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File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-if-they-can-get-you-asking-the-wrong-questions-they-don-t-have-to-worry-about-answers-thomas-pynchon-55-16-78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12370754 No.12370754 [Reply] [Original]

Was he redpilled? One of the few things we know about him is that he goes to mass diligently and values tradition and family along with being reclusive.

>> No.12370788

Really? I thought he was a hedonistic hippie based on my readings of V. and The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.12370802

He's very traditionalistic

>> No.12370807

Hes just your typical boomercrat

>> No.12370818

He's not a racist /pol/ack but he named an anglosaxon character in Gravitys Rainbow "Tyrone" who acts very "niggerfied" and all his larger novels seem to have an underlying theme of a system attempting to chaotically cluster all cultures and groups of people together until they lose everything they once were.

>> No.12370821

Redpilled means nothing. Being a churchgoer is certainty not redpilled by any stretch of the definition of "redpilled".

>> No.12370833

>bleeding edge includes conspiratorial Mossad agents living in NY right before 9/11


>> No.12370834

You have an extraordinarily naive understanding of postmodern authorial voices.

>> No.12370851

He values tradition though and seems to abhore progressive ideologies. Red pill might not be the right word but he's definitely a guy who values family above all

>> No.12370907

Tyrone is an Irish name by origin. Really Irish.
Imagine a gangster called Seamus.

>> No.12370924

I might since I dont consider pynchon to be "postmodern". Anyway there's also a character named Enzian (german name) of the bantu african Herero tribe "who grew up in a white occupied world" and is only familiar with german protestant culture after the genocide of his people in the previous years and is desperately seeking "texts" or remnants of memories from "his people"

>> No.12370982

From the context of the the story Tyrone is the Schwarzknabe (black child) the Germans are after. And the character is described as Anglosaxon with an colonial ancestor named William Slothrop who founded Springfield

>> No.12371022

>I dont consider pynchon to be "postmodern"


>> No.12371045
File: 40 KB, 260x320, pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What more do they want? She asks this seriously, as if there's a real conversion factor between information and lives. Well, strange to say, there is. Written down in the Manual, on file at the War Department. Don't forget the real business of the War is buying and selling. The murdering and violence are self-policing, and can be entrusted to non-professionals. The mass nature of wartime death is useful in many ways. It serves as a spectacle, as a diversion from the real movements of the War. It provides raw material to be recorded into History, so that children may be taught History as sequences of violence, battle after battle, and be more prepared for the adult world. Best of all, mass death's a stimulus to just ordinary folks, little fellows, to try 'n' grab a piece of that Pie while they're still here to gobble it up. The true war is a celebration of markets. Organic markets, carefully styled "black" by the professionals, spring up everywhere. Scrip, Sterling, Reichsmarks, continue to move, severe as classical ballet, inside their antiseptic marble chambers. But out here, down here among the people, the truer currencies come into being. So, Jews are negotiable. Every bit as negotiable as cigarettes, cunt, or Hersey bars

>> No.12371067

jesus christ

>> No.12371068

>Being a churchgoer is certainty not redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12371073

still goes to mass, are we sure?
He did at Cornell, that’s sure

>> No.12371077

In bleeding edge he has a serious disdain for postmodernism and has in the past described himself as a classicist

>> No.12371085 [DELETED] 

>he has serious disdain for a movement he is a father of
lol even if this is true imagine being a 70 year old hipster

>> No.12371106

It's not as if "postmodernism" is a very clearly defined idea, movement or epoch.

>> No.12371112

His son Jackson was enrolled at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine

>> No.12371118

He voted for Hillary. Sorry, Trump faggots.

>> No.12371121

Tyrone Powers a yank in the RAF
Tyrone Slothrop a yank in the ARF

>> No.12371123 [DELETED] 

Trying to argue that pynchon isnt a postmodernist because "dude it's not like anything even means anything"has to be a new low for this board. You people should honestly be killed.

>> No.12371128

First of all, this isn’t an argument. Second of all if you believe Pynchon’s work is “postmodern” you are operating with received ideas from ignorant people.

>> No.12371130

Ah, so he is a Landian accelerationist.

>> No.12371138

He's a proto-SJW proto-BLM degenerate decadent old money Ivy league philo-semitic anglo-zionist boomer who writes about Negroes sticking their fingers up white people's anuses, pedophilia, and authority figures eating turds, among other things. It's pretty obvious from everything he's ever written that he is anti-authoritarian, hyper-egalitarian, and has some interest in anarchism, though he ultimately doubts the efficacy of all ideologies and attempts at transcendence like socialism, leaving him, ta-da, a tacit liberal like everybody else in his caste.

Basically, for all his paranoia and insight, he's a NYT-reading Democrat-leaning creative professional with a kid in an expensive private school and an apartment on the Upper West Side. He fetishizes the 60s, pop music and science, hates the Man, and loves television and marijuana

It just goes to show that politics has virtually nothing to do with intellect or artistic skill. If a genius like Tom Pynchon is corruptible, everybody is. He's hardly the first smart person to get taken in by a stupid social trend, but he is one of the most disappointing because he's such a self-aware and intelligent person.

