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12397373 No.12397373 [Reply] [Original]

Please recommend books by and about schizoids.

>> No.12397381

The work of Joyce.

>> No.12397386

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.12397390

My diary desu

>> No.12397399

Elliots manifesto

>> No.12397402

joyce is obviously not schizoid

goonan is too shallow and unimaginative

just a narcissist

OP, read Pessoa

>> No.12397411


>> No.12397444


>> No.12397445

the book of disquiet by pessoa

>> No.12397460

The old testament.

>> No.12397462
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>> No.12397474

The main character is a schizoid, the author is just a narc tho

>> No.12397477

Fanged Noumena

>> No.12397484

schizoid not schizo

>> No.12397489

My hippie grandma got me Party Of One: A Loner's Manifesto when she heard I was diagnosed it. Turned out I was just living in an abusive household and the withdrawal into my mind looked like some parts of schizoid pd.

>> No.12397491

A Scanner Darkly
Dick's work

Pretty much fiction that deal with altered or unreliable realities.

>> No.12397492
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>> No.12397503

Schizoids are the weirdos that can't feel empathy, right? Like, they have feeling but can't understand or empathize with the feelings of others?

>> No.12397507
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been a while since the last /schizo/ thread

>> No.12397512

> Please recommend books by and about schizoids.

Let me invite you over to my house, then observe me; better than any book.

>> No.12397542

No, google is your friend.

>> No.12397601

Are schizoids just the humanities version of STEM autists?

>> No.12397901

Wittgenstein's mistress

>> No.12397942

No that would be sociopaths, schizophrenia has more to do with a detachment from reality and delusions

>> No.12397971

Schizoid personality disorder is not schizophrenia. It's an inability to form, and disinterest in, close relationships

>> No.12397989

I just got diagnosed myself desu

>> No.12398093

Read Giovanni Pappini, he is top tier full blown schizo.

>> No.12398106

schizoid has a complicated psych definition, but it boils down to the weird outsiders that are on the fringe of losing it, ala travis bickle.

>> No.12398640

>OP, read Pessoa

>> No.12398650

You're gonna have to explain this one, Wilson is the most straightforward and least paranoid guy around

>> No.12398743
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"When a story is dismissed because it seems too impossible just remember how the lot of us are putting air into our lungs that’s been incubated in an entirely incomprehensible number of years of cosmic disturbance & balance. The pathologization of these types of musings is an absurdity, considering humanity’s long history of it. I have a problem with these docs—whose main preoccupations concern the weather, quality of their steak, bank account balance, how fuckable their wives are—telling me my philosophies on the state of the modern human race, a zeitgeist that’s been building in the canon basically forever, is a disease, a disease comprised of thoughts, words. I’ve spent a lot of time in the psyche ward (most times on voluntary admission), although I’ve been out for about a year—close to the same duration that I’ve ceased taking all forms of medication. Nearly every time I would ingest a pill—and I’ve been on nearly every psyche pill there is—I would think to myself “it’s leech swallowing time,” because that’s what mood drugs are. I’m very intolerant of this “science culture,” whose argument seems to be that the universe—which inhabits all of our senses—somehow occurred randomly and yet can be understood rationally."

>> No.12398792

Remains of the day

>> No.12399824

I think I might be a schizoid, especially if >>12398106 's definition if accurate, although I wouldn't compare myself to Travis Bickle. Attempting to write a book currently, although I have a fair few life problems that I need to get over. Would anyone be interesting in an extract?

>> No.12399838

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a widely used manual for diagnosing mental disorders. DSM- 5 still includes schizoid personality disorder with the same criteria as in DSM-IV. A pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by at least four of the following:[5]

>Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family.
>Almost always chooses solitary activities.
>Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person.
>Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities.
>Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives.
>Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others.
>Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity.

According to the DSM, those with SPD may often be unable to, or will rarely express aggressiveness or hostility, even when provoked directly. These individuals can seem vague or drifting about their goals and their lives may appear directionless. Others view them as indecisive in their actions, self-absorbed, absentminded and detached from their surroundings (''not with it'' or ''in a fog''). Excessive daydreaming is often present. In cases with severe defects in the capacity to form social relationships, dating and marriage may not be possible.[45]

>> No.12399867

You rarely hear from diagnosed schizoids because they just don't care. They live their lives quietly detached from reality and they're perfectly happy with that. I myself was told by a therapist that I have schizoid traits, but not a full-blown schizoid since I am posting this here for some assholes.
I am interested.

>> No.12399873

Only right answer: KAFKA

>> No.12399884

No, my diary.

>> No.12399887

The Stranger

>> No.12399906
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Schizoids are Pascalian Übermenschen

>> No.12399918

This is the biography part of the book that I don't want to go on to long, but it probably well anyway. It still needs some work, and I've not but much time into it, but it should blossom into something sellable in some time. It's just a book where I write about numerous subjects I want to say something about.

Here's a pastebin
I'm writing it in a LaTeX editor, so I've tried to change the formatting so it's more readable.

>> No.12399924

My diary desu, unironically.

I'm a stealth schizoid, working in tech (probably not a surprise). I'm outwardly social at work and with clients but other than that I have not physically gone anywhere other than work in the last 5 years. I order food home or go to a store 50 meters from my home. Still, I often do public speaking at company events and appear as a relatively successful normie to my coworkers. Zero friends, not even online friends. Naturally, nothing romantic either. Mostly spend my free time on net or programming/writing my own hobby projects. I often also work from home. I'm often bored, but not really unhappy.

>> No.12399925

Bickle is more or a failed normie incel whereas schizoids are TruNEET volcels.

>> No.12399940
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sounds lonely anon, have you tried to make freinds?

>> No.12399993
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Not having friends doesn't really bother me. I had friends when I was at school but even then I only interacted with them during the school day. When I went to the university I just stopped socialising completely. It was kinds of relief, because I could drop the act. In school you would be that lonely weirdo, but in university nobody cares. Having some contact with people is nice, but friendships and relationships sound like a lot of work. I'm happy enough where I am now, but I know there is something wrong with me.

