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/lit/ - Literature

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12407263 No.12407263 [Reply] [Original]

>mom found the unfinished neo-noir novella

>> No.12407385

how did you let this happen

>> No.12407394

She did the monthly bed cleaning without my permission and found the manuscript on my nightstand. This is such bullshit.

>> No.12407398

Dude you better tell her the construction tender murders are just a subplot before she calls the cops

>> No.12407406

How old are you, how did she react and why was it supposed to he hidden (newfag with french as first language sorry)

>> No.12407417
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>>the MONTHLY bed cleaning
Fucking disgusting.

>> No.12407427
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>the Pope found the theses

>> No.12407448
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>mom found the communist manifesto

>> No.12407459
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> mom found the antithesis

>> No.12407477

Dumb phoneposter
I don’t know how much she read but I caught her in the act and she just gave me a look of hateful disappointment and quickly left the room. There is plenty of racist imagery and words from the narrator so she had to have seen some of that. She didn’t even do my fucking sheets.

>> No.12407510
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>> No.12407530

>Chinatown jokes are phoneposter now
At least compare me to /tv/ if it wasn't Ellroy enough to be lit

>> No.12407548

>dad found the bioterrorist fiction tetralogy outline

>> No.12407587
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>mom found the isekai novel in which I wrote myself as a reincarnated little girl who sells her body for pennies just because she likes swallowing cum so much
>she chided me for writing shitty isekai instead of actual literature
>she laughed at me for the horrible depictions of sex that only a kissless virgin could conceive
>she said she'd show me how it's done
>she's 537 pages in and still writing
>mfw it's so much better than anything I could hope to achieve

>> No.12407601

>Housemaid found the notes on Biblical eschatology

>> No.12407613
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>mom found the dialectic

>> No.12407622
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>maman passed over the poisoned tea
>that was my last vial

>> No.12407905

Serves you right, writing fucking isekai light novels. What's next, sonic OCs?

>> No.12407935

> dad's boyfriend's step-son found himself referring to himself in the third perspective

>> No.12407940
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>mom still won't call me Ishmael

>> No.12407948

>mom found the hip flask in my bible

>> No.12407969

>son found my hypersexual mystical ramblings. He won't talk to me anymore.

>> No.12408013

>dad found the weed i was gonna use to write like pynchon

>> No.12408027
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>sister found my autistic autobiography

>> No.12408075

>landlord found the crime and punishment ripoff

>> No.12408106

>gf found “On Woman, an elaboration of previous thoughts by F. W. Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer and O. Weininger”

>> No.12408125

w e w
Weininger destroyed world thottery, it's a shame he isn't more recognized.

>> No.12408350

I moved on to isekai after mom found out the Sonic OC I had made and drew pictures of her cucking me with my own OC.

>> No.12408356
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7132677654385755506c696271673d3d2d3333323531343535302e31343835643930356261666363313133343830353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom found Finnegans Wake

>> No.12408400
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>niece found Paradise Lost
>but didn't find Paradise Regained

>> No.12408443
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>mom and dad found my internet log

>> No.12408463

Christian... is that you? After all this time?

>> No.12408476
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>> No.12408483

>boss found my blogpost "Considerations on Capital: A critique of neoliberalism in light of Marx and Nick Land"

>> No.12408523

I hope he fired you

>> No.12408546
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>mom found the synthesis

>> No.12408587

>gf found my Pierre Menard-style rewrite of Abelard and Heloise, where I trained my hand extensively in feminine letter writing for the Heloise parts.
>big bro found the autobiography that I tell fancy lies in
>grandpa found the sculptures
>thank god nobody found the free verse poetry

>> No.12408589
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>mother found materia secunda

>> No.12408594
File: 11 KB, 269x194, nun-with-a-gun-to-his-temple-beautiful-nun-put-a-gun-to-his-head-isolated-on-white-background-stock-photos_csp35853732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prioress found the sexually evocative mystical poetry

>> No.12408609
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>the smegma sculpture has escaped the basement

>> No.12408622

I hope you meant the smegma scripture, mister - otherwise I see no relation to literature here!

>> No.12408626

Are you St. Therese of Avila? If so congratulations! You're based!

>> No.12408644

Dang autocorrect! Of course I meant scripture, mister Janny.
is based to saint what saint is to blessed?

