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12378858 No.12378858 [Reply] [Original]

>take issue with Nietszche's ethics
>it's my ressentiment and slave morality talking

>point out errors Nietzsche made
>"there are no facts, only interpretations"

>point out inconsistencies in Nietzsche's thought
>"i am great because i'm full of contradictions :^)"

I hate him so much

>> No.12378868

congratulations on finishing his wikiquote page

>> No.12378900

If you in anyway lean towards being 'left-wing' socially then you will take issue with ressentiment and slave morality because these are pretty much the backbone of left-wing progressivism.

>> No.12378903

>take issue with Nietszche's ethics
>it's my ressentiment and slave morality talking
It’s like clockwork

>> No.12378940

since you think it's wrong you need to prove it dumb shit.
>all life is actually survival of the fittest
>ALL LIFE required surviving, reproducing, and overcoming nature to survive
your ideologies involve being entitled and thinking others owe you. you think weakness is strength not knowing it's just a strategy within the context of trying to survive. his will to power isn't totally refined but it's well enough that it's the truth and you're just an angry slave mad somebody is exposing you.

you're like the insect that's shaped like a leaf and pissed somebody pointed it out.

>NO NONO i swear the point of life is to be weak, sniveling, and beg while being entitled
yeah that's exactly how evolution works. even if you counter the most popular strategy you're just using a different strategy

>> No.12378972

He's got you by the balls, mate.

>> No.12378989

What is inherently weak about Marxism/Leftism? One still works, one still goes to school, one still does the same things as under capatialism, however the living conditions (ideally) improve and the country prospers. Isn’t it better to raise up a whole country rather than one man? Wouldn’t it be smarter, in an evolutionary way of thinking, to elevate a whole society so more can be born who are more adept to tackle the world rather than the son’s of just one man?
>B-But muh capitalism has improved quality of life
Yeah, for like 10,000 or so elites. Most people in 1st world countries are actually becoming poorer as capitalism progresses into its later stages. Also, keep in mind that literal Chinese nigger slaves make almost everything in the West from rubber dog-poop to iphones, and they have to install nets outside of factories so people don’t kill themselves at work.
Enslaving entire populations so you can feel based & redpilled for your epic Nietzschéen ethics that makes you so much better than the dum liberals is really great man. Maybe you should tell the Chinese nigger that made your computer that he should just work harder to self overcome and everything will be alright.

>> No.12379002

You'd like to think you found errors and inconsistencies. In reality, it's you lacking his education / not thoroughly reading his works to understand what connects it all.

>> No.12379018

>hey lemmings your life sucks? follow my utopian*tm system of economic efficiency. i swear we got 50% more efficiency if we kill these people and give me power letting me play king
okay, bro. cool luck with that. if you can convince the rubes to give you the keys and they're powerful enough to not get crushed by the people currently in power. if you aren't dropped into acid being dissolved by the big boys and change the world then you've got my congratulations.

it's just you need to make all this happen otherwise you're simply a fucking retard. if you want my honest critique of whether your super duper utopian*tm system is really going to be 1000% efficient or not? it's not. you aren't capable of understanding the world well enough to make a system that governs it. the rules of the world aren't going to be changed by you so you're just a clown jumping around to me.

you need to have a prospective as if you're god looking down on the world if you're capable of making a system governing it but if you can do that then why would you care about the lemmings within it? it's just an system to change who controls the levers of power promising lemmings more benefits

>> No.12379026

>What is inherently weak about Marxism/Leftism?
Because the ideology actively goes against natural hierarchy. The ideology doesn't work because it promotes those who are, through their own nature, weaker and in the lower strata of society (the worker for example) to a place where they do not have the skills required to operate.
Similarly it demotes those who have naturally risen to the top due to their ability to a lower rung of society.
Jewish nepotism aside, people are in the social strata of society where they are because they belong there.
It's like promoting an illiterate peasant farmer to being president of an entire country. It is idiotic.

>> No.12379037

>bro you can’t rise to power so just don’t even try to make the world a better place
>just sit at home and accept that you can’t do shit
Sad! I thought you were nietzschéen

>>hey lemmings your life sucks? follow my utopian*tm system of economic efficiency. i swear we got 50% more efficiency if we kill these people and give me power letting me play king
You sound like Jordan Peterson

>> No.12379067

But that’s what makes it strong. Yes, the people are weak when separated and forced to compete against eachother, but when they are allowed to cooperate and form a system of millions of people who lift each other up and reinforce their neighbor, instead of trying to keep him out of a job because you need said job. The system is strong, the people are weak. I said why is Marxism weak, not its tennants

>> No.12379077

>just sit at home and accept that you can’t do shit
you're attempting to do something right now. you're attempting to figure out how the world works by roleplaying your utopian shit could work. why do you think your attempts to figure things out and make plans for the world have anything to do with me? i've got my own plans and you trying to convince me to be some rube in your attempt to gain power isn't going to work.

