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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 636x451, Kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12370207 No.12370207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12370211

wtf i hate kant now

>> No.12370213

wtf these facts weren't fun at all

>> No.12370216

like, SUPER racist

>> No.12370219
File: 15 KB, 587x250, Hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12370222

like, SUPER cringey

>> No.12370234

Super trips

>> No.12370243
File: 60 KB, 640x446, super sexist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12370254

The comics are unfunny and badly drawn.
The twitter account is Edgy twitter memes.
OP is a faggot

>> No.12370272

Why are there so many bugmen on twitter?

>> No.12370273

The 4th one is an opinion though

>> No.12370275

This is super painful.

>> No.12370279

Cringe and bluepilled but also why were you reading that twitter account in the first place

>> No.12370283

Wow, you're going to purposefully read tweets from existential comics and PhilosophyTwitter(tm) and then get mad about how dumb they are?
I think we could have avoided this by just not going to the most pseud place on the internet. It's so undergrad, grossly oversimplifies everything to the point of gutting it's meaning, and all the punchlines are "it's funny because I learned about it in psych/phil 101"
I can tell you a way funnier joke right here without any attempts to sound like I've taken certain critical analysis or political philosophy classes at midwestern liberal arts universities.

>> No.12370289

wtf i love kant now

>> No.12370292

>this incredible thinker was racist
So, is that an argument against, or for racism?

>> No.12370298

The Existential Comics guy was invited to speak at my uni for whatever reason. Brown cowboy boots, ill-fitting wranglers, a Chris-chan type striped polo shirt, a too-large black leather jacket with tassels hanging from the sleeves and back, and worst of all zero confidence to pull this nightmare of a wardrobe together. He spoke in a high-pitched, whiny voice, his frame buckled like a scrawny hunchback.
His two worst crimes, to me, were that he admitted that he basically only listens to AC/DC and that he hasn't read almost any of the philosophers he talks about. He just skims articles about them. He was a failed programmer.

>> No.12370300
File: 142 KB, 964x1388, Immanuel_Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dogmatic sophists and fuck niggers!

>> No.12370302

>daily walks

>> No.12370303

who the fuck are these ""people"" and why do they think they have the authority to discuss philosophers

>> No.12370306

How racist is super racist?

>> No.12370307

can someone provide an example of his incredible racism

>> No.12370310

Reminder that Kant told a woman to tell her fiance that she wasn't a virgin and it went so badly that she killed herself.

>> No.12370313

Who do they even they are?

>> No.12370315


>> No.12370320

Wtf I love Kant now

>> No.12370322

thots BTFO

>> No.12370324
File: 25 KB, 400x300, SI8eF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's worse:
>Making fun of niggers
>Picking on someone with full-blown autism

>> No.12370325

>even for the time.
I'm calling bullshit on this. He lived in the 18th century, a time where colonization and slavery were widespread. Unless he was advocating particularly brutal genocide, he wasn't any worse than most people of the time.

>> No.12370330
File: 350 KB, 438x495, Club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go:
>Guy driving a station wagon pulls into a gas station in Oregon or New Jersey
>Gas station attendant comes out and notices something strange about the car
>The trunk and back seat are full of penguins
>Goes to the window to ask the desired quality of gas and also says to the driver, "hey I couldn't but help noticing that you have a lot of penguins. What's up with that?"
>Driver looks distraught, says "Yeah, I just received all these penguins and I'm really stressed because I have no idea what you should do with them."
>Attendant goes "Hm. Let me think about that." and fills up the tank.
>When he comes back around to the drivers' window for the cash, he says to the driver "you know I think I figured out what you can do with all those penguins. You should take those penguins to the zoo!"
>Driver's like "Holy shit, that's a great idea! I'll take them to the zoo right now, thank you sir!"
>He pays and tears off in the direction of the zoo.

>Two weeks later, same station wagon comes into the same gas station, and the same attendant happens to be working.
>He recognizes the car and notices as he approaches that the back seat and trunk are still full of penguins.
>Goes to the window and says "Hey, I thought you were going to take those penguins to the zoo, why do you still have these penguins?"
>Guy in the car goes, "Oh, I did take them to the zoo. It was great! Today we're going to the beach."

