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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.57 MB, 1527x909, Stack100119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12380225 No.12380225 [Reply] [Original]

>no stack thread
Show us your stacks lads. Give us your thoughts.
Are you gonna make it? Post your stack to find out

>> No.12380270

I've made it already

>> No.12380320

Nice, just read it. Good analysis, though very scholarly and indepth in its examples.
Keen to read more Schmitt, wish his books weren't so expensive though.

>> No.12380344
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>> No.12380517
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Today I bought this.

>> No.12380519


>> No.12380581


You're not going to make it.

>wish his books weren't so expensive
I bet you do. Ha!
>wish his books weren't so expensive

>> No.12380590

>You're not going to make it.
>implying I have to agree with anything a writer says to have an interest in reading them

>> No.12380597
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x4032, WHATISPENDMONEYON(notapictureofahooker).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12380603

You're never going to read any of those.

>> No.12380606

reddit filename

>> No.12380613


>> No.12380623
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Btw could anyone reccomend me books on music theory and/or history of art?

>> No.12380624

>I bet you do. Ha!

>> No.12380661

>Music theory
What's your instrument?
Learning music theory without having an instrument to try it on is a little bit useless to be honest.

>> No.12380711

just used it to seduce a reddit female

>> No.12380738

I can play the guitar and the harmonica, and I have a flute, but I am not very good at any of those. I just want to make music with Sibelius or something similar. I also wanted to learn simply to increase my appreciation of music.

>> No.12380762

Buy shelf please, also are you a film student?

>> No.12380812

i've taken a few film courses

>> No.12381023

Imagine spending time and money on that pile of boring ass psued shit.

>> No.12381053

>literally a sentance
Give me the details anon. Which of those books are "boring ass pseud shit" and why? It's not like Spengler, Schmitt, or Kollerstrom have very much in common with Deleuze and Guattari but both sides are inheritors of Hegel to some degree so which one is the pseud? Or are you some kind of enlightened contrarian centrist? Try saying something constructive instead of throwing your verbal shit like a nigger. Try again.

>> No.12381068

whose side are you on?

>> No.12381070

Take a guess

>> No.12381074

i don't gamble.

>> No.12381083
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Rate my latest stack

>> No.12381090
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I play too since quite some years so maybe I can give you some advice.
Personally I did "read" many books on music theory over the years but it never quite interested me so I forgot most stuff again.
For music theory it is important that you do something with the knowledge you gather otherwise you forget it again. What helped me the most with it was "writing" my own melodies and songs.
When you are in the process of putting together your own melodies and tracks you have a much better understanding of what sounds good or bad.

This here helped me the most in understanding about music theory even though the theory isn't 100% the focus.

>> No.12381109

Fair enough. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a conservative revolutionary or anything but I certainly find myself agreeing with Schmitt/Spengler/Heidegger/Junger more than anyone else. Deleuze's metaphysics are pretty interesting though and worth reading imo. Guatarri seems like a faggot and both of their politics were shit. Hegel can be an interesting read from the perspective of the right. A lot of MAGA tards don't realise that you can take from Hegel without taking (much) from Marx. Both are worth reading though.

>> No.12381113
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the red one is the collected poetry of Rilke

>> No.12381116
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r8 my latest stack

>> No.12381120

>German, Russian, and English
Nice. You fluent in all 3? What's your mother tongue?

>> No.12381128

8.5/10 pretty based
Luther was right about the Jews but dead wrong on theology. Methodism is a meme. Old testament apocrypha and Deuterocanons are good. Are you pretty new to Christianity? There is a pretty big gap between C.S. Lewis and Blessed Augustine. It seems like you're a smart guy who is diving in the deep end. Good luck

>> No.12381140

Thanks. I've been Christian most of my life just I've never read anything about it except the Bible.

>> No.12381147

No, I'm fluent in English and German, German being my mother tongue. Currently taking a Russian course.

>> No.12381203

t. pseuds

>> No.12381216
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Enjoy and I can relate and I'm slightly envious that Schmitt's texts are available as collected works in English without "critical commentary" added to it.

