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12419684 No.12419684 [Reply] [Original]

are Petersonfags like the harlequin in Heart of Darkness who worshiped Kurtz?

>> No.12419696

Peterson is not Kurtz.

>> No.12419711
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petersonfags btfo

>> No.12419715

>a charismatic idealist who acquired a large following of fanatical cultists in his later years and is probably dying inside

I disagree

>> No.12419724


>> No.12419727

"There were no practical hints to interrupt the magic current of phrases, unless a kind of note at the foot on the last page, scrawled evidently much later, in an unsteady hand, may be regarded as the exposition of a method. It was very simple, and at the end of that moving appeal to every altruistic sentiment it blazed at you, luminous and terrifying, like a flash of lightning in a serene sky: ‘Exterminate all the post-modernists!’"

>> No.12419737

Oh, he has expanded my mind!

>> No.12419754

I find bliss in the moment our Adam's apples meet. Not for just the physical sensation, but for the figurative hammer of destroying the heterosexual male supremacy established by Adam himself. The wounds of Eve are healed by my rebellion.

>> No.12419765
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>> No.12419777

as disheveled as the harlequin was, if he were a real person, he probably would've begun worshiping Peterson the moment he heard him say "sort yourself out"

>> No.12419780

>The wounds of Eve are healed by my rebellion.
A good way of describing the loss of vagina and femininity.

>> No.12419884

>yeah, just try to bomb commercial airliners like me, a real rebel
Kaczynski is the final boss of /r9k/ his understanding of human behavior is so fucking bad. He lived in a shack in the woods and shat in a bucket for years because he was so bad at interacting with other people. He tried to teach in university, failed horribly because he was such a sperg, decided that this must mean society rejected him, and proceeded to lash out in response by mutilating and killing people.

If you take him even the slightest bit seriously, or believe he has even a little bit of credibility, you are unironically a subhuman, because no real person would be stupid enough to do so.

>> No.12419895

Analysis worth of a Facebook argument.

>> No.12419943

Post worthy of a Reddit comment.

>> No.12419965

Retort worth of a 4chan post.

>> No.12419987

Not a single argument in this drivel

>> No.12419994

If that's you're reading of Kurtz, you need to go back to school. Or better yet, drop out.

>> No.12420046


I'm not sure what there is to argue. He says "intellectuals" are actually just controlled opposition by "the system" to trick people into rebelling in a way that doesn't threaten it. It's literally a baseless claim with undefined terms. Moreover, his definition of rebelling includes attacking people whom he has never met, who have never harmed him, for the sake of attention. So, I interpret all this to mean that he thinks things like talking about the problems at hand and coming to solutions through structured and reasoned discourse, then proliferating these solutions to the masses in the hopes of seeing large scale social reform, should take a backseat to anonymously mailing people pipe bombs. As I said previously, if you think mutilating random people is a better solution to societal problems than debate, you are literally subhuman.

>> No.12420073

I didn't intend to spell out my entire reading of Kurtz with that post

>> No.12420087

By your exegesis though, Peterson is Kurtz is Hitler is Obama is Manson is Tolstoy is Jesus

>> No.12420163

so there are no similarities between Kurtz and JBP? Isn't JBP addicted to anti depressants? If so then something is tormenting him inside same as Kurtz. And they both have large followings of mindless drones who worship them unquestionably and take every one of their sayings as gospel.

>> No.12420292

I didn't say he was. I said Petersonfags are like the harlequin

>> No.12420414

Again, your reading comprehension is atrocious. You have absolutely no idea what is going on in Heart of Darkness. The people following Kurtz are not mindless drones any more than the English colonizers. There is no greater a sophomoric mistake than to think characters are mindless just because you are not explicitly shown their mind. Your problem seems to be that because you make no allowances for the possibility of being wrong, you fail to understand how anyone can disagree with you and still be a thinking person.

>> No.12421294

>slav bomber man bad
>his claims are dumb
>bombing people is bad, therefore his ideas are wrong

not an argument. Please try harder when you post.

>> No.12421367

If this is how you think arguments work, it's no wonder you're the kind of person to consider bombing a superior alternative.

>> No.12421530
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>> No.12421554

Ah yes, we definitely ought to dismiss all writers and thinkers who were spergy and introverted. That leaves us with... wait where did they all go?

>> No.12421571

>all writers and thinkers who were spergy and introverted
Wow, what a gross misrepresentation of what I've said. Ted wasn't 'spergy and introverted' he was borderline incapable of directly communicating with another human being, and was affected so much by this he thought it appropriate to fucking mutilate random people. Are you really going to try to downplay that part?

>> No.12421576

>He says "intellectuals" are actually just controlled opposition by "the system" to trick people into rebelling in a way that doesn't threaten it.
But it's true. The goal of any academic is to gain tenure, however to get tenure, you have to play the game and that means playing it safe. When you get tenure, 9 times out of 10, they literally just teach classes and give up doing any real work because now they can't be fired for not publishing. So rebeing is punished before tenure by blocking the possibility of getting tenure, and when they do get tenure, there is no reason to rebel, as you now have the easiest job in the world.

>> No.12421601

So all intellectuals are academic professors? And "the system" continues to remain undefined? And your argument is that supposedly 9/10ths of professors don't rebel because it puts their tenure in jeopardy, when the proposition you're supposed to be defending is that professors DO rebel but incorrectly? And you're working off of claims that are unsourced completely?

So this is the power of anarcho-primitivism.

>> No.12421620

Look, you're just going to have to get comfortable with the fact that Perterson is a Chaotic Lobstoid room cleaner who has more in common with Hitler then he does with Sandra Cisneros

>> No.12421821

ahahahaha nice wiki reading

>> No.12421999

>Ted wasn't 'spergy and introverted' he was borderline incapable of directly communicating with another human being, and was affected so much by this he thought it appropriate to fucking mutilate random people
>Are you really going to try to downplay that part

Where do you think you are, anon?

>> No.12422036


>> No.12422050

>he did bad things so everything he said is invalid

Can you be more of a pussy? Maybe argue with what's written not with your opinion of the man's actions (which have shit to do with the passage btw)

>> No.12422133
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This thread is probably biased, but will 12 Rules give me the power to put NPCs in their place or will it just make me dumber?

>> No.12422146

Peterson doesn't have a grain of charisma in him, holy fuck his videos are painful

>> No.12422223

Holy shit you’re a faggot

>> No.12422232

Go reread heart of darkness.

>> No.12422252

To be fair poor Ted was fucked up pretty badly by the CIA. It wasn't his fault he couldn't handle normal life, his normality had already been broken before he got his first real job.

>> No.12422290

An argument straight from /r/TIL

>> No.12422306


>> No.12422310

Unironically using NPC's goes against everything the book stands for.

>> No.12422313

wow TIL that LIT is TIL but backwards

>> No.12422556

It's actually a documented fact but nice memeing.

>> No.12422649


>> No.12422654

keep drinking that s.oy baby

>> No.12422681
File: 7 KB, 255x163, cambodia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your reading of anonymous is even worse than his reading of Kurtz. Get a grip.