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12369267 No.12369267 [Reply] [Original]

>ethics exam
>one of the questions: "What is your opinion on moral subjectivism?"
>every student who claimed they supported moral subjectivism was given a 0 as their final score
>they complain
>he sends this message through the faculty (summarized): "it's true that every student who admitted to being a moral subjectivist has failed the exam. Yes, no matter how well they performed on the rest of the questions. I trust they will not object to this. Surely they would support the claim that nothing is objectively unfair or wrong. In the spirit of open debate: any moral subjectivist who can provide me with a coherent moral subjectivist argument against the validity of my grading choices, will have their grade corrected and automatically pass my course"

How fucked are they?

>> No.12369274

Is this the /lit/ equivalent of chain mail from Grandma?

>> No.12369291

everything that is subject to selection pressure can be considered to live

moral subjectivism, as I understand it, is less an abdication of judgment than a bargaining chip with the larger entities that determine human progress- "there are other worlds than these", and if you try straight-up murdering us, your constituents, well, don't think there aren't other places we can't go

>> No.12369300


Did they all clap afterwards, OP?

>> No.12369322

>when your ethics tutor hasn't read Kant
pretty fucked, even if their grade changes.

>> No.12369324

Socrates reborn. Those kids are getting their parents money's worth, and they're probably trying to fire this hero.

>> No.12369326

That professer was ALBERT EINSTEIN.

>> No.12369329

Firstly, this literally never happened and never will happen.
Secondly, from their subjective moral view, the professor did wrong.
Thirdly, this is a shit post
Fourthly, moral subjectivism is true. To think otherwise is to be a retard who supports pedophilia lmao
Finally, fuck off reddit and fuck off NIGGERS

>> No.12369337

You have a zero iq.

>> No.12369338

>moral subjectivism is correct
>the teacher was wrong to fail them
What am i missing papa

>> No.12369352


Stupid post, check.
Neurotic need to try to exclude outgroup, check.
I'm redditspacing this for you so you have something to say in your reply.

>> No.12369356

A zero not without its merit.

>> No.12369381

in my moral subjective view the professor did wrong for no other reason than because my feefees say so. prove me wrong faggot. explain how it's incompaitable

>> No.12369386

fake and redpilled

>> No.12369392

not an arguments

>> No.12369421

I think the answer here is that moral subjectivism is correct, but not useful. So yeah, there is no such thing as an objective truth and if the professor thinks you shouldn't pass the exam he's probably right; however, as a whole, choosing a better selection procedure would be beneficial to everybody.

>> No.12369446


>> No.12369546


>> No.12369552

Heheh, I remember pulling a stunt like this , if I recall, the winning entrie said something like,
"as a first principle, I invoke the Heideggerian notion of time-as-experience, thus replacing your 'objective' concept of time-as-physical constant. secondly, and more importantly, I offer you my neatly-shorn testicles to bestow your kisses upon. thank you"
wew, what a day that was, heheh.

>> No.12369561

This is some God's not Dead level shit.
That's not how academia works and that's not what moral subjectivism means since a grade isn't a morality issue. In any case he should had called a couple of friends, dressed them up as cops, and got them in a fake jail until they defend their position... and that would be a kick ass exam.

>> No.12369576

>an arguments
Zero iq confirmed.

>> No.12369581

nice arugment bro too bad it doesnt to exist

>> No.12369585

there's no objective reason to make the choice he did. while there is an subjective reason to do it by flexing his muscle and showing he's the one who has power and can dominate them what's the point? if he follows subjective morality then he should try and do things which benefit him. failing all those students doesn't help him except in the circumstance that he wants to try and terrorize people who understand the truth into believing his demented views and he's using his authority to do so. if that's the case then the professor isn't attending his class and you should change to somebody else. if he wants somebody to demonstrate how subjective morality always people to cooperate by demonstrating their value then you can do so by making similar arguments to this and he should pass you. if he really doesn't then you should just debate his moral objectivity and demolish him and his tiny ego before switching class.

>> No.12369597


>> No.12369635

The professor's name? Jordan B Peterson.

>> No.12369636

I'm sorry, I'm not a native speaker, did I spell it wrong?

>> No.12369659

Fuck of redditor

>> No.12369665

This, but with a hint of irony so small it may as well not even exist

>> No.12369678

once you drop objective morality you can't just go around dropping words like "useful" or "beneficial" like they are self-evident, you have to justify them somehow

>> No.12369742

Just so the other guys not confused, "dropping" objective morality as in not believing it, and "dropping" those words as in their casual use :^)

>> No.12369873


If you don't want shit like this to happen don't study fucking philosophy.

Only turbo brainlets would bury themselves in debt and study anything not related to STEM.

>> No.12370504

>a grade isn't a morality issue
Why not? It's a question of whether or not what he did is fair. It's a question of right and wrong.

>> No.12370520

>moral subjectivism is true. To think otherwise is to be a retard who supports pedophilia
literally the other way around

>> No.12370526

This is retarded and didn’t happen. There’s a difference between ethics and the concrete grading standards of a university. Being a professor means you must submit to the faculty rules and I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t be allowed. The teacher (if this happened, which I’m sure it probably didn’t) is genuinely retarded and asshurt that objective morality had been BTFOed constantly through the years

>> No.12370527

because according to moral relativism your morality doesn't fucking matter and no one needs to abide it

>> No.12370546
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imagine still shilling for an over-inflated academic bubble in 2019

stemniggers are the lawfags of the 21st century

>> No.12370549

What would the subjective opinion of a jury be, I wonder?

>> No.12370624

>dude, there's no morality, just follow the rules
literally laughing at your face

>> No.12370715

i feel like this is probably true. i talked with one engineering student who made me wonder if they were 80 iq their autism was so bad. i didn't get how he could manage to write the sentence he did instead his ability to understand simple logic didn't appear to exist. not even politically charged stuff just simple deductive reasoning

>> No.12371078

Never said that morality didn’t exist dumbass. Nice reading comprehension.