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/lit/ - Literature

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12363661 No.12363661 [Reply] [Original]

It seems as though throughout modern history, reading fiction is a womanly activity. Of course there are more great classical writers that were male, but best-selling authors have historically been those with large female readership. Going into an English university lecture hall you will find it filled with mostly women and effeminate males. Harold Bloom once said that up to half of the great male writers were at least slightly homosexual.
So, with all that being sad, here is a question to the writers. Is writing a manly activity?

>> No.12363679

>being this insecure

>> No.12363691

If you're going to assign a sex to activities then look at the actors... most books are written by men therefore its manly logically. What's popular doesn't factor into this.

>> No.12363734

No, it is not. As for the college thing, it's the same in Biology, even though back in the 60s-70s it was a field dominated by men. It's just that you get more women going to uni now.

>> No.12363738

Why does it matter?

>> No.12363740

>2 men fucking each other in the ass is done by men so its manly logically

>> No.12364138

is as manly as it gets

>> No.12364146

very manly, unless they love each other, then it's gay.

>> No.12364231

of course
reading is a substitute for penis, just like bearing a child or keeping your poop in
the reason women can't write is the same as the reason why they read so much (that is, before instagram existed)
Freud had said it all, he just didn't realize that TEXT is another symbol on the chain

>> No.12364254

I would say nonfiction is the specifically domestic and feminine medium - absorbing rote information. I wouldn't say philosophy is specifically male or female but for pedants of any orientation. Fiction involves daring, transgression, and a love of heroism, which all skews towards masculinity.

>> No.12364358

Philosophy requires a bit of ‘tism which makes it the most male heavy of the fields you listed.

>> No.12364368

she have nice legs =)

>> No.12364370

Given that jezebelposting is a sure way to create an active conversation on the foremost literature board on the Internet, and the only objections always come from celibate religious men, no. The future of fiction is not female. They aren't even participating.

>> No.12364382

The following is a review of the Iliad and Odyssey by a female on Goodreads:

I knooooow I am supposed to love this. Its like a badge that smart people wear. Ohhh look, I've read it and I loooooved it. Well I'm smart, read it in college, and really couldn't stand it. Perhaps it was because, at the time, I was sick to death of reading books like this. Classics from dead white males that the collegiate collective said, "yes...I bequeath thee mandatory reading for the smartie society"...but I just never got into these.


Its just not my thing. No offense Homer...I just don't like you.

>> No.12364386

How? The great works of fiction can’t be understood by females.
Just look at our top 100. Long a single one of those books is readable by women

>> No.12364422

Two of the books on the top 100 were written by a woman you retard.

>> No.12364431
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Plato's Republic

>> No.12364449
File: 1.43 MB, 809x3288, Screenshot_20190107-140320_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.12364457

Who even cares just read your shitty books

>> No.12364468

unironically based. Socrates was the guy who learned "one weird trick" to win every argument, and just kept using it over and over again. Aristotle is better

>> No.12364478
File: 1.79 MB, 810x4898, 20190107_140748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moby Dick

>> No.12364499

Hooooly shit

>I was told growing up girls just want to have fun. And I was not having any fun

>Turns out I was fully formed when I was 18

>> No.12364505
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Disgusting and plebpilled

>> No.12364521

Reminder that women will never fully understand the depths of poetry beyond “wow those words are pretty”

>> No.12364546

Unironically straight into my cringe collection. I have a pretty big archive of these idiotic reviews now

>> No.12364553

>implying most men don't understand poetry on the same level
Reminder that Emily Dickinson is one of the greatest poets to have ever lived.

>> No.12364562

>Emily Dickinson
Lol, you took the “oh I’m so sad and these words are pretty” pill

>> No.12364571

Has, you delinquent.

>> No.12364588

Freud is not scientific though.

>> No.12364598

The depth of poetry are "wow we are useless and are brains are not wired to think logically but in vague metaphors instead, so we're just gonna write about vague metaphors instead of actually building or engineering things or otherwise helping the actual progress"

>> No.12364627

If you haven't the sense for aesthethic as a natural instinct then you ought to ruminate on where you've misled yourself in your perversions.

>> No.12364636

Actual literature has always been a male pursuit, modern, best-selling fiction is not literature

>> No.12364650

>Everything Socrates says is what Plato believes

>> No.12364651

hahahaha goodness help us

i guess brainlets who are fully formed at 18 are doomed to vomit their ignorance forever, these days. internet should require a license To Be Really Quite Perfectly Honest With You (TBRQPHWY)

>> No.12364664
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And how could you have possibly come up with such a claim huh? did your internet buddies say that and you just took their word for it?

>> No.12364669

>absorbing rote information
chronicles and records are not the only parts of "non-fiction"

>> No.12364678
File: 90 KB, 570x712, nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there have only been a handful of respected female novelists ever and I would argue that none of their works come anywhere close to being as good as Lolita, whose author correctly pointed out that literature written by women is in a completely different league compared to literature written by men. It's only a recent phenomenon that literature has been infested by ditzy JK Rowling wannabes. If only Nabokov were still around to give his critique of Harry Potter

>> No.12364696

Emily Dickinson barely counts as a woman

>> No.12364724

rude tbth

>> No.12364830

Fucking yikes

>> No.12364842

I mean that in the best way

>> No.12364852

>isn’t enthralled with whale anatomy

>> No.12364868

I’ve actually spoken to women, who are English grad students, about poetry. Where did you get your opinion from?

>> No.12364889

Why do these people have to inject humour into everything? Do they think the quality of the review is enhanced by a row of question marks???
It's genuinely baffling to me what makes this seem like a good idea. If you're going to express an unpopular or contrarian idea you could at least try to act like you're not writing a tinder profile

>> No.12364895


>> No.12364937

based and keked

>> No.12364969

true, just compare the number of female users on /lit/ compared to other boards

>> No.12365047

women who are medical students with a strong interest in literature. i guess we are at a standstill of anecdotal evidence