>> No.12381261

>I'm slightly envious that Schmitt's texts are available as collected works in English without "critical commentary" added to it.
Do you only have "denazified" versions? All the copies of Mein Kampf I could find in English had some kike adding snide remarks and comments to every page. Mein Kampf is pretty shit to start with but seeing them add these stupid comments instead of letting me just read the book by myself proved Hitler right in terms of who controls the press.

>> No.12381293
File: 29 KB, 400x377, Carl-Schmitt-Positionen-und-Begriffe-1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you only have "denazified" versions?
You can still buy his short pamphlets, but considering this man's influence, he deserves a proper attempt to have his main works collected into one hardcover. Might happen soon, since more and more people are getting interested in his positions.

>> No.12381322
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>> No.12381503

Just bought the following this afternoon for around £20 or so:

Kafka on the Shore-Murakami
Norwegian Wood-Murakami
Life of Pi-Yann Martel
On the Road-Jack Kerouac
The Remains of the Day-Ishiguro
The Madhouse-Aleksandr Zinoviev
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest-Ken Kesey
The Outsider/The Stranger-Camus
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind-Yuval Noah Harari

Never heard of Aleksandr Zinoviev but The Madhouse sounds like a really interesting book. Looking forward to reading it.

>> No.12381514

Is Dickens good or do English majors love it just because it criticizes capitalism and they don't like the way capitalism fairly treats English majors?

>> No.12381518

Sorry. I use a Kindle.

>> No.12381522

How do grills react to this?

>> No.12381534

I love catcher in the rye

>> No.12381536

I don't know, but I also drive a Porsche, so it isn't hard to make them remove their panties.

>> No.12381538

fair point
porsche trumps harcover pseudery any time.

>> No.12381587

Ayyy amuseer u met de examens poseur

>> No.12381613


>> No.12381659

Who did Salinger tell you to kill?

>> No.12381908

Lol merci ma wrm poseur?

>> No.12381954

you know when someone drives the cheapest porsche that is probably nearly two decades old they refer to their car as just a porsche. What you got boy? A 98 boxster you bought for 5 grand? Wow, colour me impressed.

>> No.12381983

Nah a cayenne my parents bought for me :^)

>> No.12382006

>an SUV
I was envious for a moment but now I'm laughing, thanks for that anon.

>> No.12382041


Wtf somebody posted in my persona, i own a 911 from 2016

>> No.12382070

what, no that's not me. I own a GT3 2020, it's not even out yet. Porsche gave it to me just for me, estimated to be worth $4,000,000 easy.

>> No.12382090

Whoah lucky man, how did you fix that ??

>> No.12382108

I’m about to start Franny and Zooey. I meant to read a lot of Salinger when I was in high school but my lazy ass never got around to it.

>> No.12382120

Friends, this is a literature dick comparison thread. Please only post stacks of books you aren't going to read and abstain from other kinds of comparing your wee-wees. Thank you for your understanding.

>> No.12382125

How old is this image?

>> No.12382157
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The only read the finest spiritual leaders

>> No.12382341
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Got a bunch of German books from the store. I read "Das Spinnennetz" by Joseph Roth and it's trash, right now I'm reading "Menschheitsdämmerung" which has some great poetry and "Die Andere Seite", which seems like it will be trash as well.

Philosophy is a waste of time, those giant books look especially horrible.

>> No.12382373

Has Seratonin been translated into German? or what language is your copy?

waste of time

>> No.12382379
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>> No.12382381
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>> No.12382389

if you've got the basics down, 8-bit Music Theory on youtube is honestly a pretty good place to look.

>> No.12382721

I'm a pseud because I only read books by authors whose first name is William?

About six months.

>> No.12382733

Are you a native German speaker?

