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/lit/ - Literature

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12371850 No.12371850 [Reply] [Original]

Do you take notes on your books, /lit/?

>> No.12371859
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>> No.12371872

No I take them in a seperate notebook becuase I'm not a pseud

>> No.12372613

Fiction I write very few notes in the margins, I might underline things occasionally or make footnotes but nothing too noticeable.

Non-fiction, especially philosophy, filled with underlines, asterisks, starts, boxes around paragraphs, footnotes and side margin notes.

I also write my full name, address, and phone number on the inside cover of every book.

>> No.12373413

>I also write my full name, address, and phone number on the inside of every book.
Robd a nigga of hims books once whom don this. Bitch u kno I luvs me some Alexander Pope.

>> No.12373626

I only ever mark the page when the author says something i think is stupid. I will often underline the part and write "that's dumb" or some other derogatory remark. I may also, if i run into a claim that i find particularly laughable, write "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" after it, the length of which varies with just how laughable i find the passage. The longest filled the entire margin of the page. Sometimes, if i'm feeling passive-aggressive i will simply write "?" after a claim, and it filled me with great joy to find out that Gramsci did the exact same thing in his prison notebooks.

>> No.12373710

No because I read to enjoy. Taking notes makes me feel like I'm in school again. The only subject I was fond of in school was math.

>> No.12373917

any e-reading applications for windows that will let me do notation on my pdfs and epubs?

>> No.12373924

absolute lad

>> No.12373939

I underline passages that I like, which are usually numerous.
If I'm particularly aroused by one, next to it I might write down an interjection like "Ah!" or "Take that!".

>> No.12375248 [DELETED] 


>> No.12375534

absolute pseuds

>> No.12375583

Yes because then when people ask to borrow my books they are able to see that I only underline sections that have references to gay sex.

>> No.12375637

>reading translations
never going to make it

>> No.12376007


>> No.12376099

>I also write my full name, address, and phone number on the inside cover of every book.

Testicular fortitude spotted

>> No.12376110

>4channing the literature
