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/lit/ - Literature

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12421708 No.12421708 [Reply] [Original]

What does your mom read?

>> No.12421719

lots of mary karr and joan didion. memoirs mostly

>> No.12421721


>> No.12421730

Elena Ferrante

>> No.12421731


>> No.12421734

Self-help books about how to get men 30 years younger than her

>> No.12421738

She read mysteries mostly

>> No.12421744

Lately? The nutritional information for almost everything she eats.
It's kind of depressing because she's trying to do some new diet that all the other women she knows are doing and you can tell that she worries a lot about her shape but she's pushing 60 and there's just no way that she will be able to undo what decades of sedentary and lax dieting have done to her at the age she is. Every meal you can tell that she's trying to do her best to cut back but nothing is really helping and she's getting depressed because she is realizing that her body isn't what it was when she was 20, hell, even what it was when she was 40, and she's trapped in it until she dies. She "jokes" about dying before my dad a lot now.
Her eyes have a sadness to them no matter what she looks at.

>> No.12421749

Latin manuscripts about birds. It's best not to ask her what she's reading it's always some shit like that.

>> No.12421760
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Suzanne Summers and step mom read 50 shades of black dick for watever reason

>> No.12421765

Ah, she's read my work. Would she be interested in arranging a special meeting?

>> No.12421783

Fuck Anon. I didn’t come to this thread to feel

>> No.12421788

Mysteries such as "Why is my daughter a dumb lesbian neet?"

>> No.12421789

Biblical commentaries. She really likes J.C. Ryle.

>> No.12421796
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>She "jokes" about dying before my dad a lot now

Good. Just sounds like she is coming to terms with death.

>> No.12421797

John Grisham and Mary Higgins Clark

>> No.12421803

Virginia Woolf

>> No.12421805

pretty lit mommy reads, anon

>> No.12421806

Literary fiction.

In the last couple of years she started buying more and more second hand books, titles you'd associate with "classic" authors. This
new year alone, she got 20 or so new books.

I don't know if she's doing this to plan ahead for her retirement (she hasn't stopped reading since she was a child) and fill in some gaps in her reading.

But I'm not sure. Thorughout my life, my mom has alternated between
being a total bitch and fairly supportive of me. My dad confided that she's only proud of me because I read too, which has made me wonder if she's building this ridiculously large collection for my sake, for the day she passes away.

>> No.12421827

Spiritual books and historical fiction. She also has a shrine in her room with all kinds of religious and mythological stuff, especially Eastern.

>> No.12421832

>she's only proud of me because I read too
Are you a NEET?

>> No.12421835

No, genre trash. Agatha Christie, Father Dowling etc. she got a bunch of sci-fi from a book club once and we or into Hitchhikings that way. Other than that she read her bible. No ambition but for her kids to be safe and happy. I miss her.
She never knew I was homosexual. I’m not a “neet” either

>> No.12421841

What part of “got” looks like “or” to this fucking thing

>> No.12421847

Hilary Mantel

>> No.12421851

Her favourites are Jane Austen, Kafka, Nietzsche and Agatha Christie. She also reads modern sci-fi novels

>> No.12421866
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She reads dictionaries and other linguistic reference materials
Here's a cool set I found in the basement

>> No.12421868

My mom is dying of Lewy Body Dementia

>> No.12421870
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Mostly free novels they give out for free on amazon.

>> No.12421877

Her favourite author is Dan Brown. Besides his novels, she reads books that confirm her paranormal beliefs.

You are not the real butters. Please stop using that name.

>> No.12421897

She is now into Agatha Christie. Used to read Mary Higgins Clark and Sue Grafton

>> No.12421917
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>that dust

I don't even care if they don't get read that often but for God sakes buy a duster.

>> No.12421936
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The entire basement is like this. At least five full bookshelves that never get any attention unless it's from me when I'm visiting for the holidays.
Fat hand included for scale.

>> No.12421940

My dad told me that before I became a NEET though.

>> No.12421946

Crime novels, whatever free book amazon will allow her to have for her kindle, shes gots at least 20 "how to stop being an alcoholic" books and never got to the end of any of them

>> No.12421957

My mom just finished Pride and Prejudice, and now we are going to read Augustine’s Confessions concurrently since I’m away at college. My mom started reading classics to try to connect with me. I don’t deserve her.

