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12375424 No.12375424 [Reply] [Original]

>immersing myself into the works of a pre-21th century philosopher
>conveys rational arguments, genuine insight, and poses critical questions
>suddenly the topic of homosexuality is mentioned: "only penis in vagina produce baby + men kissing is icky! Therefore homosexuality is objectively wrong and unethical!"

Is there any rational philosophical exploration of homosexuality to be found before the late 20th century?

>> No.12375429

the ancient greeks were big fags and so is every single philosopher

weak bait

>> No.12375433

>only penis in vagina produce baby
how is that an irrational argument?

>men kissing is icky!
aesthetics are important for the good of society as well

>> No.12375472

yes gays and whatever else kids are doing these days are freaks of nature but I'm not going to bother myself about it if they just keep it to themselves cause I'm a libertarian.

might tell them to get a fucking room if I see that gross shit in front of me though. there's all the philosophy you need.

>> No.12375476

Kys fag

>> No.12375484

Homosexuality is not life-affirming because it doesn't lead to new life, therefore it's satanist and anti-human

>> No.12375485


>> No.12375523

Plato is full of boy love. Read Symposium.

>> No.12375586

Wrong board for a reasonable question, OP. Sadly /lit/ is /pol-lit/ics now, so you'll find nothing but TorahLARPers (who also vehemently hate Jews, lol) responding to you. My personal answer is that those authors just have prejudices in line with those of the past Western epoch, their positions handed to them by society.

>> No.12375594
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>> No.12375701
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>> No.12376681

>might tell them to get a fucking room if I see that gross shit in front of me though.
That's enough to make them want you dead. That isn't the 120% acceptance(worship) they crave, so they'll hate you the second you admit you don't like seeing them in leather making out in Walmart.

>> No.12376738

If they're right about the other stuff then perhaps they are right about the gays also. Maybe its you who are wrong

>> No.12376801

this bird-guy is so funny to me lol

>> No.12376809

1. Pure love is free from lust.
2. There sex should be irrelevant to a relationship based on pure love.

>> No.12376816


>> No.12376818

>pure love is free from lust
What does this even mean? Can you define love for me?

>> No.12376846

when you go all doki-doki and you want to give him your valentine chocolate but you're afraid he'll reject it so you blurt an insult and run away,

>> No.12376878

Lust shouldn't have any part to play in pure love, lust is a base, animalistic instinct, people should not let such an instinct decide who they spend their lives with.

>> No.12376966

Sure but what is love? Not saying it is reducable to sex alone but if you remove the coitus part, what’s left?

>> No.12377058

Love is caring for the well-being of those loved.

>> No.12377072

imagine defending homosexuality.

>> No.12377103


Look if you have gay love without anal sex and flesh desire then it's completely ethical and morally right

but that would be called brotherly love, homosexual sex is despictable man there is no way to argument against it unless you are a carpediem fag which can't sustain any kind of morality at all, you would be hard pressed to not accept canibalism, rape, or any other pleasure-driven activity

>> No.12377106

Ok, then what?

>> No.12377130



>muh willful acceptance between two people makes it right and ethical!

Do you realize the kind of shit people do in the seek of pleasure and lust fulfillment? i would be hard pressed to accept lust and flesh desire as something you can will 100% towards, you can will your finger up but you can't will your sexual desire, you just can try to control it because if you unleash it then it completely controls you

>> No.12377195

>you just can try to control it because if you unleash it then it completely controls you
Ever heard of moderation? Or monogamy? Continence? The last means not only being able to stop at moderation, but take pleasure in stopping at moderation. There is no reason a homosexual should be less continent than a heterosexual, and many are, particularly lesbians.

>> No.12377213


Yes, I have a rare morality where even being an heterosexual can make you unethical by giving to kinks or fetishs, unironically sex should be just for procreation and someone who can do that shows a strong spirit, and the only argument i have for it is it's the final barrier that is almost impossible to get right if you have access to sex, the ultimate leap of faith into believing in the spiritual good

>> No.12377226

i was reading about calvinists netherlands yesterday like everything was banned except working and fucking your wife, i was like bro that sounds p rad t b h

>> No.12377227


However by no means im saying im a saint, in fact i can't even follow my own beliefs because it's extremely hard to do, only willpower with faith can give you that, but i recognize it's the highest good because sex for procreation only would mean cessation of all kind of human competition

god helps us all

>> No.12377245

t. Tolstoy

>> No.12377247

Love and sexual intercourse aren’t the same things as procreation. The two issues do not connect

No seminary students or priests, please

>> No.12377259

the catholic church has room in the policy to move on, enough presidents to rely on for thorough judgement, and a holier than thou will building against them. There is no reason to not suspect the worse, and yet that would be holy itself if it were righteous. Moving towards those times when the splintering must be a crack started a thousand years back or so, or even fifty.

>> No.12377278

Disgusting faggot, neck yourself

>> No.12377294
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wash your hands, dog.

>> No.12377306


>no calves
>thin necks
>no muscles whatsoever

bunch of famined proletariat given to the war machine

>> No.12377333

>how is that an irrational argument?
Producing babies is not fundamentally good nor are homosexuals unable to create children. It's not a remotely intelligible argument against gay people or gay relationships, it's just whining and changing the subject.

>> No.12377343

>might tell them to get a fucking room if I see that gross shit in front of me though.
You would have to leave the house once in a while you little NEET

>> No.12377346

>only penis in vagina produce baby + men kissing is icky! Therefore homosexuality is objectively wrong and unethical
what philosopher said this?

>> No.12377359

How is it irrational?

