops, did I just 'shit up' /lit/ by posting an image of myself? Oh dear.

Would it help any that this was a pic from a poetry slam I attended? (no poetry slam jokes, please. I've heard them all already.)

>> No.1242493
File: 75 KB, 720x480, hotel bar slam07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O U captcha.

here's the pic :)

>> No.1242496


New here or something? Or perhaps you've just come from /b/? 4chan has been and can still be no worse (at times better) than other sites. That "hurr-durr worst place on the internet" thing is just bullshit teenagers tell themselves so they can feel cool and edgy on their computers.

>> No.1242507

While that is true, what is going on here is that one user has taken it upon himself to decide that people posting pics of themselves, even in a /lit/-related context, is a poopy-nasty-no-no taboo that will "shit up" his oh-so-precious literature discussions.

I think that is just the heigth of self-satisfied pretentious hipster faggotry, personally. I will post an image of myself if I damn well please.

>> No.1242513


Sure, you can, it isn't against the rules. But why would you want to (other than "because I can")? There are enough unrelated (and related-but-still-bad) threads on /lit/ every day. Are your feelings hurt so easily on the internet?

>> No.1242516

You've managed to prove that user right. Instead of one thread, there are now two. In those threads it's clear that the people posting are not discussing or concerned about literature discussion at all. They think "man /lit/ already sucks so this won't hurt" when all they have to do is stop posting to make /lit/ suck less.

>> No.1242518

>The myth that everything is always already shit

Page 0: Two Ayn Rand troll threads, a Wishlist thread, three homework threads and a "Wat buk iz gud?" thread.

What myth?

If you want good content, fucking MAKE SOME. DOn't bitch because you think other people's interactions here (which, by the way, are a dmn sight better than 90% of the other crap on this board) are standing in the way of what YOU think /lit/ should be.

>> No.1242523
File: 35 KB, 480x640, 48247709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i am with the book im currently reading

>> No.1242526


>motivated island

>> No.1242531


Yes, this is exactly what I'm talking about. People think that things are bad already, that it can't possibly be any worse, so it's okay to make and contribute to bad threads. This is how boards turn into r9k.

>> No.1242528

ITT: People who enjoy literature having fun and enjoying themselves.

Also ITT: People trying as hard as they can to stop that.

>> No.1242529


<3 <3 <3

>> No.1242534

And the reason that happens is because you keep bumping the bad threads, and the people who came here to talk about books go away because there is nothing worth discussing. You. Are. The. Problem.

Even if someone makes a literature-related thread, it quickly gets bumped off page 0 by your two threads and the people who post in them to somehow claim /lit/ for their /b/ sensibilities.

>> No.1242538



>> No.1242540

I want to see pictures of nude women reading Boethius.

>> No.1242545


Well we do have misogyny/bawww feminism threads, combine that with this thread and BAM R9K TIEM

>> No.1242551

Better than atlas shrugged?..obviously no real comparison. but I salute you nevertheless

>> No.1242555

Utter. Rubbish.

I do not bump those shit threads. I'm bumping this one because it is not a shit thread. This is not a shit thread because several artists and writers have voiced in that pretentious little assholes like you who spend more time bitching about threads they don't personally like rather than creating threads that they do like, that have content that they enjoy are EXACTLY AS BAD as the morons posting about Rand and Wishlist.

This thread is a big 'fuck you' to that bullshit, and I'm am pleased as punch that it's had so much support.

>> No.1242560

you are both AWESOME!!
A big fuck you to you sir

>> No.1242561
File: 35 KB, 400x300, litpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really must get a hair cut.

>> No.1242563

I love that book.

And I love you

>> No.1242564

This, basically.


Have all my love.

>> No.1242568


And Mother Night is one of my fave Vonneguts.

>> No.1242570


Why so self-righteous, my friend? This is just another camwhore thread, where insecure nerds post their pictures and circlejerk. There is no big bad enemy for you here, I am only posting in this thread because--unlike trollthreads and gift threads--camwhore threads are not yet common here and the people in here are not likely to be completely incapable of looking at the situation objectively and realizing that, hey, maybe it is not a good idea to fill a board with off-topic posting (if you want to look at pictures of people on the internet you can always go to r9k or, god forbid, facebook--they won't look much different).

By the way--this thread is every bit as much about "bitching about threads [you] don't personally like" as my posts are. But I do not shit up the board by making more threads to complaining about people complaining about people complaining about threads.

>> No.1242572

FOR FUCKS SAKE!! someone just started a dildo poetry thread..JESUS get of your high horse

>> No.1242574


Dildo poetry threads are actually lit related bro

>> No.1242576

is op male or female
serious question.

>> No.1242582


>A big fuck you to you sir

I was trying to make fun of "the sky is falling, we're turning into /r9k/!" crowd. ;_;

>> No.1242583
File: 102 KB, 640x480, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear /lit/....i wrote you a letter....

>> No.1242586

You're so wrong, and it's so funny.

