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12406774 No.12406774 [Reply] [Original]

Which writers are so vile and evil that their works should be banned?

>> No.12406795


>> No.12406804

Anyone of those French authors who signed that Age of Consent abolition letter. Especially Sarte, who was a serial rapist and totalitarian stalinist

>> No.12406806


>> No.12406821


>> No.12406834

what's wrong with Marcuse?

>> No.12406843
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Ones who don't agree with Dr. WLP (RIP)
/thread & FUCK jannies

>> No.12406861

You're literally talking about a man who advocated genocide. I know you're not serious but it's insensitive and dangerous to joke about things like this.

>> No.12406870
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he really is... dangerous

>> No.12406887

Me desu

>> No.12406892

Turner Diaries should be required reading to show people how not to write.
The books sucks so bad that reading it would probably lead to a rise in mixed marriages

>> No.12406910

The Weekly Standard, luckily my other plan worked and we don't need to worry about banning it.

>> No.12406972
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>You're literally talking about a man who advocated genocide. I know you're not serious but it's insensitive and dangerous to joke about things like this.

>> No.12407004

Your sentimentalism is sickening.

>> No.12407005

The Qur'an was written by Allah, f*cking kuffar

>> No.12407040

>Anyone of those French authors...
Could have stopped right there. Losers traumatized by world wars full of ressentiment.

>> No.12407320
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Ragnar Retardbeard
Max Stirner
Anton LaVey

>> No.12407381

J.K. Rowling

>> No.12407401

>>post evil people
>>posts the guy that did honestly nothing wrong

>> No.12407412


Your anti-sentimentalism is knee-jerk.

>> No.12407473
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>Today has been the Day of the Rope — a grim and bloody day, but an unavoidable one. Tonight, from tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles, and trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms hang.

>In the lighted areas one sees them everywhere. Even the street signs at intersections have been pressed into service, and at practically every street corner I passed this evening on my way to HQ there was a dangling corpse, four at every intersection. Hanging from a single overpass only about a mile from here is a group of about 30, each with an identical placard around its neck bearing the printed legend, "I betrayed my race." Two or three of that group had been decked out in academic robes before they were strung up, and the whole batch are apparently faculty members from the nearby UCLA campus.


The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its legend in large, block letters: "I defiled my race." Above the placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young woman, her eyes wide open and bulging, her mouth agape. Finally I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing into the branches above. Apparently the rope had slipped a bit or the branch to which it was tied had sagged, until the woman's feet were resting on the pavement, giving the uncanny appearance of a corpse standing upright of its own volition.

>I shuddered and quickly went on my way. There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males

>There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males. There are also a number of men wearing the l-defiled-my-race placard, but the women easily outnumber them seven or eight to one. On the other hand, about ninety per cent of the corpses with the I-betrayed-my-race placards are men, and overall the sexes seem to be roughly balanced.

>Those wearing the latter placards are the politicians, the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the "civic leaders", the bureaucrats, the preachers, and all the others who, for reasons of career or status or votes or whatever, helped promote or implement the System's racial program. The System had already paid them their 30 pieces of silver. Today we paid them.


>> No.12407484

Really none of them

>> No.12407496

This desu

>> No.12407505

Comfy. I will sleep soundly tonight; thank you.

>> No.12407537
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Has anyone read Hunter? I liked the Turner Diaries but I heard Hunter was a better piece of literature. Pierce despite his amateur writing style has very humorous aspects to him, odd old school WN memes, etc. He was a comfy dude. RIP Dr. Pierce

>> No.12407545

The Book of Mormon has a section where the protagonist at the time commands the dealings of certain “secret combinations” be kept from public knowledge on account of their soul-destroying character. The closest equivalent for us would be classified CIA documents—it would be bad if anyone knew all those details since it would give them ideas and power to continue the CIA’s program of destabilizing every nation with a name.

>> No.12407556


>> No.12407560

>Anyone of those French authors who signed that Age of Consent abolition letter. Especially Sarte
wtf, I like Sartre now??

>> No.12407564

Age is just a number.
Prison is just a room.

>> No.12407565

>hey guys, I also love marx and freud, can I be on your group?!
>"yeah, sure, just sign this petition"

>> No.12407597

He and Habermas are the only members of the Frankfurt school that actually fit /pol/'s stereotypes on said school.

>> No.12407627

Really liked him until I found out about the NAMBLA shit. Still love his poetry though and will probably be doing my PhD thesis on it.

>> No.12407638

You have a strange, curious way to say that /pol/ was right again.

>> No.12407647
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Not American so I'm laughing my ass off at the state of the US right now but yeah, he's pretty vile and evil.

>> No.12407651

I read the leak of the book and it was so bad its good. Like, the literary version of The Room.

>> No.12407690


>> No.12407748
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This is obviously the best way to handle the political realignment phase We're living in. I assure you that If you just continue laughing and ignore the position and grievances of anyone that disagrees with you, the final result will absolutely be different from >>12407473 , with You and your friends hanging from those trees. By all means continue like this.

