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12388676 No.12388676 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you reading Zizek yet, /lit/?

>> No.12388709

I’m still reading the Greeks

>> No.12388768

Already did, had to grow up some day tho.

>> No.12388805


>> No.12388813

Because Jordan Peterson told me Marxism bad

>> No.12388825


>> No.12388841

its not 2005 anymore

>> No.12388851

I did but once you've read one of his books chances are you've read them all, considering he's constantly recycling arguments and ideas between books and lectures and vice versa

>> No.12388857

I'm already and Esoteric Hitlerist, so I don't require another initiation into the cult.

>> No.12388874

It's too difficult

>> No.12388964

this is unironically what everyone's doing

>> No.12388970

Took the pill, wasted lots of time, regretted it. Enjoy.

>> No.12388980

he has some cool articles on lacan.org but I can't be bothered to read his books

>> No.12389044

I have one of his books on my desk right now but I can't read it because I just hear his horrible accent in my head when I try

>> No.12389276

I am not a communist.
I own 2 companies and do side work as a finance consultant.
My wife is going to be a doctor soon (yeah I am not Ben).
I almost own my home, 4 more years left, and have saved up nearly 2m in the bank. Will work some more time, send my kids to college and retire early.

This guy is for fucked up doomers, who never amount of anything. The whole left is an elaborate excuse to never take responsibility for your own actions and to feel somehow superior to the people who actually made something with their life. Can't buy into that shit, I grew out of it around 13-14.

>> No.12389285

Fuck off boomer normie, this isn't your blog, what made you think we'd give a shit?

>> No.12389338


>> No.12389368
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legit big dick philosophy

>> No.12389593

You being so pathetic as to write all that out makes me reconsider communism. Clearly material wealth does nothing for the soul

>> No.12389617

It's crazy how much more streamlined and coherent his thinking is in writing. It's almost as if you give him a microphone and he just spills his spaghetti for two hours straight

>> No.12389626


Yeah basically this. Read his first three books and First as Tragedy and you're pretty much set.

>> No.12389634


Yeah, but communism is just the other side of materialism.

Also I don't get Zizek, he's from an Eastern bloc country isn't he? Does he have Stockholm syndrome?

>> No.12389662
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he was a dissident under communist rule, he wasn't able to find jobs, ect. now he eats two hotdogs

>> No.12389696


So he's not a Marxist?

>> No.12389746

of course he's a Marxist

>> No.12389761

if you can't read someone's work on subject-oriented ontology just because of his political orientation then why the fuck are you on this board?
no, I'm pretty sure he rejects many components of Marxism, especially class conflict theory. he talks about Marx a lot but I don't recall him ever identifying as a Marxist.

>> No.12389960

whoops, he has said that Marx's most relevant aspect today is the fact that class conflict still exists

>> No.12390011

akimbo hot dogs

>> No.12390024

did you even watch the video? he never even mentions it here, and he especially highlights anti-fukuyamism as a key component of the relevance of Marxism, which in no why implies class conflict.

>> No.12390043

>he talks about Marx a lot but I don't recall him ever identifying as a Marxist.
I think his distance from marxism has a lot to do with his disagreements with materialism, like his interpretations of quantum physics and ontological incompleteness.

Obviously when he's talking about capital he's still operating within a marxist mode of critique, just with a few bells and whistles to detach from a materialist tradition (hegel and lacan).

>> No.12390059

0:19 call himself a Marxist "without any illusions"
1:10 talks about the "antagonisms" within capitalism which cannot be solved within the current modes of production
3:25 explains how Bill Gates serves as an example of these antagonisms
anon, did you watch the video?

>> No.12390111

0:19 he said he "considers himself SOME KIND OF a marxist, WITHOUT ANY DELUSIONS", very specific revisionist language
1:10 again this is just him presenting an anti-fukuyamist argument, which is nothing exclusively Marxist and could easily predate Marx.
3:25 he says it serves as an example of how capitalism doesn't really reflect contribution to society or achievements, again this does not imply the plethora of other assertions Marxism makes.
and again, nowhere in the video is class conflict mentioned like your erroneous post claims

>> No.12390130

okay retard, since you obviously aren't familiar with how Marxism works, here's another video, skip to 23:50
>If there is a lesson in Marx's teaching, it is that class struggle, this basic class tension, persists.

