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12383340 No.12383340 [Reply] [Original]

All my life I wanted to be a journalist . Hoe can I be a good journalist? Blogger. Upload videos.

I'm 18 years old and being held back in my last year . I have no intention of passing. Funk "em. Academia is corrupt and anyone who supports it is just as guilty

I want to cover games, technology , cars, social life, and uprisings
I'm american.

>> No.12383381

Well, if you wanna get started, try starting a blog and finding things related to those interests locally. Read local newspapers and analyze styles. To get a job you'll either have to be educated or be a damn good freelance journalists.

>> No.12383391

Start by having something to say. It sound slike you don't though.

>> No.12383405

For one thing learn how to not put spaces before punctuation marks.

Also, your resentment of (and failure within) academia speaks volumes about your lack of commitment and standards. Judging from this post there is nothing appealing or engaging about your writing tone or style, and also your little list of things you want to right about is adorably infantile. If you genuinely want to be a journalist, I'd recommend not being a garbage person

>> No.12383416

Academia is evil though

>> No.12383424

It objectively isn't

>> No.12383433

You'll never be a journalist precisely because you refuse to prop up the academic setting that creates other journalists. It's a club and you won't be allowed in.
But you said video games, so just start a blog, write fucktons of reviews and then spam literally every publication endlessly until one accepts you. Make sure you have no controversial opinions now, you're there to sell a product, not have an individual view. Unless you start a youtube channel and make your bucks by ONLY having controversial views, which is a viable route these days.

>> No.12383443

>journalism and academia are tied
That's horrible and you must either be suicidally depressed cynic or an idiot

>> No.12383452

i dont get why lit is so willingly blind to modern academia and they're one of the only holdout boards left that refuses to admit how irredeemable it is.those threads about grad school cause nothing but pity.

>> No.12383480

The truth is, academia is a flawed place, but I refuse to listen to burnouts and losers who want to spread the "good word" without having been to school themselves and can't see beyond the horizon of their little autodidactic realm. I am a grad student. It is rewarding but also testy. It's still better than being some 19-year-old senior like op is about to be.

>> No.12383484

How be good journalist

>> No.12383499

>everyone who denounces it is a burnout or audodidact.

>how do you know somethings a scam if you haven't fallen for it yet?

You're insane anon. Can you just admit to yourself that you like titles and the perceived prestige as well as having a path through life you can mindlessly follow? Stop pretending there's anything else at this point.
>it's better than being OP.
Is it though?

>> No.12383507

You sound exactly like the kind of stoner pleb I'm talking about. Why don't you stop replying to me.

>> No.12383518

All those years of schooling and you can only resort to insults?

>> No.12383538

Disconnected Academics have been the butt of jokes genuinely since the romans. I still laugh and roll my eyes whenever I see what concoction of words some drop desperate thesis writer created to dress up something simple . What's even the point when all knowledge is free and readily available in the 21st century ?
>I get to study under so and so it's great

First of all get a backbone. Second of all you easily could have just studied everything on your own and contacted them privately anyway . The truth is you don't give enough of a shit.

>> No.12383565

Can I have my thread back? How do I be a good journalist

>> No.12383584

>18 years old kid flunking highschool
>wants to be a videogame journalist
No wonder this site has gone to shit if this is the userbase now.

>> No.12383620

serious answer: Step 1 - grow the fuck up. Start taking school seriously because it's not bullshit. High school is incredibly easy. If you fail, it's because you have a fuckin attitude problem and you're not ready for the adult world. That "fuck the system" shit only takes you so far before you realize that a day of honest work is the only real measure of a person. I am talking about the work you perform for yourself.

There are other answers already

>> No.12383636

I'm not some fuck the system idiot. I read well and try my hardest at what I do. I'm constantly writing or recording . To do these things I don't go to school . I think school is wrong. But I'm not some rioting kid who wants to burn down the white house.

>> No.12383668

then why is it so hard to pass 12th grade eh? geometry, chemistry, comp and lit. it's literally easy mode unless you have undiagnosed autism or add

>> No.12383677

Because I don't want to pass. It doesn't matter to me.

>> No.12383704

think of it like writing fiction with real people as characters.
your number one job is not conveying information, it's finding where there is conflict/friction and then expounding on that. if the conflict isn't really that big of a deal, blow it up. if there isn't a conflict, invent one.
it's about engaging the reader and getting clicks, you'll be rewarded for getting a lot of eyes, and people are drawn to drama.

>> No.12383709

That's horrible anon

>> No.12383713

Cuck stage one.

>> No.12383716

Ha you wish

>> No.12383760

You say that, but I'm sure something matters to you. And whatever it is, it takes money. And you can't make much money unless you at least have a GED, which means you're going to have to complete the material some time. Or are you going to get a minimum wage job, and then complain to the rest of us that it's not liveable for the rest of your life? Just know that all the pain you will know in life will come down to the decisions you are making now. Choose your pain wisely.

