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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 668 KB, 1024x690, Messages Image(415751786).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12417225 No.12417225 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't this arid wasteland produced a single work of great fiction?

>> No.12417226

It has. If you weren't so rude I would share them with you.

>> No.12417240

and still they have more lit nobels than the entire african continent lmao

>> No.12417258

>being rude on the internet in 2019

>> No.12417262

It's only 70% arid wastelands to be fair.

>> No.12417271

we don't share our masterpieces with poofters

>> No.12417279

It was a literal dumping ground for low IQ criminals from Britain. Then they mixed with natives who were on the same level as Europe roughly 2000 years in the past. Take a guess

>> No.12417283

If you weren't such a jerk I might have told you about Gerald Murn-FFUCK I DONT WANT BUG LAY EGGS IN MY BRAIN

>> No.12417301
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>> No.12417327
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>> No.12417331

>being rude

>> No.12417332

I read this book and really liked it
Thank you Stowposter

>> No.12417335
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tfw lawson got cucked hard by mary gilmore

>> No.12417339

why do australians have such weird british names? they sound like England in the 18th century

>> No.12417342
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You are most welcome. Spread the word, and here's another one for ya, if you'd like some more

>> No.12417347

Australia doesn't exist. They took the prisoners to the middle of the ocean and killed them. If you think you live in Australia you actually live on the coast of Africa.

>> No.12417348

Like what? There's lots of Keiths, I can tell you that.

>> No.12417351

Because we were settled by the British? What a silly question.

>> No.12417358
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this was pretty good

>> No.12417364

I've driven from Brisbane to Perth, it does actually take 4 days. Also never seen an elephant, did see camel maybe we're in Arabia did you think that's possible?

>> No.12417367

Not what I meant

Like Randolph Stow

>> No.12417368

>Also never seen an elephant

Never saw your own mother?

>> No.12417370
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is that why theres so many african gangs

>> No.12417375
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you aint seen nothing yet

>> No.12417378

Australia is a great work of fiction. Everything you know about the supposed continent is filmed on elaborate screen stages in California, Spain and Tel Aviv

>> No.12417379

>Because we were settled by the British?
You are basically the British. Unlike Amerimutts. Also, is there anything more to a Australia than Tame Impala and The Vines? What even is going on there?

>> No.12417381

>I've driven from Brisbane to Perth
I drove from Darwin to Sydney once. It was fucked. A roadtrain kicked up some gravel and cracked the windshield on the first day. No repair shops in the middle of nowhere so I had to drive with a huge crack directly in the centre of my vision for the next 3 days.

>> No.12417383


>> No.12417384

Australia was settled by the British in the 18th century though. Maybe that's a clue.

>> No.12417394

That sucks, but you made it back ok and you got a good story about road trains out of it too hey.

>> No.12417398

To where exactly? My mum's fanny? Too late, m8.

>> No.12417401

You need to into The Skyhooks man

>> No.12417410

>You are basically the British
Not quite. There are a lot of Irish and Chinese and Italians and Eastern Europeans, too.

>> No.12417414

>Chinese and Italians and Eastern Europeans
not Australian

>> No.12417422

ah, the legendary australian racism, is it true you guys hate everything non-blond, non-pale?

>> No.12417434

This is correct, only Aboriginal people are truly Australian

>> No.12417455
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Don't mind him. To be Australian is to inhabit the land, the people take their name from the land, nothing to do with bloodlines whatsoever.

>> No.12417456

Ever heard of "blood and soil", homo?

>> No.12417463
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Any self-respecting Australian has a beautiful tan.

>> No.12417469

the Nazi chant that the cringy Salt-Right uses in their pride parades after finding it in Wikipedia?

>> No.12417473

years are just a concept

>> No.12417476

The fact that you want to suck my dick does not indicate that I'm a homo. Stop being a cunt and if you disagree with something I write just fucking say so and why and offer a counter or just fuck off.

