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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.23 MB, 1125x1650, A5FE9E75-159D-4309-A0B3-B6490B95D55E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12365302 No.12365302 [Reply] [Original]

I’d be embarrassed too if I were him

>> No.12365311

is the purpose of this image to fuck with mccarthy fans

>> No.12365314

i don't get it

>> No.12365383

Is he ashamed that he hasn’t gotten to them yet or that he has?

Twitter is so dumb

>> No.12365391

get out of /lit/

>> No.12365393

He’s ashamed that he has all those books in his collection

>> No.12365394

Imagine wasting 30 of the 2-3000 books you will read in a lifetime on YA.

>> No.12365405

I’m guessing you’re a mccarthy fan

>> No.12365414

He feels embarrassed sharing those books he has in his collection, hence "My mountain of shame"

>> No.12365422

You’re right, no sympathy for the slow ones

>> No.12365558

I don't understand how anyone can actually read this shit

>> No.12365561

>cropping out the thousands of likes
be honest op

>> No.12365571

ive never read one of his books, he just seems like the only respected writer in the image

>> No.12365580

McCarthy absolutely B T F O

>> No.12365599

Only two people liked it

>> No.12365607

>omg genre fiction suuuckkks
>300+ replies incoming

>> No.12365610
File: 123 KB, 402x366, 15385941315702111294036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't very arroyo of him

>> No.12365616

Also posting his guilty pleasure to Twitter

>> No.12365645

Who the hell is Gray Williams

>> No.12365671

will all of you fucking faggots please stop talking about people on twitter and youtube and reddit. They are not /lit/, they are internet nobodies. Making cringe threads about them makes you less than them. Please stop.

>> No.12365682

Shut the fuck up, you weird fuck

>> No.12365691

Go jerk off, you’re upset

>> No.12365695

carry on debasing yourself then i guess

>> No.12365699

Okay then
He should be. It’s all just empty consumerist entertainments

>> No.12365707

More like @gay_books

>> No.12365708


>> No.12365711

i'm not upset, i'm annoyed. shit like this is the cancer that killed /lit/.

>> No.12365737
File: 46 KB, 1026x1134, 32132112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw reading those titles

>> No.12365757

Imagine wasting the 2000-3000 books you’ll read in a lifetime on more than 30 books

>> No.12365912

Ellroy and McCarthy both worth reading

>> No.12367103

Mcarthy, yes. Ellroy? Nah.

>> No.12367221
File: 3.91 MB, 1013x2189, lit top 100 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfe and McCarthy were both on the /lit/ top 100 for 2018.

>> No.12367225

>James Ellroy

>> No.12367256
File: 23 KB, 724x243, fds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the comments it seems like those are just books he hasn't read yet

>> No.12367270

i'm assuming he's ashamed because they were written by WHITE MALES

>> No.12367274

/lit/ BTFO yet again

>> No.12367281

How can people read this much and not even discover literature, classic books, or even stuff that is widely praised for its literary merit. The only two good books there are the Border Trilogy and The Book of the New Sun. Stephen King is alright, but not literature.

>> No.12367289

Fuck off and die.

>> No.12367311

The “start with the Greeks” meme on this board is actually good advice, I can’t imagine wasting precious reading time on modern trash when there are so many classic works of literature and philosophy to enjoy.

>> No.12367717

Oof! That's a yikes-a-roonie from me!

>> No.12367908


>> No.12368922

>No The Culture of Critique
>No The Revolutionary Phenotype

What a joke

>> No.12369065
File: 474 KB, 1254x2025, 819pgPdBeQL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How can people read this much and not even discover literature, classic books, or even stuff that is widely praised for its literary merit.
It's all boring shit from old farts. You can't learn anything from it so why bother? At least modern literature is fun and witty.

>> No.12369202


>> No.12369223

Why are so many garbage books also massive? Why would anyone waste their time reading them?

>> No.12369250

Those are the books NOOK was made for because having them on a bookshelf where people can see them is asking for it.

>> No.12369290
File: 132 KB, 810x540, 299A2784[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your taste is garbage. There is a time in life for all kinds of literature.
> where people can see them is asking for it.
Who cares? Who are these people? Friends? They probably share with you those hobbies anyway. Who else? Your mom? Who the fuck would even care about books you read at any point in your life?
All those books you have on the shelf ONLY YOU will ever read on this Earth. After you die your children will sell this shit OR (if you don't have any) your relatives just drop this pappertrash to the waste.

Read what you like, autists. There are nobody around to judge you.