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12368690 No.12368690 [Reply] [Original]

why is he so overlooked in the humanities?
honestly the more I read about egoism the more ahead of its time it seems, even compared to any of the existentialist shit of the 20th century.

>> No.12368707

He's deliberately suppressed.


>> No.12368719

I like him just because he makes everybody incredibly angry.

>> No.12368739

Everything he said, someone else said it better.

>> No.12368747

100 years after he said it

>> No.12368770

Name one who did.

>> No.12368775

Marx and Engels

>> No.12368780

nothing they said concerned Subject Ontology

>> No.12368782

Because he's a retard an nobody seriously cares about him beyond his meme-potential. Jordan Peterson tier.

>> No.12368816

>Jordan Peterson tier.
someone must have rattled your brain as an infant. Stirner unlike Peterson doesn't constantly strawman philosophy, and he actually contributed something new that wasn't blind Greek individualism. your statement is clearly emotionally charged, I don't know how Stirner has hurt you in your life but it most certainly doesn't warrant such shitposting.

>> No.12368870

historical irrelevancy

>> No.12368889

Because he was a tiny spec that only reached modern society because it sort of appeals to objectivist americans as some sort of a posteriori founder. There were hundreds of philosophers as productive as him that we'll never hear about.

>> No.12368906

Because some of his ideas are expressed in Nietzsche's works and apparently people prefer edgier stuff that also doesn't require some special preparation to understand

>> No.12368924

Stirner's only remarkable influence is negative - as in regards to Nietzsche and Marx. By itself, his work is irrelevant.

>> No.12368934

>There were hundreds of philosophers as productive as him that we'll never hear about.
such as?

>> No.12368952

Because radical individualism isn't conducive to academics, they needs spooks to justify themselves.

What ideas are shared by Stirner and Nietzsche?

>> No.12368968

I was under the impression no one actually read Stirner, they just post his funny portrait and like to say "spook" a lot.

>> No.12368982

Stirner is the first synthesis that I know of of Hegelian dialectics and pure consequentialism. unless you can name someone else.

>> No.12368985

Anticlericalism, disregard of morality, conceptions of Egoist and Übermensch, etc. But the difference is that Stirner's philosophy is much more well thought, consistent and revolutionary for its time

>> No.12369002

He btfo the current moral hegemony. A society is a multiplicity constructiom of action data, where different act system propogate themself. Becuase theese systems seek to propgate their act data, any attempt at destroying them, Stirnerism, is quickly eliminated in fleshspace.

>> No.12369014

But the Übermensch is a spook, the Egoist just is. On anticlericalism Stirner would be closer to Sorel. Also neetzsche wasn't really amoral, he disliked what he termed "slave morality" and saw value in a higher more noble sort of valuation.

>> No.12369016

Your sentence make zero sense and is full of errors.

>> No.12369022

Stirner reads like he is incredibly low IQ.

>> No.12369025

>that also doesn't require some special preparation to understand
but Nietzsche does.

>> No.12369026

he's a skizophrenic Nick Land accelerationist.

>> No.12369029


>> No.12369032

It's full of errors but it makes significantly more than zero sense.

>> No.12369033

he literally is though. he's using Landian jargon.

>> No.12369040

bro he told you to stop

>> No.12369042

That's why I said (or at least meant) that they are plain similar, not that they are absolutely the same
I bet every 13 years old teen with IQ above 120 can understand 3/4 of what he wrote

>> No.12369047

>A society is a multiplicity constructiom of action data
What the hell is this supposed to mean?

>> No.12369079

I'm the og poster. To understand what I have written you need to start with the greeks and continue atleast to delezue.

>> No.12369089

Because he was having fun and being humorous,meanwhile the other hegelians were a sack of depressed twats, marx was literally shaking when he wrote all those pages about how max btfo him out of existence.

>> No.12369102

And this is a bad thing, exactly, why, besides the fact that you can't use for pseud creed?

>> No.12369104

The Greeks are not to be taken seriously. Everyone should start with Richard Dawkins and his book "The Selfish Gene" (I know /lit/ hates him, but I'm serious). Now explain what on earth you were talking about.

>> No.12369115

tarveisan the demiurge, dawkins imply breeding/passing on genes is the end and not a mean to an end, Epicurus (especially the lost texts) is the most important philosophy of all.

>> No.12369132

I've never said it's bad, I said that due to this fact Nietzsche is more well known than Stirner

>> No.12369140

>tarveisan the demiurge,
No idea what this is supposed to mean

>dawkins imply breeding/passing on genes is the end and not a mean to an end
What is that supposed to mean?

>Epicurus (especially the lost texts) is the most important philosophy of all.
The philosophy of what makes people happy? You must be joking.