>> No.12417480

Australia was founded on the principle of living space for the British man

>> No.12417487

The fuck are you on about.

>> No.12417490

living space for the British convict

>> No.12417491

get vital pilled kid, read Baylebridge

>> No.12417495
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>tfw Australian
>tfw I'll never be taken seriously as an author

>> No.12417510

>Australia was founded on the principle of living space for the British man
Is that from Baylebridge?

>> No.12417515


>> No.12417525
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tfw you shitpost so much about the 'Australian Nietzsche' that you succeed in popularising a fascist nutjob

>> No.12417526
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what about this magnum opus though?

>> No.12417533

It all makes sense now. there is no such city as Melbourne. Its actually just Johannesburg.

>> No.12417536
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I think that I still have it somewhere.

>> No.12417562
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>> No.12417563
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>tfw australian travelling in europe
>rich as fuck because $ydney pay-rates
>rock up to bar in singlet and thongs
>glass some cunt
>nah all good mate, just joshing ya
>play man down under from the jukebox
>man I assaulted buys me a beer
>his girlfriend sucks my big australian snag
Being Australian is a blessing, cunt

>> No.12417569

t. Yobbo

>> No.12417573

at least you're funny

>> No.12417576

I bet whoever made this lives in melbourne

>> No.12417634

Don't bet unless you got the knowledge if you know what I mean mate

>> No.12417660

>i bet that obvious

>> No.12417669
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>Chicken Salt

>> No.12417680
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>> No.12417689
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You're in the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass and says, "Going to the footy are we? Hold on, I'll get my Goethe." What do you do?

>> No.12417717
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Implying this isn't the greatest poem of the 20th century: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZqN1glz4JY

Stand right there mate, don't move.


>> No.12417719
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This changed my mind re Aussie Literature from trash to not terrible.

>> No.12417723

hey I have some of those Chinese books

>> No.12417795

South Australia was primarily settled by upper-middle class types. Why hasn't it produced a great work?

>> No.12417821

Has there been any Australian alt lit?

>> No.12417826
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>> No.12417837

Coombs is post-WWII aussie technocrat no.1. "Nugget" is a nickname I believe.

>> No.12417880

*coombs ur nugget*

>> No.12417904
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As an Amerifat, I've liked Nick Cave's stuff, post heroin.

>also m-f'ing drop bears

Will check these out... hopefully I can get an inter-libray loan.

>> No.12417907


>> No.12417958

>Dump all your convicts in an arid wasteland
>they have a higher living standard signing 100 years

>> No.12417968

guess they learned their lesson?

>> No.12417971
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guess they never miss huh

>> No.12417972

I'm here. I'll do it.

>> No.12417982
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He does know about the white Australia policy

>> No.12418006

>Then they mixed with natives
actually we genocided them all in a hilariously effortless way that 200 years later there are blonde dipshits claiming to be tribal elders. Race mixing is an Americas thing

>> No.12418011

Picnic at Hanging Rock is good imo

>> No.12418020

>Don't mind him. To be Australian is to inhabit the land, the people take their name from the land, nothing to do with bloodlines whatsoever.
First act of parliament was White Australia Policy. Literally the first expression of Australia as a sovereign nation and people was to tell chinks etc to fuck off. When you boil Australian-ness down to corporate consumables like vegemite, universal feelgoodisms like "mateship" and archaic slang no wonder there isn't a good base for a literary culture

>> No.12418072

>woman fiction


>> No.12418100

yeah, try Oliver Mol m8

>> No.12418125
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>> No.12418334

>they mixed with natives
kek no we're not amerimutts.
Most of the natives here died of disease or were killed in warring feuds with the European settlers.
We weren't so degenerate as to mix with native americans and negroes hahaha

