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12401963 No.12401963 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening

>> No.12401969

it shouldn't

>> No.12401982

I for one fully expect the discussion to live up to the prequel

>> No.12401998
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>randomly googled zizek for a shitpost on /int/
>saw this

>> No.12402007

I don't know why would zizek bother debating this hack. Maybe for the shekels.

>> No.12402008

Did he grow a beard especially for this occasion?

>> No.12402013


You just know they'll spend 90 minutes talking past each other, right?

>> No.12402024

Chad Beterson vs Virgin Bizek.
Edit: thanks for upvote guys. I should remind you that this post is ironic so please dont complain about politics.

>> No.12402031

It really sucks because I live close enough that I can go to the event but I won't be able to but I know it will sell out before I will be able to afford it.

>> No.12402042

>they are in negotiations in order to make sure zizek bathes

>> No.12402045
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Meme philosopher vs meme philosopher, who would win?

>> No.12402050


>> No.12402052
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(skip the populist intro, forward to 17:00)

Spencer, when talking with a Marxist, says that non-Marxist critiques of capitalism, such as religious ones, are effectively suppressed in academia.
What even are even some critiques that aren't Marxist in nature?

>> No.12402074


>> No.12402081

There are a thousand other Marxist intellectuals he could debate, why does it have to be a clown like Zizek? This smells like another fraudulent spectacle intended to rake in a bunch of money off ticket sales like those awful Harris debates. All catered to the midwits who spend more time on youtube than with books.

>> No.12402098

Should it be moderated? and if yes, by whom?

>> No.12402103
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>> No.12402106

>Meme philosopher vs meme high school sub teacher

Fixed, bucko

>> No.12402109

Yup, I'm thinking he based

>> No.12402126

Kys stupid cunt

>> No.12402139

Why's Zizek clown? I'm genuinely interested, read some of his books, listened to his videos. He appears to be eccentric, a little bit of a show off, but his theory is fresh, interesting. His theory on Hegel, Lacan, Marx is well thought out, he knows German idealism well.
I mean your kind of opinion gets voiced often, on what grounds can you say that a smart philosopher is a clown?

>> No.12402140
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Yes. I unironically nominate Cathy Newman for the job

>> No.12402141

>meme social commentator that pretends to be a philosopher vs meme Jungian psychologist

Fixed, *sniff*

>> No.12402156

Watch this. His facade of "philosopher" is expertly dismantled by Will. He sees right through it. https://youtu.be/CId1iOWQUuo

>> No.12402159

Yeah Zizek is certainly outlandish but I don't get why people think he's worthless. He's not Hegel 2.0 and he's popular with popphil people but he's still interesting, I really enjoyed his stuff on film.

>> No.12402164

/pol/ and /x/ in a nutshell

>> No.12402168

please summarize anon

>> No.12402180

>will self
literally who?

>> No.12402197

Can you rephrase aspects of Will's argumentation that destroyed Zizek? I've watched this video once, and Will just came off as someone nihilistic, someone who is just lazy to read books

>> No.12402215

He's a pop-philosopher. Something more akin to a sociologist or social commentator. He's a custodian and repository of other philosophers' ideas, and uses these ideas to comment on the contemporary political climate. There's nothing wrong with that, but the guy isn't a philosopher.

>> No.12402226

Exaclty. Some literally fucking who murders the poor old man on stage. Not a good look for Ziz.

>> No.12402229

I'd agree for modern zizek but zizek has absolutely been a philosopher in the past

>> No.12402230

Jesus did he have his wife lobotomized?

>> No.12402246

I wish Foucault was alive to btfo Peterson himself, that debate would be fun

>> No.12402264

Zizek is a bloviator without a pragmatic bone in his body.

>> No.12402276


Christian, /r/atheist, even Libertarian. Libertarian critique is the funniest, it uses "that's corporatism" as a kind of reverse "that wasn't real Communism".

>> No.12402319

Never post again u lazy charlatan

>> No.12402339

People have been asking for this for at least a year now. It pretty much culminated when Peterson replied to a Zizek not on twitter saying he would debate him.

It's funny, all this time Peterson has been saying he wants to debate Marxists but never following through, now he's in the abyss

>> No.12402344


I was gonna say Zizek takes a shit in his mouth BUT I recently found out he unironically believes in "change" as in Subjective metamorphosis, thus probably believes that History is an Objective thing that happened.

>> No.12402364

I see you hold some rigid presuppositions, laxative might help you

>> No.12402367

>lazy charlatan
Zizek in a nutshell

>> No.12402379
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The critique is one on a sort of nepotism?

>> No.12402382
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post yfw zizek goes on a 30 minute tangent about an anecdote concerning a film from 1954 that barely anyone has seen

>> No.12402383

I'm sure you could scrape something from the barrel of academia that represents Foucault and his ideas well enough.

>> No.12402397

his work on ideology is at present unsurmounted, even if you think he is a hedonistic satan-worshipper from the depths of hell you have no right to academically discredit him, you repulsive brat.

>> No.12402428
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Are people not fed up yet with this charlatan?

>> No.12402432

Don't worry, this debate will expose Peterson for what he is

>> No.12402433
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>> No.12402453

Which one?

>> No.12402455

I recognise his hitherto unsurmounted work on ideology. I do not, however, fool myself into thinking that that this work is philosophy. We should call it what it is: Sociology.

>> No.12402458

Meme marxist VS Dr. Penis Washer
Now this gonna be epic!

>> No.12402460

As great as it will be to see the final nail put in the coffin for JP, we then have to deal with the horde of pseud covers spreading their cheeks for zizek

>> No.12402461

I think people are pretty much done with Zizek

>> No.12402475

it clearly isn't just sociological though. the idea that "none of us are free from ideology" has huge ontological implications.

