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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 440x480, Picture 211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1240070 No.1240070 [Reply] [Original]

Came across this over the weekend. Modern Library of the World's Best Books, Fall 1921.

I'm incredibly happy with it.

>> No.1240076
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Anyone else have something they're incredibly happy with having found?

>> No.1240086

I bought language, truth and logic at a car-boot sale

>> No.1240096


You look like you might be hot. Post a picture of you in a bikini or bra and panties, and I'll give you compliments on your book.

>> No.1240097

Interesting find of mine was Mel Lymon's memoir "Mirror at the End of the Road", for $1. I didn't know what it was until I did a little Googling and found out Lymon was a cult leader of sorts, and then the book seemed downright creepy in multiple respects.

>> No.1240098

I found Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead on a guesthouse bookshelf when I was traveling in the Philippines. Traded it with another book I had with me. I consider it the best find ever because it reaffirmed my convictions.

>> No.1240111
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>> No.1240112

jesus fucking christ

>> No.1240113
File: 231 KB, 1600x1200, dunehardcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this hardcover edition of Dune like-new that I can't seem to find anywhere else. That is really the most interesting thing I've found.


>> No.1240127
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"Poor Nietzsche: misunderstood, abused, ridiculed, no wonder he wrote like this."

Also, the page opposite this one has "keep this book" written on it. Broke my heart a little bit that they didn't keep it. ;_;

>> No.1240130

What? You don't have to show your face. I just think you're probably really hot and I want to see your body.

Then, delicious compliments. I'm really good at them. Try me.

>> No.1240134 [DELETED] 

>he thinks I am OP

>> No.1240139

This is /lit/. Books are all we need. Go back to >>>/b/ please.

>> No.1240144
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>see nothing but hair and hand
>You look like you might be hot

>> No.1240150

Hell. No. /b/ is a shitsty.

And I am a man who gets tantalized by a hint of auburn hair cascading over high cheekbones onto slender shoulders, and want to see more.

I'm sorry if that is too much for you. But I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not to avoid offending your delicate sensibilities. I want to see the way this girls waist curves into her hip, and the arch of her thighs into her calves.

And I'm not even slightly ashamed to admit it.

>> No.1240151

A book of Cowper's poems, printed 1806, marble boarding, aged paper, "s"s that looked like "f"s, etc.

204 years old. The mind boggles.

>> No.1240154

You're a neckbeard who can't get women and is turning /lit/ into your personal masturbatorium. Go away.

>> No.1240158

Creepy sexism, pig.

>> No.1240168
File: 138 KB, 800x600, sungoesdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book of letters home by kamikaze pilots was a random find that I liked. When people are about to die they really say what's important to them.

>> No.1240179

No, I'm not. I am clean shaven, physically fit, and have no trouble getting women-- at all. I just think it's really funny how people like you are so profoundly intimidated by a man who shows the slightest hint of sexual honesty. You want easily controlled child-men. I am not that. At all.

If I wanted fappping material, there are much better places on the internet than /lit/ for that.

>> No.1240182

Hey, I'm going to need a photo of you in boxers or a speedo to confirm this. You don't even have to show your face. If you do this I'll give you compliments on your ego.

>> No.1240187

Tell you what: OP posts underwear shot, and I will too. Boxer briefs, if that's ok.

And you little feminazi white knights will eat your fucking hearts out.

>> No.1240191

Oh wow a girl, and possibly hawt! let's treat her differently guys xD

kill urselves

>> No.1240194

Remember when this thread was about books?

>> No.1240204
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Robert R. McCammon - Swan Song

My favorite piece of fantasy/science fiction/horror whatever the fuck literature and I found it for a nickel at the local Three Way Thrift

>> No.1240205

What's this 'differently' stuff?

Where are all these straight men who don't want to see good-looking girls in their underwear?

>> No.1240208

pleased to meet your acquaintance...

>> No.1240209

lol nice double standard. Women should strip down to underwear for you for no reason other than a compliment, but you can't do it unless they do it first. Ha ha, way to not be a manchild. Nice try.

>> No.1240212
File: 559 KB, 3264x2448, dontbemirinnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Kropotkin's Ethics in a thrift shop actually

it is what you might call 'a rare find'

>> No.1240214

You're telling me that you're a straight man who doesn't like to see good-looking girls in their underwear?

You're either seriously fucked-up or a serious fucking liar. Which is it?

>> No.1240223


The negotiation thus far has gone like this

1. I offered compliments for sexy pictures.
2. Counteroffer was sexy pictures of me for compliments on my ego
3. I declined this offer, and counteroffered sexy pics of me for sexy pics of her.
4. You came in with more feminazi white-knighting and bullshit.