>> No.12370331

reminds me of the philosophy department at my university
how pathetic and joyless these midwits are

>> No.12370332

*killed herself despite her frantically writing to Kant for more advice while he repeatedly ignored her

>> No.12370333

Unironically based. Damn, I wanna read Kant now...

>> No.12370342

Dumb people are interesting as objects, not as subjects. It's not about getting mad at them, it's about analyzing how their thought patterns, biases etc work.

>> No.12370348
File: 64 KB, 406x364, 1532400104460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take a walk every day at 8 PM
I've never left my home state
I'm not interested in women
I dislike many races

wtf am I kent?

>> No.12370351
File: 17 KB, 186x270, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a chad

>> No.12370355
File: 33 KB, 540x359, 14907661_10153936452145969_4786439995682148640_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12370363
File: 26 KB, 604x452, DmYxiMAX0AY37ES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12370364

hahahaha, good joke, thanks for sharing it

>> No.12370365

>he hasn't read almost any of the philosophers he talks about. He just skims articles about them. He was a failed programmer.
This explains everything. Did you take any pics of him?

>> No.12370376

I wish I'd see the corpse of modern meme culture.

>> No.12370383

You're looking at it.

>> No.12370389
File: 59 KB, 589x589, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12370404

>Poor understanding of subjectivity
>Probably gay
>not bad actually

>> No.12370415

No because at the moment I felt bad for him but with this most recent tweet in mind I really wish I did.

>> No.12370420

haha, did he just quote MONTY PYTHON, lol the lad top banter

>> No.12370426

I want to smack him in the head with a rod .

>> No.12370434

Cheer yourself just imagining their miserable mediocre lives working retail, hoping in their deepest dreams they'll be able to get paid minimum wage to babysit 20 year olds and call themselves an academic

>> No.12370455

As one of Corey's online friends who helped teach him about philosophy when he was just starting his comic, I feel I owe the world an apology for my part in creating this monster.

>> No.12370456

I like so totally can't even right now!

>> No.12370461

Well contrast his views with that of Herder, who was his contemporary, and he comes off as pretty racist.

“At the risk of arousing the resentment of my brothers of color, I shall say that the Black is not a human..” Kant

>> No.12370462

What a strange coincidence that all of the most intelligent people in human history are sexist, racist, and antisemitic.

>> No.12370465

>behold, I am become death

>> No.12370478
File: 42 KB, 450x450, Corey Mohler Existential Comics creator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled his name (Corey Mohler) and I found a myspace profile that has this beautiful picture. There isn't any proof the myspace is his but you've seen him in the flesh so you should be able to verify if this is him or not. Please, PLEASE tell me it's him.

>> No.12370480

I quote that song all the time.

>> No.12370485

We all have that one friend anon. Don't worry about it.

>> No.12370489

They were clearly being ironic about subjectivity, anon.

>> No.12370492

If you only read the "greats" like Dante, Homer, and Tolstoy, but never branch out to authors who represent a more nuanced interest, like Margery Kempe, Eratosthenes, or Pu Songling, then you are just as bad as anyone in these twitter screencaps. You are a middle brow, middling intellect, and no doubt you would be terribly boring to have a conversation with.

>> No.12370503

Especially the Jews, who make up the majority of this population.

>> No.12370505

>Poo Songling

>> No.12370508

5. He hated Jannies

>> No.12370509

>a failed programmer.
Suddenly it all makes sense

>> No.12370517

Sure, if you compare him to some other intellectuals of the time he's pretty racist. However, my point is that he lived in a time period where racism was extremely rampant. The racists far outnumbered the anti-racists. And by today's standards those anti-racists would be called racist. So it's silly to dismiss him for having views that conform with the social climate of his time.

>> No.12370528

I'm >>12370415 and I'm 100% positive that's him.

>> No.12370538

>all lingerie is ugly
get the gun

>> No.12370541


>> No.12370551
File: 14 KB, 334x333, Corey Mohler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the confirmation. Your description of him eerily matched up with the photos I uncovered. It was too perfect to be a coincidence.