>> No.12409096

>being this fucking ungrateful

>> No.12409104

>not the sentient smegma culture

>> No.12409761
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>mom found my annotation of Lolita

>> No.12409819

>mom found found herself squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>> No.12410023
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>Mom found the solar-punk eco fascist manifesto and urban planning maps

>> No.12410043
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>> No.12410055

major kek

>> No.12410662


>> No.12410705
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>grand-dad found my annotated Mark Fisher hauntology blogpost printouts

>> No.12410835
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>GF found all the erotic BL light novels I've written

>> No.12410978


>> No.12411027
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>mom found the r9k manifesto

>> No.12411032
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just looked into this, he wrote a book about women and
>The book contained his thesis to which three vital chapters were added: (XII) "The Nature of Woman and her Relation to the Universe", (XIII) "Judaism", (XIV) "Women and Humanity".


>> No.12411043
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>step-mom found the twisted autobiography

>> No.12411219


in his defense if my name was weininger i would probably be genocidal as well

>> No.12411261

this niggas keepin kids in his basement

>> No.12411929


>> No.12412060

>roommate found a nixon biography and keeps telling people i like dick

>> No.12412090

Actually same. I had a lot of explaining to do about how I thought I was gay for about 2 years

>> No.12412170


>> No.12412185

high grade kek

>> No.12412211

>dad found the first edition of my invite-only online literature review: "Faulkner's Fallow"

>> No.12412363
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>mom found the printout of the 2018 /lit/ top 100 list with only the genre fiction checked off

>> No.12412501
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>Mom found The Capital

>> No.12412518

I know we’re memeing, but when I was 12 my mom found my book of poems that consisted of me calling a guy down my street an asshole in different ways.

>> No.12412555

>mom found my unfinished novel with an ounce of weed taped to the back

>> No.12412600
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>mom found the pro transhuman manifesto written in the form of a dialogue

>> No.12412623

The tiger is out

>> No.12412647
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>Mom found my annotated copy of Berserk Chapter 13

>> No.12412760

bionicle was the shit

>> No.12412936
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>mom accidentally the satanic bible while reading the quran

>> No.12412967
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>when the messianic figure voluntarily dissolves his body into pure energy to heal God
>when God turns out to be an organism everyone has been living inside all along, with different places being different parts of it's body and all beings symbiotic bacteria
deepest lore

>> No.12413432
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>mom found the necronomicon

>> No.12414616

>anyone finds Totalitarianism in a Tundra on the bottom shelf

>> No.12414639

Nah she's on board

>> No.12415877


>> No.12416063
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I had an ex girlfriend read my neo noir screenplay and ask me, ‘so are women either sex objects or annoying nags to you?’

>> No.12416070

i dont even have sheets on my bed or covers, i just sleep in clothes and a coat

>> No.12417694
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>mom found the job application personal statement

>> No.12417704
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>dad found the unfinished /fa/-futurist manifesto complete with pictures of Chris Eubank's epic wardrobe for this summer

>> No.12417710


>> No.12417718

>mom found the phenomenology

>> No.12417743
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>mom found the 4channel ban history

>> No.12418378
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>mom found my dick

>> No.12418549

>mom found my mount and blade diary.

>> No.12418554
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Jesus, anon.

>> No.12418569

>Dad found the 10 part Space Opera

>> No.12418585
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>> No.12418709
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>dad found my copy of Phaedrus

>> No.12418712

>dad listened to the tibetan throat singing

>> No.12418757

Did you fuck her?

>> No.12419044
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>mom hasnt found any of my writings because I cant write for shit.

>> No.12419087

you should be proud of her

>> No.12419106

Oh boy, I hate it when that happens


>> No.12419119

Christian Vander?

>> No.12419127

>mom found the confessions manuscript

>> No.12419156
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>have all my writings well hidden and will burn them before my death like East of Eden

>> No.12419161
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>>she said she'd show me how it's done
>>she's 537 pages in and still writing

>> No.12419163

Are you going to get arrested?>>12408594
>gun to his head
>mum found the seventh volume of Proust which I stole from her

>little sister found the highly aesthetically stylised and flowery Candy Doll short stories which I wrote

>> No.12419167
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>Proffesor found my annotated print out of Fate/Stay night

>> No.12419192
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>grandma found the gospel of thomas

>> No.12419229

>pope found the Sin Thesis

>> No.12419302
File: 131 KB, 680x950, C655C739-8E8A-4FA2-84D5-C6ADFB4E8292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diocletian found the New Testament

>> No.12419329

>roommate found man in the high castle and now everyone knows I love dick

>> No.12419709
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>> No.12419718

t. Raskolnikov

>> No.12419721

same, except it's canada so I also have a blanket