>> No.12377363

>this activity that doesn’t advance the human race and spreads countless diseases is weird
Wow, how irrational

>> No.12377379

>spreads diseases

>> No.12377387

>doesn’t advance the human race
Me reading your posts doesn't advance the human race, yet it's not too weird. >spreads countless diseases is weird
So can heterosexual sex.

>> No.12377513

>immersing myself into the works of a pre-22nd century philosopher
>conveys rational arguments, genuine insight, and poses critical questions
>suddenly the topic of pedosexuality is mentioned: "only adult in adult produce baby + men kissing kids is icky! Therefore pedosexuality is objectively wrong and unethical!"

Is there any rational philosophical exploration of pedosexuality to be found before the late 21st century?

>> No.12377525

>knocking women up instead of planning families advances the human race
What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.12377534

Pedophephlia isn’t a sexuality it’s a fetish

>> No.12377536

>spreads countless diseases
your fetish is showing. Also I can tell from your writing style you haven't yet had sex with anybody so your opinion on "advancing the human race" is fucking irrelevant

>> No.12377548

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12377575

I tend to think that almost all fetishes are due to character defects, usually insecurity.
I think the ideal me would only fap to loving heterosexual sex between a man and a women/mare. Probably in the missionary position because it is the most intimate.

>> No.12377662

you mean, like a horse?

>> No.12377667

basically this

>Producing babies is not fundamentally good
yes it is

>nor are homosexuals unable to create children
they can only do that if they have hetero sex, but if they do then they're not just fags and they CAN feel desire towards opposite sex

> would only fap
Ideally nobody would fap, but instead engage in a healthy, fulfilling and fruitful heterosexual relationship

>> No.12377769

>overpopulates the planet, possibly beyond ordinary repair
really advances the human race..

>> No.12377778
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>he fell for the overpopulation meme

>> No.12377870


>> No.12377908

You little nihilistic faggot, you are what's wrong with society. The only logical conclusion of antinatalism is suicide so neck yourself.

>> No.12377913

t. Assblasted homosexual

>> No.12377935

Tbh, i mean a pony.

>> No.12378102

The greatest philosophers were the ancient Greeks and they were gay

>> No.12378108

Read the Symposium

>> No.12378141

Pure love is the love of a soul

>> No.12378442

If everyone on earth killed themselves there would be no more evil

>> No.12378457

ITT: retarded calvinists who think that the only things you should be allowed to do are plant crops, knock up your wife, and get screamed at by your pastor because you're letting your son play hoop and stick

>> No.12378595
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>> No.12378621


Love is this: You have went through hard times, your father got killed, your mother is dying, then you see a gloomy girl, then you second-hand learn that she lost her mother and her father is bedridden, then you imagine her soul matching yours, and you don't even care about being right or wrong, you just sure if you could comfort her everything would be right, she has to "get" it, to understand what you have been through

religion is just realizing humans will never have absolute knowledge about the stories of everyone else, existentially speaking only god can know your internal narrative and what you have been going through, when things die and you realize only an omniscient being can understand life through death, then you just wait and have faith

jesus is basically this symbolic circle being complete, it's the reply to Job and the existential angst of this dynamic

>> No.12378633

>only the imaginary soul can be pure love
Not even coherent.
It’s more like unconditional love.
Love emanates from a person (not a ghost) for another or whole groups or even inanimate things. Maintaining any emotional state is impossible, but if one is consistent in their love , that can be your “pure love”

>> No.12378654

homosexuality is incapable of producing the same kind of love a man and woman would have for each other
homosexual relationships are basically just wanting to fuck your same-sex best friend

>> No.12378666


>> No.12378684

t. Devil

>> No.12378708
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>> No.12378712

>muh aesthetics
Come on. Just say you want to "kill all fags", you don't have to put up a cover in 4chan.

>> No.12378717

How is eighth grade going?

>> No.12378755

They are disgusting but no, I do not want to kill them. That is wrong.

>> No.12378766

Jesus knows you’re lying

>> No.12378782


there is zero non-retarded reasons to think that

>> No.12378784


who will get the 777 and solve this riddle


>> No.12379306

All these qualities don't exist outside of your mind, objectively. You're entire construction was born of your subjectivity. Please show us where your 'harm' and 'benefit' exists outside of the mind of subjects. If this can't be done, anything can be conceptualized as 'harm' or 'benefit' by any and all subjects.

>> No.12379318


Except when we compare the construction of suffering from certain mind as a exchange for the construction of pleasure in another mind we can see easily the exchange has a enormous amount of entrophy that goes nowhere

then the rational solution is joy from not causing suffering because of the knowledge that there is pleasure without causing harm

>> No.12379441

If you were required to make a woman come before posting on 4chan this thread would never have happened

>> No.12379466

>muh love, muh sex, muh identity
well spooked

>> No.12379481
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>21th century

>> No.12379491

Illiterate underage faggots discovering a new ism to clumsily wrap their rehashed faux-edgy childfree babble into has been the worst thing for this board since JBP. Unironically kys you'reself.

>> No.12379500

These constructions don't necessarily converge on one another to create a consensus reality, except only in the case of extremeties(i.e. not wanting to die = harm). Other than these extremeties, harm and benefit can not be worked up from the particular to the universal.

>> No.12379602

That's fucking retarded. If I walk up to two ugly freaks kissing and told them to get outta my way everyone would think they're a skullfucker. Fucking nutcase

>> No.12381202

Literally the same thing.

>> No.12381209

A side effect of an activity that keeps our race alive in the first place.

>> No.12382476

Back to Tumblr.

>> No.12382568
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>> No.12382606


>> No.12382955