>> No.12400015

I see my social life since childhood as a sort of tie wrap. It can only get tighter and smaller but never expand again.

>> No.12400026

Transcripts of Kanye interviews

>> No.12400150

schizoids are the sane people in this sick world, our only "weakness" is that we are too open to new ideas and might get influenced by society into thinking we are sick and there is something wrong with us

>> No.12400182


>The sea had jeeringly kept his finite body up, but drowned the infinite of his soul. Not drowned entirely, though. Rather carried down alive to wondrous depths, where strange shapes of the unwarped primal world glided to and fro before his passive eyes; and the miser-merman, Wisdom, revealed his hoarded heaps; and among the joyous, heartless, ever-juvenile eternities, Pip saw the multitudinous, God-omnipresent, coral insects, that out of the firmament of waters heaved the colossal orbs. He saw God’s foot upon the treadle of the loom, and spoke it; and therefore his shipmates called him mad. So man’s insanity is heaven’s sense; and wandering from all mortal reason, man comes at last to that celestial thought, which, to reason, is absurd and frantic; and weal or woe, feels then uncompromised, indifferent as his God.
Melville,Herman: Moby Dick. NewYork: Stanton&Co 1851

This somewhat applicable? Or is there a distinction between having witnessed the transcendental and simply being disfunctionally faulty?

>> No.12400252

id imagine 70% of the people posting in this board would have been considered utterly insane in 1851

>> No.12400392


>> No.12400419

Elliot was far from a schizoid with his endless thirsr for recognition and validation.

>> No.12400426

Do schizoids have a greater chance to develop full blown schizophrenia?

>> No.12400479
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Schizoids would have no problem with imagining themselves in your shoes or empathising with positive emotions but due to the lack of discomfort with emotional pain it would be hard to empathise with those who are suffering.

>> No.12400482

You have no idea what schizoid means

>> No.12400488

No. I read somewhere that it's the opposite end of an alleged spectrum. Schizoaffective is mild positive, schizophrenia is positive, schizoid is negative. Negative and positive is just the easy way for me to explain the polarity of the scale

>> No.12400519

My diary desu.

>> No.12400662

Wahnen can’t be zoided

>> No.12400695

>tfw schizotypal
I wish I was schizoid. Those folks just don't care about anything around them whereas I'm terrified of everybody around me and think they're constantly lying

>> No.12400712

Since we're turning a bit to Schizo, I recently got an advance copy of Marin Sandy's The Edge of Every Day. It's very, very good -- probably gonna get some significant burn. I might review it.

For schizoid, one of the brothers in Elementary Particles fits. The Stranger is an obvious one, as is The Dwarf, many of the characters in IJ fit the bill, lots of Murakami's characters (both Haruki and Ryu), lol maybe Odysseus.


>> No.12400728

>I'm often bored, but not really unhappy
Are you me?

As someone who has lived with a diagnosis for the past 9 years and I can tell you that "schizoids are the sane people in this sick world' is wrong. Schizoids are extremely vulnerable because of their lack of close personal ties. To intentionally live in such a precarious way is simply not healthy. Last year my work restructured and I almost lost my job. For a normal person that would be no problem but because I don't have any close friends and I haven't talked to a single member of my family in 4 years I was almost made homeless. That and it's pretty obvious finding extreme difficulty in participating in some of the most basic facets of living a meaningful human life plus the flattened affect which makes being motivated difficult it's pretty clear that schizoids are not more sane than normal people.

This is incorrect. People with schizoid pd are statistically more likely to develop schizophrenia.

>> No.12400743

I did start to get panic attacks when going outside but that’s because I really pushed it with the reclusiveness and often went monthe without encountering strangers except for delivery guys.

>> No.12400751

Back in the day we could at least LARP as holy people and get normie donations

>> No.12401027

Holy shit are you me

>> No.12401445


Unironically the 4 Gospels and Thomas. Jesus is THE introvert.

>The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
>Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

>> No.12401756
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>> No.12401765

what about roommates?

>> No.12401775

you know not everyone is an american, right?

>> No.12401830

Based and intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humorpilled

>> No.12401834

why are you in every thread

>> No.12401888
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>all these apply to you

>> No.12401889

This but very unironically.

>> No.12401903
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>> No.12401907

Why do you think Odysseus is a schizoid?

>> No.12401916

not him, but of the roommates I have had (around six as far), I have not said more than a few words to either one.
In Uni I said "hello, I'm anon" on the first day to one fellow and did not say another thing to him all year despite sharing the same room.
perhaps I seem strange to them, but I consider myself a good roommate (pay rent on time, clean up after myself, quiet, etc.)
Online is the only time I communicate openly, but I have read that is also typical of some schizoids.

>> No.12401926

I'm pretty sure I'm a schizoid so I'm seriously considering joining a monastery. I feel like it's the one of only things I could do that could give some sort of meaning to my isolation and make me not seem like I'm just an insane hermit. Should I do it?

>> No.12401956

I was officially diagnosed two years ago when I went to get evaluated by a neuropsychologist for another matter. I had known about it for many years before though.

>> No.12401965

So when is the /lit/ schizoid meetup?

>> No.12401966

>I can tell you that "schizoids are the sane people in this sick world' is wrong. Schizoids are extremely vulnerable because of their lack of close personal ties. To intentionally live in such a precarious way is simply not healthy. Last year my work restructured and I almost lost my job. For a normal person that would be no problem but because I don't have any close friends and I haven't talked to a single member of my family in 4 years I was almost made homeless.
This is why my main goal is owning my own property (hopefully far enough away from people that they don't annoy me but close enough for essentials like food/healthcare). I have about $40k saved up, will probably buy a home with a mortgage once I've got $60k to put down and extra for essentials and emergency fund. Then paying off that mortgage so I'm not in that precarious position of becoming homeless because of a job loss or sudden disability or something.

