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/lit/ - Literature

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12420878 No.12420878 [Reply] [Original]

Will 4channel ever get a philosophy and theology board?
Is there any reason we should not have one?

>> No.12420880


>> No.12420885

/his/ was created for that reason, it turns out /lit/ didn’t like not being able to talk about philosophy so we share the topic

>> No.12420903

Any time I tell people that those topics belong on /his/ I get dogpiled. What's wrong with /his/ that philosophy posters refuse to go there?

>> No.12420907

Because if this board loses those, they’ll have nothing

>> No.12420912

It’s not /lit/

>> No.12420916

Except fiction and poetry and drama, you mean.

>> No.12420920

Also this, philosophy is a big bumper in the board’s topics and posters and it wouldn’t survive without it

>> No.12420930

Because you absolute pleb, it's like telling /gd/ to go to /his/. There is a huge distinction between the history of philosophy/theology and philosophical/theological discussions. We don't want a thread just to discuss the historical circumstances of philosophers, but a board to actually discuss philosophy without getting interrupted by shitheads like you.

>> No.12420935

On the contrary, I think literary discussion would flourish because threads about fiction wouldn't get 404d by endless "I'm a _____ist, what kind of person do you imagine?" threads

>> No.12420939

>What's wrong with /his/ that philosophy posters refuse to go there?
90% of the board is illiterate tankies who get their history from podcasts.

>> No.12420948

But /his/ is for humanities, philosophy, and theology. It's even in our sticky:
>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/
You're not limited to historical discussion of philosophers, that's in theory the right board for philosophical discussion, but for some reason philosophy posters feel they have a right to take over other boards.

>> No.12420950

/his/ is for Turk and Slav memes and posting Lindybeige.

>> No.12420957

At universities, is Philosophy discussed in the English department, or the History department?

>> No.12420961

The board would just get deleted because we wouldn’t have enough people. It would be painfully slow. Philosophy people who also post about literature may not even come to this board because it wouldn’t have philosophy, a lot of people also talk about general literature here but have philosophy as a main draw.

>> No.12420965

The philosophy department, which is my point. We need a philosophy board so that discussion of literature can continue.

>> No.12420975

/po/ has threads from 2017 up still, and they haven't been deleted.

>> No.12420977

humanities along with history

>> No.12420987

Do you want us to be like /po/?

>> No.12420999

/his/ ended up just being /int/ with dates and the average person who goes there is not the same as someone who is interested in philosophy.

>> No.12421003

philosophy department

>> No.12421007

I just went to /his/ right now for the first in a long time and it turns out to be the Slavic-supremacist version of /pol/, that admittedly focuses on glorifying Slavs rather then shitting on other races, wtf?

>> No.12421008

But it doesn't make any sense to have discussions of theory and practice on a board called history. If it were the humanities board, then why isn't literature just a daily over there? If there's no dedicated philosophy board, it makes more sense on /lit/, because all works of philosophy are written, and the bulk of theoretical discussion relies on debate over the proper interpretation of those written works. There is literally no precedent anywhere in the world for humanities discussions to be classified under history; Art History is different than Art. Ancient History is separate from Classical Studies. Music Theory is not a subject of Music History. There is literally no basis for having philosophy and religion housed under history, let alone all the humanities together.

>> No.12421009

>Philosophy discussed in the English department
Actually yes, the philosophy discussed on /lit/ isn't the philosophy taught in the philosophy departments in Universities.

>> No.12421019
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No. I think there is enough of a literature contingent here that we would have a usable board. This board has sped up tons recently, and almost all of that is due to philosophy posting. This was posted the other day, and this is exactly what I want to avoid.

>> No.12421020

Humanities isn't a department. And literature is a humanity as well. If literature should have it's own board, why not philosophy? If philosophy should be under /hum/, why shouldn't literature?

>> No.12421033

yes it is

>> No.12421056

Your way more likely to see Derrida or Deleuze in a religious ethics course than in academic philosophy, if your understanding of philosophy comes from /lit/ you'd think their major figures.

>> No.12421062

Because philosophy discussed under a literary bent>philosophy discussed under a circumstantial bent

>> No.12421073

I guess if you go to a shitty university where philosophy, literature, history, classics, etc can't be their own schools.

>> No.12421076

No. /his/ was already a mistake and moot was right. /lit/ is slow enough as it is without making new boards.

>> No.12421080

Derrida and Deleuze gets their own class at many school. That's hardly minor.

