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12394726 No.12394726 [Reply] [Original]

What book is the most fatal critique of Christianity?

>> No.12394751

The Bible. Any version really.

>> No.12394768
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basically this

>> No.12394789

Selfish Gene is good but the rest is crap. It's not really a critique of Christianity, though Darwin properly understood is unto Christianity a fatal blow.

>> No.12394803

>Darwin properly understood is unto Christianity a fatal blow

>> No.12394805

I predicted this posts before entering this thread. You are non personal charaxter or as i like to name it NPC.

>> No.12394822

>God created man (Adam) from dust

I can't figure it out. The answer is just out of my grasp.

>> No.12394831

Read Nietzsche if you specifically want critique of Christianity

>> No.12394832

>Literal interpretation of the Bible

>> No.12394857

>God could write exactly what he meant but what would be the fun in that!

>> No.12394865

>t. brainlet

>> No.12394873

Jesus literally explains why he speaks in parables in the New Testament, why wouldn't God fo the same in the Old Testament?

>> No.12394885

Great argument anon. Sure convinced me on why God writes in riddles.

>> No.12394892
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Darwin properly understood is the strongest defense of Christianity outside the gospels.

You can hardly understand why your dick gets hard, what the fuck would you do with information on the infinite.

>> No.12394894
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How about non-Atheist critiques of Christianity?
>Evolution created singular cellular organisms from dust
>makes sense
>God created homo sapiens from dust
>ummmmm lol what?

>> No.12394898

why does everything have to be an argument for you fucking autists
i simply made the observation that you are a brainlet

>> No.12394905

If God just wrote down how everything literally is and gave definitive prove of his existence no one would have faith in him, it would just be a fact that he exists

>> No.12394915

See this is a reasonable answer.

Jesus said it was in parables because the truth was to be heard but not understood. Seems like an excuse to weasel out of giving a real answer.

>> No.12394958

lol, and why does God need people to "have faith"? why the hiding? when, if you want people to believe in you, you'd naturally simply show yourself and everyone, even the most fedora of fedoras, would believe in you? is this the part where you tell me that life is actually a test, and that you will pass if you sign up for the Catholic Church, or otherwise go to hell forever lmao? is this the part where we pretend thst humans haven't been on this planet for 200,000 years minimum? And that everything you know of regarding the Bible and similar, are merely a few thousand years old, and their authority becomes greatly questioned when one reflects on such a vast expanse of time? where was God 150,000 years ago? if God is eternal we of course imagine God to have been right there, but what was going on this whole time? were there revelations then, too? were people getting sent to hell, as well? what was happening for all these 198,000 years of human existence?

please don't respond with a "i dunno bro, jus hab fayddd :DDD"

>> No.12395075
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>why didn't people write the bible before they knew how to write, huh, christfag? fundies btfo

>> No.12395079

>God wrote the bible
Language is a very new medium of communication in the grand scheme of things, if God spoke to people it was likely through imagery. This would was then translated to text by various prophets. You’re also ignoring the historical context, people were a lot less literally thousands of years, stories and rhymes were the go to for coveying points.

>> No.12395091 [DELETED] 

Considerations on France by Joseph De Maistre

>> No.12395094

based criticism-anon, ignore what the rest tell you, they have shallow answers for every question

>> No.12395106

that's not what i said. i asked you where God was for the past 200,000 years? the old testament and anything else related to Abrahamic religion is all very recent, what was going on for the hundreds of thousands of years prior to that?

>> No.12395116

It's non-playable character dumbass

>> No.12395124

Things that couldn't be recorded because they happened before the fucking invention of writing you retard.

>> No.12395131

Hijacking this thread for a question:
Does christianity address "why do bad things happen to good, faithful people" in any other way than "all humans are born super evil lol"?

I fail to see how this religion could have overtaken paganism, hellenism and manichaeism when they all give (relatively) reasonable answers to the question

>> No.12395132

It’s own history and powerbrokering

>> No.12395136

I don’t agree with humanising God as he is likely an incomprehenable being beyond our understanding but for the sake of argument I will follow your belief. If you created beings capable of self reflection, what would be more rewarding for you, to force people to praise you or for them to come to it of their own will? Obviously it’s the latter, God doesn’t need our faith, it’s humans who try to divine his will and praise him for his creation.