>> No.12382779

these threads represent the worst of /lit/. Nobody cares what obscure authors you know/pretend to read. What we here care about is knowledge. You have to be able to formulate your own opinion about a book, doesn't matter which, could even be Dr. Seuss for all you care for. You have a bright mind - mind like that of a child. That is until you read a lot of books. Then you age and become an old man. Old man mentally, that is - your "money situation" doesn't change. But after you have become an old man, you will not post threads like these, you will begin to actually read all these books and your brain begins to actually rot. That's when you become like me. See, I do not post my shelf in this thread. Can you gess why? I thought so. Now go read Peterson's 12 rules for life because your life needs a ruler - and the more rulers the better. Might as well invite me on board - I will help shape your head, of course, but ONLY if you want to.

>> No.12382781

>wasting all this money
>only buying 1/6 Akira books

>> No.12382782

Sort of, English is my mother tongue, but German was my father's

>> No.12382799

ITT: 70% of books will never be read completely or will be read, misunderstood, and forgotten.
The conspicuous consumption and display of it for social standing on an anonymoose cartoon forum is cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.12382805


>> No.12382811

>Philosophy is a waste of time, those giant books look especially horrible.
this is true, and they are

>> No.12382814

>Peterson's 12 rules for life

>> No.12382869


>> No.12382995

Yes, the German translation was released three days ago. Pretty solid.

>> No.12383062
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>> No.12383226
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This thread is basically /lit/stagram

>> No.12383594
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>> No.12383623

>Die Andere Seite", which seems like it will be trash as well.
Lol normally it gets the same reaction as an Edward Gorey book. What provokes such a strong dismissal?

>> No.12383632

Pdf of airplanes book pls

>> No.12383672
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>> No.12383774

What an almighty cunt. Are you 15?

>> No.12383850
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This thin book on the bottom is "80 days around world"

>> No.12384069

>Edward Gorey
Haven't read him, but I've only read the first few chapters and I don't like the premise since it seems like one for a children's book. His writing isn't that interesting or challenging as well. But I may change my mind as I've only finished the first part and the theme may develop in an unexpected direction.

>> No.12384215
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anything else in this vein

>> No.12384281
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>inb4 a hating /pol/tard criticizing me for reading Engels.

>> No.12384358

>Umberto Eco
Based. Foucault's Pendulum is great, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did anon

>> No.12384369
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> needing a book to teach you how to read a book

Never gonna make it!

>> No.12384374

>how to read a book
>needs a book on how to read a book
>while posting on a literature board

>> No.12384573

>physical copies
beautiful, very nice, digital distribution should not be paid for

>> No.12384855

Christianity is a literal Jewish cult

>> No.12384886

I have no idea. I've never read him, yesterday I bought that book and a few days ago I bought another for less than a dollar. I'll give them a try, I hope they are good.

>> No.12384894
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>how to read a book

>> No.12384899
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My stack for the first few months in 2019

>> No.12385010

I know this is bait but it still made me squirm.

>> No.12385072

The shoe on top of the vase really brings the whole picture together

>> No.12385242

Thanks, I'll certainly check it out.

Great rec! I usually watch Adam Neely but I don't understand much of what he's saying. This guy is way more accesible

>> No.12385268

You are jealous of my profound spiritual depth.

>> No.12385274

Is the Prince good?

>> No.12385285

Adam also has some good book recs once his stuff is more accessible for you.

>> No.12385289

He wouldn't know because he's had the same stack for over a year now.

>> No.12385298
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zoomer checking in

>> No.12385320
File: 939 KB, 2918x1592, E3D23E5B-1105-4AC8-AAC7-EC64819397BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished The Turn of the Screw and working on The Difference Engine. Going to get back to In the Cage later.

>> No.12385615

>A Patriot's History of the United States, Schweikart, Allen
I recently read A People's History and on my latest visit to the thrift store I found Patriot's so I picked it up to get the far right view. Looks like Hail State: The Manual from the introductory interview done by Rush Limbaugh with one of the authors.

>A Distant Mirror, Tuchman
Something I've wanted to read for awhile, another find at the thrift store so I grabbed it. Can't resist $2 books

>History of Philosophy, Marias
English translation. Looks like a good overview of philosophy. "Adopted throughout the Spanish-speaking world as the standard classroom text" according to the back cover text.
Looking forward to getting in to this as I've had an interest in philosophy for awhile but haven't started. I'd like a nice overview before I start reading all the primary texts.