>> No.12390144
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>anti-fukuyamist argument
>predate Marx

>> No.12390268

the idea that liberal democratic capitalism isn't the end of history is nothing unique to Marx.
and you obviously aren't familiar with how Zizek works.
>it is not the last signifier giving meaning to all social phenomena ('all social processes are in the final analysis expressions of the class struggle'), but - quite the contrary - a certain limit, a pure negativity, a traumatic limit which prevents the final totalization of the social-ideological field. The 'class struggle' is present only in its effects, in the fa ct that every attempt to totalize the social field, to assign to social phenomena a definite place in the social structure, is always doomed to failure.
he talks abut class struggle extensively in the Sublime Object of Ideology and openly rejects it as an overarching phenomenon. he views it, like all conflicts, as an ideologically constructed one.
to say that his statement in this video means he is a Marxist is grasping at straws. just listen to yourself.
>If there is a lesson in Marx's teaching, it is that race struggle, this basic racism, persists.
would this make Zizek a Nazi? absolutely not. could anybody say this and appear perfectly sane? absolutely.

>> No.12390312

>Finance Capital
Do you like exploiting the unpaid wages of the masses of working people?

>> No.12390385

>openly rejects it as an overarching phenomenon
he rejects it as a final signifier, but he does not reject it as an overarching phenomena, that's patently false by the quote you just posted.
>The 'class struggle' is present only in its effects, in the fact that every attempt to totalize the social field, to assign to social phenomena a definite place in the social structure, is always doomed to failure.
so it isn't a final signifier as it only exists as a pure negativity, but it presents itself in every situation of totalization of the social order as effect, a real effect -- he continues this thought directly after:
>If we define the Real as such a paradoxical, chimerical entity which, although it does not exist, has a series of properties and can produce a series of effects
that is, class struggle does not exist, it is not actual, but it is very real. if you have read Deleuze, you can see where Zizek appropriates his idea of virtuality here.
>would this make Zizek a Nazi?
I don't understand this thought experiment, what point are you trying to make

>> No.12390454

the point I'm trying to make is that appropriating Marx doesn't make Zizek a Marxist.

>> No.12390525

does him claiming to be a Marxist over and over again do anything for you?
>As a Marxist, let me add: if anyone tells you Lacan is difficult, this is class propaganda by the enemy.
>I may still be a kind of a Marxist but I'm very realistic, I don't have these dreams of revolutions around the corner.
>Listen, I am a Marxist, but I don’t believe we should return to an old version of communism. The revolution is over; it failed.

>> No.12390590

care to point me towards the context of these?

>> No.12390599

there is nothing wrong with that apart from moral issues which aren't actual issues because morality is a spook

>> No.12390613

Not him but read over that anon's posts again. He says that Zizek distances himself from Marxism (which he does here), not that he's not a Marxist at all. That's how I understood anon anyways. I don't know if you guys are arguing on the same grounds.

>> No.12390630

And yet for all that "success" you ended up posting here. If that's true at all, you're the most pathetic person in this thread.

>> No.12390633

I have a certain historical appreciation for Freud, but I avoid anyone else who invokes psychoanalysis.

>> No.12390651

Wasn't he accused of "plagiarizing himself" or something or that sort? How the hell does one plagiarize oneself?

>> No.12390656

2 (looks like it's from here but I haven't checked)

>> No.12390664

this was the quote I disagreed with
>he talks about Marx a lot but I don't recall him ever identifying as a Marxist.

>> No.12390670

Too busy actually reading Hegel.

>> No.12390677

He writes fiction like proper lacanian

>> No.12390685

His ideas have a kind of circularity to them, one topic inevitably leads to another and brings him to recycle a popular joke or observation that he's made countless times over, but it's always implanted in a wider discussion about something entirely different. The thing is, his theory is rock solid and difficult to 'win' against, and when you're Zizek and so convinced by something it becomes impossible not to repeat oneself.

>> No.12390827
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Thanks for these, when I was 20 I bought Living in the End Times and felt I was far too dumb to understand any of it so I gave it away.

I'm at 14:05 in said video, and Zizzy mentions that "they will have to reinvent new wars/terror in order to keep the economy going" which is interesting with the parallel of what is going on right now with the Trump stand-off on the border wall this "war of the Wall" is threatening to damage the economy drastically. I wanna know his take on this

>> No.12390935
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I really don't get what's his endgame.

>> No.12391594



>> No.12391686


>> No.12392206

Why waste time when I could be reading, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Stalin and Mao?