>> No.12371141 [DELETED] 

No one cares dude go write a thesis about it

>> No.12371148 [DELETED] 

I pointed this out in less detail in a thread two days ago and everyone lost their minds lol

>> No.12371150

Of course you don’t care, you don’t want to confront how weak minded you are.

>> No.12371159

He doesnt seem too fond of democracy to vote honestly also i've attempted to find his voter registration in NY which appears to be nonexistant

>> No.12371164

Because 90 percent of the people who are going to participate in a Pynchon thread here are 105 iq ideologically poisoned white-knight college weaklings.

>> No.12371172 [DELETED] 

It's your own problem if you feel like a contrarian faggot. If you want to upend the agreed upon timeline and periods of literature and their contributors, again, write a thesis about it. I don't owe you anything, and you are a faggot.

>> No.12371203

I find this claim doubtful

>> No.12371210 [DELETED] 

You're right he probably voted for jill stein or trump. I can't see it any other way.

>> No.12371239

>105 iq
That's not a bad IQ dude

>> No.12371254

It’s mediocre which is the point of the person I’m describing. Certainly not the iq of someone who can afford to pass careless judgement on someone else’s analysis. But you would have caught my drift if you weren’t one of said 105 iq posters.

>> No.12371255

He may have been for democracy and "voting" in his youth but by Against the day he has one of the most anti democracy, anti enlightenment voices in modern literature

>> No.12371264 [DELETED] 

Name thirteen examples

>> No.12371265
File: 112 KB, 988x1534, 1428364220333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a staunch leftist

>> No.12371267

It’s only contrarian on 4chan where people get their banal opinions from washed up professors and other posters. There are plenty of people who realize Pynchon is more akin to modernism, but really something of his own, weak-minded faggot.

>> No.12371279

I Control'd F on the Postmodern literature wikipedia page and got 8 results for Pynchon

>> No.12371281

>he hasn't read Bleeding Edge

>> No.12371285 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 458x458, 274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12371298
File: 34 KB, 174x121, Screenshot_2019-01-08 Stop Hibari-kun 22 - Read Stop Hibari-kun Chapter 22 Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go around calling people leftists!
Also I have read pynchon, I've never found any of his books available in english around here.

>> No.12371308

>anti enlightenment
He's one of the most pro-Enlightenment voices in the history of literature. Mason & Dixon is his personal love letter to the Enlightenment. He's "anti-technology" in the sense that he recognizes the dangers baked into the systems of modernism and technological advancement, but he's not anti-Enlightenment, nor is he necessarily opposed to technological advancement and its research

"Anti-entropy" might be a better way to describe his views, but being anti-entropy is like being anti-sunlight or anti-rectilinear motion. It's just a significant fact particular to the ways in which matter and human life are organized.

>> No.12371313
File: 133 KB, 728x1066, 34534533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do now

>> No.12371340 [DELETED] 

Women cannot be Marxists at their core because they are always one Chad away from abandoning everything they gave a shit about. Trannies are not people and will be killed en masse soon.

>> No.12371341

I am not trying to argue what you seem to think that I am trying to argue. You have poor reading comprehension, you are not an intelligent person.

>> No.12371363 [DELETED] 

>boo hoo listen to me :(
Cry about is loser

>> No.12371371

wow very cool

>> No.12371378

Does He still Catholic?

>> No.12371384 [DELETED] 

>plenty of examples
>hasn't posted one
Let's see three (3) examples bitch boy.

>> No.12371397

Yeah he's still catholic albeit most likely for cultural reasons. Pynchon is a traditionalist and anti-progressive

>> No.12371409

>he's self-aware and intelligent
>doesn't subscribe to retarded conspiracy theories about "white purity"
no shit

>> No.12371410

really makes you think

>> No.12371419

>Trannies are not people and will be killed en masse soon.
And if they aren't killed, is your political system wrong? Or are you just implementing it in a retarded way?

>> No.12371433

of what?

>> No.12371439 [DELETED] 

Let's see where "nomap" leads shall we? What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.12371448

>changing the subject

>> No.12371470 [DELETED] 

>implying we dont both know how this works
You're anonymous just admit it you pathetic deranged piece of shit. I'm not going to go and find a picture of Desmond but we both know the day of societies judgement one way or the other is drawing near. We shall see pal.

>> No.12371477

He's not racist or any of that stupid shit but he's definitely against all the world races combining and even has a scene in Mason & Dixon where a slave begs Mason to impregnate her with a lightskinned child that disgusts him and he starts seeing the new world as a hellhole

>> No.12371530

Any evidence for him still being Catholic?