No picture, sorry.

>> No.12385651
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>Author feels the need to include ", PhD" in their name.

>> No.12385658
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>> No.12385662

All stack posters who include books they have not read cover to cover should be banned.

This is nothing but a way to brag about work you have yet to undertake. Any moron can buy a book. Nobody cares. Embarassing.

>> No.12385663
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x1960, 20190110_202607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ministack. Reading Childhoods End on my Kindle.

>> No.12385671
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>> No.12385676

Nobody cares. A child can buy each of these books with as much difficulty.

Were you hoping someone would compliment you for doing what a child can do? Grow up.

>> No.12385690

It's a stack thread fucktard what do you want

>> No.12385700

Threads by people who have read books, not threads by people who own books.

>> No.12385713

This isn't a shelf thread. This is a stack thread. Cool it with the autism.

>> No.12385739
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>> No.12385767

Books are not trophies, shelves are not cases. Its easier to point, than wrestle with pages. Slowly within them, a way out of cages, built by soft flesh, and attention so wasted. To enter a mind, takes great dedication.

To possess the mind of another
You must look beyond a cover

>> No.12385796
File: 264 KB, 750x690, 0409299D-9707-424E-854A-F043D48B341C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello nu-tripfag. How long do you plan to stay around and shit up threads for? A month maybe?

>> No.12385883


I've been posting here like a madman for 5+ years so in all likelihood longer than a month. Maybe I'll get lucky and get stuck by lightning or get even more bored of this latest phase of 4chan(nel) interaction (characterized by tripfagging) and be rid of your horrible, awful, loathsome company once and for all. I wouldn't count on it. It is an endless pleasure to see one's own thoughts being read by other people. A sick pleasure, for sure, doubtless dependent upon the minimal difficulty of shooting fish in a barrel, but a pleasure nonetheless.

You imagine that? I once hoped to be a published writer, and now find myself a miserable wretch bent on gathering yous from severely misguided teenagers and hopelessly deaf man children.

What a terrible board, and I am sorry for being able to contribute to it.

>> No.12385912

wow this is awful

>> No.12385926

Jesus man...

>> No.12385978

kill ronald regean
kill ronald regan
Hol up, whats going on. im back in reality did i just want to kill ronald regean

>> No.12386278

>All the copies of Mein Kampf I could find in English had some kike adding snide remarks and comments to every page.
Get the Stalag Edition

>> No.12386312

I was going to shitpost but i'm curious. What's with all the newspapers? And out of those books is there anything you'd recommend in particular?

>> No.12386440

>Get the Stalag Edition
I would but the book really isn't that good. Not worth re-reading unless you are a historian or a larper

>> No.12386548

too many krauts in this thread. what the fuck...

>> No.12386551

I wonder how many of them buy these philosophy books and what-not just so they can post in these threads. It's funny and pathetic.

>> No.12386553

>the book really isn't that good
and that's where you're wrong

>> No.12386575

solid stack of lit

The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham
The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch
and other books by those authors, they are more serious than your stack

books are aesthetic and their role as an ornament is underrated, it seems only /lit/ appreciates a filled up shelf of unread books

>> No.12386737

It is.

It's a really concise rundown of statecraft. Relevant to a lot of fields.

>> No.12386978


>> No.12387010
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>> No.12387068

Nice. i got some old books as well I would like to display eventually like that.

>> No.12387142

That's swell, Anon. I have heard it is a good read.

>> No.12387424
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>> No.12387462

Do I get The Ice Trilogy or Kenji Miyazawa's short story collection for my next purchase? I've been interested in both for a while.

>> No.12387580

Oxford's History of Western Music is pretty great if you want to get your goggles on and deep dive into the subject. Learning chorale writing is probably the most complete way of learning music theory, but most musicians do fine with just learning the basics surrounding their instrument rather than learning the 4 voice chorale form and extending it outward to whatever instruments they plan to write for.