>> No.12421088

>gets their own class at many school
In the literature department.

>> No.12421098

Sometimes yes. But never the history department.

>> No.12421099

Is it just me or has /lit/ gotten faster lately? It's higher than boards like /sci/,/ck/ and /his/ for traffic.

>> No.12421104

Current philosopht/philosophy related threads:
Philosophyfags: Imagine a board where every thread was like this.
Literaturefags: Imagine a board where you could discuss Henry James or Flaubert without having to compete with these threads for bumps.
We MUST separate.

>> No.12421108

It would be even faster too if posting speed weren't limited.

>> No.12421112

those threads are based as fuq

>> No.12421124

Why is it limited? Should I make a post on /qa/?

>> No.12421131

A philosophy board would resort to posting the same shit.

>> No.12421140

ITS TIME TO SEPARATE BOYS. philosophy doesn't belong here

>> No.12421187

I wouldn't mind posting on /his/ or a different board but it's too late now

>> No.12421213

I don't know why. I just know that when I post as frequently as I do on some other boards, my captcha's take exponentially longer on /lit/.

>> No.12421239

I'm not saying the posts are inherently bad. Just that there's enough volume for another board. It's like /tv/'s long fight for a /cel/ - Celebrities board. Celebrity gossip and photos still take up a large amount of that board's traffic, even though /hr/ is essentially a celebrity pictures board.

>> No.12421268

It's just /pol/ and people shitposting as turks/blacks etc to rile /pol/ up and get them to sperg out

>> No.12421269

phil board is out

>> No.12421275

That's kind of the point. A philosophy board would allow all these threads to exist somewhere else, freeing up more space there and here to get more of what the users of those threads want.

>> No.12421281

Any worthwhile discussion on philosophy or theology necessarily involves reading books. If you remove that barrier, you're just gonna get /pol/ or /his/. It would be just memes and people informed by image macros and podcasts.

>> No.12421282

Yes go and take that gigachad with you.

>> No.12421295

it's called "History AND Humanities", it's right there in the name
of you don't like it you can take it up with hiro

>> No.12421304

It may be so but most anons misinterpret it and you can clearly see it is not effective at all.

>> No.12421314

I think moving the discussion to its own board wouldn't have any effect on the discussion quality. It's not like lack of reading keeps people from posting on /lit/ either.

>> No.12421315

>a theology board

I cannot even imagine how awful that would be.

>> No.12421317
File: 409 KB, 500x282, 54846546846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 for phil board with qt waifus

>> No.12421331

The Flaubert discussion on this board consists of incels calling Emma a roastie. Nobody's read anything else by him. Henry James threads are little better, there are about three Jamesians, a few people who will complain they couldn't understand Turn of the Screw, and nobody else has read him

>> No.12421350

At least christlarpers would fuck off

>> No.12421354

Is the, dare I say it, tiger out?

>> No.12421369

1. That doesn't make any sense. Would you advertise a restaurant with Hamburgers & Food?
2. What do you think we're doing? Big threads get the attention of mods. Enough of them, and then they see maybe the users feel pretty strongly.

>> No.12421376


>> No.12421381

no u

>> No.12421392

I am a pretty butterfly and I demand a philosophy board.

>> No.12421408

>theology board
So a board that gets 3 posts per hour where every post is by some gnostic weirdo or a varg fanboy telling you to stop worshipping a kike on a stick? Sounds great.

>> No.12421419

It is necessary and progressive.

>> No.12421424

gtfo newfag

>> No.12421426

I mean a combined theology and philosophy board, not two different boards.

>> No.12421430

gtfo retards

>> No.12421480

high IQ post

>> No.12421483

You're not even a fag, you're just gay

>> No.12421494

low iq post

>> No.12421507

kys fag

>> No.12421512


>> No.12421525

If it's continental philosophy then yes it is you fuckig retard

>> No.12421531

Sorry I'm (>>12421525) and I misread your post. I'm lying in bed and tired. Please accept my sincere apology for calling you a retard

>> No.12421535

/lit/ without philosophy would turn into a /r/books clone in a week flat.
You'd have dedicated generals for fandoms, a dozen Harry Potter threads at any give time, and threads about anything but genre fiction would die without replies.

>> No.12421544

/his/ posters don't read

>> No.12421545


>> No.12421551

No you wouldn't, have you ever taken a look at the literary discussion here? Snobbery against /r/books type stuff was around from day one.

>> No.12421556


>> No.12421561

So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.

