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/lit/ - Literature

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12402981 No.12402981 [Reply] [Original]

KANTIANISM IS THE PARASITISM OF THE BRAIN STEM: Whitehead's God is the eternally novel (re-)appropriation of its own processual content, Whitehead deprograms the Kantian mindvirus with the fallacy of simple location: that we cannot imagine distinct, spatially isolated entities means we are more nested in our spatiotemporal bed than the transcendental allows, time and space are not the subject's forms of auto-affection, the subject is the auto-affectivity of space and time: Kant and Descartes make the mistake of reifying apodictic certainty as a kind of ontological autopoiesis: in other words consciousness is not fundamental, or transcendentally grounded, the only real entities are in fact the agential voids produced by "concrescent" unities: NOVELTY HAS PRIORITY OVER COGNITION: Whitehead applies the heap paradox to Platonic form, thereby temporalizing it: fuzzy logic is only possible as /differentiation in realtime/, the subject does not have total synthetic power over sense-data, there is something appearances provide precisely in virtue of the fact they are appearances: essence is tautological, redoubled into itself as that virtual = x that emerges as the cut between a person's empirical self and their "vibe", energy, mode of determination, infinitely articulated within a finite bound: processes are the duration of their own finitude: time is impossible without the iteration - and extinction - of identities, the immortality of an idea is its living spontaneity fossilized by duration, the condition of its (un-)life in the symbolic economy: Spirit is not simple differentiation, but the /differentiation of series of differentiation/: robots are alive, but not conscious, the same with stars: consciousness is one term in a /heterogenous/ series: subjects are still just relational nuclei or "drops" of coherence, formal unities that /precede apperceptive unity/: I am not the transcendental subject, but a /subjectivized positionality/: actual entities are a nexus of relations "concresced" around a pranic fusion core: a drop of self-activating, self-creating energy: gods are these cores swollen to ultraviolet: Spirit is what distends the TIMELESS ANNULARITY OF ORGANIC DRIVES INTO SERIALIZED THOUGHT. In Plotinus time is consubstantial with the consciousness of the soul: in other words man's being is a /deviant/ time, a corruption of the Logos' pure time in Eriugena: actual entities can only experience time as the selection/rejection of modes of definiteness, the transtemporal patterns of processes that themselves ingress into immanent becoming /of what they are/: a void energized by eternal objects, vortices/singularities of determinations, the ancestral stock, archons and gods alive.

>> No.12402986

freebased and pineal glanded

>> No.12402987
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Concrescence is what allows for both color as a qualitative "nexus" and its /contingent gradation in time/: in other words the gradient boundary between forms, between the apple and your mouth as Deleuze is fond of saying, is the impossibility of establishing a limit for an A = A on the /outside/, IDENTITY IS INTERNALITY: Eriugena's objects are aporetic cores skinned with accident: that is to say, contingency coheres around the super-added /property of its own unity/: all particular ousia are derivations of the divine ouisa, of a transcendent radiant darkness, a pollinating nothingness, unknowable, which is to say TAUTOLOGICAL: saying the essence of something can't be known is really just saying it's only explicable in reference to itself: the Real as the production of circles: subjectivity is the contingent acclimation to recursion, or rather, ACCLIMATION AS RECURSION: what I'm trying to say is that while Kant dismisses the philosophical value of the five senses he ontologizes the sixth: cognition: an abstract engine for the misplaced fallacy of concreteness, even Eriugena knew that time and space are conditions for our knowledge, but /how is what God knows/: the Kantian knowledge of mind as the categorial schematization of raw sense-data is itself /a schematic/, this has always been Hegelian absolute knowledge: the dialectic reconciled to its own dynamo, of the infinitely available dispositionality to its own finitude, and not only that, but /as/ that finitude/: a song playing itself, your afterlife is the god of your favorite music. Adam and Eve covered themselves up not in horror of the body but of the horror of sight: of the retroactivity of consciousness, that what I am in any moment is only available upon reflection, as reflection: the Fall is man standing outside of himself /as his immanence to the neural/: suspended in the funhouse of mediated schizo-receptivity, playing peekaboo with Abraxas: mourning the lost spontaneity of not only his youth but the prenatal freedom-to-be, history is the contraction of the obscene, self-enjoying singularity into atomic rationalism, orgone crystals in the deep, this is the fear that motivates all this shrill leftism today: of being accused of a defective personality that can still accommodate all your inner intensity, being reminded of just how high up the surface really is: capitalist value as the repressed Kantian unconscious: capital is the objective immortality of objective immortality: transcendental fantasia as the main driver of the globalist, (pseudo-)Platonic criterion of beauty and success most will invariably fall short of meeting: the comorbidity of ISIS and the incel epidemic: what to make of those who are not photogenic in the only image society? Nothing, only what they make of themselves. Die or grow gills for a vacuum. Stowaways on the Titanic to the stars. It's you lonely ones I know. Color is borrowed but our love is not this.

