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/lit/ - Literature

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12399269 No.12399269 [Reply] [Original]

What is the driest, most worthless, waste-of-time, this-shouldn't-be-on-my-shelf book /lit/ has ever read?

>> No.12399289

Roots of Russian word formation. Lists of morphemes, their meaning, and example words.

>> No.12399298
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>> No.12399299
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Yesterday I was about to buy The Passport by Herta Muller, then I decided to read a few quotes first. Looks like it would have been a good candidate.
Btw if anyone can rec something by Herta Muller, I'd be grateful. Or maybe she's not worth reading, dunno.

>> No.12399321

>Jesus sleeps on the cross by the church door. When he wakes up, he'll be old. The air in the village will be brighter than his naked skin
What is this trash

>> No.12399328

The twelve Caesars

>> No.12400120

This shitty new German book I read, and Ayn Rand's Fountainhead

>> No.12400125

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.12400164

I liked it.

>> No.12400169
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kore desu

>> No.12400244

Less Than Zero. Pointless garbage.

>> No.12400359

The pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet. Complete nonsense.

>> No.12400363

hello "pewdiepie"

>> No.12400373


>> No.12400457

The Silmarillion
Can't get 30 pages into it

>> No.12400468

It’s called poetry.

Muller is great btw. Arguably better than Jelinek.

>> No.12400470

Marx as a primary source.

>> No.12400483

What book by Muller would be a decent start? I can't read German. Interested in these female authors (what about Christa Wolf?) but afraid their prose is 2bizarre4me

>> No.12400489

Fear and Trembling, The Concept of Anxiety, and The Sickness Unto Death. When I was 18 I went through this psued philosophy phase, was a complete mistake. 4 years later I want to burn the books.

>> No.12400492

He's only really useful as a primary source, in order to form a basis of comparison for where neoclassical economists departed from him, Ricardo, and Smith.

>> No.12400619

Wh*te noise

>> No.12400659

Fuck off frogposter. Get this faggot shit off my catalog.

>> No.12400665

Moby Dick

>> No.12400669
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Désert by Le Cléziot. I can't believe this author received a Nobel Prize.

The Silmarillion is the worst fantasy book I've read. A trudge to go through.

>> No.12400678

>4 years later
Ah yes, the wisdom of 22 years of age.

>> No.12400707

I read the Land of Green Plums first and thought it was quite good. Should be easy enough if you're in the right mindset. Be sure to learn a bit about Romania, and especially the Ceaucescu regime and his secret police before reading. The book captures through "poetic language", especially weird but evocative metaphors, the feeling of being constantly surveilled.

>> No.12400714

From a prose standpoint, a terrible bore. The lore is amazing though, it really shows how thoroughly Tolkien knew his own work and his own creation. Doesn't change the fact that it reads like a phone book, but its worth it.

>fails to understand intricate and challenging philosophy at 18
>surely its the books fault

>> No.12400759

The Bible

>> No.12400786

the Sun Also Rises

>> No.12400788

This book taught me that autists don't deserve to be considered human.

>> No.12401388

This was this first thing that popped into my mind, and I read this 14 years ago

>> No.12401411
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Hell ye pal. *SIPS* Dab on the fucking libtard zoomers!

>> No.12401434

Unironically this.

Anyone who says they made it past Leviticus is a lying sack of shit.

>> No.12401461

>I'm an illiterate, therefore everyone else is

>> No.12401487

Yes, I'm illiterate because I didn't want to read the turbo jew shit about "my tribe is better than your tribe" and "Let me tell you how to properly boil a chicken's blood."

>> No.12401503

Thou ought not argueth with retarded christcucks, lest thou seeketh thine brain rotten.

>> No.12401508

I read Desert and thought it was very good. Themes and prose especially. His prose is very french, not as crazy as Proust, but still wordy. The descriptions of tribes smoking weed in the first chapter was comfy. Although yes 30 pages of descriptions of sand is boring.

>> No.12401519

Hey this is a scary place for a 14-year-old

>> No.12401537


>> No.12401686

Cringe? - Yes.
As brain-rottingly moronic as your beliefs? - No.

>> No.12401693
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Not even memeing. What makes it even worse is that I was led to believe that it would actually be good.

>> No.12401711

It made me realize that autists are fucking annoying, unless they're attractive girls.

>> No.12401788

Everyone on 4chan is austistic including you. You wouldn't be here otherwise

>> No.12401801

>reading for the plot
>skipping dubliners
i seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.12401807

Just give it a rest, man.

>> No.12401861

People like you are the reason the Bible was originally chained to the inside of the Church building

>> No.12401877


>> No.12401895


>> No.12401904
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>I've broken down my bible into winks and hand gestures
>god seems down
>sun is definitely getting a stiffy

>> No.12401970

Imagine getting this mad over a religion built on forgiveness, charity, and good works. Christianity is humanity's most cherished and beautiful inventions.

>> No.12401971

i wanted to beat the shit out of the autismo kid. also the dad did nothing wrong

>> No.12402021

>imagine having only 50 IQ

>> No.12402065

Imagine being so autistic, as to actually believe something so foolish; without evidence, nevertheless.
How do you people even tie your own shoes?

>> No.12402077


>> No.12402082

From Dawn to Decadence.

>> No.12402085

the bell curve

>> No.12402100

I just got it and fail to see the issue

>> No.12402115
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>> No.12402150

>I just fell for the Bait Curve and I fail to understand how worthless it is yet.

