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12376310 No.12376310 [Reply] [Original]

Not enough Saunders on this board. He is the most based living writer.

What’s your favorite Saunders? For me, it’s “Bohemians,” which can be found in his book “In Persuasion Nation.” A close second is “Lincoln in the Bardo.”

>> No.12376322

>In a lovely urban coincidence, the last two houses on our block were both occupied by widows who had lost their husbands in Eastern European pogroms. Dad called them the Bohemians. He called anyone white with an accent a Bohemian. Whenever he saw one of the Bohemians, he greeted her by mispronouncing the Czech word for “door.” Neither Bohemian was Czech, but both were polite, so when Dad said “door” to them they answered cordially, as if he weren’t perennially schlockered.

>> No.12376330

Posted this in the last Saunders thread but forgot to check back for replies.
In Lincoln in the Bardo, what was up with that scene where the angels judge souls? Why did George deny us visions of hell?

>> No.12376340

George is an optimist and a Buddhist.

>> No.12376357

George Saunders is my uncle and he is a very nice man.

>> No.12376576

NYT: the writer

>> No.12376592

>t. not only doesn’t read Saunders, but doesn’t read in general

>> No.12376604

i read tenth of december collection. crap

>> No.12376607

Where should I start with Saunders? I have to admit I learned about him from an Arctic Monkeys song.

>> No.12376614

I liked pastoralia. He reminds me of kafka in a way.

>> No.12376649

Dad’s favorite "experimental" prose fiction writer. American rubbish, for the most part.

>> No.12376682 [DELETED] 

imagine having to live your entire life as a faggy yurostarve. An entire lifetime of milquetoast xD's

>> No.12376715

>the only ones who criticize American writers are Europeans

>> No.12376732 [DELETED] 

>caring about the opinions of bitchy shitskins

>> No.12376792

>race card

Classic amerimutt

>> No.12376807

Pastoralia is probably the best intro

>> No.12376828

You’re still off. 0/2. Imagine being this mad at an anon hating on your post-Barthelme boomer fiction. Feels good not a burger.

>> No.12376843 [DELETED] 

>classic everyone on the planet except for yuroslaves
Really made me think
Australians and South Africans are Europeans and whining "WELL AKSHYUALLY" doesn't make you distinct because you are all weak smarmy faggots.

>> No.12376856
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>> No.12376857

cringe. kys

>> No.12376994

The Greeks, and then In Persuasion Nation or Pastoralia

>> No.12377009

hahahahhahahahhah amerimutt deleted his posts