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12383271 No.12383271 [Reply] [Original]

Have we reached a point of information overload that common sense statements on the human condition pass as deep thinking?
For example, pic related is by a yale graduate who believes they are actually saying something by writing what a parent would have told any child leaving home at any point in human history.

>> No.12383324

Unbridled post-structuralist thinking drives people to take apart everything before them in thorough analysis while throwing away context, all without realizing that things can only exist within context and that without context things cease to be real and become only imaginary.

>> No.12383384

Don't pretend like you know what post-structuralism entails when its pretty clear that you don't.

>> No.12383451

Typical response. "My arguments are bs so I'll just say you're too dumb to understand. " Derrida would be proud if he wasn't a dead faggot.

>> No.12383485

>brings up philosophical movement totally unrelated to the topic of discussion
>gets butthurt when someone points out they're using it incorrectly
I bet you haven't even read Derrida. For one thing he certainly wouldn't "throw away context", good job misinterpreting someone you haven't even read

>> No.12383542

>philosophical movements don't leave lasting impacts on how people think over the years
>philosophical movements can only be defined by how they used to be or specifically through how one person did it

>> No.12383572

Wow what a worthless thread, despite the interesting OP.

>> No.12383606

>any point in human history
I mean not really. As a society, we didn't used to send women out into the workforce to live by themselves until pretty recently.

Also our values surrounding rape have changed a lot. In the eighteenth century a woman was ruined for life if she was raped, while for young men, rape was basically just mischief. Now, feminists are trying to reverse that.

Honestly sounds like something Frances Burney would put into a novel.

>> No.12383683

OP here, I'm not just talking about the rape angle. Her article is basically "be cautious and aware." She is making a transcendental issue on human existence into a specific temporal, geographical, and gender based issue. Life is shit, always has been. I don't think the author is even aware of how bad things used to be and instead of learning of better methods they are trying to reinvent the wheel with what is a human problem.

>> No.12383723

why is it so hard to admit that women have it worse in this specific instance? I recently visited downtown Philly and not once did I have to worry about walking around by myself at night. I didn't have to think about guys following me home. No one hit on me while I was waiting for the train. In short, people left me alone. My female friends are always aware that they're attracting the wrong kind of attention. Being "cautious and aware" is something I don't even have to think about 99% of the time, and that's my luxury as a male.

>> No.12383750

retard OP

>let muds run wild in a formerly lily-white country
>complain about crime
LOL play stupid games win stupid prizes

"On Being a Goy in America While Trying to Avoid Being Assaulted By Jewish Tricks" would be 6 million times more interesting

>> No.12383763

I mean there's more context to pointing out something plain and simple in an age where everyone has access to whatever they wish to read, maybe it's about pointing you somewhere than some kind of self-gratification.

this reads like what someone with one of those loser "obnoxious anime guy" avs does to /v/ to get replies on discord

>> No.12383769

Anon, either you are rich and avoid proles or you're lying. Women fear rape, yes. Men fear getting mugged and murdered. Last month where I live, a food delivery driver was killed when people had him deliver to an abandoned house. There were numerous robberies in parking lots forcing me to get my groceries during the day. I recognize these as simple facts about life. This is not a woman bashing thread. This is a thread about why ivy league, published authors are writing about perennial topics like it's new.

>> No.12383778


>> No.12383815

>Women fear rape, yes. Men fear getting mugged and murdered
this is kind of the point though. The idea that women have to be incredibly cautious walking around at night isn't new, sure, but rather than engaging with it you use it as an excuse to talk about the problems that men face instead. It's not a new problem and yet men still aren't able to hear it without making the inevitable retort of "But what about a MAN's experience?". Men rarely walk around with the anticipation that they will be brutally mugged or murdered, even if its more likely to happen to them than women. This isn't a woman bashing thread, but you're certainly doing your utmost to speak over them or exclude them from the conversation entirely.

>> No.12383830

But they don’t. Men are more likely to be victimized by violent crime. Women once again have to completely ignore reality and act totally on emotion. Also, if you’re in philly and not paying attention to your surroundings you will get jumped sooner or later you retard. I live across the river in Jersey and Im always making sure nobody is following me on any side streets or at night when I’m in Philly.

>> No.12383849

Why are you insisting on marginalizing the male experience? Why do you say men rarely consider misfortune, do you assume we all live your priveliged lifestyle. Is it because you actually dont go out, instead you white knight on the internet and fap to your oneitis feminist streamgirl hearing her favorite mod stand up for weman. Is that right anon?