>> No.12421971

>tfw Mommyposter left our board as of last night
>we'll never see such pure, honest expressions of admiration toward the fairer sex ever again on /lit/
hold me, bros

>> No.12421991

You're disgusting but that little book looks awesome

>> No.12421992


>> No.12421993

James Patterson and wine memes.

>> No.12422022

Mostly YA stuff like Hunger Games and Twilight. I lent her The Hobbit and she really liked it but the when I lent her LOTR she couldn't into that. I'd like to get her away from YA onto something else.

>> No.12422033

Literally only Christian shit

>> No.12422039
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Thanks for noticing! You're not wrong my dude; I agree wholeheartedly.
Yeah, it's a damn shame.

>> No.12422040
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What happened?

>> No.12422070

Mommyposter, a poster who attained minor fame for his trademark comments regarding his desire for a motherly girlfriend, and the efflorescence of his expressions regarding such desire, has left our board as of yesterday. Normally, on a thread with an OP like this one, he'd have left a signature comment regarding how desperately he desires to love and be loved by a caring, dominant woman.

>> No.12422072

He'll be back.

>> No.12422075

wank me with that fat hand of yours.

>> No.12422085

Damn, I think we have the same mother.

>> No.12422103
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I think perhaps I formed one half of 'mommyposter', unaware I had a brother. I shall carry his torch.

>> No.12422126

I've got a death grip so be careful what you wish for my dude ;^)

Would it be wise to start a smallest book thread with my findings? More book discussion and less sexually frustrated /ss/ posters I reckon...

>> No.12422135

Umberto Eco and some womens books that i didnt care to look into

>> No.12422142

comedy books like Uganda Be Kidding Me and whatever Andy Cohen writes
she also watches reality TV

>> No.12422239

Do right by him, anon.

>> No.12422240
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Mommyposter help me with some recs on mommygf lit.

>> No.12422303

Also what makes the mommygf experience to be so different than the usual married life? What makes a mommygf so different than a wife, isn't it just another form of devilish perversioin? I don't understand, please enlighten me.

>> No.12422316

zoology stuff, quite good

>> No.12422327

One leaves us, yet another takes his place. Never let that torch go out.

>> No.12422329

Based Nuevo-Mommyposter

>> No.12422346

she's an author

>> No.12422360

My mom is in a book club, but it's really just a drinking club.I'm not sure that they even read. they went to Greece and she got me a Plato Bust though, so that's cool.

>> No.12422366

Because you don't have to be a masculine man around her, instead she takes on the dominant role, and smothers you in cuddles and unconditional love. Also plays the big spoon. Ordinary married life can't compare.

>> No.12422442

Oedipus Rex, A Chance Encounter

>> No.12422458

Who's mommyposter ? Is that his mom in the picture ? If yes I can understand why he had so much admiration for women.

>> No.12422468

Who is this semen demon

>> No.12422471

My last girlfriend was kinda like that. Gorgeous mommycore body that would smother me in bliss everytime we slept together. Very tender and supportive, would pet me like I were a little cat and ride my dick like I were a bull.

Damn now I remember why I still miss her, thanks anon.

>> No.12422475

didion is so momcore it's not even funny

>> No.12422633

How can I have this woman in my life?

>> No.12422663

my mom constantly reads mysteries, particularly either M.C. Beaton novels (the Hamish Macbeth series) or Janet Evanovich. And unless she is reading another book about veganism, she will just reread those two authors.
I have to read some Miyuki Miyabe mystery for class, so if it is good I will probably shill it to my mom.

>> No.12422734

Is that really your mum? She is a really attractive women. She is my type. I bet she's great to be around.

>> No.12422822

Alice Munro because she's her favourite, and YA shit because she's a librarian

>> No.12422842

Mommyposting seems innocuous, but I find it an affront to the work the xenofeminist threads must undertake.
It is an easy impulse to see Mommyworship as a submission to the feminine Other, and yet an important distinction must me made in the line of Freudian thoughts of childhood development. The Mommy, in her attentive care, does not trespass upon the ipseity, does not puncture into same in which lives consciousness/ego. As a child learns to exert itself, in crying for milk and so on, over the Mother, so does Mommyworship become an exertion of the ego into the relatively same, a relation that is not a true alterity and thus is a simple weaving of the same, without the necessary negation/puncture. As a mother has a child, so does this relationship not represent a true alterity and only a mere relation of related opposites.