>> No.12387702
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'ello laddingtons

>> No.12387803
File: 3.12 MB, 4320x3240, DSC00173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything I've bought this month, trying to get through the /lit/ canon and enjoying it

>> No.12388140
File: 823 KB, 2560x1920, Resized_20190111_113616_3745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12388145

Thanks mate. 250 pages in and looking forward to it picking up. Did you read Name of the Rose, too?

>> No.12388744

Yeesh, seems like a waste of time tbhwyf

based normal lit reader

>> No.12388913

>Not reading Linkola in the original language
Just kidding, nice to see people outside of Finland reading Linkola too.

>> No.12388934
File: 33 KB, 700x400, The-Gallows-Pole-FI-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a picture of my stack, but -

Pic related
The Swastika and the Rune, a study on the esoteric culture within the Ahnenherbe
Novel of the Phenotype, a collection of Gottfried Benn's prose
Dialectic of the Enlightenment

>> No.12388951

>Gucci Mane
>Stephen King
>Neil Gaiman
>Brandon Sanderson
>All those magazines
>Talking Heads poster
You're an avant-teen who already listened to all the entry level /mu/ records, got tired of that board and is trying to find a new home.
I hope you're underage because if you're an adult, and this is your stack, you're an embarrassment who doesn't deserve to reproduce.

>> No.12388967

>A Farewell To Arms
Prepare your anus

>> No.12388987

No picture right now but:

1. Naked Lunch -- Burroughs
2. Breakout At Stalingrad -- Heinrich Gerlach
3. Killing Commendatore -- Murakami
4. The Poetics of Space -- Bachelard
5. Journey To The End Of Night -- Celine

>> No.12388998

Someone judge me, please.

>> No.12389014

No, anon, don't ask us to judge you, our opinions shouldn't matter to you that much, they shouldn't matter at all. Ask yourself: why did you buy those books in the first place? Are they for your entertainment? Is your final goal to know more than you knew before reading them? Do you seek knowledge or pleasure? I don't care about your answers, but I hope you do, and I hope you find what you seek in those books.

>> No.12389046
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Former /mu/tant here, slowly converting into a /lit/ fag
also if anyone has recommendations for other music related books that would be nice

>> No.12389047

>Did you read Name of the Rose, too?
No, but I will when I find an affordable copy. They're all very expensive online, and I don't plan on leaving the house for the new few months

>> No.12389052

>Please Kill Me
It was a fun book but I mostly enjoyed it because it was focused on TVU

>> No.12389086

Haven't started it yet but that's good to hear considering TVU are a favorite of mine

>> No.12389397

You buddy you borrow them books from your college, dont you?

>> No.12389432

I have never read those books or even heard of the authors. Sorry :(

>> No.12389543
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Nick Land is what I'm currently going through and the only one that I have signed out from my Uni

>> No.12389642

How much did you drop on that copy of the Thrist? Shit's expensive

Also, that book on free jazz looks interesting, any more details on that?

>> No.12389650

My bad, just saw you got it from your uni library

>> No.12389671

not him, but it looks like a library copy

>> No.12389685

Library copy

>> No.12389703
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for the end? I already read that one and only got minor feels from it
probably because I'm a KHV

>> No.12389757

that's a library copy anon

>> No.12390228

Actually, from my local public library. I'm a stemfag so my college's library is mostly boring math textbooks.

>> No.12390232

Have you read Wild Sheep Chase?

>> No.12390259

N boi - beyond the good and evil
burroughs - the western lands, junkie
bolano - the savage detectives
houellebecq - soumission, elementary particles, the map and territory
dostojevski - c&p
clarke - rendezvous with rama

>> No.12390305

ajjdjshfj bolANO

>> No.12390311


>> No.12390325


>> No.12390370
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Coming in the mail:
The Man Who Sleeps
The Crying of Lot 49
A Farewell to Arms
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
The Birth of Tragedy
Brave New World

Currently reading:
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.12390399

Have you read Raise High the Roofbeam Carpenters? I think that's his absolute best. Franny and Zooey is really good too.

