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/lit/ - Literature

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12364498 No.12364498 [Reply] [Original]

What's a book that you love that no one in this board has heard of?

>> No.12364510

Gog, Guillotine Squad, Les diaboliques, Perpendicular Lives.

>> No.12364511

Nothing because this board spoonfeeds me all my books.

>> No.12364514

Annet Schaap - Lampje
Ferdinand Bordewijk - Bint
Willem Frederik Hermans - Het behouden huis

It's easy if you speak another language i guess

>> No.12364516

The Star and the Sword by Wayne Madsen

>> No.12364527

Searched perpendicular lives and nothing turned up. Is it something you wrote and didn't publish?

>> No.12364533
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The Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel Cramer

>> No.12364537

Why do you need a book to know about 9/11? Bush did it ofc.

>> No.12364548

Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger
Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola
The Unabomber Manifesto by The Unabomber
The Bible by God
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald
Confessions by Saint Augustine

>> No.12364559

>The Unabomber Manifesto by The Unabomber
I keked

>> No.12364568


>> No.12364575

I found it

>> No.12364582

It's a Mexican novel about a kid who can recall his past lives, and by the looks of it it's untranslated I think, original title: Vidas perpendiculares.

>> No.12364585
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>> No.12364619

>perpendicular lives
>vidas perpendiculares
Why does spanish just sound like tryhard riffs of english bros?

>> No.12364622

shared latin and greek roots

>> No.12364625

(you monolinguet)

>> No.12364637

We used the Latin alphabet first than the Anglos. It's YOU sounding like us and the French/Italians/etc.

>> No.12364642

I know that you faggot. Or should I say "tu faggotasemplaresadore!"

>> No.12364645


>> No.12364652

Spanish: diente = tooth, dentista = dentist
Spanish: rama = branch, ramificación = ramification.

And so on. There are lots of words that don't even make sense in English, that were just taken from some Latin root for whatever reason.

>> No.12364667
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That is because modern english was invented by the jews and freemasons as a thought prison

>> No.12364677

sure you did. you know the ancient greeks would write (in greek): energia, refering to energy? it's the exact same spelling in spanish today. or take the phot- prefix. means light. where we get our english word photons, or photograph, or colloquialisms like photo finish.

you should learn a language, brainlet.

>> No.12364685

Principios de FIlosofía by Adolfo Carpio

>> No.12364690

Lol the language of Shakespeare is not a thought prison.

>> No.12364709

Amazon One

>> No.12364725

other way around tbqh

>> No.12364734

Are you really under the impression that I don't know a basic 7th grade fact about Spanish and not that I'm making fun of it for having extra syllables and rules and sounding like a gay version of english as a result? /lit/ is truly the shittiest and dumbest board, gussied up with stolen thoughts and idealized rhetoric but at your core you are all still intrinsically slow. Hubris anon, hubris.

>> No.12364740
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>> No.12364749

Lost Islamic history: reclaiming Muslims civilization fron the past

>> No.12364751
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>[monolinguet reeing intensifies]

>> No.12364769

Spanish is one of the manliest languages alive. Literally zero bullshit. Unlike faggy English where "colonel" is somehow pronounced "kernel".

>> No.12364774

Mount Ecclesia /lit/ Meetup when?

>> No.12364777

Tales of the Early Franks by Thierry

The Ordeal of Civility by Cuddihy

Theozoology by Liebenfels

>> No.12364780

Well you clearly lack ability to parse nuance in english so good job at least you have the ability get insulted online retard.

>> No.12364798
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>"insults" someone for their ability in English
>can't even use proper punctuation
You can't make this shit up

>> No.12364816

>help help you're not giving me the super special cues I learned in class!
Pathetic. Do you understand jokes in person or are you so autistic it's just

>> No.12364825

Some Brazilian stuff, but I am pretty sure BR anons have heard of it.

It always blows my mind that you guys think Clarice Lispector was a great author. We have so many, many, many authors who are clearly superior to her in style, breath, scope, intelligence and everything else.

>> No.12364831
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que = that
qué = what

kiss my cock

>> No.12364839
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So autism then?

>> No.12364849
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>> No.12364876
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>makes fun of 4chan phrase with nu4chan phrase unironically
Sincere yikers from me dawg.

>> No.12364885

Llouis Qui Tombe Tout Seul by Mathieu Simard.
It's a canadian book by an author from quebec. If you can read french, go for it!

>> No.12364891

My diary desu

>> No.12364894
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>"Sincere yikers from me dawg."
>uses YouTube tier rebuttal + ebonics term

>> No.12364908

I red all these

>> No.12364911
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>> No.12364914
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>continues to completely miss the nuance of english while posting nuwojaks
Loving Every Lel

>> No.12364923
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>> No.12364925

Il s'agit de quoi ?

>> No.12364963
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>he thinks I'm still the anon he was originally talking to and not a third party who's just doing it for the lulz

>> No.12365069

Excellent rec, thanks anon

>> No.12365071


<<C'est un roman-dérive, l'histoire d'une chute incontrôlée, de la douleur d'être isolé. C'est l'histoire de Llouis, enfermé chez lui depuis quatre ans, seul avec sa télévision, seul tout seul à en perdre la tête sans s'en rendre compte. Llouis qui sort un jour comme ça, quand il perd la télécommande. Llouis qui plonge tête première, tête perdue dans cet extérieur qu'il ne reconnaît plus. Il redécouvre tout un monde, perdu sans repère et sans ami - sans rampe pour se retenir de tomber.>>
It's a short book, yet so beautiful. You really have to speak /French fluently to understand everybits of it!

>> No.12365122

merci pour votre "recommendation"

>> No.12365251

Why the
Why the " "