>> No.12370566

this guy wants me to read someone named POO SONGLING LMFAOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.12370572

Jesus, someone twit this to him on behalf of /lit/

>> No.12370577

All your punctuation marks are replaced with "nigger"

>> No.12370598

The kind of guy who'd come at you with a katana.

>> No.12370603
File: 41 KB, 600x499, Corey Mohler myspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talking shit, kid? I'll have you know I've skimmed Simone de Beauvoir and I work out at the gym one hour a week. I'll shove my Van Gogh reproduction up your ass!

>> No.12370606

He was racist since he diregarded primitive peoples as incapable of culture but "even for the time"? this sounds like an exaggeration

>> No.12370607

This guy looks like a bootleg version of Mystery

>> No.12370610

He still kinda dresses like this he wouldn't see a problem with it lol

>> No.12370615

woah, that's super racist

>> No.12370617

Interesting that he/she didn't call out Hegel on his racism. Fucking Hegelians

>> No.12370622

Is that justin trudeau?

>> No.12370623

Kant vs. Cunt

>> No.12370635

It is an exaggeration. You would have to cherrypick the least racist 18th century thinkers and ignore every other part of that era to make the case that Kant was super racist "even for his time".

>> No.12370640

>picture from My Space
No way in hell

>> No.12370643
File: 5 KB, 194x259, Corey Mohler google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm the creator of a super successful webcomic and I don't appreciate you losers insulting me. Have you even read Sartre? I bet you haven't, you super racists.

>> No.12370647

one thing I don't understand whatsoever is why people today think their opinions matter,
not against them wasting their time, but,
you can do so much nowadays, people are so stuck in the bath, all it takes is not reading collectivist schlock to be better.

>> No.12370662

The fact it's a myspace profile proves this isn't an elaborate troll. NO ONE uses myspace nowadays. And it would be one hell of a coincidence that there are two Corey Mohlers who are fedoralords. I'm 99.8% sure this Corey is the same Corey who makes Existential Comics.

>> No.12370671


>How to study philosophy as an amateur

Are his tips any good, /lit/?

>> No.12370683

Is racial prejudice somehow exempt from the Categorical Imperative, guys? Should we take Kant's unashamed racism to be the indication that he thought all people should be racist? Or maybe he's just an autistic goblin, who speaks of morality while knowing nothing of its nature? Maybe his entire system of thought, like the noumena, the CI, and elsewise, are all laughably bad and he was simply a meme that has occupied an undeserved status ever since, with brainlets incapable of doing anything besides accepting the establishment's faces as being exceptionally intelligent, since they themselves are desperate to seem such? Ah, I think we're now getting somewhere.

>> No.12370687

I'm convinced all mainstream centres of intellectual activity are going to circle the drain down to the level of these imbeciles in time unless some major thing changes.
I suppose its the inevitable fallout of universal education but its a sad thing. Hopefully when the student debt bubble collapses things can start recovering

But you're right though. These twitter threads should stop in general and we should just ignore them even if they do represent the normal lunatic running the intellectual world

>> No.12370693

>The /r/askphilosophy subreddit.
If you have a specific question about something you are reading, it can be tedious to wade through huge resources that detail a philosopher's entire thought. Luckily, there are dozens of grad students and experts ready to answer your exact question. Remember, it is very easy to go astray reading philosophy, but you can always get help from people who are more knowledgeable.

>> No.12370694

>Should we take Kant's unashamed racism to be the indication that he thought all people should be racist?
Yes, very much so and he was right

>> No.12370700


>> No.12370702
File: 443 KB, 621x935, Corey Mohler's myspace profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting this for future reference. There's always the risk that Corey has gained some self-awareness and he'll purge his myspace once he figures out people are giggling at his old photos.

>> No.12370704

I hope this a parody of someone who tries to talk about Kant without reading five pages of the Critique and not an actual poster here

>> No.12370709

And here's the link: https://myspace.com/thebalrog/photos

>> No.12370733

Underrated post.

