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12393219 No.12393219 [Reply] [Original]

>Why yes, Lovecraft is my favorite author. How did you know/?

>> No.12393234


>> No.12393248

How did Lovecraft even become a favourite of basedboys? Never heard anything about that. Maybe it is all in /lit/s hivemind.

>> No.12393252

soibois don't read Lovecraft, because he is too wacist

>> No.12393253

becuz you´re the thing that should not be

>> No.12393255
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>Have you even read Toni Morrison?

>> No.12393256

They don't care about that. They just care about "based spoopy Cthulhu xd".

>> No.12393261

Did you just wake up from a ten year long coma? No one cares about Cthulthu anymore. That was a 00s meme.

>> No.12393273

The fuck are you on about?

>> No.12393278

lol it's still talked about

>> No.12393286


Ignore the Gayman parts

>> No.12393487

>I'm a Discordianist!

>> No.12393531
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>Lovecraft is my favorite author
>incredibly racist man is basedboy's favorite author
Release the Twitter Hounds

>> No.12393554
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>young edgy me
>somehow get into lovecraft before I hear of the memes
>stuff like Iranon's Quest lead me to discover Clark Ashton Smith, enjoy the shit out of it
>am still into his stuff somewhat
>now everytime I want to discuss about it people either regard it as pleb taste or le cthulu meme
It's so tiresome

>> No.12393562


>> No.12393574

Thanks Obamacare

>> No.12393721

Yeah, but nowhere near to the extent it was ten years ago.

>> No.12393775
File: 81 KB, 360x1024, DaCAQFXWkAIOs1w.jpg large lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't care about that.
Wrong. The uber-leftist soibois NEVER shut up about Lovecraft's racism. Pic related.

>> No.12393892

17 year olds still talk about Cthulhu, you just grew up

>> No.12393922

>pic related
>literally a fictitious comic constructed in your mind
racist authors don't upset anybody, it's just a given if you're reading anything historic.

>> No.12394114

I'm starting to like this guy more and more as I see him get posted on different boards.

>> No.12395005

>implying the principia discordia is not the most important thing to happen to spirituality in the last one hundred years

>> No.12395059

The Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath and Through The Gates of the Silver Key are easily my favorite.

>> No.12395109

>The Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath
This shit was so fucking comfy.

>> No.12395183

Have you been keeping up with academia in the past twenty years anon?

>> No.12395269

“It was an all-in-one and one-in-all of limitless being and self.”

Gives me tingles every time.

I like the brief crossover with his other story, Pickman’s Model, too, when the ghouls appear and assist the protagonist.

>> No.12395345


Loved Whisper in the Darkness, Herbert West, Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, and At the Mountains of Madness.

>> No.12395353

>At the Mountains of Madness.

My dad told me that one when I was very small. Thought it was horrifying.

>> No.12395447

A character in one of his works was described as a "Nautical looking negro."

What did Lovecraft mean by this?

>> No.12395456

Presumably he meant that he looked like a deckhand, sailor, something like that. Or maybe it was Mermaid Man.

>> No.12395595

even his chin has a bald spot.

>> No.12395598

>Have you been keeping up with academia in the past twenty years anon?

Not at all, that's what makes me happy and you sappy.

>> No.12395767
File: 507 KB, 2448x3264, EBC47B06-6FAA-4D07-AC8E-A2D81E9B4026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do söyboys love LOTR so much?

>> No.12396274


Because they think their badass rohan motherfuckers fighting the nazi nazgul's in order to get all the elven pootang in the realm, perhaps?

>> No.12396477

Not racist myself but I kind of enjoy that his characters have a racist perspective. Makes the the narrator's reality feel more hateful and corrupted.

>> No.12396528

how is it the basedboys like a writer as heavy as old H.P.. he is our guy right?

>> No.12396548

Finally some sense around this place

>> No.12396645

But haven't you heard that even though his work is problematic, it can still be worth reading because its true depth can be picked out when relating it to current identity politics.

>> No.12396762

probably way more than you have

>> No.12396800

every time I see this piece of shit I want to kms

>> No.12396812

>Herbert west
Patrician. Re-Animator is fucking based.

>> No.12396835

If you can't stomach saying the word nigger, you can't write a racist of any depth.

>> No.12396836

My cat’s name is Niggerman

>> No.12398742
File: 209 KB, 978x1024, Lovecraft 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only person I know who is a fan of Lovecraft unironically used the term "White Genocide" when he was like 13. GTFO of here with your snide insinuations, Lovecraft was based both by our standards and by ~1900 American standards.

>> No.12398752

Nigga, everybody loves LOTR.

