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/lit/ - Literature

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12405130 No.12405130 [Reply] [Original]

imagine being a sad obsessive overly-sensitive autistic man and you get hired by a normie public-interest food and travel magazine to write a nice little essay about the lobster festival in maineryland

and you're such a broke-ass sad-ass anime-watching autist that you actually go to this festival only to identify and sympathize more with the stupid beady-eyed lobsters than any of the living breathing human beings there

and you write three thousand words about the absolute inhumanity of the fat blubbery glassy eyed throngs and nobody who works at GOURMATE MAGAZINE is awake at the wheel enough to even notice what you've done

in fact nobody ever notices what you've done, or even cares, and so you just keep writing five million more words until you produce a brick fat enough to block your exhaust pipe so you can finally leisure in that eternal slumber

and once you're finally good and dead so you don't have to think about how nobody will ever consider the lobster, some big-titted small-glasses wearing new york times book review editor takes note of the big smelly overly-empathetic tragedy that your life comports, and you finally earn the recognition you'd been yearning for your whole life long

but it still doesn't matter, because still nobody fucking gives a shit about lobsters

>> No.12405135
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>but it still doesn't matter, because still nobody fucking gives a shit about lobsters

>> No.12405227
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>> No.12405240
File: 185 KB, 839x538, ri-smith-lobster-nova-scotia-lobster-up-close-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because still nobody fucking gives a shit about lobsters

I do. I think crustaceans are neat. It if were practical I would have one as a pet.

>> No.12406180

There are smaller inverts that are easier to set up for than lobsters. Vamprie shrimp, bamboo shrimp, and marbled crays are small enough to be kept in some home aquariums (at least 20gal, read those care sheets). Smaller than that are Dwarf Cajun and orange dwarf Mexican crays, which will do fine in a 10-20gal. Less than 10 I'd go with cherry or glass shrimp desu.

If you're willing to do your research, go for it
t. /an/ shrimpkeeper

>> No.12406263

they´re the cockroaches of the sea, fuck them

>> No.12406309

Stop slandering the mans name and memory you piece of shit loser, a huge psrt of Consider is to explore if we actually do, truly care and to asl ourselves for what reason do we care, a.ka urging people to use their brains and think

>> No.12406463

>some big-titted small-glasses wearing new york times book review editor takes note of the big smelly overly-empathetic tragedy that your life comports, and you finally earn the recognition you'd been yearning for your whole life long

This book was written after infinite jest no?

>> No.12406488

>and you're such a broke-ass sad-ass anime-watching autist that you actually go to this festival only to identify and sympathize more with the stupid beady-eyed lobsters than any of the living breathing human beings there
As if the boomers at that festival aren't just as glassy and beady-eyed. Too cool to feel compassion, yawn, blow it out your ass.

>> No.12406495
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>>and you're such a broke-ass sad-ass anime-watching autist that you actually go to this festival only to identify and sympathize more with the stupid beady-eyed lobsters than any of the living breathing human beings there

>> No.12406502
File: 198 KB, 1296x972, dfwsadpanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW I read the Outline of American Literature and see this.

>> No.12406504

Jordan tried to cop Dave's swag. To bad he's so annoying and unlikeable to anyone who is not an incel. Dave was sort of phony, but his hipness actually made his points more profound, he could speak to people who would not normally want to hear these tihngs.

>> No.12406514


And it was the only good essay he ever wrote

>> No.12406526

Wrong. Good old neon exists.

>> No.12406540

that's not an essay you literal moron.

>> No.12406578

Good old neon is so good that it transcends your petty concept of what a short story or essay is

>> No.12406613

It's okay.
The ending is kinda weak and over-sentimental desu.
I also blame this book for Dave's death partially, as most people misread it and thihnk it's explicitly about him and not about a person he really knew in high school that he merely projects some of his shitty feelings about his success on to.

>> No.12406643


Just leave the man's legacy alone asshole

>> No.12406658

I love Dave but this is reddit.

>> No.12406660

>not liking lobsters
total pleb

>> No.12406711

wait, this book was really about lobsters? actual, sea-dwelling crustaceans? this whole time, i thought it was meant as metaphor of some, literary construct he had made. unbelievable. is it atleast well written though?

>> No.12406722

It's a collection of essays and the lobster one is about animal cruelty.
Most of the essays are trash.
This is actually his worst book/collection, but more people have read it.

>> No.12407375

"Consider the Lobster", the essay, was written by DFW in 2004 for Gourmet Magazine. It was republished in the collection of essays "Consider the Lobster" in 2005.

But it's much better in Gourmet Magazine than in his book. DFW's inability to resist thinking, feeling, and empathizing looks noble when it's got the GM schlock to set it off. It's just irrelevant reactivity in the context of his own collection of novels.

But the essay would never have been profitable if it weren't republished. So that's what you get.

>> No.12407452

Objectively wrong

>> No.12407508

Just tried reading it. Too many details about fucking lobsters.

>> No.12407675

the virgin anon vs the chad lobster

>> No.12408831


Peterson appeals to virgins in their twenties. Wallace appealed to potheads in dormslrooms and young women pursuing liberal degrees. He was rightfully mocked and thankfully is quickly being forgotten. The fact that the 'David Foster Wallace Reader' is just some Frankenstein of slapped together bits of his essays and Infinite Jest is proof that not even his fucking publishers have faith in his longevity.

I'm glad that faggot's dead. His shit writing along with all of the other awful shit produced by the McCarthy fuckwits has been a blight on American prose. Right there with the Beats and possibly even further up its own ass.

>> No.12408930

for me, it's Fictional Futures and the Conspicuously Young.

>> No.12408942

p cute ngl

>> No.12408980
File: 713 KB, 727x742, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dave was sort of phony, but his hipness actually made his points more profound, he could speak to people who would not normally want to hear these tihngs.

>dude im down with the struggle, see im all upset, *wipes tears with stack of money*, yeah sucks that you can't pay rent, or afford food or afford to pay the tuition ransom to continue college but, look dude, im more upset trust me!
>yeah man, my parents were two professors who raked in a modest 300k a year collectively and had millions in savings and paid for my college, paid for a new car for me, paid for everything and their connections allowed me to be able to publish. but dude, depression dude! you don't know how good you have it!
>but dude, i get you because i dress like im down with the struggle but let's be clear, I, DFW, lived a harder life than anyone because woe is me! see, look how street i am, i dress just like a regular joe, look how authentic I am!

>> No.12409040

>some big-titted small-glasses wearing new york times book review editor takes note of the big smelly overly-empathetic tragedy that your life comports, and you finally earn the recognition you'd been yearning for your whole life long

>> No.12409150
File: 42 KB, 645x729, 1541548556959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Christ this board exhausts me sometimes. You all claim to be so much better than hip Manhattan elitist intelligentsia, but your just as snobby if not more. DFW might not be the best writer ever, but he's frequently enjoyable and funny, and he's certainly not the worst person to ever get an essay in a magazine. Why can't you all stop acting like a bunch of 15 year old's trying to prove they know the most obscure fucking Joy Division b-side

>> No.12409159

sup redditor, you don´t expect everybody to like the same thing, get out of your bubble

>> No.12410715

>really about lobsters? actual, sea-dwelling crustaceans? this whole time
>Dude, how could living entities that aren't humans matter, obviously they must just represent some aspect of humanity metaphorically