>> No.12401985


>> No.12402002

Schizoid here. I don't desire any friends but I would like a qt introverted gf. Too bad it's rare to find a qt as introverted as I am even when I was forced into being around people in the school systems so I'll probably die alone.

>> No.12402006

Thank you kind anon. I identify with most of these points myself.

>> No.12402015

Why? If you feel inadequate about your loneliness - you're not a schizoid, you're jus a loser. Internet is fun - you have an endless supply of entertainment, history and art - why would you want to isolate yourself even further. There's really no better time to be a schizoid - I can't imagine what they did in the past, probably stared at flowers, the pitiful creatures.

>> No.12402040
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why does this describe me so fucking well AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.12402102
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VR waifus with real AI and force feedback will save us soon, r-right...?

>> No.12402104

Make a tulpa

>> No.12402236

I never really did think about my character traits in pathological terms until after college desu. Before that I could just coast through in stealth mode.

>> No.12402457

Most people posting as schizoid are unlikely to be full blown zoids, but they exhibit many of the traits. I’m of this group and what many of probably share at the least is a desire for intimacy with a partner. Anti-social also isn’t the right word, more like asocial (indifference) to social relationships, as we find spending time in fantasy worlds more fulfilling i.e. literature

>> No.12402672

>Back in the day we could at least LARP as holy people and get normie donations


>> No.12403230


The only meetup that becomes more successful the fewer people who show up.
I think maybe we could do an /r9k/ schizoid meetup, nobody would show up, it'd be a big hit.

>> No.12403337

Isn’t /r9k/ more SAD than SPD?

>> No.12403383
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Schyzophrenia isn't, at all, about multiple personalities or multiplication of personalities. NOT AT ALL. This is a complete meme. Schyzophrenia as a medical condition is more like a meltdown of the self with pretty much nothing consistent left behind, as broken sharps of consciousness appear to just make their own way without the person, or pretty much "cheating" with the person. Inform yourself about what schyzophrenia actually is. I guess OP asked for the actual condition and not the meme, no offense.

Books about actual schyzoids, or by schizoids, I don't really know. The only thing that crosses my mind right now could be all the art some schyzoids did in psychatric hospitals. All the schyzoids apparently have very constant patterns in their "aesthetical" choices when they draw. I can also think of a short story by Paul Bowles called "you are not I" which has a narrator who has a condition which resembles schyzophrenia. But search for moar, and inform us if you have moar, I'm actually interested.

>> No.12403424


They've got everyone over there.
Everyone but people who are happy and sociable at the same time.

>> No.12403433

Have you even read the book of disquiet? I agreed with the poster for the content itself of the book, not for pessoa's use of heteronyms.

>To live is to be other. It’s not even possible to feel, if one feels today what he felt yesterday. To feel today what one felt yesterday isn’t to feel – it’s to remember today what was felt yesterday, to be today’s living corpse of what yesterday was lived and lost.

>I am the suburb of a non-existent town, the prolix commentary on a book never written. I am nobody, nobody. I am a character in a novel which remains to be written, and I float, aerial, scattered without ever having been, among the dreams of a creature who did not know how to finish me off.

>> No.12403448

I know that, and Pessoa (or the narrator) is way too conscious about himself, actually aware of is lack of personality in this book, to be called a schyzoid. A real schyzoid, not fueled with drugs, wouldn't be able, at all, to do that. Because his self-awareness has exploded.

>> No.12403453

You can tell goonan has schizoid tendencies, but at the same time he wants people to be more connected.

>> No.12403479

Schizoid is not the same as schizophrenia. There is some crossover but you should educate yourself before posting a facepalm like you're some grand reservoir of knowledge. You're correct that schizophrenia is not about having multiple personalities, but you are wrong if you've assumed that the recommendation of Pessoa is due to his many heteronyms. Reading what little I have of Pessoa, I would describe his work as very schizoidy with what refuge he seems to take in fantasy and the characters' commitment to self-seclusion and inability to connect.

>> No.12403508

I'm the person you responded to. I'm a tradie and saving to own a house somewhere rural. The plan is to work for another ten years and then semi-retire where I might only work one year out of every four or five.
I learned awhile ago that being a schizoid isn't a set of strong preferences. It is a real mental illness. I think human connection (not necessarily in an intimate way but being part of some sort of community or communities such as amateur orchestra, athletic team or whatever) are integral to leading a fulfilled life. Just because you think that shutting off yourself to everyone and living alone is what you want doesn't mean it's actually healthy. That's why I engage in social hobbies so I can carry them into my retired life.

He's not saying he's lonely, he's saying that his life lacks meaning. This perfectly fits into the flattened affect of schizoids.

>A real schyzoid, not fueled with drugs, wouldn't be able, at all, to do that. Because his self-awareness has exploded
Schizoids, baring some part of their personality that is not part of schizoids pd which inhibits their ability to understand themselves have perfectly normal self awareness.

>> No.12403523

Then there are some themes that resemble schyzophrenia, but it's not the actual schyzophrenia. I agree that to some extent you could find some similarities, but OP asked for "schyzoids or books by/about schyzoids", which seems like an appeal to the condition. Also I took the facepalm because it was the first accurate thing I was able to find in my folders, I didn't intend this to seem offensive.

>> No.12403553

I think you’re confusing SPD with schizophrenia.

>> No.12403557

>Schizoids, baring some part of their personality that is not part of schizoids pd which inhibits their ability to understand themselves have perfectly normal self awareness.
What I intended to say was that because of that inhibition (or impediment as I undesrtood it, schyzophrenia is a very neurological condition and not directly psychological) to understand themselves, schyzoids without the help of medication would tend to not be able to develop accurate self-awareness, which is more complex than being able to acknowledge that something is happening to you,but have some reflection about it. At least as I meant that.

>> No.12403564

Mental illness doesn't and will never exist. Anyone who belives in mental illness is a fucking manic.

>> No.12403570

Schizoid is not a term for a schizophrenic person, it’s a different thing altogether.

>> No.12403621

Then sorry, English is not my first language.