>> No.12371555

And dfw literally wrote portions of his book in niggerfied ebonics and it physically hurt. I think they were just trying to be cool

>> No.12371566

There's evidence of him attending mass at a cathedral in 1999 with his family. He was old and most likely still goes, its one of his main defining characteristics

>> No.12371571

>just trying to be cool
DFW was def "being cool". Pynchon is almost an impossibility since he's actually a deep and careful thinker

>> No.12371628

I’ve seen some sexy arguments that call Pynchon more modernist/closer to late modernism than postmodern, it’s not the most outrageous belief.

>It's pretty obvious from everything he's ever written that he is anti-authoritarian, hyper-egalitarian, and has some interest in anarchism, though he ultimately doubts the efficacy of all ideologies and attempts at transcendence like socialism, leaving him, ta-da, a tacit liberal like everybody else in his caste.
>He fetishizes the 60s, pop music and science, hates the Man, and loves television and marijuana
What a corny reading of Pynchon. You seem to be trying too hard to fit him into some stereotypical idea you have of what a hippie is. You know he makes more-or-less clear references to the theory Jews did 9/11 in Bleeding Edge?

>> No.12371707 [DELETED] 

Shockingly wrong on both replies
>t. antizog hippie

>> No.12372009

Have none of you retards read Vineland?

>> No.12372021

Actually no. What's it about?

>> No.12372275

Why's he a recluse?

>> No.12372301


>> No.12372307

Pynchon is the literal definition of post modern

>> No.12372315

>it’s the pomo is just a form of modernism meme again
god why cant all modernists just get over the fact that their field is oversaturated and dead

>> No.12372320

ah, yes, fourth-wall breaking tomes about rocket-honing penises, the height of modernism

>> No.12372334

>writes about how life in a late capitalist society is a Maxwell’s demon of meaninglessness, confusion, and dissatisfaction
yeah, okay, sure, bud, and Joyce was pro-Catholic.

>> No.12372335

>It's not "Why did Woo-jin imprison me?"
>It's "Why did he let me go?"

>> No.12372341

Jesus christ this thread is full of lies.
Pynchon is not a traditionalist you fuckheads, and when he appears to be, it is in jest or pity

>> No.12372346

all these posters are certified retarded.

>> No.12372348

the absolute fucking state of neo-/lit/

>> No.12372376

>Wow pynchon went to church one time and he has pathetic black characters in his book, he must be red-pilled.
PLEASE kill yourself

>> No.12372377

He's literally a boomer hippy. A website (since taken offline as far as I can tell) used to collect all of the miscellaneous Pynchonalia they could find, including letters, which often included a garden variety Santa Cruz "peace, man!" outlook. I guess since the population of this board got replaced Pynchon threads will now be filled with pasta like >>12371138
It's not an incorrect pasta, but we shouldn't let it get in the way of our discussion.

>> No.12372388

on top of that, going to church should never at all be a marker of being redpilled.
It's the opposite.

>> No.12372399

If you were smart enough to actually read the books you run your mouth about, you would know that the origins of Tyrone's name and its racial connotations are extensively discussed very early in the book

>> No.12372417

and going to catholic mass hardly makes you a real christian (thank god)

>> No.12372425

Read his intro to Slow Learner, dumbass

>> No.12372435

I'll sum it up for you: Pynchon is deeply liberal but is also intelligent enough to incorporate the facts that you might consider "redpill" into his beliefs.

>> No.12372449

Imagine being such a fucking braindead reader that you literally think arguing over an authors power level is a worthwhile endeavor

fuck it i'm killing myself this was the end
lit is dead long live lit

>> No.12372460

I have retard. If you think he disavowed CL49 because of the central message you’re either a reddittier newfag or you’re braindead when it comes to critical reading or both

>> No.12372464

Tyrone is an Irish place name, not a given name. No Irish person has ever named a child Tyrone, that'd be like an English person naming their daughter Berkshire.

>> No.12372465

stop projecting, this isnt a real position

>> No.12372484

It is.
Mostly it stems from a certain sort of blissful ignorance, but again, most people don't realize how "privileged" Pynchon is.
He can afford to know certain things and skew/see the best in them. It's part of why he is admired as an artist (though this also upsets some).

>> No.12372487

Americans name their children Dakota and Texas

>> No.12372494 [DELETED] 

>and Texas
Dumbass. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a pretty common name tho in trailer parks.

>> No.12372497

American's don't count.

>> No.12372555

Maybe not in America where half of the class are ghetto kids who got in because of affirmative action.

>> No.12372577

What's your opinion on his political position and boomer liberal isnt gonna cut it cause pynchon has actually admitted to being a proto-fascist in his youth then got into hippiedom then hated hippies

>> No.12372581

This. Pynchon is too smart for that. He's a committed progressive leftist, of the real kind, not the liberal one.