>> No.12395141

Parables are empty stages there to project implied wisdom onto. Quite fraudulent imho.

>> No.12395144
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Pic related

>> No.12395147

>there was no religion before Christianity
>Christianity is the only viable relgion

>> No.12395148 [DELETED] 

Add Nick Land and some Marx for some flavor.

>> No.12395152

There are none. Nothing in Christianity has been refuted. Anyone who tells you otherwise is ignorant.

>> No.12395154

It's non-player character you dumbass2.

>> No.12395157


>> No.12395158

The book of Job. The story of Joseph.

>> No.12395161


>> No.12395162

Wow it's almost like Jesus explicitly explained the reasoning for this in Matthew 13:10-17 (referencing Isaiah 6:9-10).

>> No.12395169

Athiests are the worse, at least christcucks accept they are taking a leap of faith whilst they’ll believe anything a scientist says; confusing theory with fact. For example the Big Bang is a plausible but we can’t confirm no more than we can say God does or doesn’t exist.

>> No.12395182

>God is """benevolent"""" but lets an uncountable number of people suffer and die to test their faith
is that what I'm getting?
That is still extremely weak compared to the other examples I gave

>> No.12395191

William Lane Craig destroyed Hitchens in a debate so bad he got cancer and died. Richard Dawkins is so scared he refuses to debate him lest he suffer the same fate.

>> No.12395203

How come they're all Jewish?

>> No.12395204

You obviously have not read either.

If you are genuinely interested, this sermon by Tim Keller is probably the quickest way to understand.

>> No.12395208

Hitchens is a journalist. Of course he isn't smart.

>> No.12395212

>talk about A
>say it's B
Can we deduce from biblical hermeneutics that traps are, in fact, not gay?

>> No.12395252

In my opinion, the story of Adam and Eve represents humans gaining consciousness (eating from the tree of knowledge) whilst we gained all the benefits of consciousness, we left the harmony of the animal world (Garden of Eden). Thus leaving the Tao was the original sin. To answer your question, by choosing consiouness (knowledge) over God’s embrace (life) we have to deal with everything that comes with it, both good and bad. A self reflecting animal can’t have free will if he is protected from bad things.

>> No.12395358

Baseless love of somebody and who could literally end all suffering and give you a life of paradise but instead is content with letting evil proliferate is even weaker than my previous interpretation.

That goes against basic human psychology, I'm even more confused about how that explanation managed to catch on but "Gods are indifferent to suffering" or "God is fighting to the best of his ability against evil but sometimes evil wins" philosophically died out

Also how does Job apply to all of humanity, when most people who suffer never receive any consolation, and die painfully?

>> No.12395392

did you listen to the sermon?

>> No.12395401

Why would God allow one trillion sects to arise, why does God not communicate with us any longer?

>> No.12395413

Yes, he concluded that love for god should be infallible and not dependent on whether or not you suffer, and that sometimes suffering has a greater cause that you can't realize (or should even question, really). Am I wrong?

>> No.12395421

Because it's more fun this way

>> No.12395488

The Selfish Gene is an amazing book ngl

Richard Dawkins is British, cocksucker

>> No.12395507

>something something mysterious ways
>something something his true children know which, among the million of them, is his true religion, and join that one (it's Catholicism by the way, the religion I happen to have grown up in and presently follow)

>> No.12395576

1. free will
2. he does

>> No.12395592

I dont know how you got that love for god should be "infallible" - that's not a word he said in the sermon and im not sure what that implies. Grief, anguish, mourning etc... are all fine responses to suffering. He tells us to reject explanations like "God is punishing you for not being righteous enough" or "suffering is just a random byproduct of the universe". He points out that God created a world without suffering, but these forces were unleashed as a result of our disobedience. The Bible tells us elsewhere that "the wages of sin is death". Death is the natural consequence of separation from God. God is the source of life, order, all creation. All things we consider to be good come from God. God is also perfectly just. He cannot allow the smallest amount of wickedness to go unpunished. In His mercy, he paid the price of our rebellion himself on the cross. Jesus Christ was completely without sin yet he suffered tremendously.