>> No.12422855

Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elain Pagels. She is a spiritual woman and gave it to me. I'll read it at some point

>> No.12422856

my boss, who I see as my second mom reads Count of Monte Cristo

Since she's emotionally abusive in the same way my real mom was growing up, sometimes I wonder if I somehow find a way to stand up to her or, ideally, to seduce her, if I would also solve my pre-existing psychological issues in one swoop.

>> No.12422885

Women are the greatest thing of this Earth, the closest thing here to Paradise, as Camus brilliantly stated. Even seeing a picture of them, makes me a bit happier. They are like sunshine, in the form of human beings.

>> No.12422964

I don't know what this means - I know only that I'd love a woman with every fibre of my being, and no personal motive at all. They are the very light of this world.

>> No.12422986

We must carry on what he began. The wholesome appreciation of the feminine that overturns this board from the grips of its toxic misogyny, into a new era of /lit/, where even female posters - real ones - become comfortable enough sojourn here among us.

>> No.12423013

The bible

>> No.12423120


>> No.12423131

Until they open their mouths

>> No.12423154

When they open their mouths is actually when the real fun begins.

>> No.12423205
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Some books about learning theory, constructivism, Vygotsky.
I know nothing about that stuff but she stills talks to me daily about how Piaget was wrong about too much shit.

>> No.12423230

She's currently not reading the book I got her for Christmas, despite the fact that I've already finished the book she got me for Christmas. Every year, I try to pick the safest, most-likely-to-be-read book possible, and they always just end up gathering dust. Oh well.

>> No.12423287

my diary desu

>> No.12423290

The book is Capitalism and Schizophrenia if anyone is wondering.

>> No.12423305

I wonder if I will stop watching mom-son porn once mom dies.

>> No.12423594
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>mama and papa self-taught after dropping out of elementary school to take care of their poor families in a 3rd world country.
>their siblings all get pregnant and half illiterate.
>they work hard enough to earn money while reading books to finish their education alone
>meet each other, two intellectuals
>raise me on history and literature books without religion or want for anything.

Why don't your parents love you, anonskis?

>> No.12423609

my mom doesnt read, neither does my dad, or my siblings.

>> No.12423610

This reads like part of a pretty decent novel.

>> No.12423634

anime tiddies.... mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.12423651

Well said. Anything is better than the current state of affairs, but that's a good goal to aim for.

>> No.12423652

Christ, looks dead

>> No.12423659
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genre fiction mostly

>> No.12423661

No this reads like some requiem for a dream tier shit.
"My mommy is addicted to dietary pills and I am a coke addict lmao, she is sad and so am I and bla bla bla."
Shut the fuck up you tasteless fag

>> No.12423669

Stacy: The Valium Years

>> No.12423671

Why are mommies so perfect bros?

>> No.12423675

Maybe he's just posting Tara Tainton and Eva Green webms on /tv/

>> No.12423677

that's someone's mom?
hello stepson.

>> No.12423692

Nonfiction books about health, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, self-help, theology, yoga, a mix of new-agy stuff, sciency stuff, and spiritual/religious stuff. She's been telling me to read The Untethered Soul. She says she can't read fiction or she gets too into it and doesn't get stuff done.

>> No.12423694

Last book she read was On the Shortness of Life by Seneca. I gave it to her to read.
Otherwise it's usually catholic stuff and knitting books

>> No.12423700

>tfw I was actually looking at my mother's dirty feet yesterday and actually felt a bit turned on despite not usually being a footfag

A song of ice and fire. Harry potter. The hunger games. Pretty pleb, sadly. Although she does read actual literature from time to time.

>> No.12423715

Why not pirate epubs for her? She'd like it.

>> No.12423794

whatever words appear on candy crush for 6-10 hours every day

it's learned helplessness and she's losing it

>> No.12423830

This is not so different from the plot of Madame Bovary, with added drugs.

>> No.12423857

David Icke

>> No.12423867

Can I have her phone number? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12423882

You seem like a very nice and happy person.

>> No.12423896

Gordon Wood, Hannah Arendt, Montesquieu, The Bible, Victor Hugo, Ayn Rand, Herman Melville, you will not win an argument with her

>> No.12423898

You seem like a snide little bitch, get fucked

>> No.12423901

you know where those beads go at nighttime?