>> No.12372592 [DELETED] 

>proto-fascist in his youth then got into hippiedom then hated hippies
This is the same trajectory as me so he must he an white nationalist now

>> No.12372622

Pynchon by all means appears to be a man who abhors too much change despite its inevitability

>> No.12372630

>white nationalist now
Fuck no he's not

>> No.12372631

Doubt it. Pynchon is simply too smart not to be a progressive of some sort.

>> No.12372674

Except joyce was pro Catholic

>> No.12372697

This is defbait.

>> No.12372702

The most honest answer I've read in this thread. I think he is more of a left libertarian ala stirner if you're to take anything about the elect in GR

>> No.12372708 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares that you're a left libertarian ala stirner anon. Grow up.

>> No.12372720

>Stirner is a leftist

>> No.12372728

>T.Seething atheist

>> No.12372736

>too smart not to be a progressive
You're projecting. Progressives are not even remotely considered smart outside of modern ivy league academia

>> No.12372740

Not that guy, but there are a lot of different sorts of progressives, definitely more so than conservatives.

>> No.12372744

Remember the part of GR where Roger Mexico is worried Jessica is gonna leave him? It's a big expansion in that plus some hatred of Richard Nixon, the war on drugs, eccentric northern Californians and LA tv freaks. Nobody could read it and come away thinking that Pynch is a modernist or traditionalist.

>> No.12372745

unfortunately, it's not.
I think this guy's posts triggered most of the replies here.

>> No.12372753

All progressives are rooted in the ideal of "progess" for the supposed "betterment" which is completely antithetical to the majority of his philosophy

>> No.12372759
File: 2.81 MB, 250x224, 1527255830797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, are you mad that I didn't specify about Oberst Enzian's determination or Slothrop's inability to observe himself? He missed the flight out at Peenemunde which he could of taken if he stopped caring about what other people were trying to do to him.

>> No.12372761

Not necessarily, the implication in Gravity's rainbow is that our progressive destruction creates life, or a cycle.

>> No.12372765

Progress is fine, he just doesn't like it that progress is at large instigated by interests that aren't in it for the public (read: military industrial complex, industry, media)

>> No.12372782

samefag hard mode

>> No.12372794

No, because he is quoting me and i have never read stirner, nor do i strictly consider myself a libertarian.

>> No.12372838

Progress will inevitably globalize the world into a service industry. I highly doubt thats what Pynchon wants

>> No.12372845

that seems like an opinion to me.

>> No.12372860

This entire thread is about opinions. Theres very little evidence to suggest that Pynchon is a progressive Catholic

>> No.12372864

I agree.

>> No.12372867 [DELETED] 


But we now live, we are told, in the Computer Age. What is the outlook for Luddite sensibility? Will mainframes attract the same hostile attention as knitting frames once did? I really doubt it. Writers of all descriptions are stampeding to buy word processors. Machines have already become so user-friendly that even the most unreconstructed of Luddites can be charmed into laying down the old sledgehammer and stroking a few keys instead. Beyond this seems to be a growing consensus that knowledge really is power, that there is a pretty straightforward conversion between money and information, and that somehow, if the logistics can be worked out, miracles may yet be possible. If this is so, Luddites may at last have come to stand on common ground with their Snovian adversaries, the cheerful army of technocrats who were supposed to have the ''future in their bones.'' It may be only a new form of the perennial Luddite ambivalence about machines, or it may be that the deepest Luddite hope of miracle has now come to reside in the computer's ability to get the right data to those whom the data will do the most good. With the proper deployment of budget and computer time, we will cure cancer, save ourselves from nuclear extinction, grow food for everybody, detoxify the results of industrial greed gone berserk - realize all the wistful pipe dreams of our days.

>> No.12372871 [DELETED] 

THE word ''Luddite'' continues to be applied with contempt to anyone with doubts about technology, especially the nuclear kind. Luddites today are no longer faced with human factory owners and vulnerable machines. As well-known President and unintentional Luddite D. D. Eisenhower prophesied when he left office, there is now a permanent power establishment of admirals, generals and corporate CEO's, up against whom us average poor bastards are completely outclassed, although Ike didn't put it quite that way. We are all supposed to keep tranquil and allow it to go on, even though, because of the data revolution, it becomes every day less possible to fool any of the people any of the time. If our world survives, the next great challenge to watch out for will come - you heard it here first - when the curves of research and development in artificial intelligence, molecular biology and robotics all converge. Oboy. It will be amazing and unpredictable, and even the biggest of brass, let us devoutly hope, are going to be caught flat-footed. It is certainly something for all good Luddites to look forward to if, God willing, we should live so long. Meantime, as Americans, we can take comfort, however minimal and cold, from Lord Byron's mischievously improvised song, in which he, like other observers of the time, saw clear identification between the first Luddites and our own revolutionary origins. It begins:

As the Liberty lads o'er the sea
Bought their freedom, and cheaply, with blood,
So we, boys, we
Will die fighting, or live free,
And down with all kings but King Ludd!