>> No.12403877

Says the butterfly retard.

>> No.12403901

This. Dark Thoreau is a book that examines the man's schizoid traits.

>> No.12403922

>living in a small room away from normies talking shit about them in writing while mummy does the laundry and feeds you

Is Thoreau /ourguy/?

>> No.12403928

Also, these slides

>> No.12403940


here's an old blogpost by a schizoid

>I found the above Latin axiom in a book published in 1970 which was a translation of a German title, Ich und Du . It is understandable that not many visitors to this web site are fluent in German so I will quickly add the fact that this book was titled: I and Thou and was written by Martin Buber and conveniently translated by Walter Kaufmann. Page 9 of this little book caught my eye while sorting through some of my treasures and I could not help but consider this as a portion to dole out in this web page.
"Mundus vult decipi -- the world wants to be deceived. The truth is too complex and frightening; the taste for the truth is an acquired taste that few acquire.
"Not all deceptions are palatable. Untruths are too easy to come by, too quickly exploded, too cheap and ephemeral to give lasting comfort. Mundus vult decipi; but there is a hierarchy of deceptions.
"Near the bottom of the ladder is journalism: a steady stream of irresponsible distortions that most people find refreshing although on the morning after, or at least within a week, it will be stale and flat.
"On a higher level we find fictions that men eagerly believe, regardless of the evidence, because they gratify some wish.
"Near the top of the ladder we encounter curious mixtures of untruth and truth that exert a lasting fascination on the intellectual community."

I hope you are still with me and have continued reading to this line. Did you catch anything in the way of a HINT as to where I am going with this thought -- and the Latin axiom? How about our penchant perambulations to peck out WARNINGS and VIRUS THREATS to our friends about the Government FINALLY taking over the e-mail system and even AUTHENTICATE it with the statement that there is a Bill 601-1/4 that has been through this house and that house and unless we send this letter to 37 friends of our ours we will have our freedoms taken away just like the guns were collected in Poland in 1939. Give me a break. I happen to believe, though, that the same philosophy that was found in the speech Ronald Reagan made when campaigning for Barry Goldwater in the 1960's IS TRUE. In case you might need a mental jog, that quote is: "If a government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is strong enough to take everything you have." THAT IS TRUE and you better put it in a safe place for keeping. But the fact that SOMEONE WROTE ME that e-mail is now going to cost 5 cents is a good case that proves Mundus vult decipi.

>> No.12403949

May I further dare say that it is often embarrassing to me to receive such evangelistic pleas for me to watch out for this virus or that ominous bill that our legislators are trying to foist on us when in reality it is a blatant LIE! Such bold face misinformation-type statements are the reason for the axiom, "If it sounds too good to be true, it is NOT true." Now, I can sink my teeth into that. How can honest and ethical Christians pass on such notices when in reality they DO NOT KNOW that the statement is true -- it is no different than the inane philosophy, "If it's printed in the paper it must be true."

And taking this concept just a step or two deeper into getting into your face (please forgive me) is the idea that WHATEVER is on a CD (compact discs, not a Certificate of Deposit) is the gospel. Genealogists and folk who are attempting to prove their ancestors were on the Mayflower pay good money for CD's just because they are sold by the professionals. I just want to ask two questions: Is it a positively substantiated fact that the documentations are without error? Were human beings involved in the records of said data? If the answer to the 2nd question is YES, then I will trust in such a CD as much as I trust in the Tooth Fairy. Since the computer has come into being, another pretty good axiom has been pronounced, "Garbage In -- Garbage Out". If humans are involved, then we can assume that errors are (still) possible and just maybe all the "documented" data is not exactly acceptable as "the truth, the whole truth, so help me God."

Yes, Martin Buber, "we like to be deceived". But not this fellow. I will rely on information I read based on a few more facts. If I KNOW the individual whose work I am reading or if I know the real (true) facts about this person or event (date, time, circumstance, etc.)--of course I probably wouldn't be looking into such resources if I knew this, would I? I believe the Bible to be the Word of God. My belief in this is a good bit more defendable than my belief that the "facts" in the LDS or the Family Tree people's CDs. The Bible has been around a little more than 20 years. I am just as certain that if a written date could be in error or someone's middle initial was not exactly clear then why should I believe it any more than I would believe I could sell the Brooklyn bridge for $37,000?

PLEASE be careful in what you forward, copy or warrant in the way of virus threats, unwarranted statements -- let's find a place for ethics in this new electronic means of communication.


>> No.12404004

I need to start reading Thoreau, sounds like my soulmate. Especially the parts about the womblike little shelter in orbit of society but never really part of it really hits home.

>> No.12404357
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Gravity's Rainbow and Crying Lot of 49. The latter of which is especially schizoid in its narrative for Oedipa Maas.

>> No.12405069

This. I'd say most people identifying with schizoid symptoms are just introverted misfits who spent too much of their childhood on the computer. I think the surest way to tell if you're an actual schizoid if being with a girl and even having sex with her is discomforting.
All my youth I dreamed about having a gf and when I finally got one at 22 it felt like she was sucking the entire energy out of me whenever we were alone. We tried having sex twice but I couldn't get it up, even though I was intensely masturbating (and still do sometimes) to her pics. I'm definitely not asexual or addicted to porn, I usually masturbate just fantasizing about girls I know or looking at their pics on IG, but now I know that approaching one in real life would be useless. I don't desire the real thing, just my picture of it.

>> No.12405107

Maybe you are just gay

>> No.12405114

based platonist

>> No.12405117

Maybe Carroll?

>> No.12405166

>This. I'd say most people identifying with schizoid symptoms are just introverted misfits
Several people in this thread have diagnosis. That's more than just idle teenage self introspection.

>I think the surest way to tell if you're an actual schizoid if being with a girl and even having sex with her is discomforting.
Schizoids have variety of ways of approaching sex. Don't take your attitudes towards it as representative. Schizoids can be asexual, prefer masturbation, want sex but lack the social skills to get it, cheat in relationships to reduce intimacy, be addicted to porn or even be extremely promiscuous.