>> No.12370758
File: 168 KB, 748x756, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12370760

I said people, not demonic spawn of the Demiurge, lol!

>> No.12370777

Wasn't Kant a negro

>> No.12370784

No hymen, no diamond ;)

>> No.12370793

Even more based

>> No.12370797
File: 462 KB, 719x1036, Corey Mohler's myspace profile 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a superior pic for you.

>> No.12370812

Lmao, terrific justification. So a man who writes about morality, does so while being a product of all the moral iniquities of his day? Pathetic. By this logic, the thinkers of every society will merely be products of their time, and will have their own moral sentiments be overturned by the next generation's thinkers, in an unending cycle of replacement. Either you get to the bottom, and determine something which will not be paved over, or you are merely a worthless voice molded by your era, whose words on a subject were always destined to be obselete once a certain length of time had passed. Kant held to objective morality, by the way, and unless you're arguing that racism is objectively moral or that Kant felt so, then we'd have to agree the man was simply a hypocrite.

>> No.12370822
File: 351 KB, 1374x677, Corey Mohler's googleplus account.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final pic. I can rest easy knowing Corey's cringe is archived for future generations.

>> No.12370824

This fucking account is the worst thing on the internet. The ultimate "i'm a retard who likes to think i'm smart" badge is following this guy on twitter

>> No.12370831

someone post that thread tbqh, it was high quality

>> No.12370835

He genuinely still rails against gamergate.

>> No.12370845

Do you have any actual criticism of the categorical imperative?

>> No.12370846

Fuck I wasn't prepared for this level of debate
You have won

>> No.12370848

Absolute rogue he was, a goblin in human form. Not a great thinker, either. Literally >le basic epistomology man!, yet somehow subsequently exalted far beyond his deserved stature. /lit/ loves him, of course, because they need their pseud-points above anything else.

>> No.12370863

I never even mentioned the CI there. Why don't you respond to my comment, please? Was or was Kant not a hypocrite?

>> No.12370873

Please don't, I see this guy's shit all over my zuckbook, I don't want it here too. The final death of /lit/ would be twitter wars here

>> No.12370898


>> No.12370899

You're taking an absolutist stance and assuming I'm a Kantian. I agree that he was a hypocrite. My point is you can't dismiss Kant as a whole because a single aspect of his philosophy doesn't hold up in today's world. There's no such thing as a philosopher who isn't in some way influenced by his time. For instance, Marx had some beliefs that would get a lot of backlash nowadays but his followers have no problem ignoring the problematic parts of him.

>> No.12370951

I agree with you there, then. I don't dismiss him as a whole. I'm merely pointing out a principle, which is that philsophers, who claim to believe in and be seeking after objective "at-bottom" truths, must be as little influenced by their times at all, assuming their times (like the intensely amoral ones of war or colonialism, etc) are distant from said objective realities. Else they'll merely be bad apple-individuals grown from a bad tree-era, destined for obseleteness once their era has been replaced by a new one. His social positions presumably don'r conform to his moral positions (again, assuming he didn't consider racism to be moral), and one would have expected him to have seen such. In this aspect he is therefore a hypocrite, but it doesn't affext my views on the rest of his work.

>> No.12370958


How did she succeed?

>> No.12370963

She told him about the wage gap

>> No.12370967

Lol, in the trash he goes!

>> No.12371000

I thought this was an F. Scott Fitzgerald meme, or is that a similar one where he tells a woman to have an affair and it goes badly for her?

>> No.12371003
File: 63 KB, 554x540, 1546621342696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12371030

Do you even know what you're talking about or are you just typing the first words that pop into your mind?

>> No.12371042

Maybe, just maybe, respond to a specific point of mine, and then, maybe then, I can properly address your comment.

>> No.12371050

She smashed the patriarchy.

>> No.12371058

You don't really make points as much as you ramble like an old drunk.

>> No.12371086

>racism is objectively moral
I'm not sure what you mean by that. It sounds a bit like reddit speak to me.
Kant thought less of some people, roughly speaking. This is racist, I guess (is it?). How does this invalidate his other thoughts or make him a hypocrite?

