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12408814 No.12408814 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to get over my unceasing anxiety and existential dread?

>> No.12408817

anything by the alt lit big three

>> No.12408826

Care to describe your feelings a little more specifically so I can better rec a book op?

>> No.12408830

Are those all MtF transgender? The top one passes pretty well.
And isn’t that middle guy from that one pictionary type gameshow.

>> No.12408838

Bottom seems like he's agonizing about self-sacrifice for his family, which is pretty fucking unmanly and possibly why his son is trans.

>> No.12408841

>that asian dad who has to live knowing that his son is used as a cumdump fucktoy for big White cocks

>> No.12408843

Dad was on Who's Line is it Anyway

>> No.12408850

What is a "gender reveal", for a baby? Or has he invited his family around to tell him that he's a woman now?

>> No.12408860

transgenderism is a scam by the medical industry to get people to buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of unnecessary surgeries and a life time of pills

>> No.12408861

Unironically, the Bible unironically.

>> No.12408865
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>> No.12408868

the bottom dad looks super gay t b h, he looks like one of those dudes you see at the pride parade wearing daisy dukes with a tiny tank top that says "shot drinker" or something

>> No.12408876

the dad won't/can't make eye contact with anyone

>> No.12408892

basically cashing in on a fad for the mentally ill

>> No.12408899

Why is it that the mothers in these pics always have the more fluoride-glazed expressions of joy, almost as if they do not even comprehend what is actually going on and have just accepted in the most superficial way possible, the new reality of their sons indulging in mental illness?
Was Aristotle correct in his assertion that women lack souls?
also do you think the fathers would still be so demoralized if their sons were actually passable as traps?

>> No.12408902

My sisters fucking two year old son walks around in dresses and bows in public. This kind of "free choice" seems to be the utmost hypocrisy because in reality she tells him how to be and how to act in every other way, the only caveat is that she leaves the option to wear dresses open to him so he can publicly humiliate himself.
The other day he wanted to go outside naked and she didn't let him? Why? Is it socially unacceptable or something? Are you afraid he won't quite fit in?
>Have manners at the table.
>Don't pull that face.
Its literally just a fashion accessory to her, she also unironically hates muslims btw.

>> No.12408919


>> No.12408921
File: 3 KB, 221x229, A9219B3B-2F7A-4B0E-986D-A7428A1F5A50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame for being unemployed and broke, and because I watch pornography and waste time consuming media. Guilt for taking handouts from my parents, and for not being self sufficient, and because I lack empathy for those
around me. Anxiety because of past failures and being inadequate, and because I have poor social skills. As a result I feel isolated and unable to connect with others. Existential dread because the world seems so absurd, because it’s a lot to take in and nothing seems to hold any objective meaning. I was raised christian but I no longer subscribe to those beliefs, leaving me in the land of undertainty and noncommitment. Over the last few months, I have been reading Meditations, The Genealogy of Morals, The Ego and Its Own, and I’ve read a bit of Schopenhauer as well.

>> No.12408929

there was an awesome on of those from my alma mater a while back, some "chick" won a prize for women in physics, but it was so obviously a dude, and the mother had this huge proud smile under caked on make-up, and the dad had forced painful smile, gotta see if i can find it

>> No.12408932

Why would you allow the fact that random men would rather be random women bother you in any way, shape, or form?

>> No.12408933
File: 13 KB, 220x239, 220px-Jacques_Ellul_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.12408934

Not sure what’s causing your anxiety (and frankly this looks like a troll thread) but Epicurus helped me. That and rejecting the last of my agnosticism
In one still photo maybe.
This only temporarily soothes dumb dumbs (been there)

>> No.12408935

Is that the actor from Oldboy?

>> No.12408946


>> No.12408949

I repeat. Read the bible. You need to realize that you feel miserable because you believe in miserable ideas.

>> No.12408961

Wow I keep seeing your posts on this board and /sci/. For the record, namefagging is just as cancerous as tripfagging.

I chose that picture because it sort of relates to what i’m saying. I don’t mean to imply that the existence of transgenders is the only source of my distress, or even a major component of it. Although I do find it hard to reconcile with. Just seems so depraved.