>> No.12423904

Are you supposed to be a parody of a high school faggot who is seething because his dad makes him suck his dick every night, or are you actually one?

>> No.12423971

>Victor Hugo, Ayn Rand,
> you will not win an argument with her

yes I will

>> No.12423976

Is there something you want to talk about?

>> No.12423981

fucking lol

>> No.12424042

Gave her the map and the territory by houllebecq for her birthday. Did I fuck up fellas?

>> No.12424071

In all honesty, you need to find a way to sort yourself out dude. Directing that amount of senseless anger at completely harmless posts on the internet. Whatever that shit is about, it'll eat you up eventually.

>> No.12424268
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>> No.12424621

anything I give to her

>> No.12424694
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My mum couldn't even get past the first pages in that book, she has an aversion to Houellebecq it seems, which is understandable because she's a woman.

>> No.12424697

Don't do this. I showed my mom how to pirate music and now every time she wants a new album it's a minimum of 45 minutes walking her through everything all over again.

>> No.12424703

They're women with all the bad parts removed.

>> No.12424708

>they went to Greece and she got me a Plato Bust though
thats dope af

>> No.12424714

>X isn't Y, it's just X because X is X and not Y
wow thanks

>> No.12424731

>mom reads the stranger
>"did you like it"
>"yes but that Mersault, I don't know, but he seemed kind of stupid"
>"yeah, he's a retard"

>> No.12424740

New Age and self help stuff
she's that sort of middle aged woman who likes acupuncture, chinese medicine, singing bowls, all water fasts in a 'yoga' ''retreat''

>> No.12424746


>> No.12424748

Anon, you might be a degenerate.

>> No.12424754

Carl Schmitt, Mein Kampf, Degrelle, Fichte.
The classics really.

>> No.12424763

Tell her you love her, tell her about the things you're doing and things you're planning to do, thank her for things she did for you. Genuine mom's care more about their kids than anything else, make sure she's proud of raising you.

>> No.12424769

what does she write?

>> No.12424813

Mostly Agatha Christie

>> No.12424842


>> No.12424879

We went to a bookstore cuz I wanted to purchase the eye by nobakov whoever I forget his name

She also wanted a book. I suggested she purchase Anne Frank's Diary. I was being ironic. sarcastic.
She actually went and bought the book and she tells me she's really liking it...
She's like "I miss being 14!"

>> No.12424912

the bible and joyce meyer

>> No.12424924

She pretends to read Simone de Beauvoir but only actually reads instagram posts

>> No.12424931

blasé and redwinepilled

>> No.12424951

moms are just women who had unprotected sex, lads, I don't know why you expect them to have different tastes than the average thot

>> No.12425077

How dare you reduce motherhood to such a summary. Mothers are the very lynchpin of all species, the most divine of creatures from whom all others have come. Mothers are the heavenliest of all beings. Please don't forget this, and make sure you give your own mom a hug today if you can.

>> No.12425082


>> No.12425101

My mom is dead, but back when she was still alive her shelves used to be lined with Danielle Steel and Nora Roberts paperbacks.

>> No.12425137

How/where does one find a mommy gf?

>> No.12425143

I don't. She's the one pretending.

>> No.12425155


>> No.12425165

>joycean beads
What did she mean by that?

>> No.12425189


>> No.12425271

Law and books about it. Only. I gave her "The World as Will and Representation" as a birthday gift; about 20 pages was as far as she got.

>> No.12425303

You need help, anon. Hope you find it.

>> No.12425328

>giving her a book by a raging misogynist
What were you even thinking, lad.

Anyways bless your mom, sounds like a sweet lady.

>> No.12425394

yikes, this place really is /ince-lit/ now, huh

>> No.12425415

guys what do i do if i'm just endlessly enamoured with women? loving them so much my heart could burst?

>> No.12425457

>raising you without religion
>loving you
pick 1

>> No.12425475

Classic BritLit, gardening books, and lots of historical nonfiction. She has heart problems but when she's not too tired, she likes to go to local museums and look up old records and improve her personal records about our family tree. She also has a bunch of self-help books but I've never actually seen her read any of them.


>> No.12425479

t. Stockholm syndrome

>> No.12425686

>emotionally abusive
How so? It seems unlikely that workplace relationship could be abusive in that way.