Suffering is a means by which we can learn to serve God solely for its own end. Not for any material or spiritual benefit we may receive, but simply because it is the right thing to do. Serving God just for the blessings it brings is ultimately a selfish pursuit. Suffering without knowing why is the only way we can learn to serve God purely because it is the right thing to do. God desires for us to use our free will correctly.

When you complain that God could snap his fingers and make life a paradise with no suffering, you forget that he already did. But Human beings misused their free will and turned away from the source of life. This introduced death and disease and suffering into the world. If you want him to make you a mindless automaton that can't disobey him, you are actually asking for a lesser relationship with the God of the universe, and less love than you already have available to you. A master painter might spend countless days working on his masterpiece. The painting, if we imagine it sentient, might protest at the innumerable scrapes and revisions the artist is subjecting it to, wishing it instead to be a casual sketch done in a few hours. But then he is asking to be something of far less worth and importance.

>> No.12395597

He spoke in parables to add more applicability to his teachings. The lessons within the Bible still hold strong today precisely for this reason.

>> No.12395618

I'm not a christian, but I like to appreciate christianity and the similarities it has with my religion. That makes a lot more sense to me, and I think explains more than the sermon did. Thanks for taking the time to write that up instead of shitposting like everyone else in this thread.

I'm still surprised that such a hard pill to swallow managed to convince peasants 1000-2000 years ago that it is the religion to be following, whereas others are much simpler to understand in layman's terms, but at least I can see that it makes sense.

>> No.12395640

>Dawkins is British
He's Kenyan, actually.

>> No.12395646

my dairy desu

>> No.12395653

thanks for taking the time to read it. what religion are you?

If you want to learn more about the Christian view of suffering, why it happens and why God doesn't simply create a painless world, I highly, highly recommend The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis. Its only about a 100 pages but it is very dense and is written brilliantly.

I think a lot of these ideas were better understood by the common man in ancient times. Our "enlightened" age has made us do away with God, but these ideas caught on among people who deal with a great deal more uncertainty and suffering than we have to deal with. We are relatively safe from disease, famine, war etc...

>> No.12395667

The Selfish Gene is a fantastic book and perfectly explains the mechanisms of evolution and natural selection to a newcomer. A Brief History of Time is a quick fun read, but is vanilla lite-cosmology.

The rest is trash.

>> No.12396195

Wait, so the last paragraph implies that God wanted us to be expelled from the garden of eden, have sin, seperation from God, and death, because by giving us suffering and knowledge we can give him PURE love?

I'm confused you say "suffering was unleashed as a result of our disobedience" but also that God doesn't want humans to be mindless automatons that can't disobey him because that would be a lesser relationship ... how do those two things not contradict each other?

>> No.12396350

you know that thing in quantum physics, where observing a event changes the event?
Same thing, actual proven existence of a deity that is supposed to know everything narrows your options for living, and free will is kind of a big deal in Christianity.

also, the idea that christians believe that the universe was created a few thousand years ago was perpetrated by traveling tent christians in the American south in the 1930s.

You had medieval christians knowing that world was a lot older than what the bible said (i.e. it could have been darkness for a long fucking time before god said for there to be light) and that much of it was parable, even St. Thomas Aquinas gave rudimentary theories of Deism and evolution (i.e. God plants the seeds in the fields of creation, lets them grow as they will).

really, a big part of why folks were against ideas of evolution or things changing overtime back in the day, was the fact that smart folks not only studied theology, but also ARISTOTLE, a smart guy for his time, who said that things are eternal and unchanging.

Even then, He wasn't stupid and didn't know about fossils, he even knew of another theory by a guy whose name escapes me, who said everything is compose of atoms (i.e. "can't be cut into smaller things") which come together then come apart in eternal flux. Aristotle rejected that because for his philosophy of things having an ideal form to seek, things need a substance that doesn't fluctuate.

>> No.12396360


>> No.12396408

Have you ever spoken to another human?