>> No.12383853

>"But what about a MAN'S experience?"
don't think that's what that anon was trying to do. He isn't attempting to draw attention to the plight of males and bring up male issues, but instead attempting to portray the issue of assault as affecting both sexes to a similar extent where differences are more or less negligible. You can take issue with that, and you probably should, but at least be intellectually honest, because I'm pretty sure you understood what he said.

>> No.12383887

>writing about perennial topics like it's new
The point of a perennial topic is that it keeps giving. The seasons are a perennial topic. As for "new," I don't see anywhere in that article where the author claims to have discovered something we didn't already know on some level. A personal revelation is different from a cultural one. And anyway, why do you care? Is she taking your reserved spot in the Paris Review?

>> No.12383899

On the streets, I don't think the fear of assault (and general violence) is limited to men. However, I do think the fear of rape (and other sexual violence) is limited to women. You set up a false equivalence.

>> No.12383928

>"if you're not paying attention to your surroundings you will get jumped"
>all people who don't pay attention will get jumped
I think you are lying in order to drum up fear.

>> No.12383938

In one way or another, you do get jumped if you don't pay the toll.

>> No.12383945

>Why are you insisting on marginalizing the male experience?
read my post again. You're making exactly the same mistake as the other poster, taking a point that is about the plight of women and making it about yourself rather than engaging with the issue at hand. There's plenty of time to discuss male issues, but the article cited in the OP explicitly addressed an issue that is particular to the female experience.

>do you assume we all live your priveliged lifestyle
dude I live in south london, guys my age get stabbed literally round the corner of my house. I've been chased by dudes with chains, mugged at bus stops, and literally got groped by a drunk slav in a corner shop. I'm not saying men can't experience misfortune too, just that we don't live in fear of it in the same way.

>attempting to portray the issue of assault as affecting both sexes to a similar extent where differences are more or less negligible
are they though? As men, how aware can we honestly be of the differences if we have little to no experience of the other side, except for when we ourselves are committing the assault? His point wasn't that our experiences are parallel, in fact his point had nothing to do with that– he was saying why a woman talking about the fear of sexual assault is "nothing new", which is what I was responding to.

>> No.12383964

I'm aware women have to be more cautious in public and have their own unique set of issues. However I don't really care.

>> No.12383971

This is best response, thanks. Given how much crap we are bombarded with, the guiding idea seems plausible.

I care because this is what passes for intellectual discussion these days. A completely insular, narrow minded way of thinking that passes for great thinking. Look at all the gender discussion crap in this thread. I have no hope of ever going to yale or writing for Paris review, but I do think the intelligentsia are a pitiful group these days. I wondered if it was simply a reflection of being so overburdened with knowledge and information that they are irrelevant to plebs like me now. That they have nothing to offer.

>> No.12383983

you live in st loous too?

>> No.12383986

Underaged text formatting

>> No.12383987

so you're saying if women weren't fearful/didn't worry about getting fucked up, they'd be in the same situation as men?

>> No.12383995
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>this is what passes for intellectual discussion
>insular, narrow minded way of thinking that passes for great thinking
>I think the intelligentsia are a pitiful group these days
You seriously think TPR consists of intelligentsia? You actually think it's not HuffPost 2.0?

>> No.12383997

I was thinking today that men have really stepped their game up in a lot of ways. This new generation has more separation between the pathetic and the truly great. Now that men of The West are competing not just economically but socially with a huge flux of migrants Iand women now in the workforce ’ve noticed more of us are out there kicking ass while the losers can’t keep up. This is only helpful for the ones of us that compete. I truly feel bad for incels and other downtrodden men but frankly this crisis is something we will win. We created everything including what they want a part of. I especially admire Black Men that rise above the bullshit and hit the gym. I love you motherfuckers.

We made this society. This isn’t the end, just a call to arms. We all know we can over power, outsmart, and fucking dominate anyone we want. Americans, Japanese, Canadians, Euros, and anyone that’s truly a fuckin man; I see you out here and I respect you. The rest of the bullshit can rest in piss.

>> No.12383998

that male priv of walking around fearless despite more likely to get fucked up. gee wonder how women could go about achieving that same lvl of priv

>> No.12384002

shifting goalposts = bad form

>> No.12384008

meant to send that to u bud

>> No.12384014

>how aware can we honestly be...if we have little to no experience on the other side
Well we know that the chance of something bad happening to me if I leave the house is roughly the same whether or not I was a male or female...where are you going with this?

