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/lit/ - Literature

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12393322 No.12393322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are all authors so white and male?

>> No.12393331
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Because white men are the best

>> No.12393366

Literature is a Western tradition, and most of the West is white. Do the numbers.

>> No.12393402


>> No.12393407


>> No.12393412

> literature is a western tradition
It's more about who has the most media power and influence, It's not really about the number but how accecible it is to a global market. If we take films. bollywood makes more movies than hollywood yearly, but one has the adventage of being one of the firsts to make movies, they have money and global influence to break the global market.

>> No.12393414

Respect for tradition and excellence.

>> No.12393425

I mean it kind of is. The east had something similar but they never took it to the lengths that the west did. When the two worlds collided, western literature steamrolled those silly chink books.

>> No.12393430

Better than nigger and female tbqh lol

>> No.12393431

Because you escaped from scifigen. Go back

>> No.12393435

Literature is a Western art form, white males have been at it the whole time.

>> No.12393447

My girlfriend was fed up with me only reading the work of white men. She asked why I didn't read more books by women and people of color. Any suggestions to show her I'm trying?

>> No.12393448

Maybe because white men are superior and you live in white country.

>> No.12393450

Mrs dalloway / Pushkin, depending on which way you want the threesome to sway

>> No.12393459

>to show her I'm trying?
Wait, you're not actually fucking trying are you?

>> No.12393461
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How come plebbit of all places is more based and redpilled than you faggots? You're getting soft. Wake up, ffs.

>> No.12393467 [DELETED] 

Read Latin Americans and Flannery O'Oconnor. Nigger suck at literature.

>> No.12393469

That comment was 100% downvote bombed and eventually removed by mods.

>> No.12393474

Read Latin Americans and Flannery O'Oconnor. Niggers suck at literature

>> No.12393481

There were a few guys who were throwing truthbombs here and there. Sadly most of them were removed.

>> No.12393482

How about you just say no? If you bend to this then she knows she can get away with more.

>> No.12393489

pushkin, dumas, derrida, the list could go on

>> No.12393496

just read one book by marguerite yourcenar and then stop

>> No.12393497

>people of color

>> No.12393511

It's a politically correct term for non-whites
Cuz whites aren't colored in their SJW addled brains
The U.S. was a mistake

>> No.12393522

It's like throwing salt into a freshwater lake. It's such a waste of effort to speak truth on reddit.

>> No.12393525

>The U.S. was a mistake

>> No.12393532
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give this short trilogy a try.
not everybody loves it, but it has postmodernism, zoophilia, war and dirty grandma.
it's about 2 twin boys growing up in a communist shithole village during the war
or maybe not

>> No.12393536

>this guy will eventually be reading Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith, JK Rowling, etc.
lol @ your life

>> No.12393542

Lol why should you read niggers just for the sake of reading niggers? It's not your fault non-whites suck at writing. Asians have some alright authors though, the chinks and japs.

>> No.12393543

>The U.S. was a mistake
Nah, just everything after 1850.