>> No.12403015

>the Fall is man standing outside of himself

i came to the conclusion the fall of man in the genesis is the best metaphor ever conceived by humanity to explain our condition

>> No.12403095


>> No.12403125
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>> No.12403133

based schizo poster

keep posting on lit, I'm building a discord for us schizos as we speak.

>> No.12403150

i know its reddit but whatever

>> No.12403186

are you really 18?

>> No.12403498
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(Subjectivised philosophy genre) is the (biological disorder) of the (biological object) with (implied theological meaning). (Subjectivised philosopher) is the (time-adjective) of its own (monotonous reiterated process). (Philosopher) (negative technologisation process) the (negative subjectivised philosopher with septic implications conflated) with the (non-argument assertion against non-argument): that (generic philosophical category) and (pseudo-metaphysical object) we are (even bigger time-adjective) (monotonous we-transcendence weism) and (on and on with binary/non-binary assertions of the input-blackbox-output machinational tik-tok-tinkering of time-object become human): (two philosophers together to avoid redundancy) now become (marxist-adjective to appear critical but with ancient-postprefix-become-word-of-its-own) become (philosophical category/cybernetic theory): (reiteration connector) (mind-object) is/is not (historical/nature connector), or (generic philosophical connector), (obscurantist real scotsmen) (made up word having sex with scary sounding word) which is the (redundant cybernetic word approaching absolute abstraction which is just another form of deabstraction and therefore life) (but let's keep going deeper) (ESOTERIC SOUNDING AXIOM WHICH SOUNDS COOL BECAUSE IT IS IRREFUTABLE BUT ONLY INSOFAR AS IT SAYS NOTHING): (Philosopher) applies the (scientific paradox) to (philosopher object-theory) thereby (time-reduction) it into (space-time paradoxical abstract metaphor) combined with (self-reducing metaphor with no need of expansive words): (#thegreatsfalltofallaciestoo) which is only only possible because (technological time-category-object), the (subject-Subject-itself) does not (transcendent Matrix reference) (with a twist), there is (something something somewhere vague connector words holy shit ethics words/could be moral): (philosophical object qua philosophical branch induction) (mathematical word) into (itself) as (mathematical word 2 = virtual mathematical world) (with a twist) emerging out of (negative medical category) between (biological philosophical category qua man qua (((huMAN)))) (hipster post-post-ironic word), (post-marxist category), (subdiurnal technophysics with invariant inflection of being) (qua human) (ironic(?) time-philosophy category) (apocalyptic words) (degeneration increasing as we approach the end) (multiple generic philosophical categories strung together) and now (romantic life-words-seemingly-free-of-all-world-weariness-word-categoriesism) conditions of (lif-word abstraction) and now its (negative (un)-life post-form) within the (abstracted abstraction): (Post-metaphysical-metaphysics category) is not (technical negation word), but the (second technical negation word) (add slashes here /input/):