>> No.12405171

A while ago in a thread like this someone posted this article. It's stuck with me as being particularly incisive. Hope some of you guys will enjoy


>> No.12405173

Was Kierkegaard schizoid?

>> No.12405199

I'm on age 5 currently. I'm finding it entertaining but I'm skeptical about everything he says. He says some very controversial things with no supporting evidence, or the evidence is a single anecdote, or worse when at one point he says he believes the amount of schizoids in the general population is much higher than is currently thought and he seems to say since his friends are describable as schizoids (which is hugely problematic since you can't diagnose personality disorders based solely on observed action but must necessitate actually therapy whereby one engages them for the purpose of a diagnoses).
However I'm enjoy it if I pretend it's more like a personal informal essay. I'm about to sleep but I'll report back if I feel differently about it when I read all of it.

>> No.12405229

In spite of the fact it's pretty much impossible to diagnose historical people I would say not. He seems to have not much to do with the disorder in any meaningful way so that any parallel you could draw would be better thought of as either merely an overlap between aspects of himself and a schizoid or of an exaggeration of himself that we distort to become as extreme as the schizoid's.

>> No.12405300

Its a she btw

She's coming from a psychoanalytic angle rather than just clinical psychiatry, so she's treating schizoid as a general tendency not a specific condition. But I found her interpretations to be quite accurate to my own experience.

>> No.12405333
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Schizoids are based and gifted in special ways. It is so unfortunate that Schizoid sounds so alike Schizophrenia.I'm probably a schizoid but I would never tell anyone because 98% of people are brainlets who would think i'm crazy and have schizophrenia.

>> No.12405340

Does anything change upon receiving the diagnosis? Do you aspire to cure yourself somehow?
What do you think my motivation should be if I were to seek help from a psychologist?

>> No.12405487

>>Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family.
>>Almost always chooses solitary activities.
>>Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person.
>>Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities.
>>Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives.
>>Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others.
>>Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity.

being an internet/porn addict gives you all of these symptoms

>> No.12405665

that explains it. thanks.

>> No.12405689


>> No.12405697

I haven't watched porn in over a week. I think this is the longest I've gone without in the past decade and it's amazing how much more time I have.
It gets to be a major problem, regardless of people claiming it's not a "true" addiction.

>> No.12405849

Can recognize myself in that. I have though started get rid of covert qualities with meditation. I at least feel like its working.

>> No.12405922

never let yourself be defined, not even by yourself

>> No.12405932


>> No.12405934

It’s said that zues lived on top of mt Olympus, and if you go up there he’s not there.

>> No.12405987

Not him but I originally went to shrinks in order to keep the neetbux people of my back with their insisting on me getting a job. I saw it as a sort or cynical necessity to play the game. After a while I started realising that how I want to live, basically being left alone in a small room or nature, is pretty pathological compared to normals.

For me the shrink visits mostly help now as an accountability system for my efforts to stay somewhat in society and don’t seclude myself for months on end because that slowly makes me go true crazy hermit mode.

I want to remain functional enough to go into a store and buy stuff and go to the dentist and such and keeping some formal connections to the world helps me with that.

>> No.12406060

> I think the surest way to tell if you're an actual schizoid if being with a girl and even having sex with her is discomforting.
> We tried having sex twice but I couldn't get it up

Having erectile dysfunction is not "schizoid", foolish boy; check your testosterone levels and purchase Viagra. Real schizoid is something you feel in your bones, a lingering in the air that follows you around. Symptoms may as well mean nothing. You just know.

>> No.12406115

I'm a schizoid and I slay pussy left and right. When I care, which I don't!

>> No.12406128

I used to do so as well when I was commited to LARPing normalcy but when I heeded the normie advice of ‘just be yourself’ I went full volcel.

>> No.12406133
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Is Meursault the ultimate schizochad?

>> No.12406307

>no desire to seek social interaction
>see death and suffering as non-issues, only genuinely care about torture victims
>get the urge to laugh when I cry
>can't connect with people, art or music
>asexual except for bdsm fetishes not involving others

whats going on in my mind fellas? im not suicidal and not very depressed, but things are strange now.

>> No.12406319


>> No.12406408


>> No.12406636


>> No.12406645

Diagnosed Schihzoid here,
I fucking hate you and my kind and I am automatically suspicious of all of you and would sabotage you from any kind of success for fear thaht you might be just a little bit more of a sociopath ttahn i, who is already bad enough.

>> No.12406698

This is pretty scary, the majority of these criteria apply perfectly to me.

I only entered this thread because I wanted to suggest reading Pessoa.

>> No.12406720

What about schizotypal? Any authors/books that fit the description?

>> No.12406786

Don Quijote maybe?

>> No.12406832

I feel like everybody else learnt something I didn't, at some point they were taught how to make friends in a situation where there are no mutual friends and no seating plan to give you an excuse to talk to people and I just missed that lesson. I was actually fairly social at school even if people definitely thought I was odd but I never went out with people outside of school and once those people were gone that was it. Even when I was at school, with girls I needed a long time to be able to talk to them and it could all be reset if the seating plan changed, even if I got put back with them another time. I have never initiated an online conversation and never texted anyone other than my parents. But the thing is it wasn't because I was scared to, I just don't have the push to do it, I don't care enough to try. If I have an opportunity to socialise put on a plate in front of me then I might take it but if I need to do something I just won't bother. I have better things to do than play the 'numbers game' and waste my time with 99 thots so that one responds. I can unironically 2Dpill myself enough that I have no desire to start anything. I really like the idea of HAVING a qt introvert gf who also wants time to herself but I don't like the idea of GETTING one. I've never been one to take risks that actually affect my real life.

>> No.12406955

I only develop relationships to get something I want, otherwise I have no use for them. I've become a number of people's "best friend" in order to get access to weed, then just let the relationship atrophy and evaporate as soon as I moved away or decided to stop.

