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/lit/ - Literature

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12372111 No.12372111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>abandoning one’s religion to discover life’s realities
Got any books for this feel?

>> No.12372113

LARPing aside, everyone here is atheist right?

>> No.12372116

Be more specific.

>> No.12372119

One's way out of the Christian faith after years of church-going and brainwashing as a child is the ultimate intellectual journey. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12372130
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I kinda stopped caring if he exists or not. I don't really need him and i guess i'll find out when i kick the bucket. however i don't care if other people believe in him or not since it make them feel better so who am i to tell them otherwise.

>> No.12372132
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Yes sweetie

>> No.12372173

depends on how I'm feeling
however even if a god existed there's no reason to believe in any human religion

>> No.12372177

this site is 18+

>> No.12372178

*the ultimate American intellectual journey
Knowing that religion is kind of bullshit is a given in the rest of the civilised world.

>> No.12372180


>> No.12372216


>> No.12372229

That’s too bad. Get well soon

>> No.12372236

I believe so, so far all portrayals of faith I've seen here were vain attempts to put oneself above the other by feeding the old hatred between the denominations.
I do hope I'm wrong.

>> No.12372241

Haven’t felt better in years

>> No.12372251

>That Sikhism symbol
I see that on the window of people's cars all the fucking time and i legitimately thought it was from star wars.

>> No.12372259

Siddhartha of course

>> No.12372262

I thought it was some rock band for a while

>> No.12372270


>> No.12372274
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>> No.12372302

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man- a truly wonderful book. Dedalus doesn’t really leave Catholicism for “life’s realities” so much as for his own brand of mysticism but I don’t know what you mean by life’s realities anyway. And it’s such a good book about leaving faith.

>> No.12372347



>> No.12372360

i would hope that every person eventually realizes the religion they were taught as a child is cookie-cutter trash and that they have to construct their own unique worldview.

>> No.12372362

I was raised a Catholic and something like that that defines your life for so long is difficult to forget

>> No.12372389

Are you in ottawa canada ?

>> No.12372394

>abandoning the truth to succumb to life's lies

Most books are about that.

>> No.12372410

The bibble for instance

>> No.12372414

Why must you abandon it?

>> No.12372433
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why would you ever leave the catholic church? you're not gay, r-right?

>> No.12372447

Why must the sleepwalker wake?

>> No.12372456

w-what if I am? w-will you ask me to touch your peepee?

>> No.12372461

Just pay attention to unconscious

>> No.12372475


>> No.12372479

quite literally the most annoying namefag on this board, no, this site

>> No.12372486


>> No.12372499
File: 1.26 MB, 1487x1925, 10b39a39a4a58ab60c5ad0709d1db40320874614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah /pol/ has got to have a worse one by far. also butterfly has been here for a while cause she's old as fuck in terms of 4chan visitors, i think it was around

>> No.12372505

fuck i forgot to write the damn age

>> No.12372507

Agnostic. I believe it would be impossible for humans' minds to ever know what the first cause for the universe could be.

>> No.12372516 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ /lit/. How about some book titles, you narcissistic freaks? Every last one of you ought to be in purgatory.

>> No.12372518

LARPing aside, yes, except for a few ones

>> No.12372527

>that was too deep for me
I mean to say that he wishes to live in the real world now.

>> No.12372532

Based troll tripfag

>> No.12372543

You can be an atheist with a religious upbringing you know. I was raised in a Protestant household and that has convinced me that catholics are the least christian of all denominations

>> No.12372562

no, in fact everyone is by default spiritual in nature.

>> No.12372633

/lit/ sincerely made me a Christian

>> No.12372642

>tfw raised an atheist then became a Christian

>> No.12372710

Im probably closest to a pagan, a gnostic, or an orthodox. in that order

>> No.12372811

>implying the phrase "Books for this feel" isn't used to talk about any off-topic shit you want

>> No.12372817

I wish I could have been christian/a believer. Seems like the purest way of life. I can respect those who choose to be merely culturally christian, but it doesn't seem like it's enough without genuine devotion.

>> No.12372837

>catholic church
No ur gay

>> No.12372839

>Unironically being atheist
Reality is more than the observable 3D dimension (all interpretations including).

>> No.12372908

It’s not pure, in fact it’s the opposite. For a while I only saw the sin and imperfection in everything.

>> No.12373010

go on of your perceptions of what layers lie just beyond the realm of senses

>> No.12373098
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I worship myself

>> No.12373111

Just a dumb teen girl.

>> No.12373125

I kinda range from an atheist, to agnostic, to deistic personally.

>> No.12373132

Pretty much

>> No.12373142

>Catholic church
>not gay
did you repress you're entire religious education?

