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File: 179 KB, 1000x498, FAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12376749 No.12376749 [Reply] [Original]

So, have you been working on your homework assignment on reading the new addition to the alt-right trilogy /lit/?

>> No.12376918

How are the latter 2 alt right?

>> No.12376928

This guy is just trying to shill the middle book idk why
Last time he placed it between Marx and Smith iirc

>> No.12376929

free markets are technically worse than hitler

>> No.12377042
File: 234 KB, 1393x828, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right implies Capitalism, Conscious implies compassion & all that hippy shit.

Therefore, Conscious Capitalism is alt-right.

Using that same justification, The Wealth of Nations is inherently right as it is one of the foundations of capitalism. Alternative? Not really, but it is a build up & foundation to the evolution of the right.

I placed it in the middle of Marx & Smith as a joke, and also because Conscious Capitalism is essentially a compromise between the modern left & the modern right.

John Mackey has provided man with another great book of the century.

>Jpeg is an excerpt of my Intro to Business Course, page 16 or so. Notice the source.

>> No.12377090

It’s not the alt right trilogy, it’s the new /lit/ trilogy. Don’t listen to that retard. OP is a leftypol psyop designed to undermine the validity of the new trilogy.

>> No.12377128

>Not really, but it is a build up & foundation to the evolution of the right.

During the time it was written, it would be more "left" than "right". During that time capitalism promoted liberty, equality, social mobility and undermined traditional aristocracy.

>> No.12377136
File: 476 KB, 1920x873, yingyi-xsu-solarpunk-blur72px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 environmentalists form the new version of the nazi party.

>> No.12377170

Redshill me on concious capitalism

>> No.12377180

>Right implies Capitalism


>> No.12377183

>one of these is not like the others

Maybe you should actually read the books you pretend to read anonymoose

>> No.12377191

The traditional right was opposed to capitalism and democracy you fool
The modern right are classical leftists

>> No.12377229

>classical leftists
You made that term up. Liberals and leftists are two different things. A "classical liberal" is closer to an anarchocapitalist. A "classical leftist", if such a thing existed, would be like a pre-Marx anarchocommunist. That latter term isn't real.

>> No.12377235

Fuck off you little edgelord

>> No.12377252

that's not environmentalist its just futurist city planning

>> No.12377254

The alt-right dont represent any coherent ideology or economic theory
The only binding idea they have is a general desire for racial segregation
The vast majority of them are racist libertarians and anarcho capitalists, very few of them identify as fascists and the ones that do dont know what fascism is and couldn't tell you about it beyond "muh race" and "muh ww2 conspiracies"

Mein Kampf is not a capitalist work, Hitler rails against capitalism in that book. He was inspired by men like Anton Drexler and Gottfried Feder, both massive anti-capitalists.

You dont seem to know what left/right are
Look up the traditional right and left wing in France
The right was made up of monarchists, traditionalists, romanticists
The left was made up of liberal democrats and capitalists
Marxian socialism didnt exist until much later.

>> No.12377467

"Right" and "Left" dont represent any specific ideologies or theories they simply distinguish two extremes of the current political discourse
The meaning has been mutilated and everyone gets their wires crossed on these stupid political terms we've conjured up over the years but thats irrelevant
When I say classical left I mean the left in france who were opposed to supporters of the king who sat on the right
The right/left have changed multiple times throughout history and are even viewed different depending on what country you live in
Today the american concept of right/left seems to be dominant but not that long ago the "left" in europe were associated with capitalism not socialism
Its all very confusing
This is why I find it so utterly retarded when people call fascism a "far-right" ideology
Its certainly not right wing today and wouldnt have been considered right wing even back in the day when the overton window was much further right
Fascism has always existed outside those defintions since its always been a "third position"
Neither right nor left, the goal was to bridge the gap between the two and unify them under a common cause

>> No.12377482

Alt Right is a buzzword, if you're going to engage with such a nebulous group you need to at least cite actual members of it. Upvoted :^)

>> No.12377507
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And not to belabour the point but they even chose an ancient roman symbol for unity as their icon to represent this position

>> No.12377571
File: 166 KB, 1024x512, IMG_20170610_144542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. If Hitler had existed today, fags like you would just call him something like a "socialist cuck."