>> No.12421568

>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

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>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.
>So was philosophy.

Philosphyfags scaring away brainlets is the only thing keeping the redditors away.

>> No.12421579
File: 88 KB, 768x1024, PinkieSwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally ASS: The Forum.

>> No.12421585

The actual LARPers are mostly on /pol/ and /his/ already.
Christfags on /lit/ are entirely genuine.

>> No.12421588

High IQ post.

>> No.12421595

The problem is that the kind of people it would attract are not the same people that now post on /lit/. Maybe we would move over but the shit would drive us out. It would be a million threads about;

>waah postmodernism left bad
>if there is no god everything is allowed
Just check out any discussions other than history at /his/
The problem is that philosophy is too general of a subject. It would necessarily devolve into redditors from /pol/ playing their propaganda shitposting game and other people then trolling them.

>> No.12421612

/his/ is filled with retards, /lit/ DOES have some people who read which is why the good philosophy threads are genuinely the best content on this site.

this place is torn between becoming an accelerationist-occultist-schizo milk bar filled with exactly the kind of talented, lonely fringe prophets that these kinds of communities tend to and should attract... and faggots who wanna post about the same 3 fucking meme books over and over

>> No.12421621

You are describing the state of discussion on /lit/ already.

>> No.12421636

What sort of narcissism drives someone to say they are the best content on the website, but they don't want their own board?

>> No.12421642

Philosophy should be banned here.

>> No.12421651

so true, i fucking hate the philosophy pseuds constantly shitting up the board with their stupid glass bead game bullshit, if it ain't literary theory or aesthetics, ban it

>> No.12421661

I agree.

>> No.12421664

Any chance you could kill yourself?

>> No.12421669

Should just do a general like sffg

>> No.12421678


>> No.12421686

There wouldn't be the rare nuggets of gold that can still be found on lit , because no one worthwhile would stick around.

>> No.12421689

Should just delete this entire board.

>> No.12421695

It has almost doubled in speed over the last 3 years. And you can guess where those posters came from (and why the board quality has dropped dramatically)

>> No.12421701

Why are you so stupid?

>> No.12421702

If a board becomes too slow it opens itself up to invasion from outside forces.
A split of /lit/ would leave both halves open to invasion from other communities.

If you want an example, look at what happened to /asp/:
It started as a spin-off board from /sp/ to discuss things like martial arts, rock climbing, skateboarding, basically all the non-competitive, non-team sports. As you would expect it was a slow board, but those people who did want to discuss those topics were now locked into that board. Threads about those topics would now be deleted from /sp/ and /fit/.
Then the WWE posters came. They migrated over from some obscure chan and took over the board, utterly outnumbering the /asp/ies. Suddenly no threads about anything but wrestling could survive. Those people wanting to discuss genuine "alternative sports" were driven off the board, and still the jannies wouldn't let them back into /sp/ and /fit/. Eventually they were forced to give up on discussing their alternative sport hobbies on 4chan entirely.

>> No.12421745

Are you actually implying that the philosophyposters are worthwhile lol?
/asp/ has always been the 4chan outpost of 420's /woo/, from day one.

>> No.12421755

everyone hates you

>> No.12421761 [DELETED] 

I was here! « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.12421763

the only good nugget i saw on lit in ages was some dude who was like "if you're miserable it's because you believe miserable ideas" i was ooooh SHIT

>> No.12421774

>/asp/ has always been the 4chan outpost of 420's /woo/, from day one.
Bullshit. In the early days there were maybe 4 or 5 wrestling threads at a time, max.
I don't know what happened that drove them there, but at some point they just completely flooded the place and took over completely.

>> No.12421777

it's because fags posted the top100 image to imgur and reddit which flooded us with plebs, same thing happened to /mu/ a long time ago when some fags crossposted to a kanye west fan forum (u can only imagine the kind of slugs who inhabit such a place) and caused an influx of fucktards, /mu/ is big enough that the fuckery didnt last, but lit is not so lucky

>> No.12421814

The problem does stem from Reddit, but because of a certain other boards actions which flooded the entire site with them. And a certain jungian public speaker.

>> No.12421826

Yes just ban all the phil retards.

>> No.12421843
File: 875 KB, 450x337, fat girl shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, let's just lay out the basic truth: /his/ is a failed board. It hasn't done what it set out to do. It has literally become "/pol/ with dates," which Hiro explicitly said it wouldn't become.