>> No.12390414

based and boomerpilled

>> No.12390870
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All I could find this week of op shop shopping. Is the Jospeh Heller one any good?

>> No.12390882


>> No.12390972

Read Thomas Mann’s Doctor Faustus. It may be a bit difficult but it’s probably the greatest intersection of music and fiction ever put on page. Mann was being arrogant when he said it was on the same level as Ulysses of course, but he does have a point. There will never be a book like it again, history just won’t allow it

>> No.12391057

Literally the first anon on here with patrician taste. The praise of folly is laugh out loud funny. Dostoevsky is patrician as well (ESP pevear/volohonsky translation). Pascal can be boring at times but is also generally interesting. You're alright, anon

Also, are you as depressed as I am?

>> No.12391066

I see you also suffer from depression, anon!

Brothers Karamazov saved my life btw

>> No.12391113

Picked up the sailor who fell from grace with the sea and confessions of a mask today while I wait for the rest of the sea of fertility to be delivered to me, which should I start with?

>> No.12392168

Sailor is a great starting point. Easy to read and shows you exactly what Mishima is all about

>> No.12392612

not that anon you asked but my copy cost almost $100AUD for the paperback. feeling pretty ripped off desu

>> No.12392704

damn, I've been trying to get a copy of it for a while but haven't found anything decent that isn't hugely expensive
that and stirner seem to cost a shitload for some reason

>> No.12392774

I changed my mind about "Die Andere Seite", I still haven't finished the book, but a funny passage about a fat doctor, his eating habits, and his beautiful wife were very entertaining and the narrator possessed a funny selfishness throughout the entire scene, despite it's morose implications (it happened after his wife died). And the dull-metal eyes of Patera have my attention.

>> No.12392786

Hahahaha you fucking moron, everybody post and laugh at the idiot philosopher. Perhaps I too shall write utter nonsense and charge the Australian fool $100AUD for faux enlightenment.

>> No.12392799

>everybody post and laugh at the idiot philosopher.
>implying i'm even a philosopher
nigga im just another pseud trying to figure shit out. Please don't presume I have any actual training in this field lmao

>> No.12392821

>Please don't presume I have any actual training in this field lmao
Oh then I apologize my friend, since you lack "training" you are much better off than the university educated fools. Who spout their academic "knowledge" (actually just state approved nonsense).

Please, don't invest in "philosophy" and instead buy yourself a big stack of literature and poetry. You'll find that ideas of enlightenment, dual realities and subjectivity are found within Goethe's Erlkönig, a much shorter and more beautiful piece of writing than most "philosophers" have ever produced. And nothingness was pondered more fully by one of Shakespeare's characters and expressed more beautifully in a soliloquy than by the academic bowel movements of a "philosopher". Go look into sociology, the science of people instead of investing into the "science" of sophists who have never been exposed to the rigors of non academic life. And don't, I repeat DO NOT go to college for a degree in "philosophy".

>> No.12392854

No but I was thinking of The Elephant Vanishes for my next Murakami since I hid it in a second hand book store I go to so nobody will buy it

>> No.12392891

>I was thinking of The Elephant Vanishes for my next Murakami

That's a good choice. Some of the stories are really neat and the ones that aren't at least don't have the chance to drag on. I mentioned Wild Sheep Chase because Dance Dance Dance is a sequel to it. Although not one that is necessary to read first it, it does add to the experience a little

>> No.12392904

>Although not one that is necessary to read first it, it does add to the experience a little
What "experience" and how does it "add to" such a thing?

>> No.12392928

Franny & Zooey is one of my favs, its perfect, just read it

>> No.12392984


>> No.12393018

I would do this, but you sound like such a faggot, it turned me off.

>> No.12393031
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Out of my way fucking pseuds, genreshit coming through.