>> No.12403502
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(Supertechnological object) are (deabstracted human post-metaphor), but not (negative uncanny valley disassociative disorder of the squelchbox biology fleshword) which is the same as (cosmological squelchbox word): (Descartes reference here) (capital-sale-word to appear like I'm keeping up with my ironic negation): (subjects /postabstract form/) are still (relational physics reference for the reddit crowdmind) (or esoterically-infused-science-word-reference-submetaphor-postanalogy) (formal seriousness) that (time reference of the mobilised black box): I am not (theological reference), but (absolutely hegelian absolute reference with slashes to isolate and deisolate its being in the house of non-dasein positionality) (abstract subject-object-subject) are a (deabstracted object-subject-object) which can (/big science/theology/physics/philosophy syncretism word/) (movement reference) (globalist post-construction project) (don't forget the Vedic reference): (minute reference diffusing into) (psychological reference): (equate=equate=equate) (the gods THE GODS the gods damn you THE GODS) (physical abstraction growth word): (post-essence human actualisation abstraction) is what (biological function) (TIME TIME TIMEGOD MANGOD NATURE-MACHINEGOD NOW A BRIDE OF ABSTRACTION MINDPROCESS)!!! In (Philosopher-become-object) (TIME) (oneness) (mechanised theological-human-object): (reiteration) (HOLY SHIT LIFE IS DIFFICULT WHY CAN'T WE BE GODS) (Christian cosmological-cuckery is cool postmetaphor statement) in (random wikipedia philosopher): (true=scotsman= slippery=slope=man) can only) experience (time) as the (computer function) of (musical reference philosophogised) the (trans-time-god) (visual object) mathematical postadjective) of/that (biological process) into (TIME) becoming (WOAH TIME N SHIT) of becoming (the-object-become-time-in-itself): (don't worry the gods-become-microchips-become-me got this because WE ALL ONE N SHIT) (NONMATERIAL SPACE OH MY GOD NO!!!!!!!!!! word)(eternity) (eternity) (eternity) (THING) (THING) (THING) (=ME=) (=ME=) (=ME=).

>> No.12403510

How long did this take you?

>> No.12403511

shut up idiot. No one understands what you're saying. Not one person.

>> No.12403566
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this is spooky

>> No.12403574

I don't know, twenty minutes probably.

>> No.12403584
File: 243 KB, 922x600, DDB7FC12-1400-4F95-BE2A-9CF5E3FDD262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprise surprise menopausal people can’t be funny

>> No.12404150

its okay

>> No.12404965


Certainly not one woman.

>> No.12405218


Pretty good.

>> No.12405244

Bumping because OP is flowing.

>> No.12406174


>> No.12406356

The romantic life words happen in the second post and you forgot "auto-[post-object subject heuristics]" or whatever you're going for

>> No.12406509

Lit has produced deeper philosophy than modern academia.

>> No.12406918

die cunt

>> No.12406926

Shut up vagina. The adults are talking here.

>> No.12406936

wasn't Kant Urizen last time?
Please help us understand based biognosticschizoposter.

>> No.12407003

It's basically just two different fancy shmancy ways of trying to communicate in what ways thought, and the project of thought, derive from the organic drive/conatus of an organ (the brain), Kant thinks experience makes sense because it's unified, and not the other around, and that ties into Urizen being kind of like the "prefrontal lobe" of Blake's heaven: the Fall for Blake is Urizen's desire to impose one Law, one Principle, on Chaos, /not/ the apotheosis of rationality as it is for Hegel - who doesn't even really think of it as a Fall.

>> No.12407020

I'd like to read your posts but the formatting annoys me, but also I don't want you to change it.

>> No.12407119

Yes I sorta understood it up to there giving the character of Urizen, I thought It would be deeper.

>> No.12407123

There's a character limit.
Imagine being this heavy-handed...
0/10 criticism. Well done again, lit.