Boards fail all the time, it wouldn't be the first time this has happened. But at this point I figure it's probably better off to delete it. That or it needs a serious moderator overhaul.

>> No.12421850


>> No.12421855

People there are beyond retarded and also reddit

>> No.12421857 [DELETED] 

i went on /his/ once, seemed like a low iq scene, didn't go back

>> No.12421874


>> No.12421884

>Any worthwhile discussion on philosophy or theology necessarily involves reading books.
that's true of many things, but we don't consider them intrinsically /lit/ material
let's be honest, the real reason is that dreaded fallback of the shitposter: board culture
/lit/ has traditionally had philosophy, that's the reason

>> No.12421918

/his/ is either the dumbest of the intelligent boards, or the most intelligent of the dumb boards.

Either way, I don't want to have to discuss philosophy with them.

>> No.12421925

A lot of philosophy, and some great histories, are more relevant to literary canon than they are to history. What makes them good literary works often makes them misleading in terms of historical evidence. You might have to know a summary of Swift's Modest Proposal to give a history of the Irish famine, but nobody will expect you to have really read the thing. You might find people who haven't read Carlyle repeating myths about the French Revolution they've learnt third hand, but they are not going to be interested in the history of writing first person historical fiction like a literary board will undertake it. A vast amount of fiction is political persuasion or polemic only vaguely disguised with elves but its historical relevance doesn't make it any less genre fiction. Most purely philosophical texts are lampooned in poetry and plays within months of their arrival and adopted as principles in countless first novels by the sort of chap who wishes his bildungsroman phase of life was already written, so inevitably those seep in too from arguments of beauty and comprehension.
And, God, well, I don't know how you intend to stop him talking to the poets and epileptics, but He's already taken something of a dash for all the power and the glory in the canon, along with employing every canon I've met, and copyrighted the term filthy lucre to some cove calling himself King James in perpetuity so you can't even cadge Him off that way without chasing after Majesty and paying a commission, so I'm not sure what other paths are open to you except perhaps yearning towards greater eucemicism in translations and therefore a future Babylon where all script and canon is rendered obsolete. That might take up more of a Sunday than Mass though.

>> No.12421930

>big threads
you are like a little baby
for complaints to have an effect they need to be constant threads, constant posts in unrelated threads, spill over onto other boards, and have some actual need underlying them
if you want to whine your way into a new board you need an actual decent reason couched in more shitposting than you're able to produce

>> No.12421938 [DELETED] 

The level of discussion on philosophy threads on /his/ is not much higher than that of /sp/ or /asp/. Combine that with some kind of arrogance and you have an awful board.

It is not much better for history, frankly. You are better off going to reddit or some other history board.

/his/ would probably be a better place if it was /pol/.

>> No.12421950

>being so deluded you think /his/ is left wing

>> No.12421954

Ecumenicism*… I do apologise.

>> No.12421961

The level of discussion on philosophy threads on /his/ is not much higher than that of a philosophy thread on /sp/ or /asp/. Combine that with some kind of arrogance and you have an awful board.

It is not much better for history, frankly. You are better off going to reddit or some other history board.

/his/ would probably be a better place if it was /pol/.

They are not /pol/ with dates. They tend to dislike /pol/
But I think they should continue. /his/ is useful as a containment board.

>> No.12423340

it would advance humanity, so no, we cannot have it. May Jesus be with you.

>> No.12423772

>theology board?
yes please

>> No.12424893

>can't see change
>doesn't know the movement of the spheres
You best start believing in shitty /phil/ threads Ms. Turner, you're in one.

>> No.12425055
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>> No.12425063

a board is its use not its name

actually i think there should just be two boards

red & blue

any discussion should be allowed

>> No.12425129
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leave and never come back

>> No.12425159

have a separate theology board would honestly be a fun idea. it would get rid of all of the annoying christians on here and watching it turn into /pol/ lite would be hilarious

>> No.12425171

>Trump winning the primaries would honestly be a fun idea. It would get rid of all the real candidates, and watching him lose to Bernie would be hilarious

>> No.12425323
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>> No.12425342

fuck off

>> No.12425345

The last time I went to /his/ there was some unironic scientism. That sort of nonsense gets old in a hurry.

>> No.12425348

have you ever been to /his/? it's dogshit

>> No.12425500

Side discussion: >>>/his/5986170

>> No.12425548

>why is history worse for philosophy than lit
>give me an impartial historical account
peak irony

>> No.12426220

Un-ironically this.