>> No.12425707

I'm not badmouthing moms or women in general, but it's a fact that most women like shit books, so why would mothers be different? it's not like men are better, most men don't even read

>> No.12425711

>It seems unlikely that workplace relationship could be abusive in that way.
lmao anon please

>> No.12425768

My mom majored in phil. Now she's working in corporate consulting, and only reads books her book group chooses.

>> No.12425806

my mum is one of the most well read people ive ever met, i go to her for recs and she has an individual taste unlike here

>> No.12425819

>What does your mom read/rec?

>> No.12425853

Harry Potter, lemony snicket, the list goes on...

>> No.12426246

Based and lowkey-catholicpilled

>> No.12426402

Absolutely Based and mompilled

>> No.12426412

detective books
fucking millions of them

>> No.12426417


Thomas Hardy

>> No.12426419
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Unironically the Bible

>> No.12426424

>Her favourite author is Dan Brown. Besides his novels, she reads books that confirm her paranormal beliefs.

>> No.12426488 [DELETED] 
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>faggot and cuck confirmed
They can be just as terrible as men in their own way

>> No.12426491

Which Bible do orthodox christians read?

>> No.12426501
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All kinds of old books as research material relating to a novel she's currently writing. She's written like 4 published books for the biggest publishing company in my country. They've sold ok, not super popular. Some of them will probably be translated soon to a couple of other languages. They're these modern kind of artsy books with magical-realism.
She knows a lot about literature and buys me books sometimes.
(Sorry: just felt like mom-flexing on you fags)

>> No.12426507 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12427192

historical fiction about english royalty and the c j sansom novels. right now she's reading something by stephen fry

>> No.12427232

mostly classic sci-fi, she also loves Pratchett for some reason
I have the exact same image saved as "blessed image", did you get it from me or did we tap into the same collective consciousness?

>> No.12427262

Got it from here so probably you. Have you got any more Lord's blessings in jpg format?

>> No.12427304
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is 4chan so underage they have moms in their 40s? If you wanted to represent mom to me it would be something like this

>> No.12427319
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>tfw no pedagogically obsessed mum

>> No.12427327

Yeah but how are her feet?

>> No.12427334
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>> No.12427341

old, fat, calloused and wrinkly.

>> No.12427357

Romance novels set in the 1920s

>> No.12427376


/lit/ - Literature

>> No.12427383
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>mfw these replies are adjacent

>> No.12427387
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I feel like high-tier moms tend to like detective stories
this one also gives off a sense of power, be it divine or not

>> No.12427639


>> No.12428081

I don't know my man. I also love them so much, and I've expressed as much on here before, but there's so little I feel we can do to express that love without becoming creeps. On the street, I treat women with respect like any other person and regard them as my equal, and I'm not afraid to smile at a girl if she smiles at me (that always brightens up my day). On here though I think we can do our part by defending women when the opportunity arises. We need to do our research and we need to actively challenge the common misogynist narrative by making sound and constructive arguments regarding the virtues of women. After all, the whole point of reading literature is to question the status quo. Mommyposter gave us a voice, anon. We need to make the most of what he's given us and stand up to all this horrible misogyny.

I hope you can carry his torch. Yesterday was a sad day when he left. I already miss him and his innocent adoration.

>> No.12428105


She has a STEM major so she has a very logical and scientific mind. Ever since i was little it seemed all the conflict in our house was mostly caused by her and that despite her acting, stemmed from rational, goal-oriented motivations. Most of the books she reads are stem related but some of them are chick porn or fiction.

>> No.12428587
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The bible

>> No.12428613

Whoever posted that disgusting-beyond-words image above, with the woman and the you know what, I truly despise you and I want you to know that you have ruined my entire day, maybe even my week. Seriously, you are a terrible person and I really disdain you for what you've done. Can any anons here tell me if it's been deleted yet, have the damn moderators done their job in this case?

>> No.12428621

What are you babbling about you fucking queer?

>> No.12428711

A despicable image posted above.

>> No.12428739

I hear you friend, but I really don't think that /lit/ is the place for men like us, regarding this aspect. Not that I know of a better community, just that I consider this one hopeless beyond measure. The incel invasion happened long ago, and this is simply their home now. Take care friend, the present paradigm of the world is a difficult one for guys like us to navigate.

>> No.12428743

Fuck off retard.

>> No.12428754

>the virtues of women
Such as...?

>> No.12428841

is she retarded?