>> No.12418374

>Chinese and Italians and Eastern Europeans
>legendary australian racism
Mate you don't live in Australia so don't pretend to understand what goes on here.
I've never met any of those three above who identify as Australian even if they've been here for 3+ generations.
It's always 'I'm Italian', 'I'm Greek' or 'I'm Croatian' even when their parents and grandparents were born in Australia. It's pathetic but makes logical sense because urban suburbs are largely segregated by race/ethnicity due to the government policy of 'multiculturalism', which is an excuse to push for more immigrants and a refusal to assimilate any them.
Don't even need to mention Chinese, most of them that are born here don't even speak English as the native language.
Only Anglos and Irish truly identify as Australian and even then there is still a lot of attachment to the homeland.
You foreign cunts need to fuck off with your gay little homo comments about """racism""" and at least try to maintain a semblance of objectivity.

>> No.12418431

This cunt actually gets it.

>> No.12418446

All that sun and heat ain't good for the brain.

>> No.12418448

ah yes all those refugees coming and being able to vote because they are immediately Australian citizens

>> No.12418450

Gerald Murnane's pretty good though aye

>> No.12418477

If you're a Murnane fan you should check out The Town by Shaun Prescott. It's a debut novel and needs a bit of polish but does a great job of echoing Murnane's style in a somewhat more accessible, often humorous way.

>> No.12418484

They don't call themselves Australian because they would mean identifying themselves with people like you

Give me one good reason why I should disown my parents heritage and put myself in the same class as the knock kneed cock eyed southern cross faggot trying to tell people that look like me I'm not Australian in the first place?

White Australians are legitimately the absolute scum of this nation

>> No.12418500

we are all busy becoming druggos

>> No.12418513

If you hate it here so much why don't you go back to asia, you fucking beta oestrogen muh azn heritage poofter? Bet you wish you could fuck white women too. Lmao best part is the people who are actually from the culture you identify as think you're a whitewashed poser and they cringe at your misplaced sense of identity

>> No.12418517

I'm of Hungarian descent and the first member of my family to be born in Australia and I identify as Australian. Get out of the idiot westie bubble and you'll meet some people who are actually assimilated. Basz meg.

>> No.12418525

You have to admit he's right about the italians and greeks though

>> No.12418528

Have heard of it but yet to read, will prioritise this though cheers

>> No.12418559

Why would I leave? I love it here, unlike you apparently

Nobody complains about this country like the insecure white faggots that pop up on the internet. You shit-for-brains rednecks are the reason Asians are the new elite, I hope you understand that

>> No.12418572

>on the same level as Europe roughly 2000 years in the past

Not even close.

>> No.12418639
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It's simple.
I'm an Australian of non-British descent. Amongst Aussies, I am differentiated by my non-Euro heritage, so it becomes a more salient aspect of my identity. They might see me as non-Australian because my Australian-ness is drowned in a sea of other people's Australian-ness.
Overseas? I'm Aussie as fuck and it shows whenever I interact with anyone else, even if they're of my own ethnic heritage. I love this country and have no doubts over where my allegiance and identity is placed. I barely know my parent's own language and don't care to pass it on to my children. They'll have nothing to be other than Australian, and that's what's going to happen to all immigrants, whether it takes a generation or two. I'm seeing it happen.
Emily Rodda is the greatest Australian author, by the way.

>> No.12418645
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We have great kids lit, which is all you can expect from an infant nation.

>> No.12418648

The trailer for the movie looks horrid some weird Leda and the Swan love story except Leda is a small boy and the swan is a goofy pelican. What the heck was he thinking?

>> No.12418655

dollars to donuts i fucked more anglo girls than you have nerd

>> No.12418662
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Henry Lawson is unironically a God of world literature:

>> No.12418663

Unironically gas yourself.

>> No.12418670

Based and truthpilled

>> No.12418705

I rad an awesome diary of somebody who stole something in London and got his sentence changed from hanging to forced labour.
Sad book, can't remember title.

>> No.12418782

Imagine being this mad

>> No.12418797

Ugh yes let's be blaise rootless cosmopolitans, SOOO enlightened mmmm.