>> No.12402481

Yeah, as much as nietzche was a sociological response to nihilism

>> No.12402487

True, yeah. That wasn't really HIS idea though. Like the other anon said, he's a custodian of other philosophers' ideas. Not a philosopher himself

>> No.12402491

Give his latest Ox Union speech a watch, probably his best I've seen so far and Jordan is simply not smart/ well read enough for him. People have been bugging both of them for months about a discussion. It's going to go down like..

>Marxism is collectivism and collectivism is evil
>Zizek then pulls Hegel out of his ass and uses something psychologists can't comprehend. A proper system of metaphysics.
The end

>> No.12402497
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>> No.12402498

>pseud v pseud

>> No.12402506
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(You)r face, because only Zoomers haven't seen Hitchcock and based 60s marxist films.

>> No.12402521

he places all that within his own metaphysic, he isn't a slouch

>> No.12402539

They're going to talk past each other and are only doing this for the media spectacle of the two most visible intellectuals of the generation duking it out.

>> No.12402546
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Never got into Zizek because his spitty way of spitting is highly repulsive to me. Why won't anyone give this idiot a handkerchief?

>> No.12402559

this. Peterson and Zizek are probably as pseud as you can get. both are worshipped by half-zoomers who actually think debates matter for finding le truth.

>> No.12402563

Does literally anyone dislike her for her conduct during that interview? She did quite well.

>> No.12402564

No jews please.

>> No.12402566
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>the two most visible intellectuals of the generation duking it out
that was last year fám

>> No.12402588

Peterson is so whiny and inconsistent, can't stand the guy

>> No.12402596


>> No.12402616

The sad part is their respective fanbases have so little self-awareness they don't know Zizek and Peterson have several friends in common and the "feud" is entirely constructed hype.

>> No.12402660

But he already has...FROM BEYOND THE GRAAAVE


>> No.12402738

Is that mark hamil

>> No.12402747

major kek

>> No.12402761
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Oh you..

>> No.12402846

But Zizek is giving left a bad name. He just likes to hear his own voice and is a distraction for left, like feminism and PC.
And >snif< in thath way he ish >picks t-shirt< counterrevoluthionary anticomunisht.

Chomsky called him out on his empty bullshit. I'd rather see Chomsky doing the same thing with peterson live, but C. is too old. So my other pick would be Richard Wolff.

>> No.12402895
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>> No.12402908
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>But Zizek is giving left a bad name
>Noam "the US should stay in Syria" Chomsky

>> No.12402909

>a psychoanalist that dwelves on shitty philosphy vs. a philospher that dwelves on shitty psychoanalysis
Epic rap battles of history!

>> No.12402923

>friends in common
like who?

>> No.12402927

Zizek is asking the questions nobody on the left wants to hear. that's why you and everyone else hate him

>> No.12402932

>this debate will expose Peterson for what he is

Which is what exactly?

Apart from his milquetoast defense of capitalism, a lot of what he says is a combination of good peer-reviewed psychometrics, evolutionary psychology and anti-fragility.

Say what you want about his political opinions but the idea that he is even half as dangerous or snake oil that people claim is just wrong.

>> No.12402935

Yep. Zizek has mastered the art of saying so much with so little meaning, while making it seem like he's an important communist intellectual. Just google Zizek quotes - it's all a bunch of jokes he's told and some vague statements about love or capitalism that aren't even original. I'd love to sample people coming out of a Zizek talk and ask them "So what did you learn from the talk today?", just to see their blank stares as their brain desperately scrambles to think of a single thing.

>> No.12402939
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>Zizek isn't a real philo-

>> No.12402954

>thinks debates are irrelevant
Liberal pseud spotted.

>> No.12402969

Yikes... Imagine reading this and thinking it's anything other than pseudo-intellectual drivel. He can't even coherently interpret Plato.

>> No.12402974

live debates very much are.
all good debates happen on paper.

>> No.12402997

>expecting a coherent interpretation of Plato's Parmenides

>> No.12403008

>protecting the Kurds from genocide is bad!

>> No.12403014

I can't stand his voice.

>> No.12403023
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oh god, zizek is going to fucking cadaverize peterson

>> No.12403026

>implying anyone went into Syria to protect the Kurds from genocide
reminds me of when they couldn't find WMD's so they came up with the narrative of "bringing democracy to Iraq" to justify why they were already there.

>> No.12403032
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>House on Mango Street GOOOD
>President Trump BAAAD

>> No.12403045

Do you think the USA should be the police of the world or not? Make up your mind, you crusty old commie faggot. The USA's intervention in Syria has never been about helping the Kurds and you know it. The sooner we get out the better. Let the Kurds fight their own battles.

>> No.12403052

Assad is entirely willing to that.

>> No.12403057
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I'd prefer some Objectivist, one who could actually challange Zizek, debate him and not this mystic hack Peterson.

>> No.12403067

Not that guy but they started this nonsense in Middle East, the least they can do is prevent the worst outcome from happening. Seems like it is in bad faith to silence people who never wanted imperialism from critiquing how it is being carried out.

>> No.12403072
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>What even are even some critiques that aren't Marxist in nature?

Try reading Guenon, Evola, similar people, even Islamic thinkers like Sayyid Qutb can be very on point at times. I think Spencer is a clever moron but he is right on that point.

>> No.12403075

I pray this is bait

>> No.12403077

A professor said after an exam in a positive voice that I remind him of Zizek in the way I argue... Is this bad?

>> No.12403078

Joe Rogan should moderate it