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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 1080x600, condo-living-marie-kondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12365426 No.12365426 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, how does it feel to know that /yourgirl/ is dirtying herself up with a filthy commercial /tv/ series?

>> No.12365436

I don't know who that is, and I don't care.

>> No.12365439


Everyone knows she's a huge commercial whore. She's forgiven because she has 0 pretense unlike others who tell you to clean your room.

>> No.12365442

Women are pathetic garbage and I don't pay attention to their shallow, fake lives.

>> No.12365450

dead meme

>> No.12365462


>> No.12365472
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>> No.12365503

>they weren't here for the comfy threads we had about her a 2 months ago

>> No.12365508

Okay, thanks for sharing I guess.

>> No.12365514

For anyone who has read her book, Spark Joy, how would you compare Kondo-Kun's shinto based cleaning philosophy to that of Jordan Peterson's?

>> No.12365625

Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up is one of the most earnest things I've ever read. It's top tier comfy.
I haven't read Peterson but I bet he's only half as honest as Kondo-sama is

Kondo has been huge for years now, just because you lurked a single thread on /lit/ doesn't mean she's our girl

>> No.12365778
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>> No.12365837
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I want Kondo-sama to teach me how to make everything squeaky cwean! :3

>> No.12365852

I want her to clean my orrifice with her tounge and tell me I spark her joy.

>> No.12365859
File: 64 KB, 1019x784, D6B1D303-3060-4AE9-BEB3-D67FB59E67BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking stupid. No shit cleaning your room is good, why the fuck do you need a book to tell you this. It’s not like I want my room to smell of sweat and depression but that’s simply how the cards were dealt.

>> No.12365864

disappointed in the tv show, thought it would be about the Nip bitch and it would be correspondingly restrained. Nek minnit its a typical Yankshit lifestyle show, fat bitches screaming and crying like they're on Ellen bc they have to throw out one of their several dozen televisions. Fucking americans

>> No.12365873

the two worst types of writers

>> No.12365890
File: 1.22 MB, 300x300, 4F3B8702-EFCB-42C8-9491-348E1BB4838F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight me right now. Japan has some of the best authors to come out of modern history, but you just want to wipe your taint on the Greeks all day and suck Dostoyevsky’s dick.

>> No.12365908

at least i don't base my critical theory on what shitty cartoons i watched in middle school you stupid faggot

>> No.12365909
File: 32 KB, 334x372, 1502551565475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yankshit lifestyle show, fat bitches screaming and crying like they're on Ellen
I couldn't bring myself to watch it, I was afraid it would be this.
That fucking country is a cultural black hole that corrupts and ruins everything foreign that it steals.
Give us back our athletes, musicians, actors, and comedians, and give back Japan their qt organizational gurus.

>> No.12365913

Why not read the book fren? Kondo-kun's cleaning method is deeply entwined with shinto philosophy and belief. There is a metaphysics that she describes to cleaning. Have you thanked your house today?

At the end of the day, the difference between this and hoarders is kondo isnt teaching to be clean; she is teaching how to be more sensitive to joy. This is something in our consumerist culture we have lost because our tolerance has become so high for it. We are constantly bombarded with things that spark our desire. Energy drinks, tv, porn, 1000 things you bought from Amazon. The things we surround ourselves with merely remind us of it all. By going through kondo's process, you strip your life of the background noise that you are only subconsciously aware of, and you learn to listen to yourself and how your mind responds to the world. It's a lot like a type of meditation. We should all clean our rooms like kondo-kun.

>> No.12365937
File: 38 KB, 500x598, ED26212E-06CB-4CCE-8A72-7EB77114D99D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet you reject an entire country’s contributions to literature as a whole. We have the works of Mishima and murakami obviously but no longer human and thousand cranes

>> No.12365982

Embarrassing post.

>> No.12365994

Welcome to /lit/. Read a book.

>> No.12366023

Are you actually trying to imply Murakami is a good writer? Even Mishima is pretty much garbage compared to a real writer.

>> No.12366027
File: 78 KB, 1005x1024, 3A9F6C3F-9871-49C0-8978-2B0C1A70B9BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I get that you should clean your room but putting Asian magic or lobster fights behind the reasoning to do it is fucking dumb. It’s seems like she’s trying to sell a diet Buddhism but without the true shunning of worldly desires

>> No.12366048
File: 19 KB, 373x344, 016C972E-F56D-48A4-8592-A3153F77FE67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You son of a bitch. If I had the technical skills I would find where you live and bring both Mishima and murakami’s works and force you to read them with me to understand their beauty.

>> No.12366054
File: 28 KB, 1200x1087, Shinto_torii_vermillion.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let those other replies bother you, your post is great and has convinced me to reread her book with a more critical eye.
I recognized the Shinto aspects, or at least most of them, but I let that portion of the book wash over me.

>> No.12366106

lel you're a total faggot, but you're an alright poster

>> No.12366118

It's not about your room.