>> No.12408969

It's the relationship between women and cameras. They practice these expressions, making their eyes as even and lively as possible. They tear up a bit in order to hold the face for the 4 takes that weren't good enough. Men and cameras can be an even worse relationship, but it's rarer because we give eachother shit for taking a photo in the first place. Women ask how they look; lie to eachother; tell eachother that they could have been models, holding their most practiced smiles, hideous and stupid hiding behind their teeth.

>> No.12408973

I’m not using a name I’ve also never posted on sci

>> No.12408975

truth. when i was a marxist i was constantly miserable and upset because marxism (and other shit like anarchism) depends on you hating your life enough to throw away it away trying to overthrow the state, it's absolutely 100% true if you are unhappy it's because you believe bad ideas.

>> No.12408977
File: 4 KB, 162x54, kierkegaard_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did somebody say despair?
quick, read my book, At Last We Have Finally Become the Sickness Unto Death

>> No.12408984

Those glazed expressions represent mindlessness and cowardice. Modern females are terrified of appearing bigoted and "not with it" when it comes to the latest progressive fashion trends so they wear a stupid look on their face to indicate that their permissiveness knows no bounds.

>> No.12408986

This handsome Dane saved my soul.

>> No.12408991

What a grotesque simulacrum of femininity, the way that he walks out.

>> No.12408995

Sorry, my mistake. Meant to say that to the guy namefagging 2 posts below yours.
Thank you.
That is child abuse. Why sexualize your child in that way. I doubt a kid has any strong ideas about gender at such a young age. That is revolting, this truest is a morally ill society. It is a race to the bottom, complete shamelessness.

>> No.12409002

Anal sex seems depraved to me but I’m not gonna sit here and let it ruin my day.

>> No.12409005

lmao i bet you thought you were really on to something with that post

>> No.12409009

When are you going to do us all a favor and McFucking Kill Yourself?

>> No.12409023

The girl (male) looks like a mate in my English literature classes. Made my day

>> No.12409025
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Not the type. You all seem to be though, which is part of why I come

>> No.12409027


>> No.12409028

Yeah. Am I wrong?

>> No.12409031

anyone have a non-paywalled link to that recent wsj op-ed about rapid onset gender dysphoria? that stupid tranny that writes for the nytimes published a weak rebuttal but i could never read the original since it was pay walled

>> No.12409038

It seems like you’re intentionally misinterpreting me. I’m sorry to keep replying to so many posts rather than let the thread just follow it’s course without constant OP injections, but I also feel obligated to defend myself. I must reemphasize: my post is not about trannies, even though I suppose I was asking for this by choosing such an image. Like I said here
the source of my discontent is mainly to do with my own internal state and personal choices, not so much any strong feelings about random strangers or any lofty ideas like “the moral state of society”. Although I suppose it is worth acknowledging that at least some degree of my suffering is probably a result of environment.

>> No.12409042

You need to get a job my dude. Seriously, get busy and stop wallowing in your own shitty angst about how fucked up the world is. You don't need to bury your head or anything, but you need to fill up some of your loose time to put things into perspective.

>> No.12409047

You sound like exactly the man for Kiekergaard.

>> No.12409048

Maybe you’re gay and you just don’t want to admit it? Maybe you want to be a roastie?

>> No.12409056

Sure thing, retard. Look forward to mommy coming down to bring you tendies and finding your limp body dangling from a pipe.

>> No.12409091

Mommy go bye bye.
I’m a self sufficient working class gal. You projecting? I’ll bet you are

>> No.12409098

Having a well passing attractive MtF "daughter". The only thing known to be more cucked than raising a normal daughter.

*hits pipe*

>> No.12409115

Nice comeback you slathering neckbeard retard. Have fun LARPing to a bunch of strangers before your inevitable self-termination.

>> No.12409134

ROGD is more of an FTM thing though

>> No.12409138

yeah but that's why it's even worse, women are getting talked into sterilizing themselves because they had a lesbian phase for a semester, medical industry greed knows no bounds, but we already know that from the opioid crisis

>> No.12409141
File: 141 KB, 1000x1091, c30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first generation of men to be raised on copious amounts of hardcore glamour-porn a la BLACKED
>the first generation of men to decide to become hyper-feminine caricatures of womanhood en masse, deriving a great amount of pleasure from play-acting as dainty, innocent, violable women, betraying their masochistic self-hatred at failing to live up to the masculine ideal, a hatred that finds catharsis in being lifted up and thrown around like playthings by their male betters, and degraded for the pathetic men that they are

It's actually so sad and I feel for these guys. Had they grown up in a more sane culture, they wouldn't have been duped into following through on their naive, self-effacing desire to become pornographic objects

>> No.12409188

im pretty sure your sister is making somebody who had probably just a phase to a mental cripple.