>> No.12369150
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>> No.12369152

>why is he so overlooked in the humanities?
What he proclaims is almost trivial if you assume a properly and consistently materialistic perspective on human beings. This perspective infuriates most humanities thinkers to no end, so when they read Stirner, they consciously or unconsciously interpret him in the most retarded way possible and then treat him as an evil retard (which he wasn't). And for those who want some edge Nietzsche is way more attractive for reasons already stated in the thread.

>> No.12369157

Because humanities are the study of spooks by spooked people. They are, by the very word, the study of collectivists materials. It requires a collectivist mindset to appreciate humanities.
That's not to say a stirnerist can't use collectivist principles to his own benefit, but if universities taught egoism, theyd likely lose some of the sheckle bag students and possibly cause a widespread egoist revolution in society, which wouldn't bode well for the existing hierarchy.

>> No.12369226

Stirner's emphasis on the Ego (by which we mean the separate, thinking being) was taken from Fichte (through Hegel), who took it from Descartes (through Spinoza and Kant), who in turn was inspired by St. Augustine.
Stirner's rejection of everything that is not his own as a spook is preceeded by Cartesianism and Pyrrhonism.
The idea that the ego is ultimately motivated to fulfill its desires was already present in Hegel, Spinoza, Hobbes, the Stoics, even the Bible.
Unlike Kant or Hegel, Stirner never came up with anything more complex than the spook. Philosophers do not use things that cannot be used to analyse or classify things. People like Stirner are seen as iconoclasts for this reason.

>> No.12369604

Thanks for this anon-kun

>> No.12369614

All the other Hegel students that Marx and Engels mocked along with max forehead.

>> No.12369634

arts universities are literally propping themselves up on oppressor studies, even in the form of dialogue. Saying you drew an apple and a pair of tits because you simply willed it is a sure fire way to be kicked out.

>> No.12369637
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yikes. you might as well just say everything from western philosophy came from the dao. it would be more accurate too as the dao was penned by long before any of the things you talked about and still holds more truth.

stirner's philosophy is unique within the western world but it's not a philosophy you teach to drones it's something the ruling elite who controlled society intuitively understood which you can see by their actions. they don't want you to be their competition so why would they spread the word? you don't teach sheep how to bite when you're the shepherd.

>> No.12369644

He's on the list of most important publications of philosophy.

Which one of you was this?


>> No.12369661

he is a fucking chad, and the retarded libtards cant handle it

>> No.12369674

This is the explanation
For this

>> No.12369680

My gay husband.

>> No.12369747

Engels never mocked Max, in fact he liked his work.

>> No.12369847

I'm not a liberal though.

>> No.12370673

They really didn't. There's an internal consistency to Stirner that's pretty unique to him.

>> No.12370677

read the German Ideology when Marx btfos Stirner for like half the book

>> No.12370678

His ideology undermines objectivism as much as anything else and his completely trashing the left Hegelian tradition was not insignificant.

>> No.12370701

you’ve done way too many drugs my dude. you seem like you used to be a smart guy, but you’ve completely lost it

>> No.12370707

Yeah and he is right also

>> No.12370716

He's not a philosopher, just an irrelevant polemicist without the luxury of being attached to a particular great moment of modern history like Voltaire.

>> No.12370726


>> No.12370759

That’s what you want people to believe, but you’re so wrong
You a member or a scared bitch?

The philosophy of the right way to see the world. You act like happiness is nothing

>> No.12370769


>> No.12370774


>> No.12370814

>the German Ideology
I just read it and Marx is ass-blasted as fuck

>> No.12370823

Read Stirners Critics and watch him before Marx without even reading the damn thing

>> No.12370830


>> No.12370840

Stirner is a kid compared to Nietzsche and seeing how 4chan is filled with manchildren with stunted minds i can imagine why he is popular here

>> No.12370866


>> No.12370891

It's not nothing, but it's certainly not something I would call the most important philosophy.

>> No.12370900

explain how or why faggot

>> No.12371096

How does the ego come upon it's owness or whatever? Like if you realized the church was a spook yet you felt like you fit into the community quite nicely or something.

>> No.12371116

He doesn't reference philosophy from Parsa

>> No.12371273

Saint Max was mostly Marx nitpicking Stirner's language (which to be fair, Stirner's usage was somewhat clumsy) and then talking past Stirner because their focuses are so far apart while failing to understand the joke behind his work (no, the stages of man and society were not meant as serious developmental milestones; he was very obviously making fun of Hegelian dialectics, and the real meat of his work was using dialectics to construct an ideal that fundamentally undermines the Hegelian project).

>> No.12371301
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Based forehead with one book still haunting people from beyond the grave. Very interesting link.

>> No.12371320

But still better. Ideas are not valued by their date, but by their worth and possibly their influence.

>> No.12371651

you choose to be a church go-er
you choose to say psalms
you choose to integrate the church into your life and not the other way around


>> No.12372106

Turns out it is very important. You go your whole life believing in “forms” and spirits, you fuck up pretty much everything in the world