>> No.12393125

Edward Gorey writes children's books that are not for children (such as his alphabet, The Gashlycrumb Tinies, which is an illustrated book about children dying: "G is for George smothered under a rug, H is for Hector done in by a thug") He's like a very dark nonsense poet.
Glad you stuck with The Other Side, it's a fun if fatalistic fairytale. There's an old exSoviet Germany movie called Traumstadt which is a pretty close adaptation apart from the title, and I think both the book and movie have been a bit underrated in recent years.

>> No.12393249

Towards a Psychology of Being - Abraham Maslow
War and Peace - Tolstoy (Edmonds translation)
The Odyssey - Homer (T.E. Lawrence)
The Glass Bead Game - Hesse

halfway through the first and really enjoying it. Never knew that Lawrence of Arabia did a translation of the odyssey, quite excited to read having just finished some of plato’s dialogues

>> No.12393287

Prisoner's Dilemma is good.
You might like The Evolution of Cooperation by Axelrod (which is an in-depth look at the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma) and Logical Dilemmas: The Life And Work of Kurt Goedel by Dawson, where Von Neumann makes appearances.

>> No.12393306

Based barnes and noble poster

>> No.12393344

the antifa starter kit's looking meager these days.

>> No.12393376

what the fuck is wrong with you people
paid £10 for mine and wouldn't pay any more

>> No.12393506

This book actually sounds really interesting from the Goodreads synopsis, appreciate the recommendation.

>> No.12394145

Every single one of these looks interesting, nice taste anon

>> No.12394209
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>> No.12394249


This is tasty.

>> No.12394291

>The holocaust is sad goo goo ga ga waaahh waaahh
Imagine being an artist and thinking this is a worthy use of artistic expression haha dumb bitch. Mann gives Germany a bad name even though plenty of geniuses came from it.

>> No.12394323
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>> No.12394385

hey bud, I'm not the moron who paid $100AUD for a shitty book

Sounds interesting I'll try and get my hands on the movie once I've finished the book.

>> No.12394580
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>fell for the "bro, just read the summa" meme

>> No.12395016
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My current stack

>> No.12395036 [DELETED] 

Sam Pink, Person
Bud Smith, Work
Scott Maclanahan, The Sarah Book

>> No.12395046 [DELETED] 

Final Solutions by Frederick Seidel
The Collected Poems of Stefan Georg

>> No.12395155
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R8 my haul

>> No.12395163

Start with Tsun Tzu

>> No.12395243

slow down...

>> No.12395366

You can get the summa in a one volume unabridged edition. I recommend this format more. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/summa-theologica-complete-in-a-single-volume-thomas-aquinas/1128554255?ean=9781732190320

>> No.12395372


>> No.12395460

>Dangling Man and Herzog
They're almost the same book. Very good if you like walking around Chicago that doesn't exist any more

>> No.12396734
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Rest elsewhere
Highly recommended

>> No.12396749

>star wars
I liked Death Troopers, I'm about to buy Red Harvest.

>> No.12396842


>critical of capitalism

Jesus fucking christ, this board

>> No.12396886

how small is the text in this?

>> No.12398628

>Reading Engels, too brainlet to read Marx
>How to read a book
You remind me of the softcore Leninists at my college's leftist club

>> No.12398634

Well it is a lady...

>> No.12398638

use textsurf you fucking chinaman

>> No.12398785
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Today I bought these books.

>> No.12398790


Red harvest is good. For star wars, if you're down with the whole meme force mysticism, the Darth Bane trilogy is great. Otherwise, I'd read the Thrawn trilogy, best series in star wars imo.

>> No.12399306
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Just finished these and I liked Metamorphosis the most. What should I read next?

>> No.12399366

How is Kawabata? I want to read all the weebcore nip authors

>> No.12399401

There's a heavy focus on the atmosphere and sceneries which imo gets boring after a while. They're beautifully written though.

>> No.12399617

Have you read Spring Snow? You might like that.

>> No.12399641
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>> No.12399650

How is your copy of the Metamorphosis so large? Metamorphosis is like 40 pages tops.