>> No.12418805

>Irish / Abo DNA
pretty much this.

>> No.12418821

i like australian literature but australian threads on 4chan aer soooo cringe

>> No.12418888

>When you boil Australian-ness down to
>First act of parliament was white Australia policy
You're obsessed. Don't be like this mate, think about what it really means to be Australian.

>> No.12418911

>rootless cosmopolitans
That's what australia is, a soulless first world nation devoid of any cultural output.

>> No.12419047

I'm more Australian than you and I reckon he's an Aussie and you're just a seething little piece of shit racist and possibly latent homosexual. Check yourself mate.

>> No.12419303


>> No.12419617

Why would anyone even go to australia?
>boring, it's a desert version of canada
>food is british tier or worse
>nothing to do except get raped by african gangs, overpay for every commodity, or watch abbos get wasted huffing petrol
>other than the coast it's a giant fucking desert
>stupid accent
>urban planning on par with america or worse
>no unique culture, fashion, architecture, lifestyle, cuisine, or anything else
>only things I can think of that would even be worth leaving a hotel for are to look at the sydney opera house or go to some random beach, the SOH is hardly worth it and I can get better beaches with a $100 domestic flight to california
New Zealand is cool though. It's like Wales but with mountains, or something.

>> No.12419738

canadian here you're gay owned

>> No.12419749

>gay little homo
A bit redundant, isn't?

>> No.12419800

damn dude btfoi

>> No.12419802

From what I've observed, the only legitimately Australian identity we have is our ties to the land, which is basically stewarded by indigenous culture. Even Anglos that don't give a fuck about the country and just wanna do burnouts in their V8s and get smashed on Australia Day come across as foreigners in their own land. Our sun literally tries to kill us with skin cancer that's how unaccustomed we are to our environment.

The only way we'll be anything more than glorified colonials is if we recognise that the source of spirituality and identity comes from submitting ourselves to this haunting land of ours. Of course, we could also just continue to be a confused hodgepodge of self-loathing Brits mixed with urbanite ethnics turning to either vain nationalism or vain consumerism for purpose, but then we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot.

>> No.12419968

Reminds me of Dr Seuss, but without the cute pictures.

>> No.12419985
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>implying the biggest empire ever seen was short of living space
>implying they were going to move voluntarily to a desert

>> No.12421285

AB Facey - A fortunate life
Peter Carey - True history of the kelly gang
Banjo Patterson - The man from snowy river and other verses

>> No.12421399
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*squelch* being Australian is about mateship and a fair go *squelch*

>> No.12421784

*White Australians are legitimately the absolute of this nation

>> No.12421801

>desert version of canada

Most australians have never even seen a desert

>> No.12421837

>and I reckon he's an Aussie

>> No.12421856

creepy animation lol

>> No.12422004

patrick white senpai

>> No.12422086

>like Wales but with mountains
You don't know Wales

>> No.12422112

To be Australian means the land possesses you.

>> No.12422121
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>> No.12422324

Him. C'mon mate keep up.

>> No.12422954


>> No.12422982

there isn't that many, the population majority is overwhelmingly British. Most people don't differentiate the Irish these days, and there's very few fully Irish Australians these days. There isn't too many Irish migrants anymore and the colonial Irish and the anglo-Catholics banded together in the early days.

>> No.12422989


I fucking hate Australians on the internet

>> No.12423021
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unironically based

>> No.12423024

Australians, for whatever reason, feel the need to play up every single Australian stereotype whenever they're online and have the ability to identify themselves as Australian. Every single person in this thread posting Australian slang and spouting "cunt" over and over will make perfectly normal, indistinguishable posts in every other thread they're in. The moment a thread like this appears, they will suddenly change and start talking like a tradie from North Queensland. I guarantee they NEVER will use that language in every day life either. It's honestly just pathetic.