>> No.12407171

Oh, sorry to disappoint then, not being sarcastic. You know your Blake at least.

>> No.12407605

Don't apologize kind anon, my expectations were too high.

>> No.12407717

Based and (esoterical concept)pilled

>> No.12407749

I wonder if this is the next step in schizoposting coming to a glorious head and completely inundating the board as I previously prophesied.

>> No.12408101

It's a well-written jab but a bit disingenuous. Basically, Whitehead temporalizes Platonism. And: if religion and spirituality were man's dawning awareness of his being other than his body, capitalism and the intelligence explosion we're seeing and diagnosed by Land is our dawning awareness that even our intelligence is something other than ourselves, which the East had already understood by claiming consciousness is the sixth sense, just another modality of input -> output, cognition is a parasite on the body.

>> No.12408176

5 o clock wojak schizoposting has officially entered into its notion, it might be time to retire it

>> No.12408183

Accelerationism is gay, and slow as fuck.

>> No.12408208

>Accelerationism is gay, and slow as fuck.

Accelerationism is gonna be the West learning it is not its brain the hard way, that's all

>> No.12408856

All these posts read completely lucidly... I just lack the context for every point addressed, but I get a distinct impression of having grasped. I love you schizoposter

>> No.12408994


Bro this shit is basically just kant incest and capital

>> No.12409017
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Just for fun, some background:

1. "time and space are not the subject's forms of auto-affection, the subject is the auto-affectivity of space and time"

>And in every incident of becoming, “actual entities atomize the extensive continuum. This continuum is itself merely the potentiality for a division; an actual entity effects this division” (67). This means that existence is continually being actualized, and thereby also spatialized and temporalized.

2. "Kant and Descartes make the mistake of reifying apodictic certainty as a kind of ontological autopoiesis: in other words consciousness is not fundamental, or transcendentally grounded, the only real entities are in fact the agential voids produced by "concrescent" unities: NOVELTY HAS PRIORITY OVER COGNITION"

>Whitehead, of course, rejects Kant’s overall subjectivist and cognitivist orientation. But the crucial point here is that, for Kant, the cognitive faculty does not itself produce the synthesis. “Rather, synthesis of a manifold...is what first gives rise to a cognition... Hence, if we want to make a judgment about the first origin of our cognition, then we must first direct our attention to synthesis” (130). That is to say, synthesis precedes cognition, and alone renders cognitive judgment possible. In itself, the act of synthesis is primordial, prelogical, and precognitive.

3. "robots are alive, but not conscious, the same with stars: consciousness is one term in a /heterogenous/ series …"

>To hold that the final real things of which the world is made up are drops of experience is not to imply that consciousness permeates inanimate nature; for consciousness can characterize only extremely sophisticated actual entities, and actual entities have the potentiality for the sophistication productive of consciousness only when they are members of extremely complex societies such as the society we call the human brain. . . .

4. "that is to say, contingency coheres around the super-added /property of its own unity/"

>The principle of creativity enunciates the following relationships between many and one: (1) at any instant the universe constitutes a disjunctively diverse many; (2) "it lies in the nature of things that the many enter into complex unity" [PR 31]; (3) the novel one that results from this unification, this concrescence, is truly novel—i.e., it stands over and against what has been urnfied and as such is disjunctively diverse from the items it has unified

>> No.12409029

lol learn more words of get a higher verbal iq faggot, embarassing. second post is painful to read

>> No.12409060

he’s retarded and not capable of into’ing even brainlet levels of exotic abstraction. should be ashamed of typing any of it. schizoposter has been exalted and raised to a new height by escaping this flaccid parody

>> No.12409269


hi schizo OP i love your posts, keep on keeping on

>> No.12410224

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.12410226

>t. schizoposter

>> No.12410298


>> No.12410299
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>relegated to posting datamined pseudophilosophy on an incel post-lit board

>> No.12410314

Yes, that's what I love about them.