>> No.12396421

the idea that i HAVE to believe in Christ in order to get salvation. That's stupid and everyone knows it.

>> No.12396518

Modern day christians.

>> No.12396556
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you don't have to believe at the time of death, you can be saved from hell by christ afterwards but you do have to embrace him then.
christ will siege hell just for you, anon.

>> No.12396575

they don't contradict each other. When you, voluntarily, of your own free will choose to serve God and make him the highest priority of your life, you are functioning as God intended. When you abuse your free will and choose things that aren't good for you, i.e., Sin and rebellion from God, you separate yourself from God and death is the natural consequence.

Instead of wondering why you can't just "live" however you want, despite what God wants from you, ask yourself why you think you are entitled to life at all? What if life is only sustained by harmony with God?

You might have a dog who wants nothing more than to roll around outside in a pile of shit, eat chocolate from your trash, and chew his stitches out etc... But that doesn't mean it's right for him to do so. He might not even understand why you groom him and train him and housebreak him, nonetheless these are good things for him that improve his quality of life.

Human beings want to be lords of our own lives, living for our own selfish purposes. This probably doesn't strike you as being wrong - but that's just how lost we all are. The Glory of God is the chief end of man.

>> No.12396596

Pretty sure god sent down his son in velociraptor form millions of years ago. You can't tell me I'm wrong because writing wasn't invented!

>> No.12396602
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>> No.12396628

Probably something Gnostic like Secret Teachings of All Ages. Gnostics have it right. The more salient issue is that we should hope God doesn't exist, not belabor the issue of whether he does or not.

>> No.12396650

>Letter to a Christian Nation
>from a jewish guy

>> No.12396718

>Sin and rebellion from God, you separate yourself from God and death is the natural consequence.
Not sure I understand this statement, since death comes from those who don't sin and don't rebel, and also isn't death the opposite of separation? Since you are being reunited with God?

At any rate I wasn't talking about modern individual humans, but Adam and Eve.
If humans need intelligence and suffering and the option to do evil in order to have "pure" love for God, then doesn't that make being expelled from paradise a good thing in Gods eyes?

>> No.12396725

>death comes from those...
meant to say, death comes to those ...

as in, how can death be a consequence when it is universal regardless of your actions

>> No.12396797

The bible teaches that everyone is born into sin, you have a sin nature. When you are saved, you are "born again" and God gives you a new spirit.

>for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

>> No.12396808


>> No.12396824

>you just dont understand bro
hence the arguument for not giving two shits. literally a schizo could make the same claim

>> No.12396831

>it’s the free will meme
man wittgenstein really was right

>> No.12396841

god delusion almost made me convert to christianity

>> No.12396931

why is it stupid

>> No.12396981

Yeah >>12395618 don't listen to this guy, western Christianity is a retarded attempt to bend the spiritual over a table and fuck it with materialism.

>> No.12396993

If you want an actually interesting polemic on Christianity, read nietzsche, specifically antichrist. It’s fascinating esp if you’ve only been exposed to the low hanging fruit atheist crap which boils down to “no proof lol we are so smart in 21st century” - nietzsche highlights the values of Christianity and the value of the values.

>> No.12397005

Because you can make an orphanage and still go to hell by the logic of the bible. Any god who damns someone just because they didn't praise him regardless of their good deeds is a retarded god.

>> No.12397009
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>> No.12397010

Seconding this as a Christian, although I still believe Nietzsche's critique is far more applicable to protestantism than say Orthodoxy.

>> No.12397019

LMAO imagine projecting your human judgements unto an almighty God; who are you to say what God finds stupid or not?

>> No.12397042

It's not what god finds stupid, it's what i find stupid. If that's how god operates then he is stupid in my opinion.

>> No.12397059

>in my opinion
No one cares, God included

>> No.12397094

why don't you enlighten us with your correct interpretation instead of that shitpost you call a criticism

>> No.12398180

>Wait, so the last paragraph implies that God wanted us to be expelled from the garden of eden, have sin, seperation from God, and death, because by giving us suffering and knowledge we can give him PURE love?

