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12412814 No.12412814 [Reply] [Original]

Why do great thinkers tend to be lonely?

>> No.12412819
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Because it's lonely when you're at the top, my friend.

>> No.12412821

because if you were living the high life and had roasties begging you for cock 24/7, you wouldn't be giving other shit a second thought.

>> No.12412827
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Wrong. Many attractive men have renounced fleshly pursuits in favor of intellectual ones as they are qualitatively superior. And reversely, mainly lonely men, succumb to pornography and self-abuse and amount to nothing.

>> No.12412835
File: 52 KB, 480x598, 84f98fbdcd04307b3f7e8d0bbb613ceb--leo-tolstoy-family-portraits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't live surrounded by his loved ones
Being the patriarch of a large extended family is masculinity's final form.

>> No.12412839

Best men are in broships

>> No.12412860

Because loneliness gives you time to think

>> No.12412864

best men come home in a body bag :(

>> No.12412878

This is your brain on America.

>> No.12412882

Cuz they gay

>> No.12412885


>> No.12412886

they are all INTJ spergs.

>> No.12412889

wrong guess, stacy.

>> No.12412893

Leaf retard.

>> No.12412895
File: 52 KB, 634x457, 1538229963432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm INTJ
>not a great thinker

>> No.12412897

>everyone disagreeing with me is le evil anglo boogeyman

>> No.12412904

Where does this kind of delusion come from?

>> No.12412935
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unrelated but
>tfw all your gfs died and you dont wanna risk getting into another relationship
at least i've my books, right? haha

>> No.12413060

>tfw it's becoming less and less possible
just end my shit

>> No.12413071

>tfw all your gfs died

>> No.12413090

>lonely men succumb to pornography

>> No.12413104
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The higher, the fewer.

>> No.12413120

If a philosopher is lonely it's proof his shit doesn't work.

>> No.12413122

What a stunning image. Is there any context I should know for it?

>> No.12413132
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>> No.12413136

it's an artist's depiction of my diary desu

>> No.12413141

emj always says these outlandish things which turn out to be true if you research them.

>> No.12413150

I just liked it, but it also shows how easy it is to fall, and how falling from a height is the hardest way to fall. And that is why the higher you go, the fewer you find there...

>> No.12413186


so it's not depicting something specific? but yeah very cool as you said

>> No.12413208
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Just because you're lonely, it doesn't mean you're a great thinker. You're probably just an asshole.

>> No.12414087


>> No.12414098

Because we find people and their mundane lives boring and meaningless

>> No.12414158

>tfw u believe in horoscopes
oof, sub-100 IQ, tough

>> No.12414168


>> No.12415042

He didn't ask "Why tend lonely people to be great philosophers?"

>> No.12415044

because they're assholes about it.

>> No.12415727
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>> No.12415742


>> No.12415753


>> No.12415757

I can't speak for great thinkers, but the reason I'm lonely is that it's very hard to talk to people who have little to no interest in exploring deep, important questions. Most people are put-off by it or simply don't want to expend the mental and emotional energy in working out a philosophical problem for themselves or in a dialogue. That's why most of my finished writing sits in a lockbox in my closet, only to be shared upon my death.

>> No.12415761

nobody understands them but the bitches and the drugs

>> No.12415766

I'm lonely because I'm stupid desu.

>> No.12415768

Because God is silent.

>> No.12415776

I have had that problem before. I ended up just talking more about whatever topics came to mind with people. I guess just talk more and more. That's what I've done. I've gained plenty of friends at this point. Maybe more to come. Also just go out to places. It has been said before but it's true. It's better than being lonely and being meh at home.

>> No.12415803

It's Icarus falling from the sky after going too close to the sun.

>> No.12415825

that's not icarus. it's phaeton falling from the sun chariot

>> No.12415830

>doesn't believe in horoscopes
how middle brow

>> No.12415841

They don't, you're just choosing to focus on the ones that fit your stereotype in order to justify your shitty lifestyle and facilitate your mental masturbation

>> No.12416537

There're people who aren't popular with girls, but they really don't think much about it except for wishing they had a chance to fuck them. Poor people from illiterate families for example.
They might be virgins but they won't ever hear of r9k. They don't carry the burden of Weltschmerz.

>> No.12416563

There're different kind of philosophers, there're the ones like Shopenhauer and the ones like Nietzsche...

>> No.12416590

>projecting this hard

>> No.12416881

I'm not entirely isolated. I have a small circle of friends and am close with my family. But I've found that most people most of the time prefer chitchat rather than serious conversations. Most people get uncomfortable and defensive when I try to talk about something serious, even if I don't hold a hard or controversial stance on it.

>> No.12416898

I have a gf yet masturbate to porn almost daily. I would be a faggot not to

>> No.12416953

If you really want to know yourself it will come at the price of knowing no one else

>> No.12416956


>> No.12416960

>literally looking at videos of dicks when you could have a completely non-gay interaction with your girlfriend

>> No.12416980

Have you read 'prince myshkin and hold the relish' by harlen ellison? Actually I suggest listening to Ellison read it himself, as it is intended by the author. You can find it on youtube

>> No.12417057

social compatibility depends on shared factors. every standard deviation one's iq is above the median diminishes the pool of people in same range. communication between people of very different levels of intellect is hard

>> No.12417077

kinda true, harder to make bonds for sure

>> No.12417251

couldn't get into his book, he references "the illuminati" too much

>> No.12417276

Where did you gain this idea?

>> No.12417483
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The more I read, the more I realize how little I know. Anyone else knows this feel?

Pic related, over 5000 hours in Paint.

>> No.12417764

its the opposite way around, being lonely allows you great time to think

>> No.12417773

its funny every time i come to this board most peoples posts have already been written down thousands of time in a better way. not only that but what they think can be explained for them in a book. its ironic on a board called literature

>> No.12418016

>That's why most of my finished writing sits in a lockbox in my closet, only to be shared upon my death.

>> No.12418179

Hendrick Goltzius.

>> No.12418453

you killing them doesn't count fag

>> No.12418463


>> No.12418848

>Most people are put-off by it or simply don't want to expend the mental and emotional energy in working out a philosophical problem for themselves or in a dialogue.

THIS DESU, eventually you just become apathetic and stop caring about friendships with anyone other than the rare occasional high verbal-IQ avid reader, and there's no guarantee you'll meet people like this anyway, I count myself lucky to have some as friends but that has not always been the case.

>> No.12418880

Because you can focus and think better when you're alone

>> No.12418978

Well, you're not wrong. But at the same time, who am I to offer someone something to read who neither asked for it, nor expressed much if any interest in learning my thoughts on a certain matter?

I've been able to resist apathy. I now just tread slowly when I broach a serious subject. If it doesn't take, it doesn't take.

>> No.12419018

>They might be virgins but they won't ever hear of r9k. They don't carry the burden of Weltschmerz.
kek, no they resort to bobsandveganaposting on facebook.