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/lit/ - Literature

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12404059 No.12404059 [Reply] [Original]

What is a book that stirred the inner essence of your soul and changed your perspective on life?

>> No.12404063

your a faggot

>> No.12404141

Plato, Dostoevsky, and Kierkegaard.

>> No.12404152
File: 24 KB, 303x475, CCCCF64E-A119-487E-92C6-CFFDB53C1BF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book showed me that I could still have faith, even though before I knew every atheist argument and thought I would never become Christian. When I go to Heaven I want to thank Pascal.

>> No.12404161

Piss off namefag

>> No.12404165

The Anatomy Of Melancholy

I know it’s a NYRB meme and such now, but I picked it out at a library because of the title. It was an old rebinded copy, just one of those blank library ones. I read it slowly over the course of a little over a month. It really comforted me and helped me with my life, not even trying to kid you. Consider giving it a try.

>> No.12404178

crime and punishment

>> No.12404195
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Reading Siddhartha at age 16 unironically opened new vistas for me, I now view it as fairly simplistic etc but for someone not used to those kinds of ideas at all it can be very powerful

>> No.12404699
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Its nonfiction but Bourgeois Utopias was the book that made me realize my true passion for urbanism. I had no idea what I wanted to do in my life aside from art which I was dogshit at, until I took a class on the visual design of cities with this as the textbook. From then on I had an actual intellectual direction and a career which I love. It rescued me from being a burnout. Though I should probably re-read it to see if it still holds up content wise.

>> No.12404709

First and second Corinthians

>> No.12404712

Antichrist and Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.12404733

Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.12404744


I don't have a soul, and neither do you. To correct a mis-statement by Lewis: "You don't have a soul. You are a body. You have a delusion."

>> No.12404756

The Brothers Karamazov. Aljosja made a deep impression on me, as did many other characters and events in that book.

>> No.12404780


>> No.12404793

Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo

>> No.12404849


>> No.12404892


The Stranger

>> No.12404922

The Alchemist

>> No.12404924

East of Eden

>> No.12404954


>> No.12404966


The namefag is only neutralized when we all become namefags.

>> No.12405331

Awakening by de Mello made me a buddhist.

>> No.12405344

Catch 22

>> No.12405348

Behold a pale horse

>> No.12405350

yeah siddhartha was powerful for me too. it gets shit on here but i dont think people realize the extent to which young milenial teenagers lacked the ability to read a slightly difficult work.

>> No.12405354

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.12405383

when I was back in school: Walden, The Dharma Bums, Siddhartha and Steppenwolf.
recent ones: Norwegian Wood.
it seems my taste in literature degraded over the years.. but the question was about stirring soul, so that's that

>> No.12405411

Good Old Neon even though its a short story

>> No.12405788


>> No.12405802

Mein Kampf

>> No.12405830

fuck off back to /lgbt/ faggot

>> No.12406400

The Old Man and the Sea