>> No.12409211

i share your concern over the overdiagnosis of gender dysphoria and the supposed "cure" being surgery and sterilization, but trans have been around forever


>> No.12409286

>trans have been around forever
but surely they are uniquely prevalent today?

>> No.12409293

this is actually pretty cute

>> No.12409299

holy shit that chick at the end can afford a modern apartment in manhattan on a hairdressers salary? man the 60s must have been awesome

>> No.12409315 [DELETED] 

maybe its just easier to be trans today so more people are open about it. i still think it's a mental illness, not "insanity" but a kind of depression or magical thinking, because if u watch that documentary, or others like paris is burning, they all thinking if they can get a sex change suddenly their life will be glamorous and fabulous, there's alway a class element to their thinking, like they think if they become a women they will be middle class or upper class, they never seem to think they will be working class and have to be a maid or something, and in the case of paris is burning so many of them say they want to be like white women, so they're fantasy not only spans gender and class, but even race... this is not mentally healthy thinking, and anyone who encourages them to chop their nuts off instead of accepting themselves as they are is a quack

>> No.12409336
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Daily reminder that he's unironically from r/4chan and reddit litterary boards

>> No.12409352

if ur such a butterfly expert then surely u know "he's" an old dyke

>> No.12409427

the bible

>> No.12409493

Invisible Driveways by Justin Grimbol is a good read

>> No.12409520

we dont assume people genders around here buddy, this is 4channel

>> No.12409654

Look at these untermensch broken by the thought of the transcendence beyond good and evil. Let the niggers alter their bodies and take their personal route. If you think those are a symbol of degeneracy you are unable of stepping out of line. A symbol is only a symbol if they lie within the narrow scope of your definition. For all we know that tranny stepping out of the box will be an important scientist one day. Multiple moral qualities co-exist. Degeneracy and self sacrifice, good and evil, hedonism and discipline. And the truly superior man is able to be all of these at once.

>> No.12409659

you should write culture criticism anon. that's a fantastic summary of things.

>> No.12409669

You're right! What we need are more biracial, multi-ethnic, transgender, poetry-writing scientist physicians who utilize music to reverse the electromagnetism of quarks residing within a 14 dimensional critical theory plane. That's gonna move humanity forward.

>> No.12409705

High five!

>> No.12409714


>> No.12409725

Maybe the father have thinked about fcking his own son and is now uneased by that some sexual tension have now been created and can't be denied

>> No.12409730

Glorious, right?

>> No.12409745

You're going to have a blast when androids become the new fad, I can tell.

>> No.12409760

>t. mentally ill autist

>> No.12409765
File: 105 KB, 675x1200, Dk4g9WZUYAErtO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.

The residue of animal twang in your nerves transmits imminent quake catastrophe. Zero is coming in, and you're on the run.

〔〔 〕〕 Metrophage tunes you into the end of the world. Call it Los Angeles. Government is rotted to its core with narco-capital and collapsing messily. Its recession leaves an urban warscape of communication arteries, fortifications, and free-fire zones, policed by a combination of high-intensity LAPD airmobile forces and borderline-Nazi private security organizations. Along the social fracture-lines multimedia gigabucks tangle sado-masochistically with tracts of dynamic underdevelopment where viral neoleprosy spreads amongst ambient tectonic-tension static. Drifts of densely-semiotized quasi-intelligent garbage twitch and stink in fucked-weather tropical heat.

Throughout the derelicted warrens at the heart of darkness feral youth cultures splice neo-rituals with innovated weapons, dangerous drugs, and scavenged infotech. As their skins migrate to machine interfacing they become mottled and reptilian. They kill each other for artificial body-parts, explore the outer reaches of meaningless sex, tinker with their DNA, and listen to LOUD electro-sonic mayhem untouched by human feeling.

>> No.12409771

Why are the mothers always so happy about their mentally ill children?