1. No one is camwhoring here. They're posting either pics of themselves or pics of a partial face with a favorite book. Decidedly /lit/ related.

2. I LIKE this thread, so I'm not complaining about it at all. YOU are.

There's a real vibe of fun and play here that you're really asspained about, and it's SOOOOo obvious that you're trying to make the case that this is a shit thread for no other reason than to unbruise your ego. You're a child.

Go grow up and let the adults talk. And play :D

>> No.1242587

mother of god

>> No.1242592

Oh crap!

I'm sorry... i quoted the wrong post!

I meant to quote >>1242534

My apologies!

>> No.1242594

If you want to see her take 2 dicks in her ass and one in her pussy, just google sasha gray

>> No.1242595

1. That is not you.
2. You shopped Rand onto that girl in the other thread.

Fuck off.

>> No.1242599


>posting either pics of themselves

That's camwhoring bro. Is this a difficult concept?

>2. I LIKE this thread, so I'm not complaining about it at all.

Can you read or what

Yessir, I am the fun police comin' here 'cause I ain't got no friends and nobody likes me boohoohoo. Soon I'm gonna dump out that six-pack you and your buddies got that homeless guy to buy you, too!

>> No.1242601
File: 67 KB, 630x817, neely_selfindulgent_4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just like to say that I posted the original "Can some /lit/ girls post some self pics posing with their favorite books please. keep 'em tasteful!" post in the other thread. We are now at over 260 posts between the two threads. I feel overwhelmed. keep it going!
pic related

>> No.1242602

Thank you for supporting this thread.

You rock.

>> No.1242603

who wants cock

>> No.1242609
File: 47 KB, 480x640, sasha_pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guize me again this was my favorite book when I was a girl

>> No.1242616

Top 3 Vonnegut Power Ranking novel, bro

>> No.1242617

>I am the fun police comin' here 'cause I ain't got no friends and nobody likes me

This is pretty much how you're coming across.

To me, it's just an ego thing for you now. Poeple are coming out of the woodwork for this thread, and you're so pissed off that your chickenshit sagebombing and vulgar insults in the other thread were out-flanked by this one that now you're just casting around in the dark for anything to make this thread the big bad evil of /lit/ and you the shining white knight.

You do realize you're white-knighting a 4chan board, yes? That puts you in the running for the biggest faggot ever to post here.

Seriously, you lose. Fuck off.

>> No.1242618
File: 129 KB, 600x603, splash_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lady is a soldier

>> No.1242621

PROTIP: This is the same asspained pansy who shit up the other thread so badly. Note the sage.

>> No.1242625


Is it totally inconceivable that more than one person would prefer not to have threads like this here?

>You do realize you're white-knighting a 4chan board

Derp de derp. There are good boards and bad boards, quality levels are the product of the people on the board, there actually exist places where people stay relatively on-topic and don't shitpost. Do you even know what white knighting means? Hint: It has almost nothing to do with this.

>> No.1242630


Finished it tonight and it was real good stuff.

>> No.1242628
File: 517 KB, 800x2100, moby_dick_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the sage" has different books and different poses in each pic.
also! >>1242601 i demand recognition!

>> No.1242638

No less conceivable than there being one asshole with a fragile ego and nothing better to do... on the internet.

Look, A LOT of people are supporting this thread. Again, you have lost here. Kindly fuck off.

cap: you're obesses

>> No.1242641

You sir, are recognized.

Your bullshit has inspired something good.

>> No.1242647


That's neat. Anyway.

>Look, A LOT of people are supporting this thread.

So? /lit/ doesn't have to be shitty. I'm not saying that this thread doesn't exist or that people won't post in similar bad threads. I'm saying it is threads like this, of which we already have an abundance, which turn boards into shit. Why so mob mentality?

>> No.1242652
File: 20 KB, 335x446, blot-save[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. One more tom neely pic then i'm going to bed. i cant believe 1 innocuous post spawned this.

>> No.1242655

Anyone thinking /lit/ is shit at the moment obviously wasn't here / has forgotten how craptacular the board was at the height of summer and the period of trip-fag predominance thereafter.

Things are a loooot better right now, regardless of this thread.

>> No.1242659

The place could be worse, so let's do our best to try, fellows!

>> No.1242661


Nah, more a case of be thankful for what you've got.

>> No.1242667


Back in the old days 4chan didn't even have /lit/. I had to walk forty miles to 7chan in the snow and we only had five or six posts a day, and we were grateful for that.

Things were tough in the old days.

>> No.1242671

Sleep well. This is probably the closest you will come to greatness in your life. I am not bieng sarcastic or facetious.

>> No.1242679

Right, well, I'm out. I need alcohol and meat.

Thank you, denziens of /lit/, for making this thread a sucess and putting at least one pretentious hipster asshole on /lit/ in his pencil-necked place.

I'll start another "post yer pics" thread at some later date.

I love you guys-- Out!

>> No.1242909
File: 37 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy of Kafka on the Shore. Pretty great so far! The cover got torn a bit in my backpack though...I guess it adds character.