>> No.1240224

damn bro i cant help it. yawn at ur book tho, cant belive u dont read much ficition anymore do you listen to van the man? :D

neither, you SHIT-Faced Beetle.

>> No.1240228

Book over penis and I'll stop thinking you're getting mad.

>> No.1240229

Underwear shots are everywhere but I don't see a lot of girls with heartbreakingly inscribed Nietzsche books. It's a shame she stopped posting when you confused /lit/ with your local branch of Hooters.

>> No.1240232

I don't ask women on /lit/ for underwear pictures, just as I don't ask women at my work for underwear pictures.

This is /lit/, a literature board. If you want underwear photos go somewhere else.

>> No.1240233

TyBrax is a women and also Stagolee. This much is obvious if you've been here long.

>> No.1240241
File: 113 KB, 240x246, 1281910745080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TyBrax is a women and also Stagolee
you're all illiterate sex-obsessed neckbeards on here. go read Asimov,

>> No.1240243

ty i cant believe you got me banned i am so sad

>> No.1240245
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Found this for maybe €1, was pretty cool.

>> No.1240249
File: 726 KB, 2048x1536, DSCN0876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make more pictures if interested

>> No.1240255

twat? i'm sorry, i thought ckin just wanted to ban me again. maybe thats why she banned you as i dont think anyone else has been yet.

reset your router to get back in :)
i'm going to be on later ;_; hopefully ckin & 3rd will be gone ;_____;

>> No.1240259
File: 747 KB, 2048x1536, DSCN0871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I also got this for fun, it's about Far-Eastern religion and philosophy

>> No.1240262
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Hiroshima 1946, John Hersey


>> No.1240263
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>someone makes a typo
>he must be illiterate

>mfw everyone posts books in front of face

>> No.1240266
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>> No.1240268

i thought we had something

but now we are nothing


>> No.1240273
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Emerson Essays 1906


>> No.1240275
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>> No.1240276

who r u ;__;

u obv arent nice enough to me or id kno but you sure are playing with my heart like twat does....

>> No.1240278
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>> No.1240279

Sweet :)

>> No.1240282

could do with a bit better quality photography, they're quite boring to look at if you can only see a blue haze where the book should be.

>> No.1240283
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And now, my Balzac. Collection of 24 novellas. 1924.

>> No.1240285
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>> No.1240288

i am twat

>> No.1240293

then why are you blaming me for being hated ;_;

FUCK OFF u insensitive prick.

>> No.1240294

I so fucking jelly

>> No.1240296

we are done


that was last straw

>> No.1240299

I know, I hate it. I went to Best Buy to pick up a web-cam and the sales associate told me to get this web-cam, it's a cheap $20 web-cam. I asked about the more expensive ones, and he was like "this one is all you need bro." He was a really crappy salesman, who tries to sell the costumer the cheapest web-cam? Not happy with the quality, wish I wouldn't have listened to him.

>> No.1240305

>neither, you SHIT-Faced Beetle.

Ah, liar it is then. Mad liar too. Well, it looks like you repressed girls and man-babies can't handle this much msculinity in your little book thread, so I'll just mosey on my manly way


>> No.1240309

>do you listen to van the man? :D

Sure, and occasionally not even because I want to feel ironic!

>> No.1240316
File: 7 KB, 240x173, VanMorrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like trolling. only someone that cant get girls irl would be this desperate for some pics online.

if you werent so /fit/ & masculine i wud be in luv :3

>> No.1240317
File: 705 KB, 2048x1536, DSCN0881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It even has pretty pikshurs

>> No.1240323

I found a copy of Gravity's Rainbow for 50 cents yesterday at Goodwill.

>> No.1240327

Yeah, Goodwill charges 1 cent for every page worth reading.

>> No.1240333

I stopped posting because I wasn't at my computer.
Also, last page says "Let's hope so-- we can well use such a world." </3

That said, I'm not posting that much skin on /lit/, or any other board for that matter. I know too many people on 4chan and I've posted my face here before.

I'd love to read that.

I picked up the Harvard Classics collection of Emerson essays as well this weekend.

>> No.1240372
File: 13 KB, 300x222, quiubisuntindian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinnyfat is the new /fit/

>> No.1240384

That's the best you've got? A spelling parse and a tired 'troll' proclamation?

You're just jealous because I am a veritable paragon of masculinity who loves women, is not afraid to say what he thinks and knows that women find that kind of confidence attractive, and you're just a little wormy manbaby who can only get their attention by ingratiating himself.

Tell me, did your mommy emasculate you, or was it the dizzy-mad patchouli-soaked manhaters at the liberal arts junior college you attended?