>His point wasn't that our experiences are parallel
His point was that attempting to portray this as a uniquely female phenomenon. or one that affects females disproportionally, is flawed and disregards the male experience. You haven't addressed that point, you seem intent on drawing a distinction between qualitative differences in "fear" ("we don't live in fear of it in the same way"). That's an irrelevant distinction and isn't worth discussing to any great extent; the kind of fear is so ridiculously ancillary to presence of fear itself.

>> No.12384027

Dude we went from elites listening to Beethoven and Wagner to them going to shitty edm festivals and acting like trash. Yes, the current batch are extra shity. Please refer me to a better lit source? TPR is awful, granted.

>> No.12384035

Hypocrite. You are shaming people expressing the possibility of male vulnerability in attempt to direct a forum which neither requires or requests moderation. What are your intentions, i dont know, perhaps you perceive 4chan as misogynist in some form and you think a victory here, if that is what victory is, may be a meritable notch in your belt. A bragging point to all the college trim you desperately wish to smash. Meanwhile, in your own neighborhood, apparently, you can point to exactly what you are trying to censor. Shameless.

>> No.12384042
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>> No.12384046

weak shitpost

>> No.12384051

>refer me to a better lit source?
absolutely not. Your pleb status is your own responsibility, not mine

>> No.12384053

*pisses in ur mouth*

>> No.12384063

nah man, dont be a dick. this dude got me amped. i feel him. i dont feel you though brah. you should wash once in a while. go for walks in nature. get something going on. you got this brah

>> No.12384083

All jealous as hell. Just like every woman that ever called me “toxic” I knew it was only a matter of time after that till my dick was in her ass. Really you just let me know I’m doing the right thing. Imagine being so pathetic you get triggered by someone on /lit/.

>> No.12384090

>Post Information Era
what does this even mean?
>information overload
is this supposed to be the same thing?

stop reading shitty clickbait op-eds how about. don't let the authority of a newspaper mockup trick you - anyone who wants an article gets one on the internet.

i would categorize our age as the post-reading age where people write terrible articles and then others post an image of them to their respective circle jerks in order to get outraged without even reading the article. (dont pretend you did)

>> No.12384094

imagine typing this out

>> No.12384096

well, i was celebrating your post big G. don't know why you're inc me with them yo

>> No.12384111

I don’t have to imagine because I just did it faggot.

>> No.12384406

Are you a zoomer unfamiliar with terminology. We live in the Information age. It was predicted this age would lead to Information overload. Hence why people are debating minutia like gender instead of why our elite writers churn our garbage. Post-reading is a good way to describe the current climate though. Yes, I did read the article. It was the banality of it and then discovering the authors background that motivated the posting of this shitty thread.

>> No.12384427

Elites were always trash. The only difference now is the lack of facade.

>> No.12384453
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I was thinking the other day. If you are a middle upper class idiot with a university education. You are inundated with brainwashing from day one. About identity politics, micro aggression, privilege, ets. I feel like this creates an eternally agitated and paranoid figure. To the leftit every small thing is now a slight against them or way of life.
So it isnt some mystery why the modern left evolved into some creature that is fiven to unreason and agitation. I have to wonder if this was some psyop or if it was just a perfect storm of left stupidity that they ended up like this.

Do women think men dont know about violence?
I grew up in a house with 4 older brothers. You every fist fight for 2 days over a tv remote? There was some stright up anime shit going on at my house when i was a teenager

>> No.12384462

This is why people hate Chesterton these days. Says common sense things in a simple way, and that makes people mad.

>> No.12384497

No pride in their antagonism is America's fault. A socialist middleman ranting about pop info culture isn't something they get their jollies from I guess. That's why they need omniism, really.

>> No.12384538

>However, I do think the fear of rape (and other sexual violence) is limited to women.
Perhaps it's different if you live in Seattle or San Francisco.

>> No.12384581

>acknowledges that men are assaulted more than women
>has been a victim of assault himself
>WOW guys, just COOL IT with the sexism and maybe RESPECT WOMEN PERSPECTIVES?

>> No.12384623

>where are you going with this?
It's not a question you can dismiss with a statistical disparity or lack thereof. You're comparing apples to oranges. Muggings, murders and rapes are different crimes and should be judged accordingly.