>> No.12406962

I'm pretty sure that's being a sociopath

>> No.12406965

You sound a bit too hysteric to be part or the based zoidboi hermitary friend

>> No.12406969

Schizotypy sounds like magical realism: the disorder

>> No.12407019

I only semi-ironically want a disembodied AI voice gf

>> No.12407057
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The Ex Machina android Asian waifu who does not talk but does housekeeping and cooking and fucking is the perfect schizoid company.

>> No.12407092

the state of the normalfags

>> No.12407099

There was a transitionary period in the 90's and 00's where we had to shape our minds to integrate the internet into our cognition and some people's heads exploded

>> No.12407105

you're prolly schizophrenic mate

>> No.12407108

The Double by Dostoyevsky. The only book that ever made me feel the way that music can make me feel.

>> No.12407150

>seclude myself for months on end because that slowly makes me go true crazy hermit mode
This also started happening to me when I behaved like a hermit for a few months, it was pretty wew lad to experience disconnecting from reality

>> No.12407192

Is this book good? I can't remember if I stopped reading this out of disappointment.

>> No.12407274

How is schizoid personality disorder related to schizophrenia? Why do they have the same prefix?

>> No.12407346

I'm getting around to reading it [6 years in the process]

>> No.12407357
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>Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.
So which category do schizoids fall into?

>> No.12407615

I experience emotion towards anime characters though

>> No.12407623

Undeniably the former.

>> No.12407632

Madoka threads on /a/

>> No.12407649
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>> No.12407861

what year is this

>> No.12407867

“To live alone one must be either a beast or a god, says Aristotle. Leaving out the third case: one must be both - a philosopher.“ - FN

>> No.12407909


>> No.12407918

theriomorphic souled inchoate god seeds.

>> No.12407931

Well, he's a mascot of /schizo/ for me as a matter of principle.
His idea of guerilla ontology is very antithetical to what most would describe as a "normal' psyche. You're supposed to be this one Guy who believes a certain set of things. If that ever changes, it's always some monumental landmark in one's life.
For wilson, identity is fluid, situational, and belief sets as such do not exist, rather, you engage in a given belief system only temporarily when you find it advantageous on interesting to do so.
This is also very similar to the etymological meaning or "schizopheric" (split mind).

>> No.12408790


Two separate conditions my friend. The root word schizo (split) is used in a lot of different if somewhat related psychological illnesses (Schizotypal, Schizoaffective, etc) not just schizophrenia

>> No.12410167

I wonder if schizoids are high in Neanderthal genes.

>> No.12410190

You better be study-lording and not building replicas of Skyrim towns in Minecraft.

>> No.12410250

FACT: all schizoids are solipsists and should not be trusted

>> No.12410355

I definitely relate to this, especially socializing at school being entirely determined by seating. I never hung out with anyone after school or texted anyone but I did have people I consider friends in my classes and was considered funny. If I'm willing to make the effort, I can make myself seem super social and interesting for the first few times I interact with someone but eventually I lose interest and it's probably jarring or confusing for them. I'm on discord server with small amount people I've known online for 3-8 years and that's almost all of my communication with people outside of my family but even then I've sent much fewer messages than everyone else. I'm just not that interested in forming relationships with people.

>> No.12410385

Different guy but schizo and schizoid are two different things. (Though I'm reasonably schizoid and I'm very much into his idea of being "agnostic about everything" as he put it.)

>> No.12410463

You are not fooling anyone, they are using you just as much as you are using them.

>> No.12410500
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oh dear...

>> No.12411262
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>autistic thinking


>> No.12411297

Not sure about these authors but when it comes to subject at least, you’re pretty spoilt for choice. Some pretty blatant ones are:

Notes from Underground
Book of Disquiet
Man Without Qualities
Journey to the End of the Night


>> No.12411302


Disregard “notes” at the bottom there. Weird 3AM phone typo

>> No.12411307

yea he is, we went last summer with my class and he bestowed us all with the awesome power of immortality through ambrosia.

>> No.12411311


>> No.12411796

It isn't over yet though. Is it cyberbullying to intentionally bait a schizoid so he goes into berserk mode?

>> No.12411821

Unrelated somewhat but does philosophy turn you into a schizo, while literature liberates you from the symptoms? (autistic thinking vs empathy)

>> No.12412096


>> No.12412110

No, literature accentuated the schizoid in me even more, potentially unleashing it.

>> No.12413345

fucking kek

>> No.12413396

In my opinion that would depend a lot on the philosophy and literature.

Foucault would make you schizo, stoicism would make you autistic and so on.

>> No.12413823
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>enjoy being alone
>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""personality disorder""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.12413945

I do not believe this is the case, except in the sense that they're deriving utility from being friends

>> No.12414090

I don't think being a schizoid means you don't have empathy

>> No.12414836

>prove god doesn't exist
literally never heard a believing person say that

>> No.12415199

What do I do when I'm schizoid?
Kill myself?

>> No.12415426

Mein Kampf

>> No.12415562

t. NPC

>> No.12415576

Mental disorders aren’t prescriptive, anone

>> No.12416236

chances are you not a schizoid, or you are just a dumb one.
Schizoids are very monstrous people with very little consideration for the feelings of others. The only way you could be "okay with that" is you don't understand how they operate or are too dumb to tell.

>> No.12416248

the true NPCs are schizoids.
They're basically the human equivalent to immuno viruses. They follow a program of destruction on their self and outwards.

>> No.12416455

Calling someone accusing me of solipsism not a real person is a joke m8

This is the schizoid general not the autism general

>> No.12416473

You're not a schizoid.
I am a dignosed schizoid and you called me an NPC.
I know that i am sick.
I have delusions of being a God and shit.
It's disgusting and you wish you were me you fucking pseud

>> No.12416475

How are zoidbois monstrous? They just want to be left alone, they don’t have enough desires to wreak havoc.

>> No.12416499

That's a misunderstanding.
They dont want to be alone, we want to control others, we just dont know how to communicate.
You are mistaking being an introverted nerd with bieng a schizoid.