>You sound like Jordan Peterson
who gives a shit? it's what you're trying to do. you aren't some egalitarian without an ego who just has a bleeding heart. you're just a self-interested person who wants to experience the world

i did notice how you never disproved evolution though. you're just attempting to play a numbers game like 80% deserves to kill 20% so they can kill. guess what? if that 80% deserves to live so much then they won't be enslaved and used as meat by the 20%. the winner is king, baby. trying to get random garbage to support your system in an attempt to get power doesn't impress me

>> No.12379079

Second sentence should say
>Yes, the people are weak when separated and forced to compete against eachother, but when they are allowed to cooperate and form a system of millions of people who lift each other up and reinforce their neighbor, instead of trying to keep him out of a job because you need said job, it creates a community that is impenetrable

>> No.12379083
File: 122 KB, 450x544, 33F61491-61D2-4DB8-BCEC-D31BDE4C8FCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pareto principle
O boy am Iaffin

>> No.12379102

>if i use random strawman i'm right
lmao. it's just x and y. it could be 51% deserves to live and kill 49% or 99% deserves it and 1% doesn't deserve it.

you're just trying to use the majority or large numbers as power. i'm not impressed by a large gathering of trash. 1% if worth more than 99% literally and figuratively.

go fuck yourself lemming. you aren't ever going to beat the people way above you. all you can do is strawman and try to appeal to large mobs. guess what? large mobs stopped mattering once they made methods to kill them easy

>> No.12379147

Stop trying to elevate Nietzsche to a global solution. Be the best you that you can be, find happiness in your newfound better self. Enjoy dancing and song.

Nietzsche is the original, "do your best at least you tried" author. He despises those who do right just because you feel you're supposed to.

Life is about striving for more. Exert your own power. Even if it's your power over your own self

>> No.12379166

>he got mad that I know the Pareto principle is bs so he backtracked
Lmao bro, no ones trying to disprove evolution. We’re arguing ethics, and evolution is one of the worst things you could use for a moral plan. Evolution isn’t moral. Evolution doesn’t care about what is good or evil. Frankly, I don’t believe good and evil exist as fixed things in the noumena, however that doesn’t mean we can simply overlook them. Stop trying to appeal to unfeeling science for moral answers, you won’t find them there. Nietzsche is correct in saying that man must be overcome, but nowhere does he say it’s okay to treat people like shit becuase they have bad genetics. This is becuase he knows that to try and argue that self overcoming is moral by any means is stupid. How is enslaving millions of Latin Americans and Chinese for the sake of profit moral? Also, most millionaires don’t practice Nietzsche’s path to the overman, they just acquire wealth and die. The path to overman requires yourself to be creative and to strive for something beyond yourself. If anything, acquiring wealth for the purpose of encouraging base habits and indulging in the material is all-to-human and should be repulsive to you.

>> No.12379189


extremely yikes

>taking theological debate to political one

I know anon has never experienced love, fraternity love or family love, but once you realize any kind of love is greater than any other kind of experience you will quickly realize why nietzsche is poison to the soul

>> No.12379202

bud, you're a retard. i grabbed 80/20 because 51/49 doesn't work in terms of genocide. 99/1 is muh 1% shit. i could've just said 90/10 or 70/30. you trying to make 80/20 into pareto principle is just a strawman cause you're a fucking retard.

all you do is talk about mob rule and how it's ethical for 2 people to kill 1. okay whatever. if you've got the ability then make it happen, clown. i'm not dying just cause two pieces of trash think mob rule "ethics" says they get to survive instead of me.

no matter how many appeals to the majority you make you're still just a clown jumping around. the muh 1% can make any appeals you do but subvert them or just lie like they do now doing the opposite. you never proved anything ethical or ethics you just made appeals to emotion.

do 2 people deserve to live more than 1 person? NO. whoever lives deserves to live. your slave morality will never beat this because it's reality itself.

>> No.12379210


>that guy that hasn't even gone through existentialism

>> No.12379215

What is wrong with doing this when Nietzsche's arguments are realistically applied to the political sphere better than they ever could be to Christianity.
>love is greater than any other kind of experience
This is cringe. You're a brainlet anti-intellectual if you're unironically arguing to abandon philosophy in favour of 'love'.
Kek imagine where we would be if this was the mindset of all the great men throughout history.