>> No.12383768

>i don't want to pass
Attitude problem. You don't want to pass because you care more about some perceived meritocracy rather than the arbitrary constraints of a schooling system. You don't realize that the system is part of the meritocracy and designed to weed out people like you who cannot conform. As someone else already said, video game journalism is basically marketing. If you can't follow directions in school, you can't do it for your boss.

>> No.12383784

Just write about things you are interested. One day i just said fuck it i am tired on not doing anything so i just went to a metro station and payd a venezuelan to talk me about his life and journey from his home country. Then i wrote a Cronica about that. Pretry cool exporience. Now i have a youtube channel where i talk about power and how to be a more competent human being. I just have one video and another incoming because its a pain in the ass editing that shit.

>> No.12383789

>writing or recording
These are far less important than reading. It is not enough to read competently. You must read widely. That's why you go to school. So people can force you to read things you wouldn't have otherwise.

>> No.12383926

I don't care about money and min wage is fine. I've had a ton of odd jobs already and have developed an okay skill set.
Believe what you want
I do read widely number one
Number two, to be controversial here. When it comes to writing what matters most is writing . The fact that great authors read a lot is more incidental . If I waste my life endlessly consuming so I can improve my writing I'll be 50 years old with nothing but a shelf.

>> No.12383977
File: 39 KB, 645x503, 1454191371025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this newspeak for "wrong?" Also, why even make this shitty thread if you refuse to take notes? Did you want people to tell you that what you're doing is perfectly okie dokie?

>> No.12384006

What does Spengler have to do with this thread?

Go do something meaningful instead of trying to scratch together a living off of writing crummy articles about games and cars. Go fly to some shit hole country in Africa and do some free lance work.

Academia is a dead end. It's only function is to be cynical, critical, and deconstructive. It has become so specialized and obscure, you will slave away for years on some niche dissertation topic that nobody will ever give two shits about except for you, and your thesis advisors who will skim it over the night before your defense. it's just a giant circle jerk

t. Master's student with zero plans to go on for a PhD

>> No.12384109

If you want to improve at doing x. You must do x.

>> No.12384149

And nothing exists in a vacuum. I can spout tautologies too. You can perform surgery all you want, you'll never get better without med school. The point is, your belief that writing improves writing more than reading improves writing is false.

>> No.12384179

Virtually every serious (read: well-paid) journalist has some kind of prestigious academic connection. If you're planning on being the next Alex Jones, well, more power to you. He capitalized on a very particular socioeconomic moment; fortune likely will not favor you with a similar opportunity (and remember that he was schlepping around for YEARS before he made it big).
Why are you flunking in high school? That's a bad sign.

>> No.12384186

Dude. You have to do something to get better at that thing. Why are you taking advice given from Internet midwives as iron fact over common sense?

>> No.12384207

>what matters most is writing

Those words you use come from somewhere, namely, other books. Even if you're trying to write minimalistically, its extremely helpful to have some dude like Hemingway or Orwell open so you can have a model for the style rather than trying to start from scratch. The only mode of writing where you don't really need that is dry objective news reporting, but I don't think you're aiming to be that kind of journalist are you?

You can read a lot without being a great writer but you can't be a great writer without reading a lot.

>> No.12384575

I disagree . You can 100% be great without reading a lot

>> No.12384756

Daily reminder school good

>> No.12384764

Work hard. Learn to write. Be smart enough to have something worth reading. If you aren't that smart yet, get an education.

That's it. Do this, you will be successful.

>> No.12384781

Prove I'll be successful . What does learn to write even mean and why do you assume I can't?

>> No.12384787

>Prove I'll be successful
No, faggot, that's YOUR job.

>why do you assume I can't?
I've been reading your posts.

The only thing you're proving so far is you aren't willing to do any work.

>> No.12384798


>What does learn to write even mean
It means writing in a way that holds the reader's attention while it informs. Clear presentation of an idea using a modicum of words, tasteful word choice, a college level vocabulary.

tldr Something worth paying you for.

>> No.12384808

But I can already write

>> No.12384821

Post your blog.

>> No.12384834

Sure, give examples of great writers who didn't read a lot.

>> No.12384928

How do I make a blog or be interesting

>> No.12384934

Read people who are interesting.
Copy them.

>> No.12384975

I do. Spend all my time reading . I don't know how to make a blog. I've written 7200 words of a novellike thing

>> No.12384988

This is officially a bait thread.

>> No.12384996

It's not I just don't know how to make a blog

>> No.12384997

Post those 7200 words.

>> No.12384999
File: 46 KB, 495x638, wojak404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"But I can already write"

>"All my life I wanted to be a journalist . Hoe can I be a good journalist? Blogger. Upload videos. "

>> No.12385004

Use Wordpress.

>> No.12385069

Oh I'm not op.
But wordpress is for losers is what g says