I love this country, I love our culture and I love the people here. The way people behave online makes me question all that though.

>> No.12423193

because you should reject the culture you're parents fled for supposedly something better. unless you're just some chink who's parents bought a bunch of land then fuck you

>> No.12423303

Eh, the playing up stereotypes thing is annoying but people from every culture do that as a way of distinguishing themselves, especially when there isn’t something obvious like a different language or physical appearance. Bear in mind that people from non-anglophone countries also make indistinguishable posts most of the time, except for the occasional spelling or grammar whoopsie.

An interesting example of the whole playing up stereotypes thing is Chinese people from Cantonese-speaking areas vs mainland mandarin speakers. Cantonese people fucking HATE Chinese and will play up the stereotypical differences - such as that mainlanders are dirty, uncouth, loud, abrupt, rude, uncultured... and cantonese are refined, tidy, elegant, educated, ‘british’ etc. Even Cantons who come to Australia will (if they think you’re safe to talk to about ‘racist’ stuff) tell you all about how awful it is being in inner-city Melbourne or whatever and being surrounded by filthy borderline retarded international students from the mainland. Was pretty surprising to hear the first time someone told me, happened after i asked an accountant from Hong Kong what it was like seeing all the Chinese shop signs in the city.

And i’m not sure you’re right about how Australians speak IRL. I use... i guess you could call it international English when i’m typing online but tend to use a lot of ‘aussie’ English IRL, to the point I have to watch myself a bit with clients at work. Typing out slang words or fudging grammar in text just feels fucking retarded for some reason, I can’t explain it. I am from North Queensland though so maybe it’s because I’ve grown up around people who talk like that.

>> No.12423360

>And i’m not sure you’re right about how Australians speak IRL. I use... i guess you could call it international English when i’m typing online but tend to use a lot of ‘aussie’ English IRL, to the point I have to watch myself a bit with clients at work. Typing out slang words or fudging grammar in text just feels fucking retarded for some reason, I can’t explain it. I am from North Queensland though so maybe it’s because I’ve grown up around people who talk like that.

I do agree with you actually. When I'm talking to people, I'll use a decent amount of slang and I won't use proper grammar. If people exclusively used that same style online then I wouldn't have a problem with it. It just seems so contrived when Australians on 4chan ONLY start talking like that when they have an opportunity to identify themselves as Australian though. They deliberately make a shift and often do it to such an extent that I genuinely doubt they'll use half the words in real life. Cobber is a big one there. I've never heard a single person under 80 say cobber, but it's not uncommon to see it in threads like these or in >>12423021

You don't see kiwis writing like "aw chur bro sweet is hey" on 4chan and I see no reason for us to do the same.

>> No.12423417

Aus/pol/ is the worst I've seen for what you're talking about, but those threads are filled with guys who have pretty sad lives. NEETs, doomer students, guys who lost their jobs, divorcees... a lot of them probably find pride in their AUSSIE identity because they don't have much else.
Army blokes use this a fair bit

>> No.12423456

I get what you mean and I've seen others say this but slang and colloquialisms are used unsparingly and genuinely among working men. Work as a nomad temp labourer for the ultimate Australian cultural experience

>> No.12423472

Try living with them, it's even worse.

>> No.12423575
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prepare to get fucked by bill shortens girthy choad, libtard

>> No.12423657

Yeah I occasionally read their threads out of morbid curiosity. Half of them are from shitholes like Logan and talk about how much they love meth. It's just sad really.

Of course, but the vast majority of people on this website are not anything close to working men.

>> No.12423742

Yeah this cunt's on the money i reckon, too many fucking POOFS using colloquial gibberish just give the impression of being FAIR DINKUM

t. Eastern suburbs literature major

>> No.12423743

Haxby's Circus - Katherine Susannah Pritchard
The Pea Pickers - Eve Langley
The Battlers - Kylie Tennant
Capricornia - Xavier Herbert
Praise - Andrew McGahan
Cloudstreet - Tim Winton
The Savage Crows - Robert Drewe

Read more before making idiotic statements OP

>> No.12423773

Otherwise normal posters become insufferable once you make them conscious of their Australian-ness.