>> No.12416505

I am also a diagnosed schizoid, anon. Are you sure you’re not schizophrenic or schizotypal? SPD generally doesn’t come with delusions. If anything it’s one of the more disillusioned ways of being.

>> No.12416514

You're a pseud.
Being a schizoid is all about delusions of grandeur.

>> No.12416554

That’s not even a generally accepted symptom

>> No.12416565

You don't know shit beyond your misreading of the wikipedia page.
the defining characteristic is internal fantasy and control.

>> No.12416613

Fantasy and delusion are very different things.

>> No.12416618

not really when you are basically a robot outside from it.

>> No.12416635

>never had a real fantasy in his life
fantasy is mostly about power and shit

>> No.12416663

Mine are mostly about being left alone but you could consider that a sort of power in itself I guess.

What would your ideal life look like? Let’s say within the laws of physics and remaining human.

>> No.12416675

you're definitely just an introverted nerd.
We schizoids see signs and messages from God and shit.

>> No.12416685

t. Misdiagnosed schizophrenic

>> No.12416694

You are such a pleb.
Do your research.

>> No.12416704

it's even on the wikipedia page
>tendency towards spiritual, mystical and para-psychological interests
>tendency towards erotomania: uncommon paranoid condition that is characterized by an individual's delusions of another person being infatuated with them
It's very common among stalkers and shhit

>> No.12416722

I don't see or hhear voices and am actually a very successful and socially capable man but i am plagued with whhat I consider intuitions and secret beliefs that if I told to anyone, they would consider me crazy or be scared

>> No.12416778

Could you name some?

>> No.12416786

Mostly it's stuff about ghosts/aliens/spirits which I suspect are just my brain's way of dealing with my intense fear of death

>> No.12416790

Please recommend works on SPD

>> No.12416808

I know someone that pronounces it "skee zoid" but I'm pretty sure it's pronounced like " skit soid". Who's correct?

>> No.12416812

the second

>> No.12416887

on point rec

>> No.12416948

fuck, I hope so. Any good books on this?

>> No.12417023
File: 16 KB, 262x276, the nose knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For wilson, identity is fluid, situational, and belief sets as such do not exist, rather, you engage in a given belief system only temporarily when you find it advantageous on interesting to do so.

>> No.12417036

>emotional coldness
so all Chinese lit then?

>> No.12417037

I would hang every pornographer without hesitation before I even began to think about solutions to other societal drug problems desu

>> No.12417043
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Yea my dude,,, most of the people in this threat are autists or insecure, who often get mixed up with schizos. Oversaturated betas.
Schizz is like the inversion of that,,, while also being a negation of the chad.
We experience paradox because our minds are fragmented as such. Death as an overabundance of love,,, shred that thirteen times out of eleven. We manifest as a limitless series of autodifferentiating masks. The sun is the middleman; we go straight to the fucking source, boi.
We hacked the fucking ATM. ~Noumenoids

>> No.12417054
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I don't know about books, but pic related makes the most BASED schizoid music you'll ever listen

>> No.12417065

Yeah it's a shame that ihey're conflated. Full blown schizophrenia is basically a shamanistic spiritual state, and despite how utterly destructive it is, I always feel a sort of respect towards them, like they're going through something profound and awe inspiring. Schizoids are just weirdo emotionless creeps.

>> No.12417074

Just because we don’t have emotions for you doesn’t mean that we don’t have them at all sweetie

>> No.12417078

this a misconception.
Schizophrenics are basically just dumb schizoids.

>> No.12417086

Schizoids can have emotions, they just don't show them

>> No.12417087

hey at least we have trannies to read to children at public libraries now

>> No.12417093

Is Stirner the ultimate schizoid philisopher? Completely self-centered but without identity, ethically solipsistic, a view of people like prop(ertie)s and total disregard for humanist intuitions, describing himself as a nothingness but also a rich thought world and so on. Violent language but a life of cold withdrawn inaction, a mental tyrant but physical recluse, always in a sort or ironic distance to every meatbag in his direct environment and disgusted by physical intimacy.

>> No.12417113

kek I read the milton subtypes part of the wiki page and the Affectless Schizoid is word for word identical to 95% of chinamen

>> No.12417125

Why are people so into pathologizing themselves?

You're not sick, you're just a weirdo

>> No.12417145
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>> No.12417254

The covert qualities are better than the overt ones though with the exception of the ethics part.

>> No.12417299

The singularity is near

>> No.12417321

Unironically make a tulpa

>> No.12417396

This is pure speculation and conjecture but having a diagnosis simplifies the search for a cure for (change to) their personality. Not that it makes it more successful or effective, but googling "how to cure schizoid personality disorder" feels more productive than "so lonly and horny".

But who really knows?

>> No.12417406

What does this even mean? Anybody talking about the """singularity""" always treats it like some vague kingdom of techno-heaven is about to descend on earth

>> No.12417493

>curing personality disorders
>a thing in the real world
No. Just no.

>> No.12417509

>being diagnosed by a medical professional is self pathology

>> No.12418052
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>full of omnipotent, vengeful fantasies
this entire list is giving me very intense fight or flight response

>> No.12418495

Being schizoid is not being sick, it's not a mental illness. Schizoid PD, being a personality disorder, is a classification of a certain type of weirdo. It's just a title attached to a type of dysfunctional people. Someone calling themselves schizoid is simply recognizing that someone has come up with a name for their personality type.
Schizoids are also overrepresented on 4chan because of the anonymity. Having a visible identity, a name, a contact point, etc. are often uncomfortable and unwanted for schizoids in this context, so they will gravitate towards anonymous forums and will in fact show very little, or no obvious signs of their dysfunction when they are allowed to remain anonymous.

Doesn't exactly apply to SPD since what you'll find is there's no realistic treatment for it. At most one will just realise the reality of their situation and stop trying to act and be normal to minimize the pain.

