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/lit/ - Literature

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12421370 No.12421370 [Reply] [Original]

"tonight i'll go to bed early so i can read for a couple of hours :)"
>watches twitch til 2 am instead
any other gamers struggling with the literary lifestyle?

>> No.12421380

If you play video games you need to leave this fucking board now

>> No.12421390

OP doesn't even play games, he watches others play!

>> No.12421400
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I honestly cannot even comprehend a bigger waste of time than watching other people play video games.

Is this real life? Is this the world we live in? The youth of today watching other youths play video games?

>> No.12421439

There is a program called Dspeech it's free. You can copy & paste any text into it and it will read it.
I copy all the text from my ebooks. If I play video games with the video game on mute - it's win win.

>> No.12421453


>> No.12421456

Yeah man it seems pretty pointless, not to mention boring

>> No.12421460

he wont be able to hear the sound of his fave streamers shrieking if he does that

>> No.12421463

dont be jealous

>> No.12421467

Thanks Pete

>> No.12421477

Remember when you were a child doing some child thing, and an older person looked at you or spoke to you with utter incomprehension as to why on God's earth you would spend your time doing it?

We are now the older people, anon. Next stop: the grave

>> No.12421493

It's the equivalent of watching 2 strangers playing chess, or watching a soccer match. Some people just like the exercise.

The truly sad ones are the celebrity worshippers or those who feel part of a gang or whatever.

>> No.12421519

Can you imagine a woman lusting for you after telling her this? Such an impeccable shame I would carry were I you. Not one soul would know of my addictive burden. You have a very finite amount of “meat” (or so I’ll call it) that you can use. Your “meat” is used watching addicted individuals use, but in a fun money-grabbing environment to make things even more satanic. You are an addict. Likely obese and completely useless (in battle, and in bed). I prescribe to you the following regiment for one month. Do these for one month, and believe, and perhaps you will be able to get erections again:
>stop watching porn
>stop chronically masturbating
>start couch to 5k
>call gyms around town, get quotes, pick one with a good amount of free weights that won’t bream your bank
>begin a beginners workout routine and stick to it (see /fit/ sticky for help)
>only take cold showers (if you are real man of action you will get into shower THEN turn it on)
>turn off heater
>sleep on back on floor with no pillow or blanket
>set alarm for 6am every morning
>drink only water
>eat only beef and salt
>delete gay social media/tinder/snapchat/video games

One month passes you might be a semblance of a human being, as of now you are one of mankind. Imagine finding joy in plugging yourself up to the machine every single night and waiting to die. Do you have goals? Do you try to justify ~gaining knowledge~ in leiu of a job, relationships, a LIFE?? Don’t kill yourself. Train to be a fucking Army Ranger you loser. LMAOing at your life.

>> No.12421528

Or just don't care about a woman. Like lmao stop looking at them, close your eyes nigga.

>> No.12421536

way to not read past the first line

>> No.12421539

>or those who feel part of a gang or whatever
Sports fans, then? I don't see what's sad about it. I mean sure it's a completely arbitrary thing to pour your emotions and sense of belonging into, but I think there's something admirable in making that conscious choice.

>> No.12421562

Both complete brainlets

>> No.12421604

I seriously doubt it's a conscious choice.
It's more of a seed born out of innocence and pure admiration, which sprouts and grows, lit by mass mentality/peer pressure and watered by hatred.
It's a terrible metaphor, I know.

>> No.12421781

Me after starting to play Hotline Miami like one week ago. Videogames are a drug on my brain and I'm like a recovered toxic who is falling again in vice. However I have to clarify that playing, after many hours of study, is much easier than reading

>> No.12421793

It wasn’t worth reading after that point

>> No.12421945

ok keep watching people play video games and enact fake emotions to draw open your purse. dont live life

>> No.12422205


>> No.12422220

im trying to help you

>> No.12422245

Is sleeping on the floor really necessary?

>> No.12422251

Yet true.

>> No.12422267


>> No.12422270

you need antidepressants and therapy, but don't worry, we'll make a taxpayer out of you yet

>> No.12422279

Twitch is fun for the social interaction you have between the streamer and rest of chat. You barely even have to watch them play

>> No.12422281

itll fix your masturbator posture as well as toughen you up mentally

>> No.12422288
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>social interaction

>> No.12422300

Huh. Thank you for this information.