>> No.12371088

>one of Corey's online friends
prove it

>> No.12371093

>colonization and slavery
These do not hinge on prejudice.

>> No.12371095

Virgin argumentarian

>> No.12371098

She sucked his dick.

>> No.12371099

>people can pretend they are not part of the society where they were born and educated in, without sounding like psychos
that's just wrong, we study philosophy through time to cover this weaknesses. More than that is make believe.
Also, you sound like a psycho.

>> No.12371109

I will paypal any one 50 bucks to punch this guy in the head on film

>> No.12371238


You somehow manage to have the most uninteresting ways of expressing the most banal opinions.

>> No.12371306



>> No.12371317

I checked out his twitter, it's one of those guys... I still haven't really figured out what makes "people" like this be the way they are. Does anyone have a definitive answer? Some specific gene? Testosterone levels?
It's as if they're unable to grasp the full human experience, with all the suffering and the perverse pleasures it entails. They can even be well read, educated, high IQ... but they're lacking something (which is also an advantage, because it seems it shields them from feeling more pain).

>> No.12371332

hi fellow zoomer.
I saw this post as well on my favorite oh so silly subreddit, and saved it jsut like u (you) incase I ever wanted the doomers here feel old, like buddy we are so r***rded (retarded), but that's ok!

>> No.12371357

She was taller than him

>> No.12371359


Not that guy, but contextual difference.

It’s so funny that these motherfuckers praising or excusing Kant’s racism on the basis of him being a “product of his era” are probably the same people who lambaste the postmodern straw man of being a product of the environment in favour of a strong will and self-determination. You can’t think, mongs.

>> No.12371369

Abe Lincoln looking ass

>> No.12371380

I'm actually a racist for my era

>> No.12371382

No, but Socrates, Aristotle, and Aquinas were.

>> No.12371390

Source on this?

>> No.12371398

Am I supposed to care people are racist? I’m not even white, shit don’t faze me bro

>> No.12371417

These Twitter bait threads went away for a while, sorry to see they're back

>> No.12371421

gee someone who makes fucking webcomics about philosophy is a retarded faggot who woulda thought

>> No.12371424

I feel like this is a good time to mention dostoevsky used to literally pick verbal fights with short haired dykes with colored hair just so he could make them cry

>> No.12371428

Yeah sorry I had to be offline for a bit and couldn't post them anymore

>> No.12371429

I don't need to prove my position to you.

>> No.12371435

>I can tell you a way funnier joke right here
You can't and won't even try.

>> No.12371437
File: 94 KB, 570x476, not ironic afaict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replying to myself, I think Heidt is definitely on to something when he talks about how progressives lack some moral senses or something like that.
Still, there's something that brought them up to the surface recently, I don't remember these kinds of people back in the days. Maybe it's just internet/Twitter or maybe it's something more interesting...

>> No.12371442

He'd be so normal-looking without the hat. Jesus

>> No.12371445

Consult a member of the Nation of Islam. He will show you whites are subhumans who have re-written history to keep the black man down.

>> No.12371491

You are desperately trying to define some group of a certain individuals via sort of omissions, a lack of qualities, the word you say are emotional, stem from ego projection confronted with the reality that your beliefs might be wrong, so you act out on it and lack any concrete sense

Either define what you mean or dont speak at all

>> No.12371493

The fact Malcolm X did a 180 on the Nation is proof enough that they're beyond hope.

>> No.12371495

I honestly need to make a kickstarter or patreon to con people out of their money

>> No.12371500

Based. Do I fit in yet?