>> No.12409777

They think it's just a game. Dress up and tea time. Mothers usually turn on trans children as fathers grow to support them

>> No.12409780

because they culturally dominated their sons to the point that they switched genders to be like their mothers

>> No.12409843

While I applaud your efforts and depiction of an urban "everything goes dystopia." Political disintegration won't come about from the loss of tradition and the acceptance of degeneracy. In fact the breeding grounds of police state techniques and unrest are traditionalist (think China for the first and Iraq for the last.) I agree that we have to preserve the spirit, for which I mentioned the superior man has to combine the co-existence of multiple facets. Unilaterality would be "falling in line."

>> No.12409858

Why are the moms so on board? That’s their little boy. Shouldn’t they be more angry?

>> No.12409879

You will be shot first

>> No.12409882

These are supportive liberal families. Most mothers are against their sons transitioning, most fathers more so. Which is why in the gradient you will see fathers barely tolerating it and mothers accepting it, while in other segments you'll find fathers beating their kids up while the mothers manipulate them to stop transitioning.

Why is this? I think the father thinks of himself as the son and the son as the father. Your father sees you as an extension of himself, for which trannies breaking away from masculinity is like tarnishing a part of who they [the fathers] are. Mothers can't self-insert as the son, for which transition doesn't mean a part of them is destroyed. The reason mothers could find it upsetting would be if they had libidinal urges towards the son, or if they had transfered the being of the father into the son. Of course specially in mothers, the social stigma behind transgenderism could also be a major force behind their repulsion.

>> No.12409989
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>Why are the moms so on board with this inane, flavor-of-the-month progressivism?

>> No.12410011
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>> No.12410025

fuck off christ larpers

>> No.12410066

I feel so fucking bad for that dad. Imagine raising a child. Nurturing and caring for it. Taking it places and showing it things to make it more cultured. Then one day you find out it has a mental disorder; people don't help fix it or combat the symptoms. Instead the glorify it, say "you're so brave". They give that child all the help it needs to fall so deep into the mental disorder that it complete mutilates and controls their life. It's really a tragedy. You can see how much of a hard time that father is having dealing with this, it's in his face.

>> No.12410072

fuck off poltard.

>> No.12410088

I'm being 100% serious and I don't browse /pol/. You are part of the problem acting like this is normal.

>> No.12410094

he deserves it.
His fat ass is a bad role model anyway.

>> No.12410099

>Zero is coming in, and you're on the run
OK that was cheesy lol

>> No.12410118

If he was a good father, his son wouldn't have ended up mentally ill

>> No.12410120

Gender will be decentralized and eventually dissipate. Xenofeminism estroheaven is unironically the future.

>> No.12410128
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>believing this drivel

>> No.12410147

Prepare for feels:

>> No.12410157
File: 93 KB, 700x943, Amy_Bio_Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Landpilled.

>> No.12410166

Count me in

>> No.12410175

Looks like this guy hasn't inserted his cherry-flavored seratoninglyph into his blood-clit today, geez

>> No.12410184

why would you accept to go on dr.phil so all of the npc's who watch it can make you out to be the bad guy

>> No.12410192

The feminine penis is sentient.

>> No.12410197

I will off myself before I live in a degenerate future like that.

>> No.12410210
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>> No.12410241
File: 38 KB, 663x579, 1496714369505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these poor people

>> No.12410255

make vaguely sexual asmr or become trans

>> No.12410261

>Welcome. Welcome to city 17. One of our finest remaining urban centers...

>> No.12410273

woah memories

>> No.12410317

Where to start with Kierkegaard?

>> No.12410335

unironically based, anon.
Recommend some books for that feel

>> No.12410396

my diary desu ... how else did you think I figured it out, except that I was almost duped myself?

>> No.12410470

How can you read Meditations and not be at ease? The world is vast and frightening, but you can take it one step at a time.

First, do not feel as if you are weak because you are frightened. Second, whenever the thought of acting frightens you consider the alternative.

>> No.12410692

Either/Or or Fear and Trembling, although The Sickness Unto Death is more relevant to OP's interests.

>> No.12410857

What's the source of this webm? Some TV show? I can't stop laughing at this, even though it's not funny.

>> No.12410963

its more like too much empathy

>> No.12411076


>> No.12411086
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Girl (male) straight up looks like pic related.

>> No.12411320

Fuck. You don't get any bigger confirmation that you have failed as a father than this, and they know it

>> No.12411341

>Why is this?
Imma gonna go with trannies have a shit life and end up killing themselves when they can't get cock anymore, and any caring parent want to protect their child from that.