>> No.12428850

memoirs, some fiction short stories, she's working on a horror novel rn

>> No.12428860
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mostly yogi buddhist self improvement shit

>> No.12428964

Things won't change if people won't speak out. It hardly requires a purging of the board, but if people were to just make a corner for themselves to discuss these kinds of things (much lie the thread we're in now), we could offer a fresh perspective for those who wanted it. The Incel takeover only happened because no-one wanted to contest their views. Something needs to be done. The one-sided nature of the discussion on this topic is really dragging down the average quality of threads (/pol/shit is something of the norm at the moment).

>> No.12428967

Bird box

>> No.12428995
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Gave my mum Blood Meridian for Christmas, she seems to enjoy it

>> No.12429663

My mom doesn't read. She's an absolute dullard.

>> No.12429686

she screams at me for minor mistakes, and throws in a bunch of attacks on my character, calling me "arrogant" and shit of that nature. She changes what she wants, or waits until the day after something is due and then screams at me for not having what she wants ready. Then she flips and becomes super nice and almost flirty. She's my PhD advisor so I'm stuck as her slave

>> No.12429700

Georges Bataille and Robert Heinlein

>> No.12429713
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So exploitative

>> No.12429801


Whoever wrote Cloud Atlas. She's read almost all his novels.
Surprised but she finished The Fountainhead last year.
She reads a lot of mainstream shit too, like Life of Pi, Water for Elephants, that kind of thing.

>> No.12429916

I love when you Jordan Peterson consuming faggots try to diagnose others' problems. It's hilarious.

>> No.12429949

Everything in your post is mainstream

>> No.12429979
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Reddit and The Book of Mormon

>> No.12430006
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a lot of stuff, she has a fuckhueg library ranging from horror to philosophical treatises, fuck I love my mom

>> No.12430534

how do they portray you?

>> No.12430609

Lawyers are the most vile creatures known to man

>> No.12430769


Nice prose

>> No.12430792

She used to read typical chick books from Agatha Christie, J.K. Rowling, etc.

But as she's gotten older she's become a lot more political. She read Atlas Shrugged. I think I might gift her Mein Kampf

>> No.12430894
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me too lmao

>> No.12430928

My mom will read anything and everything. She has read more books then I could count. She's the biggest reader I know. I love my ma but I don't always show that to her. I'm not the best kid.

>> No.12431017

any porn with that "mom"?

>> No.12431069

She reads non-fiction only. Guénon and Schuon mostly.

>> No.12431209

Agatha Christie

>> No.12431297

I guess you're right, but I'm also just blackpilled at this point too, brother. Feeling that this site isn't worth my coming to it anymore, for any reason. I don't know, at this point. I'd rather just migrate to Youtube and hang out in the areas with friendly girls doing positive vlogs relating to makeup, morning routines, music or so on. Seems like a better way to spend the days, imo.

>> No.12431307

seems kinda hot

>> No.12431324

King, Koontz, Atwood, that's about it. She read Kavalier and Clay over the summer, though.

>> No.12431435

Stuff like Gone Girl and Before I Go to Sleep.

>> No.12431453

fifty shades and ulyssess analyses. no joke

>> No.12431588


>> No.12431650


>> No.12431809

I’m here for the occasional good discussion of books, personally. As much shit as you can give this place for it’s misogyny, there are some anons with good taste (or taste slightly better than the Goodreads crowd at the very least).

I just think that there’s a whole dimension of literature being glossed over by not considering the female experience at least a little bit. Even works that are generally loved on /lit/ often have a lot of positive/interesting commentary relating to women that just goes ignored by the majority of the board. I love girls and I want to talk about them on an intellectual level without having to deal with either idpol or people finding increasingly pretentious ways of saying what amounts to nothing more than “girls are icky”.

We don’t need to change the board, we just need to stop shying away from talking about women when relevant. Especially since we love them so much. I know I’ll try to carry the torch to the best extent I can on that front.

>> No.12431839

Por qué los hombres aman a las cabronas II

>> No.12432104
File: 490 KB, 500x775, Confessions of a Mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shack, but also Reinventing the Shack.

>> No.12432137

unironically lots of autobiographies from holocaust survivors. She's like a holocaust autodidact.

>> No.12432160


It was a picture of a woman making quite the doody in another woman's mouth.

>> No.12432316
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so... has she started to catch on yet?