>> No.12366130

Well I don’t know what else there would be to “tidy up”

>> No.12366153

>Kondo has been huge for years now, just because you lurked a single thread on /lit/ doesn't mean she's our girl
yeah but 2 months ago there was literally a general for her so shut up

>> No.12366169

>what if jordan peterson was a middle aged asian lady

>> No.12366174

some random idiot trying to force meme and same fag threads about shit no one acually cares about doesnt represent lit

>> No.12366176

Good post. I hate the fags who responded to you who can't see anything beyond their sad tangibles. They certainly didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.12366179

good post

>> No.12366197

Who cares? Why are you getting so upset that I proclaimed she was /lit/s girl
Literally suck my cock
She's /lit/s girl, from henceforth she is officially /lit/s girl. It wasn't official until you acted like such a little bitch that I had to make it official

>> No.12366204


>> No.12366229 [DELETED] 

It's what you make of it anon. You could read the book and go through the motions and it would be exactly as you say. But I know this; approaching things from the perspective you take on it will always leave you just on the surface. You will only see what's in front of you, you will always have questions.

I dont believe in spirits and manga and even metaphysics but I have learned that to understand myself and world around me I must sometimes consider ideas that I dont readily accept. Walking yourself through the belief and the magic let's you come back out with something new gained, that is a lesson that will only be for you. It can give an animation and a wonder to life that wasnt there before.

If you read this book and scrutinize it, and consider what you can learn from things that are wrong, I promise you can benefit from it.

>> No.12366334

Your impression makes him sound based

>> No.12366384


>> No.12366398
File: 32 KB, 749x499, marie-Kondo.jpg.838x0_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and joypilled

>> No.12366409

how do you explain mishima posting, then?

>> No.12366751

Cant tell if this shit is a meme or not wtf is weong with /lit/ fucking soiboiii

>> No.12366842

>middle aged
>looks like she's in her 20s
white women btfo

>> No.12366890

I just got done watching all the episodes. Honestly the show wasn't bad (except the forced lgbt representation), and I learned some things.

But it's pretty pathetic watching a 35 year man almost cry over getting rid of some shoes out of a 140 pair unused shoe collection.

Under the smile and positively you can see in Mari's eyes that she's wondering what the fuck is wrong with the people she's helping clean their houses.

>> No.12368691

>except the forced lgbt representation
Im not even surprised anymore

>> No.12368744

My dad read this book but his house is always disgustingly messy and covered with cat hair. I am very clean and vaccuum and autistically arrange my shelves and storage almost every day.

>> No.12368757

Doesn't Peterson just use "clean your room" as a metaphor? His philosophy isn't based on cleaning.

>> No.12368765

I had a dream about sexually tormenting Kondo-chan and subjecting her to filthy humiliations until she awakened to her animalistic bodily desires.

Kondo-chan is so tidy and angelic, but she still has a pussy, a butthole, and armpits like every other girl in the world. Lewd! Pathetic! Humilliating! The human condition of Marie Kondo! She's so cute and clean, but she is still just an human animal! How can Marie Kondo live with herself knowing she has a lewd and pathetic sweaty female body? It must be impossible for Kondo-chan-sama-san to feel any dignity knowing that she has a butthole, and knowing that other people know she has a butthole. It is mindblowing. God is a pervert. We are all doomed.

>> No.12368865

>forced lgbt representation
What was it?

>> No.12368905

Do people realise this is just a coping mechanism for girls with an anxiety disorder?

Spend time with any one of them and you will see them ordering shit, moving it around, generally doing absolutely nothing of consequence

This isn't normal behaviour and I'm amazed people eat this shit up like it's actually something useful

I might as well write a book called the Life Changing Magic of Smoking Fat Nuggets and Drowning Yourself with Gin

This is a waste of time for anyone that doesn't have something wrong with them they need to be distracted from

>> No.12368976
File: 32 KB, 464x499, CxHVh8IXAAApNgq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tried way too hard and didn't even make me smirk.

>> No.12369009

Thoughts about Marie Kondo-chan-kun-sama neatly trimmed pubic hair, her fleshy lips dripping with my cum, brings me joy.

>> No.12369013

>I might as well write a book called the Life Changing Magic of Smoking Fat Nuggets and Drowning Yourself with Gin

Pretty sure there's already dozens of books that amount to this.

>> No.12369027

There's nothing wrong with cleaning and arranging your things.

>> No.12369123
File: 109 KB, 1600x1067, 1541967513510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AAAAAAAAAAA!! It's decrataringu taimuuu getap ohn tay-bruu an ai mek youu froooww OOOOOLe AUTUUUuuUUuU!!1

>> No.12369209

I thought she was Hitomi Tanaka from the thread thumbnail and got hyped for a few seconds.

>> No.12369245

hitomi is fugly though

>> No.12369264

Out of 8 episodes one had a gay couple and one a lesbian couple. Not that that was bad but it seemed a little too forced.

>> No.12369277


>> No.12369282

Still better than amerimuts

>> No.12369321

>140 pair unused shoe collection

>> No.12369391

There is nothing right about it either. It is a way for people with anxiety disorders to distract themselves with inconsequential activity. Sorry to burst your bubble Nervous Nelly. You are wasting your time.

>> No.12369415

some squatamalan bro. he also cried over a mailbox.

>> No.12369433

I think I know you

>> No.12369501


you fucked up

>> No.12369506
File: 230 KB, 413x549, 1545903134490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ku-reenu your room anon-san ^_^

>> No.12369529

I'd be into Peterson if he was a cute asian albino waifu

>> No.12369531

>There's nothing right about making your life easier and more efficient

>> No.12369756

if you cant understand you should go back to /pol/ :)

>> No.12370197
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1541640533023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and blessed post

>> No.12370299

It's fun and feels very rewarding to look around a perfectly clean and orderly house.