>> No.12372890

The greatest writers are all extremely religious conservatives (Pychon, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Denis Johnson). That's not a coincidence. Prose is meaningless without a deep connection to the divine and spiggot to tap into that well

>> No.12372897 [DELETED] 

Socrates was right when he BTFO Io

>> No.12372902

this does about sum it up.
He is a progressive traditionalist.
Pynchon was not a conservative christian you desperately grasping retard

>> No.12372910


>> No.12372920 [DELETED] 

Start with the greeks

>> No.12372932

>progressive traditionalist.
That is an oxymoron dude and I went thru a faze of anarchocommunism and am still adamant its a possible ideology

>> No.12372942

That's the point blockhead

>> No.12372955

I'll elaborate, he talks about being progressively regressive, but in a good way.

>> No.12372964 [DELETED] 

>faze of anarchocommunism and am still adamant its a possible ideology
I helped proved this wrong on rizon by taking over #/leftypol/ with three times the original members forcing them to institute OP hierarchy and bans.

>> No.12372978

His picture was taken when he voted in the 2016 election

>> No.12373006


>> No.12373037

By the nature of how IQ is set up, 100 is always the halfway point, so 105 is above average no matter where you live.

>> No.12373049

I mean, he disavows his teenage homophobia in that intro so there's that.

>> No.12373053

Does that mean the majority of africans are well below average?

>> No.12373061

technically 85-115 is the first SD but of course there is a significant difference between 85 and 115. 105 is nothing remarkable at all and hardly even "bright" you will probably survive college but its likely you will drop out or get poor grades without immense amounts of effort.
Why yes indeed it does anon! Quite right.

>> No.12373074


>> No.12373084

My point is that 105 isn't really even an insult. Weak shit. Surprised you're still in this shit thread.

>> No.12373089

How are we certain that the test takers in other nations took it seriously? The majority of middle eastern countries were just estimates and the tests done in like Egypt were a much smaller sample than others and the age range was 12-15. How do you know that Africans simply were like fuck this test im just here for free cookies and what not.

>> No.12373100

I have an IQ of 140 and I don't understand what the fuck you guys are talking about.

>> No.12373101 [DELETED] 

Why go through all of this effort every day of your life anon? Everyone knows its a charade, they just don't want to be judged by other white people for being crass or whatever. Black lives still don't matter, even to themselves.

>> No.12373305

it's almost as if political beliefs can be more complex than just an increasingly complicated series of labels

>> No.12373319

Dude stop eugenics grooming this kid.

>> No.12373348

Its understandable that they're complex by Pynchon being a traditionalist sympathizer is something most people outright ignore especially certain portions of academia who thinks he's a hippie leftist when he's blatantly stated he had protofascist beliefs in his youth in slow learner.

>> No.12373369

Yeah, although he clearly has some sympathies for revolutionaries, given how much time he dedicates to Latino activists talking about what an "anarchist miracle" is in TCoL49

>> No.12373376

of course he had protofascist beliefs as a youth, he was basically swooped up by the military at 16.

>> No.12373505

Why is it so important to cuckservatives that authors """""agree""""" with them? This thread is a bunch of faggots trying to convince themselves that someone believes something they don't.

>> No.12373517

Pynchons writing is very political yet ambiguous and his worldview is pretty important to analyze his perspective desu

>> No.12373530

Gee I wonder where the guy whose most famous work heavily criticizes the military-industrial-complex falls on the American political spectrum.

>> No.12373541

>criticizes the military-industrial-complex
Thats either gonna be paleo-conservatism, the unambombers ideology or alt-right

>> No.12373549

are you listing Ted K’s “ideology” or are you calling him a paleocon? Also, leftists, anarchists and lolberts all decry the mil-industrial complex. Pynchon is very obviously a social liberal and left economic thinker. The cult of heroism and celebrations of authority are notably absent from his works. This is like when /pol/ tried to cast they live, 1984, brave new world, and animal farm as alt-right

>> No.12373555

because Lynn and others actually controlled for frivolous and deceitful test takers and have discussed this in their books and studies, if you’d actually read any of the intelligence literature you’d know that already. There’s no reason at all as to why they would sit there fore 30-45 minutes after being given extremely small sums of money and to fake the test when they were allowed to leave at any time. The idea that this explains every single nation with a low iq but has nothing to do with the high performance of other nations is kind of pathetic and the fact that most appeals of this kind rely on really manipulative emotional tactics and this kind of juvenile logic says everything about the opposition.

>> No.12373576
File: 473 KB, 730x410, 1546687297054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was an activist

>> No.12373577

He's none of those ideologies I listed, but its also kind not obvious that he's liberal or even a "left economic thinker" since he sympathizes with anarchists and traditionalists the most

>> No.12373596

He describes lesbianism as narcissism and all the gay characters are pederast deviants.

>> No.12373599

Yeah through scummy narrators that we are supposed to realize are wrong.