Why make this grossly reductive comparison between the total number of male and female victims (regardless of the detail or severity of the crime) except to minimise the trauma of rape and place it on the same moral plane as a mugging?

That's the problem with insincere equality– Your generalisation about the comparative problems of two different populations undercuts and obscures the nature of the crime which plagues a certain side. Certain crimes can be indicative of bigger social problems, but end up hidden under a "we're all in this together" mentality. The idea that this argument is "nothing new" is an attempt to delegate this particular voice and story to the past (though naturally I can't speak for the quality of the content). But rejoice! The age of post-identity is here! All crimes are committed sensitively towards ethnic, religious and gendered differences!

>You are shaming people expressing the possibility of male vulnerability
Where did I shame them? I merely suggested that certain crimes are different from others and there have been plenty of posters in this thread that would diminish the fact as inessential.

>Meanwhile, in your own neighborhood, apparently, you can point to exactly what you are trying to censor. Shameless.
Yes, because there's nothing wrong with sharing experiences. I'm only against the culture of silence and shame that you seem particularly keen on maintaining. I'm not censoring anything– as if I had the power to stop you anyways!

>> No.12384669

Women are biologically predisposed to over perceive threats, in reality they are very safe.

>> No.12384728

(pre)disposed to shit-test continuously until shut up*

>> No.12384739

why do you think rape is indicitive of wider social issues but other violent crimes aren't?

>> No.12384746


>> No.12384769

>grossly reductive
>apples and oranges
To make these statements and think I was doing anything of the sort just demonstrates your lack of comprehension. My "reductive comparison" was on the question of fear; i.e. does one group have more reason to fear leaving the house than another. That in no way puts rape on the same moral plane as mugging, and you're being ridiculously dishonest here to the point of farce. You are implicitly stating that all a man has to fear is mugging, demonstrating your failure to comprehend a world where people are murdered on the street daily. I am not trying to delegitimize the female experience and I do not do so by pointing out that the article implicitly maintains the possibility of assault as a uniquely female phenomenon, when it's clearly not as you have already admitted. If you wish to dispute that claim then by all means proceed. Your statement about the unique nature of particular crimes affecting particular groups is well-taken, but it is ultimately irrelevant in this discussion because the article in question is not concerned with this, but rather in making the statement that "the experience of walking alone/at night/in a bad part of town/etc. and feeling fear is uniquely female" when this is not true at all. I see your point; however, it doesn't apply and your attempts to make it so are blatantly dishonest or, at worst, stupid.

>> No.12384772



>> No.12384774

Did I ever say that the one negates the other? They coexist and even compete in the sense of quantitive analysis, but they operate in different spheres or groupings of populations, so the comparison is irrelevant.

>> No.12384809
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>liberal centrist retards arguing about assault inequality
is it 2012? wow men and women are different and have to worry about different things, it's crazy that different things are different whoaHOHOHOHO

>> No.12384824

>mfw I thank God everyday I'm not like this guy

>> No.12384838

...but that's not what the argument was about, retard?

>> No.12384932

The idea that 'fear of being raped' is a female-exclusive affect is a barrier building resentment that only exists to fuel hysterics like the article in OP and self-idolatry of the marginal. Everyone is alienated, everyone feels paranoid every now and again, everyone is a possibly target of a rapist/mugger/criminal-monster, and I'm not saying this to take eyes off the 'real issue' ie female victims of rape. The real issue is that there is no issue. Humanity always seems depraved to a moralist.

>> No.12385027
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>citing assault statistics
>making arbitrary moralizations about different crimes
>"I am not trying to delegitimize the female experience", he said as his voice began to crack
back2reddit with both of u

>> No.12385182

Society started to go downhill once education became a business.

>> No.12386189


But they only have to worry about it for about 15 years of their lives. Between about age 15 & 30. After 35 or so they get left alone plenty.

>> No.12386226

I hate to bolster alt-right talking points, but studies show that when you control for genetics, schools only have about 2% effect (it’s all selection). & with the prevailing univ memes leaning towards identity politics/ culture war junk, you have to really question why we’re giving these conmen/women so much money

>> No.12387088

>Men rarely walk around with the anticipation that they will be brutally mugged or murdered
"Rich and avoids proles' it is then

>> No.12387098

then why do old ladies get raped in nursing homes

>> No.12387254
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>There was some stright up anime shit going on at my house when i was a teenager