>> No.12379220

>strawman make my ethics real
only in the sense that whatever people with 80 iq think is "real" to them so it's real when you play with semantics.

go and change the world now please

>> No.12379230


>he thinks love means disney love

anyway science is a big show of love because it's completely selfless, but unstoppable manufacturing is the biggest example of selfish power, see which one has fucked up the most in modernity

>> No.12379243

What the fuck does this post even mean? When did I ever talk about killing people? And why are you trying to ignore the fact that I’m right that ethics is a human thing which needs to be discussed and contemplated, rather than a scientific thing like evolution? This is a non-post, you’ve said nothing constructive or even logical. You are in hysterics

>> No.12379258

>i'm not killing you i'm just taking everything you own and will kill you if you don't give it to me. also, you need to die anyway cause you're the target of aggression and evil to the mob behind me and mob rule = right
yeah, this is the intellectual power of somebody who hates nietzsche

>> No.12379265

Is anything with the numbers 20 and 80 invoking percents labeled the Pareto Principle or something?

Hold on, I’m going to pour out 20 percent of my milk into this cream that is composed of 80 percent milk.


>> No.12379268

Jesus. Calm down man. No one said anything about that, you can’t just make shit up and try to claim I support it. I never said I wanted to kill anyone, never said I wanted to overthrow the government either. Please argue against something I actually said. You are in hysterics

>> No.12379272

That’s how most conservatives see it. They think you can apply it to anything.

>> No.12379280

>we need to destroy the current system of the world and make it so people don't own things
>people are going to willing go along with this and nobody fights back
hmm...... keep me posted, bud.

>> No.12379283


>> No.12379303

>putting words in my mouth again
Okay. I see you aren’t going to argue against my post here >>12379166. I’ll be going then. Tell me how good capitalism’s going for you when oxygen is rapidly decreasing in the atmosphere due toe waste being dumped in oceans, and most of the population is retarded from microplastics

>> No.12379320

i'm talking about why nietzsche completely demolishes everything false you pretend to stand for and you keep trying to talk about your cucked out capitalism/communism dichotomy where people struggle for power and pretend their system is more efficient.

i'm not arguing about politics you retard i'm talking about the further back ideas behind how everything you stand for is slave morality and appeals to the mob rule which is just more slave morality. this is a nietzsche thread not some shitty /pol/ thread where retards argue about capitalism or some shit otherwise i wouldn't have replied.

>> No.12379367


Chill bro, whatever, god bless and grace upon you

>> No.12379374
File: 9 KB, 134x178, 91E1DC78-1A74-4369-9077-A5D9E33E389B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
Yikes, neither the people arguing FOR Nietzsche nor AGAINST Nietzsche in this thread understand Nietzsche.

>> No.12379391

This poster12379147
comes close but it's too simplistic

>> No.12379394


>understanding nietzsche

hahaha nice spook, do you even leap of faith into pseudo-knowledge?

>> No.12379396

>"One must be skilled in living on mountains—seeing the wretched ephemeral babble of politics and national self-seeking beneath oneself."

>> No.12379399
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Read kropotkin you fucking coward

>> No.12379427
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Imagine being the type of person walking around with this in their brain

>> No.12379448

Ah, so this is the power of western education

>> No.12379456

Well, I love him.

>> No.12379470

>capitalism progresses into its later stages.

>> No.12379487

Why would the insect care about your insults that are not based in reality? If anything the insect would believe it's 'shape'(that also doesn't exist outside of mental constructs) would help it survive against other predatory insects and animals. This is all assuming the insect is even cognizant, due to the problem of other minds.

You can't beat nominalism by assigning values to the logic behind said nominalism. As these universals you construct can easily be contradicted.

>> No.12379510

>become a communist like me
haha. none of you retards understand nietzsche at all. will to power was his ultimate crown achievement and the gem in it all. how could an overman care about communism vs capitalism? all the other stuff destroying you retards is just the basic framework to deny your false values before he exposes will to power to being what's real and behind it all

an insect would care if its camouflage is exposed because that's a direct threat to its survival. insult is just what you decided it is and don't matter but exposing its strategy to gain power and flourish is a threat to its life.

>> No.12379522

gg no re

>> No.12380139
File: 473 KB, 601x595, im sorry but what you have just said is so colossally retarded i need to take a lie down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