>> No.12373149

Are you stupid? what denomination

>> No.12373179
File: 357 KB, 1200x1800, 1546915113501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daoist. the dao is the only observable reality in this world

>> No.12373192
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>> No.12373199

pretty much yeah desu

>> No.12373206


>> No.12373210
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>> No.12373220
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guess again

>> No.12373234
File: 36 KB, 436x680, 48947272_282388272467936_6008770705800298496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you wish

>> No.12373235
File: 80 KB, 670x677, 1443919003527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but no

>> No.12373241


>> No.12373242

All the same memer

>> No.12373247
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>> No.12373248


>> No.12373256

how much enjoyment do you get out of this?

>> No.12373277
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>> No.12373282

This samefagging is so fucking shameless it hurts

>> No.12373288

lmao no

>> No.12373289

>not stupid
try again buddy

>> No.12373292

Wait, butterflyfag is a girl?

>> No.12373309

Yah, she posted a picture last night and said it was her and also said she was 40

>> No.12373315

>2000 year old religion BTFO!

>> No.12373318

ima need that link

>> No.12373321

Beauty, love, joy, abstractions, timespace in itself, the past, the future and more. Materialism is childish, proven furthermore by the lack of order in the materialist lifestyle. Nothing matters, when everything that is is matter

>> No.12373323

Not a teenager, unfortunately

>> No.12373324

it's already dead, that's what makes any residual catholics stupid

>> No.12373340 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12373347

how dare you

>> No.12373382


>> No.12373439

>newfags in this thread don't know butterfly was a middle aged fat lesbian
Also the real butterfly had a tripcode that I filtered. No idea who this new person is.

>> No.12373456

Sometimes. I wish I wasn't though, I wish I had the ultimate faith, the genuine devotion. I grew up christian too.
I've tried, I've been told everything, given every quote and threat and premonition.
Nothing has moved me

>> No.12373463
File: 387 KB, 1600x1205, golden spiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually believes that all creation and all the sciences, known and unknown, managed to form themselves in such a way that something as horrifically complex as multi-cellular life was able to form, and then create life able to conjure purely abstract concepts, through sheer happenstance
I understand that at a cosmic level its bound to happen, but the sheer coincidence of all existence confirms my long-standing beliefs

>> No.12373469

LARPing aside

>> No.12373531

That's where I was for a long time man. It's really hard to push forwards and it feels pointless, but we're all going to make it eventually. If you ever want some good philosophy check out William Lane Craig, I read On Guard by him and have watched most his lectures and debates. It inspired me a lot so hope the same for you

>> No.12373558


>> No.12373561

Why are you forcing this meme?

>> No.12373910
File: 17 KB, 351x355, Jedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess it looks kinda like the jedi symbol

>> No.12373920

No i'm from Sydney, Australia.

>> No.12373928
File: 74 KB, 619x671, 8BA37FC3-D99E-469F-B972-8B04AF339D29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuh. Catholic here.
Read Pensées.

>> No.12373963


>> No.12373978

>In need of crusade tier
I'm fucked aren't I

>> No.12373987

sorry bud this ain't /r/atheism

>> No.12373992

depends on the day

>> No.12373998

I wish

>> No.12374028

I get the impression most people on 4chan are self-hating atheists.

>> No.12374095

No. A poorly educated trap, he needs to go back to Twitter where his posts fit in.

>> No.12374096

This picture is reason number 98497392791723937 why Catholicism was a mistake.

>> No.12374177

In the west I think daoism is more of a secular philosophy and largely compatible with atheism. Obviously the same isn't true for daoism in China, tho.

>> No.12374194
File: 673 KB, 521x984, marky mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you ever think about how most plants are green? that can't be a coincidence, right? green must be gods favourite colour

>> No.12374223

What's up with people thinking that all Christians here are LARPing?

>> No.12374248

The average person on this website is a fat anime nerd, with a significant minority of /fit/ autists. In general those types aren’t likely to be religious or attend church unless their parents are dragging them along.
From personal experience, young single men are extremely rare at (catholic) church and new converts in that group are almost nonexistent.

>> No.12374261

lmao this thread

>> No.12374264
File: 21 KB, 482x480, taiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earlier i was thinking and decided to draw my thoughts to show it. i made the circle then i divided it with a curve to show motion. i thought each section is there but there's more to it so i made a circle to show the small opposition. i remembered there's color so i filled in one section with a lot of lines in contrast to the white on the opposing side. i look at it and just thought "yup, this is it. there really is nothing outside my experience in life that goes beyond this". it completely showed the question and answer i had on my mind.

religion is a weak form of philosophy. if you've actually got a real philosophy then it's your complete belief and faith in life. if it's not just worthless semantics as you're questioning then it's even stronger than random larpers and their wishful thinking about what life means. atheism isn't compatible with dao; dao encompasses all things including atheism, religions and gods. if you want to say i need rituals then you're not understanding it as i do them daily just by living one within my beliefs/experience. i don't doubt my conviction compared to any religious person.

>> No.12374267

except for me :)