>> No.12377664
File: 27 KB, 500x368, spiderman consider this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually a very cogent argument for Socialism. He addressed the biggest conceptual flaws in communism (the death of innovation and the loss of the individual) while also allowing for the betterment of society in terms of scientific advancement. Does he elaborate more about his brand of Socialism in his book or is it just race-baiting memes?

>> No.12377746
File: 423 KB, 592x894, Capture+_2019-01-10-10-59-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon and i dont know where that quote is actually from
very little of mein kampf is about da joos, 40% of it is his life story, 50% is politics, and the rest is what most people think the entire book is

>> No.12377757

anything that doesn't tout the status quo is alt right, where have you been?

>> No.12377762

The national socialsts created the first animal welfare laws, so that makes sense.

>> No.12377773


>> No.12377785

Alt-right essentially means far right and racist (sadly because it's a catchy term)
So the hippy aspect would invalidate it as alt-right. If alt-right meant what it intuitively sounded like then maybe, but it doesn't.

Lol at that pic btw. That doesn't seem at all relevant to anything and, if anything, seems off the mark. There's a reason why people with business degrees are destined for middle managment at shitty companies (MBA's destined for middle management at better to great companies)

>> No.12377811

alt-right is anything that challenges the status quo.

That's why antifa is not considered alt-right.

>> No.12377828

Here's a great video (long but very detailed) that breaks down the entire pre-war economy of Nazi Germany and shows what Hitler actually implemented.
Its largely unbiased despite the guy who made the vid being a Fascist. Mainly drawing from one book called "The Wages of Destruction" which is a very long and boring book so having it in video form is nice.

>> No.12377829

Ok I'm glad you can just say that, but in reality that isn't the case.

If you want to 'take back' the term or something I'm all for it, but that isn't what it means today

>> No.12377841

Every person who identifies as "alt-right" that I've come across is part of the status quo, they just dont like niggers

>> No.12377860

Then why are the yellow vests called alt right?

>> No.12377872

>very unbiased video about nazis
>made by a single author
>openly pro nazi
>from a single book
>that you really shouldn't read

>> No.12377876

who does that? Macron is a right wing president, he should go great with adjective-right

>> No.12377889

>unbiased opinions cannot exist
Probably right, but it still defeats your point.

>> No.12377893
File: 516 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they are

>> No.12377894

John Mackey is unironically the reason I got started on the path to the alt-right. Let’s put American companies first and let global artificially forced economics die .

>> No.12377898

You can read the book but its over a thousand pages of numbers and dates
The book is highly critical and unbiased and the guy who made the video is largely unbiased
Lmao dont watch it then idc

>> No.12377902

This is correct. If you think “status-quo” means people with money and not people with cultural hegemony you’re sadly mistaken.

>> No.12377916

Though there are significant overlaps.

>> No.12377921

>im a normie boomer conservative
Woah such radical views!

>> No.12377926

Oh, you know. The usual.


>> No.12377969

>over a thousand
Ok i may have exaggerated, the actual contents of the book are only about 800
Still, thats a fuckin phonebook
I own the thing and I cant get through it even though i'm interested in such things

>> No.12377982

Frankly it doesn't matter if the "nazis" made a system of free energy and free food for everyone on the planet, it would be automatically discarded as evil because they're evil and your evil for even mentioning them without saying how evil they are, because they're just that evil. evil evil evil and they killed 15,000 jews per day according to the latest research.

So we better hope that history isn't just a narrative written by the victors of wars and that the whole "they're absolute evil" isn't a smokescreen or we'll all let the world fall apart because we didn't want to look like the baddies for even a moment.

>> No.12378018
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Unless you plan to become an entrepreneur ;)
What about subsidies for environmentally friendly business practices?