>> No.1240388

Hot girl hair man. Hot girl hair

>> No.1240389
File: 19 KB, 360x450, despair1237852510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying skinnyfat
i have the skinnyfats i'm not dumb,

you said "miring" & have veins on your arms, so ur probably /fit/.

>> No.1240392

God, pissed-off litchicks and their lapdog men are a fucking riot!

>> No.1240394

fuck meant to post that image on /mu/

>> No.1240404
File: 112 KB, 485x300, bonnie-prince-charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1240415

I mean skinnyfat as in /fa/'s aesthetic ideal.
Wish it was the 90's, ppl back then could appreciate a good bicep

>> No.1240422

>I mean skinnyfat as in /fa/'s aesthetic ideal
then you dont kno shit about /fa/. /fa/ is low-low body fat & no muscle.

>good bicep
ugh, muscles.

>> No.1240432

Over the past few months visiting a certain flea market in Ohio I've scored a 1927 leatherbound The Complete Romances of Voltaire, an 1851 hardcover of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a 1911 hardcover of Macbeth. I think I've spent $15 total. I'm fairly pleased.

>> No.1240442

noice! are these things worth more than the money you buy them for?

>> No.1240452

low bf + no muscle = ideal
skinnyfat = reality

low bf + muscle = ideal
builtfat = reality

Personally, I'd take /fit/ any day, at least they look like real people.

>> No.1240456

uhh, don't wanna be rude here but maybe you guys can talk about the general form and details of your male bodies on another board where there are more gay people around (i think i heard of a place like this, go find it!)

>> No.1240458

yay! im the reality, feel better about not being proper skinny now.

>jelly that he cant get d&e's attention

>> No.1240462

A 1957 copy of Atlas Shrugged with the creepiest pic of Ayn rand in the back and a 1970 copy of the hobbit and the count of monte cristo. Wish I had cam to show you guys :l

>> No.1240466

>at least they look like real people.
>come at me bro 1 million popped collars or douchebagnecks

inb4hitleryouthandpeacoatsgothninjasetc, /fa/ actually does have some good advice for dressing well

>> No.1240467
File: 82 KB, 640x480, jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1240469

ehh, not really. i mean, this is a board about books!? and you are discussing structures of flesh that kinda hang/stick to your body. and i think youre all guys? im not really jealous, im just saying you all sound like gay people and that this is not the proper board for that. ok?

>> No.1240475

>hipster talk
what are the chances of you showing up?

as far as im aware I only linked /lit/ to /mu/, not the other way around...

but yeah /fa/ is what i try for but i think i fail. my shirts dont fit well enough & i need more cardigans :/

>> No.1240486


I post here too : /

My /lit/ threads do 300+ numbers

>> No.1240489

much like your scale

>> No.1240490
File: 25 KB, 800x598, alice_glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sucks. Can't you just talk about literature instead of yourselves?

>> No.1240491


>> No.1240496

oh sorry. my only popular threads were troll threads, back when i used to troll ;_;

where did u find friends that you can relate to, college?

>> No.1240499
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: (


>> No.1240501
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>this thread

>> No.1240511

you can't troll. you lack most basic skills for trolling like humor, wit and a 'theory of mind' and a non-cholesterol-clogged brain

>> No.1240518

>tao lin threads
>300+ replies

try making one on Russian Formalism sometime bro

>> No.1240519

you must be no here, i was all those things before uni started : )

>> No.1240524

>Russian Formalism

>> No.1240534

i come here pretty often and you're always here as well and you have never made a single interesting post

>> No.1240540

each time u say stuff like this i get self-destructive /lit/.

like i dont cut or puke my food anymore but i skip school or eat food or something similar to that... : \

thx for ur help loser.

>> No.1240541

generally namefagging is for hipsterfaggot attentionwhores.

>> No.1240544

yeah... you're forgetting the main premise that nobody is interested in you. nobody cares if you kill yourself. we just don't want to read the stuff you write here.

>> No.1240553

better here than on people irl :|

if yuu come to 4chan you expect things like this

>> No.1240570


>> No.1240589

Why are you still here?

>> No.1240636
File: 452 KB, 1600x1200, 1027001952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todays haul, eight dollars.

Vladimir Nabokov - Poems and problems
Lawrence Durrell - The Dark Labyrinth
Plato - Republic
George Saunders - Pastoralia
Thomas Pynchon - Mason and Dixon
Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman
Tim O'Brien - The Things They Carried
Philip Roth - Operation Shylock
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair
Virginia Woolf - To the Lighthouse
Lenrie Peters - The Second Round