>> No.12423786

Actually some aborigines have naturally blonde hair.

>> No.12423897


>> No.12423948

Based Matt

>> No.12423974

this, aussies do actually behave like this. But it does genuinely piss me off when you have some smug Syd/Melb cunt who makes fun of bogans ("the cultural cringe") but the moment they're in company with foreigners suddenly they become everything they mock -- MATE CUNT GALLAHS TRADIES etc

anyway, the comfy irrelevance of Australia is what's great about it. The lack of literature means there's a lot of unexplored territory and no burden of heritage. I think people who bemoan the mundane and ordinary should be careful what they wish for. The same goes for within australia itself: living in Melbourne and Sydney looks unbearable to me no matter the wanking about the """vibrant food scene""" and the artisanal coffee boutiques

I just wish our politicians would stop selling away our rights in every moral panic. No freedom to roam despite being a fuckhuge empty country, alcohol is taxed to shit, literally no official freedom of speech, cant even defend myself with a knife, and now this retarded encryption law

>> No.12424023

We were targeted early and aggressively by international Jews. We have huge amounts of natural resources (including a significant portion of the planet’s gold) and were - prior to subversion - >99% white. We were developing our own culture as the country grew, and it would have continued to mature and develop. Unfortunately it was deliberately erased and replaced with globohomo consumerism and multicult ethnic cuisine and mosques.
The same people are responsible for taking away our guns, banning freedom of speech and self defence, undermining internet security, taxing everything and locking people out of every bar at 1am except the ((casinos)).
You’re almost there, anon. Realize what they took from you.

>> No.12424026

ah yes the close to non-existent Australian Jew

>> No.12424027

Kek this faggot just proves the point
>White Australians are legitimately the absolute scum of this nation
Imagine your parents fleeing from some asian shithole to a white paradise and then saying that the people who made it a paradise are scum.
This is pretty much the mentality of non-whites in this country.
We'll see how the country turns out when it's majority asian or majority arab.
I think that you chinks are gonna be begging for whitey to come back because the country isn't going to look anything like the Australia it once was.
Big hint: the people make the country; not the other way around.

>> No.12424040
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>> No.12424052

>opens with the claim that it was Whitlam who ended the White Australia Policy even though it had gradually been eroded by Liberal Governments for years prior
shan't be reading any further.

You also need to understand that a dramatic expansion of the population was necessary for both defence and economic reasons following the World Wars and really your issue is with capitalism rather than jews.

>> No.12424055

>World Wars
really makes one ponder

>> No.12424058

>Why would I leave? I love it here
Yeah I bet you do, chong. I'm sure Australia is infinitely better than the third world commie country you came from (you can thank the European settlers and my ancestors for that, mate).
>Nobody complains about this country like the insecure white faggots
Yeah because while the country is good for illiterate peasant muslims and billionaire Chinese, Australian natives are worse off due to the immigration and hence people complain that the country has changed and is not what it used to be anymore.
There is a reason that 70% of Australians want a complete stop to all immigration.
>Asians are the new elite
Heh ... yeah. I'll just say enjoy it while you can and siphon as much money from our property market as you can while you still have time.
Once Aussies realise they are being out-competed by foreigners in their OWN country and realise that they can't even afford a house because the politicians have been bought and sold by the Chinese, they are not going to be happy and they are going to be looking at this so-called 'elite' as the ones responsible.

>> No.12424064

They control all 4 major banks, most of the universities and are laying the foundations for a PM who hasn’t renounced his right of return to Israel (making him a dual citizen in every meaningful sense). For being “close to non-existent” they sure seem to do a lot of existing!