>> No.12378029

Well the point of this video >>12377828 isnt to highlight just the good points but also a lot of the negatives
Hitler solved a lot of problems but also created a lot of new ones
Mainly it just shows that Nazi Germany wasnt an oppressive dystopian shithole like Hollywood pretends it was and that it actually liberated many people and got them economically and socially mobile
But its not some propaganda piece painting the Reich as the pinnacle of economic theory
Personally I like Italy's economic theory better

>> No.12378038

>Mainly it just shows that Nazi Germany wasnt an oppressive dystopian shithole like Hollywood pretends it was
Yeah that's just as bad as saying the holocaust wasn't real. Every single aspect of it has to be pure evil or people might adopt some functional part of it and ruin the scam the world is caught in.

>> No.12378083

Lol oh yah I forgot only radical politics are valid. Yes the voice of reason can only come from a man with a transplanted vagina fully equipped with rainbow cunt hair and a speech impediment.

>> No.12378090

Conservatives have conserved nothing
You're bigger cowards than the leftists

>> No.12378093

depends on who else is in the room. if there's also a transplanted vagina'd rainbow haired midget quadruplegic then zhe'd be the voice of reason.

Isn't marxism fun? Only the most oppressed have the most power.

>> No.12378095

Nationalism is neither normal nor conservative

>> No.12378114

Pick one
Its like calling yourself a socialist feudalist

>> No.12378126
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, Fatherofaltright2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys don't forget.

All heil based John Mackey for giving birth to the neo-alt-right and for selling us a Conscious American Dream worth believing in.


>> No.12378136

what is this restricted features shit? How is this video any more disturbing than that compilation of Chinese industrial accidents?

>> No.12378148
File: 37 KB, 480x480, 1530049487417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american consumerist dream that was invented by hollywood and psychoanalysts on payroll
>using the German "Heil" as a non-German

>> No.12378156

anything nazi related gets put in restricted mode even marching songs and music

>> No.12378158

Nice to see the hill you’ve all picked to die on. We knew it was only a matter of time.

>> No.12378165

to the alt-right, the status quo is anything that challenges them

>> No.12378170

I'm a fascist mate

>> No.12378182

>How is this video any more disturbing than that compilation of Chinese industrial accidents?
because it says that there's a strong chance that the modern foundation of what we consider good and evil is completely backwards.

Shit, would there be a more effective way to destroy an idea you didn't like?

>> No.12378188

John Mackey Is unironically the bridge that will connect primitivist and environmentally minded liberals with anti-authoritarian rightists opposing the corporate hegemony of globalist thought police.

Based Mackey is Based.

>> No.12378190

Now prove it's incorrect.

>> No.12378195
File: 5 KB, 203x249, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good idea?
Good idea.

>> No.12378197

Then stop acting like a contrarian cuck and open yourself up to new avenues of traditionalist thought and help us defeat the party of davos. Blacks for example are conservatives in waiting, just show them how the shitlibs took all their daddies away.

>> No.12378221

>Blacks for example are conservatives in waiting, just show them how the shitlibs took all their daddies away.
Sure. What medical advances will we use to fix their low iq?

>> No.12378230

That doesnt matter when your sons and daughters are getting indoctrinated into Marxism at school. Get over yourself to use them as the pawns they are, the liberals certainly know how to do this. Or you can just let the world and the big picture go to shit you fucking faggot.

>> No.12378258

They only work as pawns for the liberals because the liberals promise the unlimited gibs and cargo of marxism. We can't do that. National Socialism requires hard work.

>> No.12378276
File: 24 KB, 300x300, Homme_de_vitruve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stars begin to align when we collectively harmonize w/ nature.

>> No.12378286

>Destroy an idea by making everyone think that the idea and its adherents are pure evil.

Is there any fiction with this premise?

>> No.12378321


>> No.12378348
File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-capitalism-and-bolshevism-are-the-two-sides-of-the-same-international-jewish-coin-adolf-hitler-113-84-74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12378400
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>> No.12378434

I think this idea may have fallen prey to itself.

>> No.12378449

Fascinating. And they said ideas couldn't be destroyed.

>> No.12378459

What ideology let's me NEET the hardest?

>> No.12378465

marxism, briefly.

>> No.12378542

This but unironically

>> No.12378832

an cap

>> No.12378839

Nationalism and capitalism aren't mutually exclusive at all.