>> No.12398772

Holy shit I never actually noticed the onions sign in the background of OPs pic.

>> No.12398791

go back to /tv/ with your basedposting

>> No.12398797

Tbh the only reason someone would ever say Lovecraft is soi is because he's popular. His writing isn't the greatest thing in the world but it's great cosmic horror, and I would say he popularized a new genre all by himself.

Plus, bugmen wouldn't like the whole niggerman thing or his not so subtle digs against miscegenation.

>> No.12398803

I named each and every one of the pets i ever had with a racial slur. I will not stop until you subhumans stop libelling lovercraft.

>> No.12398808

I wanna poke his eyes

>> No.12398811

Implying correctly then Because It's not, It's mental diarrea and consistently fails In everything it proposed. You should go in pilgrimage to the hajj to purity yourself.

>> No.12398819

Because they've been taught that they must.

>> No.12398824

The powers that be, or rather the powers behind the throne, I should say, removed Howard Phillips' noble visage, which with its aquiline nose and brooding brow is of unmistakable Anglo-Saxon extraction of a decidedly Mayflower vintage, from an award statuette of a prominent American science fiction institute not more than five years ago, allegedly in retaliation for his much exaggerated dim view of our dusky cousin, the Negro.

>> No.12398830

>>agree and amplify
You fucking nazis ruined the alt-right.

>> No.12398848
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The (((throne)))

>> No.12398856
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The alt-right was ruined by Richard Spencer's autism and LARP fests.

Don't blame this on the fucking "nazis". There isn't a single damn thing the "nazis" said that wouldn't have been supported by Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, T. Roosevelt, Churchill, B. Hughes, or J. Curtin.

>> No.12398971

>The alt-right was ruined by Richard Spencer's autism and LARP fests.
Yes, I call them nazis.

>> No.12399024


Well I'm not a fan of Mr. S so don't lump me in with them for getting angry on a Tibetan gardenmaking channel.

>> No.12399167
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>> No.12399184

Hmm... that lovecraft quote is unironically pretty redpilled

>> No.12400059
File: 551 KB, 628x671, H.P lovecraft award theguardian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>literally a fictitious comic constructed in your mind
Wrong again. Some twitter tranny made that comic. The proof:


>racist authors don't upset anybody
Everything you say is wrong. Did you just wake up from a 19 years long coma? In today's world tons of retards screech over Lovecraft being a racist.

>> No.12400061


>> No.12400071

tons of retards screech over Lovecraft being a racist because you want tons of retards screeching over Lovecraft being a racist because it aligns with your worldview. go outside and talk to normal people, literally no normalfag gives a shit about authors from Modern history being racist.

>> No.12400080

Anon, we're talking about soibois, not average Joes. Take a closer look at the OP. It seems you've misunderstood me.

>> No.12400088

same thing. we live in an effeminate society.

>> No.12400179

It's 2019. Why are these creatures still going around looking like that? Lose weight, buy a suit, shave your face, and close your mouth. I feel like someone who despises big hair living through the 80's.

>> No.12400180

Niggers don't swim.

>> No.12400191

No, Jorge R.R. Martín is their favorite author.

>> No.12400329

>his writing isn’t the greatest thing in the world

That’s a fucking understatement if I ever heard one. His prose is an overwrought quagmire of four-syllable adjectives and mawkishness.

>> No.12400648

Why can't people incorporate Lovecraft's misanthropy and xenophobia in how his texts are read and appreciated?
The mere rejection of his works is a cope out. The fear of the unknown and the degeneracy of the mind and body are an integral part of his masterworks and should be revered so. Lovecraft is, in a meta way, one of the degenerate and disgraced poets he writes about. He's out of place, out of time, facing tidal waves forces he has no control over from his tiny home in Providence.
The abyss he writes about is merely a cosmic representation of the very human depths he couldn't face.

>> No.12400814


>> No.12401041

Because he's a fucking drama queen, the metaphors he builds are ruined when you realize what the hell he is scared of.

>> No.12401168

>What is stylistic prose

It works great being purple and overwrought. Only a pleb wouldn't understand why his writing style perfectly works in the context of the themes he covers.

>> No.12402300
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>Why yes, Dostoevsky is my favorite author. How did you know?

>> No.12403880

Hold on, now. That's only "muh cthulu" and that's only because "mih nihilismxd". None of these fags liked his prose-driven stories.

>> No.12405185
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it was because of that fucking South Park episode

>> No.12405334

every prose is stylistic you ESL cretin

>> No.12405339

Why do söyims love (your favourite bookm) so much?

>> No.12405347

Genuinely enraging.