>> No.12373615

You mean what Pynchon actually thinks as a catholic navy veteran. Describing lesbianism as narcissism is the most accurate simplification ive ever read on the phenomenon and statistically speaking most gays are pedos and extreme sexual deviants. I mean they've normalized sodomy and thats not even scratching the surface of it

>> No.12373800

In bleeding edge he has a serious disdain for postmodernism
Literally how?

>> No.12373826

>he's not racist, poor, or conservative
>this is a bad thing
Go outside.

>> No.12373853

>No Irish person has ever named a child Tyrone
Why are you lying?

>> No.12374195
File: 298 KB, 1200x815, Vshowsupagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not wrong

>> No.12374214

stop posting this picture. pynchon is not in it

>> No.12374230

>guy cares about family
holy shit no way!

>> No.12374270


Neck yourself you cunts. The Pynchmeister is not part of your secret club.

>> No.12374278 [DELETED] 

>neck yourself you cunts
Australians are so fucking dumb

>> No.12374279

try Buddhism

>> No.12374280


So you fell for literally all the utterly retarded ideologies ? Fucking 80 IQ subhuman

>> No.12374285
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>> No.12374312 [DELETED] 

>t. metropolitan grug-tier aussie with no qualities of their own

>> No.12374363 [DELETED] 

How clueless do you have to be to ineffectually bitch about "racism" with phrases like "80iq subhuman" lmao? I would

>> No.12374369

How clueless do you have to be to ineffectually bitch about "racism" with phrases like "80iq subhuman" lmao? It's so dumb I would assume its /pol/ false flagging but unfortunately your sort really is this nonsensically brainwashed.

>> No.12374395

Can't this be solved by simply finding out which German philosopher influences him the most?

>> No.12374572

This is basically admitting alot of things about Pynchon character and why he's a recluse. As stated before in this thread Pynchon abhors multiculturalism and the melding of ethnic groups because he sees it as progressive destruction. Cause the more you move around the faster you'll increase the "entropy" of a system so its better to stay static and let nature takes its course

>> No.12374623
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>> No.12374627

I have a feeling its Wittgenstein and Heidegger

>> No.12374697
File: 190 KB, 2048x1370, AmericanCulturalImperialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Well now, come on. That's just not true nor fair."
>*Snickers Unintelligibly*
>"Stop that. Stop that right now!"

Count back from 1973 to where M. Mcluhan meets John M. Allegro. Where did this happen and why? Then take into account French-Canadian migration into New York state. Why did Kerouac die? What relation is [P.] to all three? What was the meeting between these groups and how did [P.] understand the implication of each of their particular past positions?

>> No.12374715

I'm not gonna go on a fact finding mission cause you speak in riddles. This is a forum, if you have something to say explain in detail

>> No.12374724

His grandfather was a third degree freemason. This is why there are so many conspiracy theories in his books. I bet he was acquainted with all the east coast skull and bones elites and he was disgusted by them. But the only way to get back at them was to write arcane fiction with many conspiracy theories which only those "in the know" would be able to distinguish truth from fact.

In Gravity's Rainbow there is a recurring theme of Skinnerian behavioral control, this must have been something the Freemasons were interested in.

>> No.12374742

You sound like a schizo

>> No.12374743
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>> No.12374748


Mostly the old romantics, Pynchon is very anti-philosophy in general. There is a recurring distrust of instrumental thinking in his work and limits and knowledge. The old romantic poets that are referenced in his books like Rilke and Dickinson are used as a way to show the limits of human power and the powers of control over life and death. Rilke's poetry is used specifically in Gravity's Rainbow to show how man triumphing over death is an illusion and that true mastery is coming to terms with it and finding that Zen like state.

>> No.12374755


>> No.12374757

did you even read that quote???
Are you LITERALLY delusional?
Do you really think thats what he's saying???

>> No.12374765


>> No.12374770
File: 82 KB, 600x927, Orality and Literacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oral vs secondary oral
What must be repeated to be kept still? Why must this be so exhausting, staying in place? Is their logic in oral cultures? Or is it only when the grain is stored we mark a common meaning? What of this secondary orality?

>> No.12374778

I hope in a cringe folder.
This guy clearly hasn't finished the book, is currently reading it, spewing out distorted images based on an incomplete understanding of how he wants to interpret it

>> No.12374802

With no hesitation, yes.

>> No.12374808

Spoiler: he's not.
He's apologizing for his youthful ignorance. Do you even know who Archie Bunker is?
He's saying he did not know the error hhis ways, the things you see as truth, he said in jest.

>> No.12374815

Can you expand on that?

>> No.12374820

He's acknowledging the problem, why it affected him, and why it's not his fault he felt the way he did at one time, ultimately stating that it is the fault of greater powers, not his or the groups he insulted.
Learn to read.

>> No.12374861

Reminder: Pynchon was swooped up by the military at 16 as a boy genius of sorts.
Of course he would have sort of proto-fascist
and extremely traditional beliefs in his youth, it would flatter his self image. This is of course before the drugs.