>> No.12422312

How is communication with people online not a social activity?

>> No.12422319
File: 41 KB, 800x430, pasolini mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Twitch not have literary or philosophy channels? It could actually be cool for that kind of thing

>> No.12422330


>> No.12422339

get real friends

>> No.12422347

Are there any /lit/ approved vidya?

>> No.12422348

I am speaking out of my ass here, but considering it is a gaming-focused, likely not.
Though I can see Twitch based literature/philosophy channel becoming popular on there. Same with a community theater channel

>> No.12422361

>tfw 38, the same age as my grandfather when I was born

>> No.12422364

Are you not also talking to people online? Why bother coming to /lit/

>> No.12422372

It can be a good way to improve your skills and understand the game better. Is that really different from amateur chess players watching online professional games ?

>but muh chess is a real intellectual game

They're both autistic forms of enjoyment, get over yourself you pseud.

>> No.12422374

I found some dude that was crazy well versed in philosophy and literature and would just shoot the shit with him and learn a bunch of stuff. It was pretty cool.

>> No.12422377

Blood Bowl 2 vidya > real chess

>> No.12422381
File: 7 KB, 300x300, vladimir-lenin-9379007-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted" - Vladimir Lenin

If you were dedicating all your time to some kind of self improvement you probably wouldn't be shitposting on /lit/ in the first place

>> No.12422382

I talk about philosophy and shit sometimes online on eso on mic with the guild, or even in guildchat. They probably think I'm a schizo, I don't know.

>> No.12422386

Possibly mate. I can't play decently any kind of game, video or otherwise.

>> No.12422391

i can't understand reading about someone else experiencing something

>> No.12422395

It doesn't matter if you win so long as you do your best. If you're going to lose at least make the fucker earn his win.

>> No.12422404

It's just a way for people to feel a part of something. In the old day people went to church and watched some old dude repeat the same old bible versions over and over.

>> No.12422414

COD MW2 is on back on Xbox one and I play with a friend, but other than that I don't really play.

>> No.12422426

Except one of those acts is cleansing your mortal soul while the other is one of the most degenerate activities possible. Zoomers are beyond saving which is a sign the Rapture is coming.

>> No.12422427

>You have a very finite amount of “meat” (or so I’ll call it) that you can use. Your “meat” is used watching addicted individuals use
This is where I stopped reading, decided to post this, and do something besides shitpost on here

>> No.12422451

>mortal soul
lolol is this the only way you can validate wasting time in a church?

>> No.12422559
File: 301 KB, 472x605, 1504867893691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I think there's something admirable in making that conscious choice.
It isnt most of the time a "conscious" as if they are aware of the "sense of belonging" instincts.
>I don't see what's sad about it.
Its sad and bad, falling so blindly into that sense is dangerous and a key to enter pure slave morality. If you want any confirmation just look up sports fans when they get mad and start vandalising, beating eachother and getting arested just because of that shit. Or even more crying and having a mental breakdown when their team loses or their favourite player gets an injury.
Truly, sports fans are much to be admired i suppose.

>> No.12423025

After seriously getting into literature it is literally impossible for me to enjoy a video game

>> No.12423039

based and litpilled

>> No.12423041

Kill me, Pete.

>> No.12423138

>watches friend simulator

you're just a faggot with no discipline.

>> No.12423157

gamers rise up

>> No.12423280

I degraded and started watching twitch again

>> No.12423285

lol good bait. should have tried to make a realistic sounding comment about donating to really trigger them.

>> No.12423296

No one is forcing you to support the entertainer you watch but it is a nice gesture if you enjoy their content. It's not much different than boomers and their tv subscriptions.

>> No.12423365

I spent two years in the Peace Corps, without regular Internet access. During this time, I read at something like three times my previous typical rate. Since then, I've recognized that cutting down on the amount of screen media I consume, even stuff I do genuinely like and value, is part of a necessary price to pay for reading more.

>> No.12423460

This. Imagine playing video games let all be watching other people play video games

>> No.12423471
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>It's not much different than boomers and their tv subscriptions.