>> No.12378856

Nationalism & Capitalism was the dominant ideology in the 80's before the American's became obese, addicted to pharma, and lost their ability to critically think. (9/11)

I believe during the Obama era & the last recession is when things started to get a little more holistic. I.e. Buffet & Gates donating copious money and also the rise of the health food industry leading to hipsterdom.

>> No.12378888

Nationalism isnt "no immigration" like Trumptards think
Nationalism is inherently socialistic
You cant support free trade or a free market of you call yourself a nationalist
Capitalism is inherently international and the free market is inherently predatory
There are no ethics to the free market, thus it would not be allowed in a nationalist country

>> No.12378910
File: 181 KB, 960x540, Solarpunk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nationalism is inherently socialistic
>You cant support free trade or a free market of you call yourself a nationalist

Why does it feel like the entire world has been flipped upside down?
>Fox News
>The figurehead of Capitalism
>The figurehead of American Capitalism
I'm confused.

Can someone please explain to me the difference between left and right, please.

>> No.12378914
File: 113 KB, 1000x563, Solarpunk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The figurehead of American Capitalism
The figurehead of American Nationalism.


>> No.12378941

Furthermore the concept of "freedom" that liberal individualist countries like the USA tout would be eradicated
Nationalism is about collective identity and goals, uplifting your brothers and sisters, the national economy working for the people as opposed to the people slaving away for the economy

Fox News arent nationalist lmfao
They're a bunch of republican neo-con shills putting up a front to keep the Amerifat drones watching TV instead of questioning why their "nationalist" "anti-interventionist" president is sticking his orange dick into foreign affairs

>> No.12378955

He's talking about Tucker Carlson. The rest of the network is shit.


>> No.12378956

Nationalism doesn't mean isolationist. A state can be nationalist and imperialist - in fact the two are probably mutually inclusive.

Anyway as far as immigration, I'm personally for very limited immigration for as long as their is a significant poor population. Every job a foreigner takes is a job an American doesn't get. In this light I view H1B visas as particularly draconian to the American people; H1B's both hide and perpetuate the problem of Americans not being able to fill American jobs.

I take this view because I'm a ~~~nationalist.

>identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

That's a pretty general description. Don't conflate your views for nationalism as a whole.

>> No.12378957

"Daddy I think 4chan is turning me into a Nazi"

>> No.12378970
File: 1.37 MB, 1062x915, 1546529318851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word "nazi" was invented by germany's enemies. It is the equivalent to Jap or Gook.

>> No.12378975
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>> No.12378981

Actually Goebbels wrote a book called the Nazi-Sozi and frequently referred to the National Socialist party as "Nazi"

>> No.12378986
File: 337 KB, 1300x1026, Solarpunk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google translate said something along the lines of "Seize the day" + "Its happening."

Marciam is not recognized by google translate.

>> No.12378988

That's the title of the book, but the word nazi was not used in it. Maybe you have a (((translation)))?

>> No.12378993

Its from the fascist national anthem
"Come on, comrades in strong ranks, Let's march toward the future."

>> No.12378994

Sozi is a derogatory term for Social Democrats, so it makes sense to include it with nazi.

>> No.12378997
File: 2 KB, 650x390, https___upload.wikimedia.org_wikipedia_en_thumb_b_ba_Flag_of_Germany.svg_1200px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler did indeed have a heart... He just... went a little off the deep end when that heart absorbed darkness. (The Jew Stuff)


>> No.12379009
File: 34 KB, 369x499, 51mfWiIpzYL._SX367_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo... /lit/ trilogy confirmed?

>> No.12379015

He says Nazi plenty in his diary
Idk maybe it is derogatory and he's using it ironically

Hitler was obsessed with race and the jews
He had legitimate issues with the jews at first but after seeing the popular reaction he found them to be an easy target and blamed them for every little thing
A shame really

>> No.12379068

>Hitler did indeed have a heart... He just... went a little off the deep end when that heart absorbed darkness. (The Jew Stuff)
You mean the Haavara agreement? Or putting jews in concentration camps as was the standard practice at the time?