>> No.12374898

You are an insufferable faggot.

>> No.12374901

When there are grown Irishmen who call themselves 'The Dubliners' you know all bets are off.

>> No.12374935

What, the band? A Dubliner is what your call someone from Dublin. I really don't understand what you're trying to say here.

>> No.12374975
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>> No.12374982

Imagine being this much of a bugman

>> No.12375045

>every sentence is capped off with an exclamation mark

This is atrocious.

>> No.12375047
File: 14 KB, 256x256, Bald Norm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a joke which purposely misrepresents your claim for ironic effect so as to mean no Irish person would ever be named after an Irish place, when perhaps the most famous Irish people are known for being named after an Irish place.

>> No.12375066

Is that a Mason & Dixon reference?

>> No.12375170


>> No.12375175

His mom was described as a very devout and anti-semitic Catholic.

>> No.12375191

> Vineland is about Nixon's war on drugs

wrong president, retard...Vineland is about hippies being sell outs and the FBI treading on you

pinecone is a conservative anarchist and if you actually paid attention while reading Inherent Vice you'd see that he felt bad for Nixon

>> No.12375355
File: 385 KB, 1868x600, Screenshot_20190109-110626_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having the utter confidence to call me a retard over this
Fuckstick, instead of getting your American history from 4chan maybe you should use other sites. Here's an actual quote from someone who worked in Nixon's administration. Your reading skills are obviously not up to reading anything by Pynchon. The whole book shits on Reagan and Nixon.

>> No.12375367

>most gays are pedos
No, but most pedos are gay.

>> No.12375488

But Vineland is set in Reagan's presidency.

Inherent Vice quietly references a conspiracy theory that Nixon was forced to switch to the petrodollar and then set up with watergate.

>> No.12375527
File: 581 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190109-120055_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even read the Wikipedia blurb of a Pynchon book.

>> No.12375545


>> No.12375598

>evidence he did something once with his family twenty years ago makes a defining characteristic

>> No.12375651

also do you have a link to this? I can't find anything except that he was "raised Catholic"

>> No.12375684

I understand someone thinking that becoming an orthodox monk or otherwise completely turning your life into an act of faith could be kind of redpilled. But going to church like a pleb thinking you're somehow spiritually superior? Cringe.

>> No.12375953

The catholic church is a good community builder and reinforces good morals for the publics good

>> No.12375957

Don't they fuck kids and protect the priests that do it?

>> No.12375965


>> No.12375971

your arguement, brainlet.

>> No.12375991

That happens but its considered morally reprehensible and abhorred by the catholic community its not a defining characteristic of them. Thats like equating indians with outdoor defection and muslims with terrorism.

>> No.12376044

But why does it keep happening then? To an outsider it seems like there's something about Catholicism that makes them want to fuck kids.

>> No.12376058

>Hobby: collecting cute things
That's not a very Marxist hobby. Or is it?

>> No.12376114

It happens just as frequently in protestant churches, synagogues and various other denominations. The (((media))) however is run by groups that are very very anti-catholic and want to do everything in their power to destroy Catholicism more so than any other religion except for maybe Islam from the (((right))) wing media.

>> No.12376124

>It happens just as frequently in protestant churches,
are you just saying this or do you have a source?
And I highly doubt it, Protestant priests are (usually?) allowed to marry so they aren't as sexually frustrated.

>> No.12376167

So it's a bluepilled pleb club. Got it

>> No.12376180

Catholics and Muslims always make global headlines cause they're the two most powerful religious organizations in the world and people want them destroyed.





>> No.12376237

I assume redpilled to you means being a "unique individual"

>> No.12376264

I think some of these sources might have a conflict of interest

And the big scandal with the church is not just the abuse, but the systematic cover up.

>> No.12376298

It's not enough to be a unique individual, since everyone is. You have to recognize it and act with that in mind.

>> No.12376306

Every large organization engages in cover ups, because frankly the details will differ with every case but the media doesnt care about that and will go on an all out attack

>> No.12376383

>Every large organization engages in cover ups
That's not a very strong argument in defense of the church.
>because frankly the details will differ with every case
>but the media doesnt care about that and will go on an all out attack
so the "media" should just ignore strong evidence of decades of abuse and cover up permeating throughout a global organization that has a huge influence on millions of people because "everyone else does it"?

>> No.12376411

Fuck no, just read The Mind of Watts, you retards

>> No.12376454

We have no ones suggesting he's racist but he's definitely against a system that's going to create mono cultures and global service economies that create mass migrations that'll speed up the destruction of world cultures. Also he's not the same thinker as he was in the 60s when he was smoking weed. It appears he went from being proto-fasicst to hippie to a roger scruton style traditionalist

>> No.12376486

It means a something above common people. A redpilled person is someone looking at things from the outside like a god, instead of having an inside perspective like a sheep. Being a church goer and a "valuable" part of your little sub-urban boomer community is absolutely not redpilled.