>> No.12407767
File: 24 KB, 324x499, 880E43F4-7019-4130-8DFA-D4AD1F6EC3D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stanley Fish and all of the other logical positivist Anglos who hate freedom of expression.

>> No.12407779

>frogposters are gonna hang all the normal people
lmao, good luck Vlad

>> No.12407783

I've heard a theory that Ginsburg supported NAMBLA because he saw it as a radical expression of free speech, not because he was genuinely a pedophile sympathizer.

>> No.12407784
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t. triggered Trumptard

>> No.12407788

>capitalizing pronouns
What a cool and normal way to type

>> No.12407816

Pathetic. What do you actually know about Doctor William Luther Pierce?

>> No.12407821
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>>i have no argument thus i shall attack this post on litteraly anything I can.
I have no argument so I shall project.
I have no argument so I shall strawman and completely miss the point.
It feels so good being always right about you people.

>> No.12407823

There is a lot of cringe but all his predictions were dead on.

>> No.12407847


>> No.12407848

Thomas Hobbes
David Hume
Joseph-Pierre Proudhon
Andre Gide
Jean-Paul Sartre
Emile Zola
Ethan Smithers

>> No.12407945
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Oh shut up and stop sharing your wet dreams of your beta uprising with us. Trump is a JOKE the world is laughing at him.


This is your guy! We're talking about a geriatric that's shut the government down for a record length because he won't listen to the position of the MAJORITY of the country and government who don't want a fucking wall. Check your own camp before you start pointing the finger elsewhere.

>> No.12407962
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>> No.12407976

>This is your guy! We're talking about a geriatric that's shut the government down for a record length
>I can't into memes so I shall corrupt others's.

>> No.12407982

what did brecht do?

>> No.12407984

My argument is that you are a frogposter. Do you disagree?

>> No.12407988

What did ragnar do except maybe suggest that there's nothing wrong with bashing someone's head in for personal gain?

>> No.12407991


>> No.12407996

scheiss maximalpigmentierter

>> No.12408001

> a wall is unnecessary
if you think illegal aliens entering our country isnt a problem, you are a retard and theres no further point in arguing with a retard.

>> No.12408036

Trump's policies lead to more illegal immigration, not less. (Same as right-wing policy leads to more abortion, not less, more crime, not less, more global unrest, not less, etc.)

>> No.12408110

>Joseph-Pierre Proudhon
Delete this

>> No.12408118

they don’t lead to more crime. stop and frisk and three strikes were crypto-rw social policies that dramatically decreased violent crime.

>> No.12408122
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>thinks a wall is the solution

It is you who is the retard who practices very poor logic. Don't put words in my mouth and misalign me you fucking Cathy Newman. Not supporting wall =/= not thinking illegal immigration is a problem. The solution being proposed is a fucktarded one.

"The total number of people apprehended for illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has been steadily falling for almost two decades. It's a long-term trend that sociologists, economists and federal officials have been tracking for years."

"President Donald Trump says that his proposed wall along the Mexico border “will stop much of the drugs from pouring into this country.” We cannot predict the future, but the fact is that most illicit drugs pass undetected through legal ports of entry."

"Visa Overstays Outnumber Illegal Border Crossings"

>> No.12408127

William S. Burroughs

>> No.12408135

Stefan Georg

>> No.12408141

Is Morracow the most well knownTRSodomite?

>> No.12408160
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this is the best policy he's ever implemented
>tfw communist
>government funding being held hostage by ancient brain-aids le orange drumpf
>mfw this is actually a good thing because it creates instability

>> No.12408221

lmfao look at this retard. what does declining illegal immigration have to do with the effectiveness of the border wall? drugs dont factor into what i said at all either, and visa overstays are another problem but again have nothing to do with a border wall you dolt. literally nothing you have just shat out onto that post makes any mention of the effectiveness of the border wall. retard

>> No.12408247
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>> No.12408272

>Which writers are so vile and evil that their works should be banned?
The Jewish ones, of course.

>> No.12408277

It has no bearing on my criticism of your behaviour as expressed in the original post. Otherwise suit yourself.
Like pottery

>> No.12408309
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Not the other guy but you're a worthless imbecile and perfect poster guy for a thick-headed trumptard.

>declining illegal immigration have to do with the effectiveness of the border wall?
It means illegal immigration has been reduced without a fucking wall.

>drugs dont factor into what i said at all either
This is one of Trump's biggest talking points and reason for the wall, of course its relevant.

>visa overstays are another problem but again have nothing to do with a border wall you dolt
If the majority of immigrants are coming via legal means, perhaps this should give a good idea of where money should be spent?

>literally nothing you have just shat out onto that post makes any mention of the effectiveness of the border wall
You're too stupid to know how stupid you are. The fact that most illegal immigrants aren't border jumpers is a direct comment on the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of the wall. You're protecting an area where the vast majority of targets aren't even using.

>> No.12408330
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Defend your boi now. Why the fuck shouldn't we laugh at this idiocy?