>Idk maybe it is derogatory and he's using it ironically
Or it was translated wrong on purpose.

>Hitler was obsessed with race and the jews


>Hitler had a certain time to come to the stadium and a certain time to leave. It happened he had to leave before the victory ceremony after the 100 meters [race began at 5:45 p.m.]. But before he left I was on my way to a broadcast and passed near his box. He waved at me and I waved back. I think it was bad taste to criticize the 'man of the hour' in another country.

>In a 2009 interview, German journalist Siegfried Mischner claimed that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of the Führer shaking his hand before the latter left the stadium. Owens, who felt that the newspapers of the day reported "unfairly" on Hitler's attitude towards him, tried to get Mischner and his journalist colleagues to change the accepted version of history in the 1960s. Mischner claimed that Owens showed him the photograph and told him: "That was one of my most beautiful moments." Mischner added: "(the picture) was taken behind the honour stand and so not captured by the world's press. But I saw it, I saw him shaking Hitler's hand!" According to Mischner, "the predominating opinion in post-war Germany was that Hitler had ignored Owens, so we therefore decided not to report on the photo. The consensus was that Hitler had to continue to be painted in a bad light in relation to Owens.

>In Germany, Owens had been allowed to travel with and stay in the same hotels as whites, at a time when African Americans in many parts of the United States had to stay in segregated hotels that accommodated only blacks. When Owens returned to the United States, he was greeted in New York City by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia. During a Manhattan ticker-tape parade in his honor along Broadway's Canyon of Heroes, someone handed Owens a paper bag. Owens paid it little mind until the parade concluded. When he opened it up, he found that the bag contained $10,000 in cash. Owens's wife Ruth later said: "And he [Owens] didn't know who was good enough to do a thing like that. And with all the excitement around, he didn't pick it up right away. He didn't pick it up until he got ready to get out of the car." After the parade, Owens was not permitted to enter through the main doors of the Waldorf Astoria New York and instead forced to travel up to the event in a freight elevator to reach the reception honoring him.

>President Franklin D. Roosevelt never invited Jesse Owens to the White House following his triumphs at the Olympic Games.

>> No.12379123

>Hitler was obsessed with race and the jews
>He had legitimate issues with the jews at first but after seeing the popular reaction he found them to be an easy target and blamed them for every little thing


>The International Jew is a four-volume set of booklets or pamphlets published and distributed in the early 1920s by Henry Ford, an American industrialist and automobile manufacturer.

>> No.12379138

So basically Ford hyped up all the 1920's hipsters into jumping onto a jew hating trend?

>> No.12379149
File: 666 KB, 975x390, Solarpunk9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like right now except instead of Mein Kampf, its going to be Conscious Capitalism.


>> No.12379176
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No, it has always been pretty universal.

>> No.12379180
File: 185 KB, 1024x678, Solarpunk11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(And also, I don't mean just like right now in regards to hating jews, but rather jumping on bandwagons)

I forgive Jews because Jesus and also human nature.

>> No.12379183
File: 157 KB, 726x572, 1545508321088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus didn't forgive them, why should you?

>> No.12379184


>> No.12379186

>oy vey it's everyone else who hates us because they're just bigots!

>> No.12379196

#Factchecked & not r33l, also where would the personal growth be in this statement lol.

Everytime I hear "yikes" or "cringe" I imagine 14 y/o boy that just finished watching a Pewdiepie video. >.>

>> No.12379226


John 8:44: Speaking to the jews:
>"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Revelation 2:9
>“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

Revelation 3:9
>“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

>> No.12379240
File: 41 KB, 644x390, http___p1cdn03.thewrap.com_images_2014_05_SLC-Punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which say they are Jews, and are not,


>> No.12379255

dont be jealous of the chosen ones, its petty

>> No.12379262

They haven't been chosen for over 2,000 years now.

>> No.12379387

the alt right would have called adam smith a communist cuck if wealth of nations was written today

>> No.12379406
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>Damn liberals and their strong belief in freedom

>> No.12379621

Most of the founding fathers were too idealistic for anyone's good.