>> No.12418514

Great advice
>The covert qualities are better than the overt ones though with the exception of the ethics part.
I fail to see how covert qualities in that list are any good.

>> No.12418596

>anyone who believes in mental illness is mentally ill
gotchu senpai

>> No.12418604

yeah probably why he jerks off to girls

>> No.12418652
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LSD is the schizotypal mans drug. Not because of the visuals or self discovery or rumination or something, no, but because you ruin it with your own mood, and then, for months after, you hallucinate unnerving sounds and images.

>> No.12418698
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>so lonely

>> No.12418738

The Stranger
Remains of the Day
Zaregoto series (light novel)

The characters are never explicitly identified as schizoids but they can definitely be read that way.

>> No.12418795



>> No.12418811

every good extrospective author, you need some sense of detachment from human relationships to see their flaws and portray them effectively.

>> No.12418879

Stirner is the "INTJ Stare" philosopher

>> No.12418885

I'm schizotypal and had this exact experience after taking LSD. I had particularly bad flashbacks and paranoid episodes when smoking weed so I had to give that up

>> No.12419509

Using forums where you have to pretend to be a consistent person is terrible since having gotten used to 4chan.

>> No.12419520

>At most one will just realise the reality of their situation and stop trying to act and be normal to minimize the pain.

This helps tremendously with quality of life though. When I was a secret schizoid pretend normie I suffered from permanent exhaustion and despair and developed a pretty serious drinking problem. Now that I just give in to my real desires I feel much less unhappy and more at ease.

>> No.12420313

based post

>> No.12420364

The Stranger

>> No.12420368

That's Social Anxiety.

>> No.12420406

I don't know where you came up with the negative/positive thing and what you mean by it but there are positive and negative (actual medical terminology) symptoms of schizophrenia. Positive is hallucinations/delusions. Negative is anhedonia/avoition/"autism".
In this sense schizoids lean towards negative but are still on the spectrum.

>> No.12421290

That is what i hope for, and there is reason to believe it will happen, based on the projection of technological advancment

>> No.12421363

One day anon, one day we'll get this grift back

>> No.12421391

This but also using real life has become terrible since having gotten used to 4chan

>> No.12421616
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>idiosyncratic moral and political beliefs
>moral unevenness
>alternations between eloquence and inarticulateness
>fluctuations between sharp contact with external reality and hyperreflectiveness about the self

>> No.12421623

I believe this idea stems from the fact that schizoids almost always have schizophrenics somewhere further up the family tree

>> No.12421928
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>all these intj-in-recovery covert narcissists getting a good feel in over their oh so idiosyncratic 'personalities'

>> No.12422259

True schizoids are INFP

>> No.12422737


>> No.12422759

t. INFP Schizoid

>> No.12422875

I often feel that but sometimes I have periods where I just run with it and don’t attempt any consistent identity or normalfag LARPing. It’s very liberating.

>> No.12422883

I don't get the hate for narcissists. They're actually one of the "deeper" personalities in that they can self-insert into multiple contexts. Most normies and other PD's are very limited and shallow. They're also capable of strong codependancy, which is just pych terminology for real love. Still inferior to Borderlines, but probably the second most tolerable. All you need to do to please them is talk to them in a way that fits their narrative.

>> No.12422888

Mental illnesses aren't real.

>> No.12422897

A wild beast that thinks it's a god.

Seriously, schizos die younger, it's a disease. I find them to be as boring as fuck, their delusions are infantile selfishness mixed with whatever crap they've picked up from around them. They are generally miserable.

>> No.12422912

>All you need to do to please them is talk to them in a way that fits their narrative.
>too much reading, not enough dealing with fuckheads
A real narcissist can't even draw how a cup and two plates looks from your point of view when you're across the table from them. Being forced to speak and act as if their twisted view is reality, changes your reality. Of course that's what they want but it fucks up when you're running a power station, or a business, or a family, fucks up hard.

>> No.12423307

Being schizoid is an adaptation to our atomised society. When the normies are divorced and neglected by their children and moving into a room in an old folks home they will whine and despair and feel tormented by themselves while the schizoids have been living that way all along. They’re already adapted to the profound loneliness that is the norm after the decay of the family.

>> No.12424087

>normalfag literally goes crazy after few hours without social exchange
>schizoid is happy left by himself for days/weeks
>somehow the second one is the one with a disorder

how did the kikes pull this one?
the "mental health" industry is one big meme

>> No.12424960

Oblomov is schizoid. He spends all his time in bed living in fantasy land and when he gets offered real world good stuff he ultimately retreats back into his womb.

>> No.12424975

whatup, me2 (>>12398743)

>> No.12424992

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12425211
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>Critics argue that the definition of SPD is flawed due to cultural bias and that it does not constitute a mental disorder but simply an avoidant attachment style requiring more distant emotional proximity.[10][11] If that is true, then many of the more problematic reactions these individuals show in social situations may be partly accounted for by the judgments commonly imposed on people with this style. However, it is important to note that impairment is mandatory for any behaviour to be diagnosed as a personality disorder. SPD seems to satisfy this criterion because it is linked to negative outcomes. These include a significantly compromised quality of life, reduced overall functioning even after 15 years, and one of the lowest levels of "life success" of all personality disorders (measured as "status, wealth, and successful relationships").[12][13][14]

>> No.12425656

>not a greedy famewhoring socialite means you’re not succesful at being alive
>”””””””””””””””mental disorder””””””””””

>> No.12425907
File: 158 KB, 1148x639, F0ECEB3A-6937-4A2B-8B71-8FBA928E1861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /womb/at here?

>> No.12426118

How do I live in a cabin in the woods?

>> No.12426212

Get a rich friend to let you build on his land and make mommy bring you food and do your laundry

>> No.12426232

Land in 'waste' areas is pretty cheap. Here in the PNW you could buy a parcel for under $10k. Another $20k for a decent shelter and you're good to go.

>> No.12426690

>Get a rich friend to let you build on his land
>Get a friend
Anon, schizoids don't make friends.

>> No.12427080

you should pity us