>> No.12424072

>shan’t be reading any further
Good goy Chong, better not read anything that makes you uncomfortable. Are you feeling sleepy?

>> No.12424076

>expansion of the population was necessary for both defence and economic reasons
For defence? Please explain.
>economic reasons
m8 billionaires are the sole beneficiaries of immigration. In what way has the individual Australian benefited economically from immigration?

>> No.12424080

>Then they mixed with natives who were on the same level as Europe roughly 2000 years in the past.
Yeah, the abos were definitely the Rome of the South Seas, with their fart sticks and magic rocks. Let's not forget their counterpart to greek fire, either--a stick that comes back to you when you throw it!

>> No.12424088

This is what someone who blames others for his problems looks like

>> No.12424105

Population growth has always been one of the key geopolitical tools nations have used to stave off potential foreign threats. More people = bigger economy, more guns, more soldiers, etc. At the time in the 50s and 60s, fears of communism were very real, and with Australia being only a stone's throw away from Malaysia / Vietnam / China with their fuckhuge populations and communist agitation, there was a lot of political motivation behind getting in as many people here ASAP

Honestly as en environmentalist and something of an anarchist I don't agree with these decisions, but I understand why they were made.

>> No.12424143

Sorry, guess i just need to take personal responsibility for stagnant wages, insane house prices, reduced job security and crime waves perpetrated by refugees and their children.

Would it change your mind if you knew my personal life was in perfect order? I’d guess not, then you’d go back to some other thought-stopping cliche like telling me i’m a racist redneck and Chinese are the real aussies or something.

>> No.12424193

Why wouldn't someone who was raised in Australia and behaves like an Australian be considered Australian? Australia was never an ethnostate you know. This is American "white race" tier revisionism. Kys.

>> No.12424199

Look, I actually agree with you those are big problems, but the cause of them isn't Jews, it's just the reality of living in the world we do. I know it can be tempting to try and find a "singe cause" for why the world is so shit, but unfortunately there isn't one. All we can do is do the best with what we have and be grateful we have it in the first place desu

>> No.12424207

You really don't understand basic economics do you? Without immigrants, the Australian economy collapses.

Without immigrants, Australia was a heavily underpopulated country in the middle of a very dangerous part of the world that could easily be invaded and subjugated. To quote Arthur Calwell (immediately following the war and before the jewish influence your image attempts to pin on our immigration laws), Australia had to "populate or perish".

>> No.12424212

>Jews and migrants cause stagnant wages
>Jews and migrants cause insane house prices
>Jews and migrants cause reduced job security

>> No.12424298

>increasing supply lowers value
>increasing demand at a rate higher than supply increases value
seems legit

>> No.12424301

Such is life.

>> No.12424303

>I know it can be tempting to try and find a "singe cause"

Yeah, it's the chinese

>> No.12424323

Yes to all 3. Also
>avoids mentioning refugee crime because he can’t even dismiss it as “it’s more complex than than that lol dumb redneck”

>> No.12424342

I actually do think we should be more restrictive with our migrant intake

>> No.12424396

Then I’m surprised you aren’t clearer on the problems they cause. Wage suppression and housing costs are a massive problem everywhere in the western world because of high immigration.
In a similar ironic twist, women’s liberation caused waged suppression - although the workforce was effectively doubled, the demand for workers wasn’t. So we ended up in the current state where running a modern household requires 2 full-time workers instead of 1.

>> No.12424407

>Wage suppression and housing costs are a massive problem everywhere in the western world because of high immigration.
Yes, and this is by design, it's better for the captains of industry to have an expendable, low-cost workforce than a limited workforce that actually requires long-term investment. So long as economic growth is the driving force of our civilisation, this will never not be the case.

>> No.12424500

Put some respec on this

>> No.12424767


To be fair, that's a compliment to Africa.

It's my home.

You're thinking of Pacific Islanders.

Australia is proof that Africanist cope-posting is invalid.