>> No.12371514

Terrific arguments, guys. I'm up against some major intellectuals, with tremendously hard-hitting remarks. My position is that a person who preaches about morality should themselves know what constitutes such, and that if morality is objective, should strive to determine what that absolute essence looks like, regardless of what their era preaches or shows them. If it weren't really objective, then every generation will overturn the previous one's claims of what constitutes morality, ad infinitum, and our endeavour is essentially for no ultimate end, being a waste of time for all of us. My position is that Kant claimed to speak of objective morality, yet his own moral positions were merely of his social epoch, and that he is therefore not someone worthy to speak of the subject. I never insulted his other philosophical contributions, I spoke only of those involving morality, and the hypocrisy of him telling others what he considers moral when he himself was shamelessly immoral in certain areas. I also find it interesting that you are here seemingly insinuating that growing up in a certain societal era automatically determines what a person will consider morally correct, with little hope for an individual to escape the socially-dominant notions of their day, since by this logic the same leftists that you all abhor so much (like the gentleman whose tweet this thread is based around tearing apart, who much mockery has been thrown at by the moral souls in this thread) would therefore be of no fault at all, regarding their positions towards Europeans, the male gender, sex, abortion and anything else postmodernity has influenced their views on.

Your own positions, however, are likely far more intelligent than mine, though sadly you never bothered to share them, only insulting me instead. Don't worry though, I'll pretend you guys actually rebutted my arguments, and will go back and reconsider my stance on the matter.

>> No.12371522

Being a smart-alecky and attention-seeking?
Sure why not, you fit it right along with the rest of the people here on this Mongolian basket-weaving forum.

>> No.12371533

>this Mongolian basket-weaving forum
this is such a reddit tier meme and needs to stop.
All variations of it included.

>> No.12371534

Kek, yup. When the one and only notable member of your organization says "hang on, this is stupid" then you're fucked. Only the most desperate and insecure of black men turn to it. Wallace Fard Muhammad was a hack fraud who mixed together black supremacy and Islam with schlocky science fiction. Yakub makes about as much sense as Xenu.

>> No.12371541


>> No.12371546

It really is just Black Scientology

>> No.12371557

>afraid I might...misinterpret your girl?

>> No.12371563

I won't waste too much time replying to you, since you don't seem ready or willing to engage more thoroughly either.

Let me just say that I think judging a person is for faggots. We're all just people, complex creatures, we say this and that and you can attach a million labels (-ist) to anyone.
The mature thing to do, instead, is to judge a specific book that an author wrote and refute specific points with proper counter-arguments.

>> No.12371579

This meme is literally older than reddit you daft cunt. Get the fuck out

>> No.12371584

fuck niggers

>> No.12371586
File: 473 KB, 601x595, im sorry but what you have just said is so colossally retarded i need to take a lie down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a bad opinion on an Amazonian butterfly-taming forum

>> No.12371593

it has been shit since the day it was first used.

>> No.12371614

They do on the widespread and open level.

>> No.12371626

Do you think they'll ever get tired of labeling everything and everyone as racist? The word is rapidly losing whatever sting it might have once had.

It's a protective nest for them.

Point 2 and 3 (and probably 4) also apply to Emily Dickinson.

>> No.12371642

Sounds like a chad meme punchline

>> No.12371653

>though sadly you never bothered to share them, only insulting me instead.

Because you're a sadsack that writes pathetically long, meandering, virtually content-free walls of text that don't deserve proper engagement.
You often get what you put out in these situations.

>> No.12371659
File: 36 KB, 400x600, 1165 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Platon?

>> No.12371679
File: 112 KB, 419x960, oihdvudhvuisdhviusdvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12371731

great, he was a racist, does that make anything he said wrong?

>> No.12371747


>> No.12371756

>topologically speaking

pleaseeeee shut the fuck up retard

>> No.12371784

looks like a goat

>> No.12372088

this, lmao

>> No.12372099

Actually its precisely what makes him right.

>> No.12372123

Nah, I think threads like these only validate their platform.

>> No.12372141

il goblino..

>> No.12372148

>t. corey mohler

>> No.12372152

please get off of twitter

and don't make us read it either

it's bad for you

>> No.12372182

Kant was a gamer

>> No.12372211

>throws insults, like before
>doesn't refute a single point, like before

you really showed him now, anon

>> No.12372223

>who the fuck are these ""people"" and why do they think they have the authority to discuss philosophers

t. someone on /lit/

>> No.12372225

Kant underwent surgery to have his bottom ribs removed so he could suck his own dick