>> No.12423475

Can you give a good reason for cold showers besides muh uncomfortableness=manly?

>> No.12423481

maybe it's good for your circulation (and blood pressure)

>> No.12423524

No, such a thing does not exist. People who say that there are well written games out there usually haven't read much more than what was assigned in school (and sometimes they haven't even read that).

>> No.12423533

What if I read books out loud on twitch? It would have to be books older than the copyright limitation, so classics and stuff I guess. I've been told I have a good radio voice. This sounds hilarious and dumb.

How do I twitch stream guys?

>> No.12423536

Cured my eczema, i don't give a shit about all the manliness/test boost stuff and don't know if it's true or not

>> No.12423543
File: 768 KB, 2800x2100, Florida_Box_Turtle_Digon3_re-edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and steady. That's all you need to be. Consistent and slow and you'll make great progress with your reading.

What if I told you that you could read one sentence a night? Yep. That's all it takes. That one sentence a night will add up to more than you think after a prolonged period of time.

If you read just one sentence a day, you'll read a 700 page book every 3 decades.

>> No.12423558

Google and OBS

>> No.12423563

i dont play videogames but i got into bed with the intent to read some philosophy before going to sleep and now it's 2 hrs later ive spent browsing 4chan watching music videos and snippets of documentaries on youtube

>> No.12423626

This be me and shit but i was watching south African Congress

>> No.12423632

I have the opposite problem. Reading I fit in no matter what but I always end up dropping games a few hours in

>> No.12423637

go away vampire

>> No.12423668
File: 147 KB, 590x700, 1507416893327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I could never leave u
ur my waifu

>> No.12424401

kill me pete

>> No.12424414

t. Book nerd afraid of alpha chad jocks

>> No.12424417

This has to be the worst advice I've ever heard for being more normal.

>> No.12424427


New favorite pasta

>> No.12424596

Tactics ogre let us cling together on PSP is written pretty well.

>> No.12424613

Try it

>> No.12424696

>retards that do whatever the people around them do or celebrities tells them to.
Dont think you know what the defenition of alpha means.

>> No.12424729

Pretty good but
>Doing all that for women

Do it for Jesus

>> No.12424768

>used to be heavy into reading science papers and mathematics practice in my 20s
>videogames took over and now i can hardly hold a book for more than 30 minutes to an hour
Life sucks and my pleasures have shifted. It's barely thrilling, though the higher feeling chemical release in my brain is from games and no longer numbers. I don't enjoy it but it makes me feel good. Not sure how that works honestly

>> No.12424822

soft retards itt dont realize you can train your brain to release dopamine for basically whatever you want.

>> No.12425008

self-help enthusiasts' ideas plateau at gym + hygiene + good sleep. sleeping on the floor, taking cold showers, turning off heater, eating only meat and salt, deleting social media and nofap is all some tryhard incel cultist mentality shit that is an illusion that makes you feel like you're progressing towards being "normal" and i'd say you should occupy your time getting more important routine behaviors than that.

but that's just my opinion

>> No.12425010

pill me on the filosofia behind the eroticism present in the third interactive disgaea artwork

>> No.12425014

thief: the dark project
max payne 1 and 2
europa universalis 2

>> No.12425020

How do i enjoy video games again?

>> No.12425066

Try fiction?

>> No.12425095

Take a break from it, don't try and force yourself to play. Work on other parts of your life for a while(working out/hobbies/interacting more with family & friends). Cut down on other things that you seem to gravitate towards instead of games(porn, youtube, 4chan, etc). Make sure you're getting enough vitamin D, and that you arent in a depressed state.

You can do the same thing for reading more too

>> No.12425217

Only twitch stream I watch is Charls Carroll.

>> No.12425464

I play Fortnite because I like hearing the sound of other peoples’ voices at 4 am

>apu pic here

>> No.12425960


>> No.12426045

I did not provide a definition.

>> No.12426065

>watching people play video games over the internet
that's even worse than playing

>> No.12426085
File: 121 KB, 647x714, curse you ciderman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>eat only beef and salt

>> No.12426123

If you liked against the day you should really give RDR2 a whirrl

>> No.12426331

lmao shut up nerd

>> No.12426784

You dont need to provide one, when you are using its adjective wrongly dummy.