Most of what he's saying seems to be coherent and not all that unjustifiable, it's just put in a form that makes it feel like it ought to be crazy time-cube style word salad, only to surprise you when you actually bother to read and think about it.

>> No.12410334

none of this has the slightest to do with communism

>> No.12410339

having wasted a huge portion of my day in girardfag's useless thread about nothing, trying and failing to point out in piecemeal fashion its nothingness, i come upon this haven of perspicacity and am contented

>> No.12410364

girardfag is sharp as a tack, his threads are more lucid than these, at least on first glance

>> No.12410371

You broke the chain

>> No.12410379

This is like madlibs

>> No.12410381

no, my dude. the op and its follow-up are what girardfag aspires to while
are hypercondensed girardfag as-is
the satire is what is sharp
your grasping the knife by its blade, thinking you've got the handle

>> No.12410393

I'm glad u get the OP at least, is all I can say

>> No.12410504

Imagine thinking this has anything to do with girardfag.
Imagine thinking this shitty metaphor is a gotcha or anything but a shitty metaphor.

>> No.12410533
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imagine standing directly in front of a barn door and saying to yourself 'i can see the ocean'

>> No.12410631
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>> No.12410638

i really don't know what you're so upset about

>> No.12410653
File: 913 KB, 1366x768, nihilist bio-ontology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the posters wowed by datamining madlib cosmopsychology.

>> No.12410665

>you're upset
WEW, guess we know why you write like this...

>> No.12410672

no, seriously.
do you actually not see the obvious homology between
and the average girardfag post
because if you do not
you need uranium grade corrective lenses

>> No.12410864

>(the satire only strengthens our position comrades!)

>> No.12410888

the combativeness
the paranoia
i don't get it

>> No.12410908
File: 736 KB, 800x600, The_Communist_Mario_Triumphant_by_Thrakks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science, philosophy, politics, individual/void. Jungian process, subtle Zizekian absolute recoil, metaphorically continentalist although now with anti-mass-culture, pop-holy-shit-moment turned as feigned thesis returned with an even more nihilistic second-cataclysm 'holy shit based/redpilled' moment. Scientific object, post-post-modern sentience farming, mythological subjectivisation, categorically imperative unbecoming sorta/kinda new meta metaphysics. Woke deontological resubjectivisation gravity normalised as the stress test of the godcorpse thanato-metaphysiognomy. Namedrop, top goodreads algorithm check, namedrop, ecology terminology, post-sub-buzzword for dataphysician obscurantists who want something more than the Collector's Edition Zimbabwean Athena on a pedestal. "1984" jab-review on eBay only to hotlink to my own superior work for the nubs who don't know that we're eternally caught up in the vaginal non-data of 1985. Defragmented meme science returned to the abysmal hipsterism of post-ironic 'start with the greeks' now become Quantum Vedicism. Datamine datamine datamine. Data is not condemned to the Ninth Circle of Hell so long as it is simultaneously reduced and conflated into the the symbiotic certainty of an Athens-Jerusalem now in p-selection with something more than power and Kratos. Data. Mine. Data. Mine. Data. Mine.There is no plagiarism within the irreconcilably sublime hoarseness of the good aesthetics of Olympus re-de-enframed atop the emergency exit dwelling of Barnes and Noble post-Daseinism. I was an object at one with the universe. Which you will never be. Just check the data if you disagree. There is the density of hyperstitious allfuture within these words. Instrumentalised Christfallen non-theology is the uncanny valley of Zeus consuming his own all-consuming selfish gene into a apotheosis of altruism. Fundamentalists are merely the untrained and post-cursed data-pagans who will never transcend their own wellness and thus fail the Overton window of infohuman completion. I am become universe: data of mine.

>> No.12410935

Welcome back.

>> No.12410938

very clearly not the same poster as

>> No.12410975

This doesn't need to be said. Even the latter two posts are poor attempts at parody.