I hold to this theory. As others have pointed out, Columbus did reach India. Mexico City is Bombay.



>it's a foreigner moves to somewhere other people built and immediately starts complaining about the people who built it, rather than doing some personal or familial introspection about why they fit neither in the old country or their new country

Unfortunately whites are simps enough that they'll take this

Based and despising people with less money pilled

Is capitalism anti-natalist because natality cuts down on the size of the workforce (due to mothers taking time off to raise kids)?

>> No.12424801

The missing piece in this explanation is the modern obsession with refugees. It’s literally the most sacred of cows for the neoliberal elites in charge; Emmanuel Macron has gradually extended the list of topics he’s willing to ‘discuss’ with the yellow vests. He’s even willing to talk about reducing skills-based immigration of workers. The only thing that’s off the table now? France’s unsustainably high refugee intake. Ask yourself: why the fuck would a soulless lizardman investment banker like Macron have any interest in helping a bunch of IQ 70 rape-happy welfare parasites? They don’t work, they don’t integrate, commit violent crimes at 10x the rate of whites and just generally act as an opposing force to the infinite economic growth model of society. A genuine concern for refugees also doesn’t make any sense at all - It’s physically impossible to just resettle and pay for every citizen of every conflict-riven shithole that wants to leave. Charity dollars are far more efficient elsewhere.

The only plausible answer (besides Macron having a serious BBC cuck-fetish problem) is that the actions and behaviours of African and Middle Eastern refugees are considered desirable to Macron and his elite ilk. They WANT rapists. They WANT welfare parasites. They WANT millions of low-IQ black babies being born into the welfare cycle. They WANT native French to live in fear and be randomly beaten to death for their wallet while walking to the store in a once-peaceful village. Why? Well, I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

>> No.12424876

To bring this in an interesting twist back to /lit/, Aristotle wrote about this in his 'Politics' over 2000 years ago.
"The very best thing of all would be that the husbandmen should be slaves, not all of the same race and not spirited, for if they have no spirit they will be better suited for their work, and there will be no danger of their making a revolution"
One thing that has relentlessly come of mass migration (and especially in France) is terrorism.
What comes necessarily as a result of terrorism? Expansion of state surveillance of the population and an expansion of the police state.
Terrorism has led to a massive expansion of the state apparatus and justified government pervasiveness in many aspects of life. Was this an accident or did terrorism just so happen to positively affect the government and allow them to expand their power? What do you think?

>> No.12424904

That brand is made by mutts

>> No.12425160

>shitholes like Logan
watch your mouth cunt

>> No.12425176

This cunt didn't build shit in this country, he's just a nerd on 4chan that I would bash easily in real life, there is nothing to respect about him or the identity he clings to

>> No.12425186

They're not going to do shit. White Australians are the softest demographic on this planet.

>> No.12425268

ahhh yes a genius plan! Take in the enemy to have enough numbers to defeat the enemy! Surely nothing could go wrong?

>> No.12425293

the absolute state of neo-/lit/

>> No.12425492

At least we're not /his/

>> No.12425523

>same level as Europe roughly 2000 years
Try 20000 years in the past, they are literal subhumans who havent had any evolutionary pressure ever since settling in australia.

>> No.12426200

I think you should go back to where you came from, cunt.

>> No.12427291

Because it's the setting for every post apocalypse novel ever.

>> No.12427363

This guy actually gets it

>> No.12427849

The way you talk is like a whining expat in Asia

>> No.12428340

Thanks for turning us into a police state, ahmed.

>> No.12428542

Love Murnane's work. Great writer. Hard to get his books in my country though.

>> No.12428706

>import ethnic tension to distract from class tension
>ally with imports, thus splitting the poor in two and securing a power base
Based Western oligarchs

>> No.12428756

I'm in the country my ancestors built, chong.
But keep poking the bear by all means, just don't be surprised when white people decide that they've had enough.
History isn't on your side, mate.