Had the Fall not occurred, it would be possible to love God without those things, although it was probably necessary that the Fall *be able to have occurred* in order for Man to exist properly. Unfortunately, it has occurred. Sin and death are bad things, which were introduced into existence by human will. God won't undo this fact (for now), but while they exist He can overcome them by turning them into tools for growing closer to him.

>> No.12398186

christcucks BTFO

>> No.12398238

on the genealogy of morals

>> No.12398359

burden of proof

>> No.12398377

Free will

>what is the Holy Spirit

>> No.12398651


>> No.12398683

Metaphysical natural selection (aka free will), for both questions.

>> No.12398714

best post

>> No.12398767

No one has mentioned Feuerbach?

>> No.12398774

>>selfish gene is good
Reading it converted me to young earth creationism. I know It's bullshit, But It's still less bullshit than the selfish gene.

>> No.12398777
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As a Christian who enjoys reading critiques of Christianity I should also point out that this guy is a pretty good read.

>> No.12398782

Because he was a retard.

>> No.12398788

big gamble. you must believe in Jesus Christ while living and praise Him

>> No.12398796

Atheists are embarassing themselves in this thread. Is This actually the level of reasoning at wich you operate? Muslims are honestly deeper. Sure they can barely open their mouth without uttering a fallacy but at the very least they don't believe Darwin of all people is a "fatal blow" to any religion (mostly because they know He's slowly being phased out, since the naivety of theories and flaws of his methodology sure don't give much credence to evolution per se).

>> No.12398825


Good argument anon. The bible becomes more acceptable if it metaphorically refers to things as you describe. But given that there are shitload of characters and events happened in the first testament alone, how could I be sure that it's merely a metaphor?

>> No.12398835

Krauss' book actually really sucks and doesn't address the question why there is something rather than nothing except in a really rough and lazy argument he slaps together towards the end.
>t. physicist irl
Also evolution doesn't contradict Christianity. Catholicism has been happy to accept it for ages. The big bang theory was also largely due to Lemaitre who was also Catholic. So these science books don't really belong.

>> No.12398852

Atheism is the only rational position. The end.

>> No.12398907

Why is Brief History of Time there? Hawking himself was quite an fedora, but the book isn't really arguing against God.

>> No.12398908

Catholics accept microevolution but not macroevolution, but that doesn't even make sense

>> No.12398922

Yeah, and Krauss is complacent enough to dismiss criticism of that nature as "moronic". He's always come across as full of himself and unpleasant

>> No.12398976
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>> No.12399023

Tell me, where did all life originate from, if not the non-living matter?

>> No.12399033

The selfish meme is a lot better interpretation. The gene is akin to what matter is to us; potential, useful, soil...

>> No.12399038

All these retards are a bunch of fedora-tier disingenuous philistines looking for a quick buck. They're pundits who profited handsomely.

>> No.12399055

Baseless invective. Poor attempt, kid. Young Earth creationists don't count.

>> No.12399065

You must be a very stupid person. What exactly did you object to?

>> No.12399082

God didn't write the bible

>> No.12399095

None of what you said is remotely profound, you pontificating zilch.
>That goes against basic human psychology
What does? Or do you mean your opinion?
>letting evil proliferate is even weaker than my previous interpretation.
How do you even know what evil is? Do you define what is good and evil and according to what criteria? Do you use your big brain, LOGIC AND SCIENCE?
>Also how does Job apply to all of humanity, when most people who suffer never receive any consolation, and die painfully?
What you are confused about is that everything within this transient experience is of little significance whether that is pain or pleasure, it may be to humans, but they are trivial and God's will is ultimately good. Book of Job is a testament to a man's will and that justice is not necessarily carried out in this world. You're confusing your petty desires and impulses with the good when really God is the good.

>> No.12399616

>thinking being born in Kenya makes him Kenyan

>> No.12399623

>non personal character

>> No.12399693

Ayn Rand - Philosophy: Who Needs It

>> No.12399700

I really enjoyed "surely you're joking", Feynman was a fun guy.

>> No.12399963

Yeah I read it some years ago and I liked some of the stories. What's fedora about it?