>> No.12399685

All the stuff in this stack could be interesting but most people who read this kind of shit are massive faggots. I hope you're not a massive faggot anon because this is a decent stack otherwise. Tentative 7.5/10 You lose a point for Penguin classics though

>> No.12399732

It includes some of Kafka's other short stories like The Stoker

>> No.12399742

I haven't read any of Mishima's books and Spring Snow is a tetrology, so I'm thinking of reading the Sailor first

>> No.12399756
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>> No.12399757

nu-tripfag kys

>> No.12399760

Animal Farm. Quick read

>> No.12399789

That's also a very good book. You can't go wrong either way. Hope you enjoy them, anon.

>> No.12400487
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My stacks at the moment, (they can’t fit in my bookshelf so oh well)

>> No.12400570


>> No.12400726

What's the metal thing on the left of the knife?

>> No.12400790
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A harmonica, I’m learning to play if I ever go to prison.

Though I’m not black so my aesthetic might be off.

>> No.12400849

Based, is it chromatic?

>> No.12400952

>Art History

I'm reading John Berger's Portraits right now which is very enjoyable, and I'm probably going to read Linda Nochlin's Realism afterwards. Edward Said's Orientalism is also excellent if you aren't spooked by the identity politics boogeyman. It informed alot of ill-meaning scholarship today but in itself it's incredibly informative.

Those are all very interpretive however, if you want straight facts I would glean Wikipedia or Khan Academy. Though at least for myself, rote historical summaries seem to go right out of my head once read.

>> No.12401004

Not quite sure, has a cool bright red wood on the side, and a C engraved on it, it also says ‘jazz master’ with ‘made in Germany written underneath it.

Not going to lie I pocketed it from a mates grandfathers house after the old boy died, as well as a yellow beanie.

>> No.12401118

Did some research it’s not chromatic

>> No.12401423

>I pocketed it from a mates grandfathers house after the old boy died

Lmao, wash it as much as you can, it'd be gross to get a dead man's saliva into your mouth desu

>> No.12401454
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charity store finds

>> No.12401580

That's the whole point of a stack. You're here to talk about the books you plan to read - why did you buy it? opinions from others who already read it. maybe give some tips on how to approach the book. You're an idiot who should lurk more.

>> No.12401635

>Name of the Rose
That's probably my favorite book. Loved the whole experience. Eco does an amazing job making you feel like you're in that medieval world.
Since you guys seem to like Eco, I'll mention this as a recommendation. I read it a few years ago. Definitely a different feel than The Name of the Rose. More whimsical. It was definitely a fun read.

>> No.12401654

Better taste than most here

>> No.12401670

Can you anons PLEASE tell me how the heck you remember so much? Like, you read so many subjects - history, philosophy, politics, etc - and you somehow remember it all. Personally I can't remember anything. If I read about something historical today, and some time passes, my memory of it becomes history as well. It vanishes. I also can't keep up with all the intricacies of it all - empires, rulers, cultures, peoples, migrations, dates, geography, political systems, artistic movements - its a swirling mass of information which my mind cant compute. I'm from Canada, and I literally don't even know what all the provinces of my country are. If I learnt them tomorrow, and then learnt about something unrelated after, I'd soon forget them again, and this is an eternal recurrance. My memory is solely short-term.

Am I just a born brainlet? If your memory is poor, there's not much you can do about it, right? I am forever incapable of storing sizable quantities of knowledge in me, and will therefore never be "well-read" or "learned" no matter how much I read.

>> No.12401676

stop jerking off

>> No.12401761

Will take a look. Thank you friend.

>> No.12402914
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That's because the same kike making the snide comments sabbatoged the translation in to un readable garbage. For any one interested read either the Ford or Stalag translation

>> No.12403175

Take notes. Write your thoughts. Write essays. Do what you'd do in school.

>> No.12403876

Why is your invisible man book so big, its almost the size of infinite jest and mine is like 1/3 that size

>> No.12404128
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>> No.12404149

>Oliver Sacks
At least it's not all bad.

>> No.12404163
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You're a-okay, friend.

>> No.12404361

>A Distant Mirror
nice find, wish I had a paper copy. I've been meaning to tackle it, here's your (you)

>> No.12404472

Byrne book