>> No.12376520

So what being redpilled means to you ?

>> No.12376540
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>It means a something above common people
Sounds like a serious bluepill dude. Thats equivalent to the teenage angst of a low IQ "genius"

>> No.12376559

So you are saying that only an atheist can be redpilled?

>> No.12376572

He's named after Tyrone Power you retard

>> No.12376588

>literally "all the other kids are doing it" argument
Didn't your mom btfo this shit back when you were 8?

>> No.12376596

Hes clearly a leftist can you stop being mongoloids for five seconds /pol/

>> No.12376625

He's clearly a right wing anarchist with traditionalist sympathies

>> No.12376793

You realize that's essentially a left wing position right?
Realize it's definitely not conservative, then work from there.

>> No.12376837

Pynchon is not right-wing. He likely had right-wing friends, but every one of his works screams leftism if you have any idea how to read.

>> No.12376861 [DELETED] 

Its funny how when I called pynchon an anarchist a few days ago everyone had to whine and bitch because I dared say he is an inauthentic legacy money NEET but now without having to defend him from a slight birmirchment of his name we see a bunch of 20 year old ancom faggots claiming pynchon is a mirrors image of them and screaming at christcucks for doing the same thing

>> No.12376876

you were a fag then and a fag now.
We know he is a member of the american elite, but the reality of the united states is that we serve those people by default and so we should be grateful that one of them would dare to serve us

>> No.12376917

So it turns out Pynchon is an anarcho-fascist.

>> No.12376925
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>> No.12376942
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>> No.12376948
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He is the living Fordism!

>> No.12376961
File: 158 KB, 980x1390, charles-brockden-brown-1771-1810-american-novelist-wrote-wieland-1798-CWAC9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And more.

>> No.12376972


>> No.12377175

Sounds about right

>> No.12377206

>his works screams leftism
His works screams we live in a leftist hell hole

>> No.12377288

>It means a something above common people. A redpilled person is someone looking at things from the outside like a god, instead of having an inside perspective like a sheep. Being a church goer and a "valuable" part of your little sub-urban boomer community is absolutely not redpilled.
In other words /iamverysmart/.

The "redpilled" posters have about 5 or 6 concepts comprising their worldview, all rooted in conspiracy theories, severely limited life experience, and constant bitching. A very weak and adolescent philosophy devoted entirely to following each other around like an ant mill shrieking "(((CULTURAL NEOMARXISM)))" without having ever read a fucking book other than JP or actually experiencing their own culture beyond Disney movies and getting rejected by women

>> No.12377295

>right wing anarchist

>> No.12377317

That's the one.

>> No.12377544
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1516454420978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Pynchon is probably posting ITT

>> No.12377600

If he’s as left as some of us he sees the hell hole that is the modern capitalist state.

>right wing anarchism
As “right wing” as you can get in anarchism is to be a primitivist, like your boy Ted K

>> No.12377696

Hey guys, Tommy Pynchon here. You're all wrong, I'm a center-right pro-business pro-free trade pro-interventionist Republican.

>> No.12377719

Is Pynchon a meme or something? Why does everyone in this thread seem incapable of providing hard proof of where he lies in the political spectrum?

>> No.12377730

Pynchon is actually OP

>> No.12377748
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I live around where Pynchon lives and I see him at the local SSPX church most weekends for Latin Mass, so I'm pretty sure he's a trad Catholic. Why else would his signature have the little cross in it?

>> No.12377759
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I hope this is true

>> No.12377788

He's a recluse and very few things are known about him so we have to piece shit together. Most liberals want to claim him as their own cause he's very knowledgeable about a myriad of subjects when the reality of the situation doesnt favor liberals at all

>> No.12377874

jesus christ. Imagine actually believing this.
It's the opposite. Delusional right-wind retards who don't know how to read are marveled by his big words and spiritual themes and automatically assume he's their clone.

>> No.12377891

It stands for Trystero.

>> No.12377912

He’s a gnostic. Harold Bloom told me so, just like all the writers Bloom likes 8^D

>> No.12377988
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No, the opposite. I believe atheists can't be redpilled.
Mm yes how dare we assume people aren't all equal.
What the fuck are you raving on about? Back to plebbit, retard.

>> No.12378017
File: 91 KB, 822x1024, washurpenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I read your post now and I totally agree with you and I too hate those types of people. I'm not one of them though. I rarely use the word 'redpilled' unironically
Sorry about calling you a redditor earlier :^)

>> No.12378048

Pynchon is a communitarian and a member of the catholic workers movement.

>> No.12378885

You will burn in hell you disgusting protestant

>> No.12379029
File: 14 KB, 350x350, nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Nixon dropping the hammer on the dirty hippy trash

>> No.12379054

So true

>> No.12379574

delete this

>> No.12379641

Why hate on Luther?