What's a good delousing book for the Bell Carve, guys? This guy needs help.

>> No.12402198

You seem to be emotionally invested in trashing this book.

>> No.12402210

My diary desu

>> No.12402212

Any fiction
Most of the bible
Philosophical books
Self help books
Art books

>> No.12402216

You're the worst poster on the whole board
Leave already

>> No.12402288
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thank you senpai

>> No.12402377

no thats because Hagrid got them the bitey one

>> No.12402396
File: 19 KB, 226x346, 51IdZK+7jSL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most boring book I've ever read

>> No.12402510

>reading the Bible cover to cover
>not selectively choosing books to gain a cumulative understanding on how the new law fulfills the old

>> No.12402594

Self-help books in general, The Anatomy of Peace in particular. Worst dialogue I’ve ever read, I didn’t know dialogue could be so bad.

>> No.12402614
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I was bedridden for two weeks in the army and I read this dumb ass scifi

>> No.12402632

A decade ago before I started studying Economics in university I got a small book about the economic issues of the world and thought it was interesting.
I recently found it and reread parts of it and I can not believe how terrible it is. It was literally commie propaganda in disguise. Forgive me for I was ignorant.

>> No.12402635
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For some reason I devoured these as a girl.
They are dumb, but I fund the formula fun at the time.

>> No.12402644 [DELETED] 

It was Ulysses, and then again with Portrait of The artist as a Young man 3/5s through.
Why did I listen to /lit/?

>> No.12402652

So your (((programming))) has worked like a charm. Good goy.

>> No.12402878

Rosie project

>> No.12402905


>> No.12402910

Kafka. Even in my edgy nihilist phase i couldn't stand him

>> No.12402912


>> No.12403410

Anything by that emotional faggot Graham Greene
and anything fucking 19th century British

>> No.12403470

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.12403482

I agree, it was my favorite book in junior high and made a huge impact on me. But when I picked it up again a few months ago . . . yeesh.

>> No.12403488

The bible.

>> No.12404190

tractatus snufflelapagus

>> No.12404257

As I Lay Dying

>> No.12404271

Came here to post this. Fuck that pozzed faggot BEE

>> No.12404277

An unabridged set of books of the Talmud, which I purchased on a whim because I'd read Chaim Potok's The Chosen in high school.

Redpill on Orthodox Judaism: For every profound quote by Rashi, there are several hundred strictures about how to piously gut a fish or build a wall.

>> No.12404439

Snow Falling on Cedars. Somewhere in that book is a halfway decent legal drama but it’s completely held back by its laughable prose and dialogue, tacked on “social commentary” about racism, a general lack of any meaningful or interesting themes and ideas, and possibly the worst WWII sequence that has ever been represented in fiction. I was 16 when I bought it so I guess that explains how tf I was intrigued by something so pretentious.

>> No.12404483

One thing about the book that I appreciate as an unironic Aspie is that Mark Haddon actually had the balls to make an unlikable and annoying autistic character as opposed to the overly-endearing stereotype that exists in a lot of popular media. As much as Christopher was annoying and unbearable, I think that it’s actually a fairly well-written book as far as modern bestsellers go and I think Haddon handled autism a lot better than people give him credit for.

>> No.12404735
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And no wonder you people need saving, similar to a wagon whose wheels have broken down in the meandering mountain path, you christcucks resort to the modern version of smoke signals to call for help, in the current year these take the form of your moral grandstanding, condemning those who desire, those who with hard work temper their character to see their wills manifest before their eyes, going so far as to call this worthy quest nothing but “greed", "lust" or even "gut urges”.

And is to these very same people who are convinced of their holy purpose, more compelled that any other to prove their virtues that I say, than even after creating the aggregated sum of all the kindness they have bestowed onto friends, family and strangers by following the gospel of their holy book, they still fall short and simply cannot compare to the absolute bliss I’m able to provide to a girl in a night of frivolous pursuit. With a single swift thrust of my hips, their entire lives up to that point validated; my meat rod falls upon them, striking their soft flesh like the whip of the very same Martin Luther during his daily session of self-flagellation; and much like the pain freed him from the guilt of his past sins, the pleasure of my instrument quickly wipes away their feelings of shame and self-loathing.

>> No.12404865

nice frog you redditfag, you have to google that?

>> No.12404908

Your amateurish, premature use of the reddit accusation betrays you own implied credentials.
On that note, no, I didnt have to, it just so happens to be my gf whatsapp profile pic.

>> No.12404923

>google filename

>> No.12404929

It is a good book. It's actually my favorite book. Your dislike of it, or inability to comprehend it, isn't the books fault.

>> No.12404935

yes, given that she is normie core its a given that she got it from google, your point?

>> No.12405174
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SEETHING gaytheist

>> No.12405182

Huxley is one dry muthafucka

>> No.12405184

I did. That part wasn't fun, but I did make it past Leviticus. I'm not Christian either.

>> No.12405888

Boy howdy that sure is a lot of armchair psychology and masturbatory prose

>> No.12406584

you havent killed yourself yet, bluefoot?

>> No.12406605

What a stupid fucking opinion. I understand not liking Finnegans Wake because it’s syphilitic nonsense babble. But Portrait? That’s fucking nonsense.


>> No.12407327


>> No.12407342


Get out

>> No.12407351
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